PAGE TITRER ' TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1010. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON OpciM Ni-w Aiii-imy. W. H. Bankson hits accepted Hi iiKeucy for the Universal Tiro Killer n nd liua opened offlcea ut Hu3 Cotton wood street, -" I Thurmuii Mortliuoro OmvalmHiig. Thiirnmn MurUmnre, Pendleton man who recently underwent an opur Bllon at Hut I-ako aunitorliiiii, la otin vuleselng rapidly, according to word received by J'endlelon friend. On Trip of liiMfax'Uon. Stanley Jowett, of the United Htalea lllnloglral Hurvey, lenvea tnilny for NorlhweHtern Washington,, for a trip of Inspection. Till la one of the field trips which makes up a Bond part of Mr. Jcwett'a work with tha survey. .lin k Morton Hem. Jack Hnrton, formerly a member of the United Mates forest aervlce here, now with the grazing dlvlMlon of the Kervlce. J In the city Hla headquar. ti-ra are in Mend and hi territory Is in the Deachutea country. Comfort Kit for w Itn-riiltrt. Thp Ited Cross la continuing ' the presentation of comfort klla to the men who enlist In trio army. Thore ore u number of comfort kita left aliu'e supplying the needs during; tha war. and the chapter la Riving those kiln to the men who enlist In thu rcg ulur army. I'laclng Xi-w Awiiliur. The l'enplea Warehouse la having tin entire new awning Installed today above the first floor, the work being done by J, J. llamley & Co. forcea, O-W. It. A S. Ilai 1car lluoord. Not an accident occurred on the O-W. It. It N. II nea diirlnn the "No Ac cident'" wpek from July it to 28, ac cording to word received here today by T. F. O'Hrien, local depot agent. The O-W. H. Ik N. haa been given credit for a clour record during the entire contest. which Ih In the vicinity of CmB creek, will be exumlned under the di rection of the government and a val uation pluced upon the timber. l-trl WcNloit aiidH In !'. H. Mrs. Karl IC. Watson receiver a tel egram toduy from her husband stat ing that he la at Camp Mills, U 1.. having landed after a year's aervlce with the 4th rcKiment. Headquartora C , A. H. M. Weston enlisted In March, 1 1 H. and has served as an air aervlce mechanic. Wants TlmlM-r for 1roJ!t. J. T. Hlnkle, of Herniation, today made application to the government through the tr. H. forest service for 4. 0110,01111 board feet of timber which Is planned for use in building flumes for the Toel Irrigation piojoct. The area, oiioi 161 16i 161101 101 101 101 101- "The new 'phone number at the Delta is 32'r Moorpark A pricots FOR CANNING. Moorpark Apricots are the largest, finest, Apricots grown for canning. They are sweet and rich and free from "that seedy taste" so common in most varieties. Fancy Bings in original boxes 15c per lb. It will pay you to get our prices on fruit jars. "Waste Less Buy the Best" Pendleton Cash' Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) -TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT Mill 8tfikriuiin to JU'turu. Miles Hpltrmunn Just lim-hiirKd from the 146th field artillery at Camp Ljew.t., will arrive in Pendleton this afternoon on No. 7 from Walla Wullu and will make hla hotnn here wlfh hlH brother-in-law and Kittler, Mr. and Mm. W. A. Miles. It in hla Intpntloii to go to Chicago this fall to enter a school of art. Bplermann enlisted at Walla Walla. ItcrruittiiK OffUtTH to Athena. Captain Walter U. Kwackhanier, FtrHt .MerKeunt William McKennle and Private Henry Kretchman left today for Athena, Weston and Milton, where they will continue their recruiting du ties for the United States army. While In Pendleton they secured five recruits and hope to return here to continue the work. Otlir intcrvenon IJhuxI. Beside Pendleton, three northwest cities and the public service commis sions of both Oregon and Washing ton huve Intervened in the Portland rate case which is to be heard begin ning July 21. Kennewlck, Vancouver and 8t-attle are the other Interveners. It is thought here that the first two named are suporting Portland's con dition for lower rate. Xt'W Hv-Ijiwm Jtocrtvctf. By-Laws and minutes of the pro ceedings of tho initial meeting of tho Oregon Association of Commercial secretaries, which was organized at The Iulles in May, were received to duy by C. K. Cranston, secretary ot the local commercial association, from A. W. Nelson of La Grande, secretary of the new body. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" FARMERS I will insure your grain in any of the old reliable companies that I represent, to December 31st for about one cent a bushel. This ic the cheapest rate ever issued in Oregon on grain insurance. Give me a trial, save money and get real insurance service. JOE KHKLEY Buoceaaor to Chaa. E. Heard, I no. "See Mc Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate 711 Main ( Pandleton, Oregon Want Mr ltHiml-l p Cants. A renewed supply of Kuund-l'p picture postcards Is asked by Benja min Williams, representative of the northwest state, for the Welcome Home atation at Newport Xews, Va. Several cards'were mailed weeks ago and have interested returning; Oregon and Pendleton boys ao much that 1 many have asked for cards. A large; mil, ply will he sent Mr. Williams a; soon aa possible. j Will Hep Taconm llavca. Councilman Claude l'enlund, Mrs. Penland, their two children and Mr. and Mrs. Harruh left this afternoon on a lu days' auto trip to Paget a..iit.H In Mr P.nlnnil'l rar. They I will go by way of Kennewick and Yak I ma, through Snoqualmte Pass on the i Sunset highway and be In Tacoma In I time to, take- In tho races on the Fourth j at the speedway there. Before re. turning, they will visit fcatiie ami Mr. Penland will look Into the auto truck prosjiects there. Moro Mi-Klianlu' lilanta Arrive. The supply of application blanks for auto mechanics' licenses has been re plenished by a new shipment received at the county clerk's office. The original shipment waa 15 blanks. The secretary of state is now mulling the forms to all garanea as well. The blanks properly filled out must be in the hands of the board of examiners i by July 6. E!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii KlHt-lrf intra Allor Auto TluVf. Sheriff T. D. Taylor leTt Sunday at 1:15 for Miles City. Montana, to bring back Hubert (".rant, who was captured there with the stolen J. B. McCoi.k car. Mr. Taylor Is b1m deputized by Mr. McCook to pay the 10fl reward 'to Oram's captor. It Is expected that ! tho sheriff nnd prisoner will not ar ! rive here until Thursday as Miles City j is close to the Dakota line. Nil I "mid rhcrk .lcors. j A check for $19 signed "with the name of M. J. H. Luck and made pay lable to Calia Shawaway has been turned over to the authorities and an j attempt Is being made to locate the I payee, who Is said to be an Indian girl. The checks was passed on the J. C I Penney Co., in payment of some silk hose and other merchandise and was returned marked "no account" by the bank. It is said another check made out In the same manner, is out but has not been reported to the sheriff's office. I YOU CAN'T AFFORD , , to keep a good car in an unfit place. 1 WE CAN PROVIDE 3 safe, clean and convenient storage for a limited number of machines. I RIGHT NOW is the time to see about it so you will be sure to get a place. . I OR, IF YOU WANT. 5 a cover for the car we will serve you best. Tickets Sclllllir Well. The scat sale for the Chautauqua which opens here July 5 is progressing favorably, according to the members ,'of tho ticket committee which met I this morning at the office of W. W, (ircen, county school superintendent The committee requests, however, that anyone who wishes to purchase tickets notify members of the com. mittce or Miss Grace Gilliam, secre tary of the association. The associa tlon announces that a Chautauqua ticket will be sufficient for entrance to the William Jennings Bryan lec ture July It, aa there will be no ex tra charge. Juno I;1ih-s Total 2:t7. Fines and forfeitures in police court for June totaled $237, there bring 29 ' cases before Judge Flta Gerald. Ten violations of the drunk andd isorder. I ly ordinance were tried and the re maining 19 were for violation of the traffic ordinance. Ten persons for- : feited ball. IT pleaded guilty, one waa given a suspended sentence and one ' paid an old fine running over from. April. The stiffest fine of the month was one for $.'(. June business was considerably short of that of May,' when 38 cases were up for trial. SiHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Charles H. Schuman. of the Pendle- I ton Mausoleum will leave tomorrow for Portland to be gone for several Other News of Pendleton on ; Page 7 today. . j DON'T FORGET . ' ..... ... ..... .... r. . -iii rrlt frftknAu Tll Pendleton will celebrate two days, July 4tn ana oin, a victory eieorauon. kh u. ... every body. Let every one come that can and lets make this the biggest celebration we have ever i i v.,....iL!. r A JJVCI j" llllllg I IKK, had. Grocery Phones 526 Use the Phone SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Departments 78 Use the Phone Two More Days Till the Fourth THIS STORE IS READY AND CAN SERVE YOU BETTER FOR YOUR NEEDS, IN ORDER THAT YOU MAY MAKE THIS THE GREATEST 4TII WE'VE EVER HAD. I lllit A Few Suggestions that are Most Essential to that Vacation Trip HAND BAGS AND SUITCASES $2.00 to $35.00 Hand Bags and Suit Cases you will do well to choose from. Because they are of excellent quality, styles that you will like. Made of lea thers that are different. Neatly trimmed with brass and nickle. Select a bag or suit case from our stock. You'll be well pleased. BLANKETS $3.95 to $20.00 Blankets, you need at all times, whether cot ton or wool. Offered in many colors and assort ed headings; single bed size and double bed size. TRUNKS " The Trunks we of fer are of the very fin est obtainable at the prices specified. Pro duced by manufactur ers whose reputation for quality goods is nation al They come in sever al styles and sizes. W7e're sure to please you. COMFORTERS $2.50 to $10.00 No doubt you wiU need a comforter on that auto trip. If so. hi sure to look ours over. Silkoline covering . and sateen and denims. AH colors, etc. PENDLETON INDIAN ROBES $8.50 and $12.50 These robes need no introduction, but we wish to state that our assortment of patterns is just as good as you can get at the milL Be sure to carry an Indian robe or Cayuse robe on that vacation or auto trip. Select it from our stock. YOU CANNOT BLAME WOMEN FOR WANTING THESE PRETTY Knitted Wool Sweaters They're more than attractive in style and color. And as a new shipment brings both heavy and me dium weight models, there is every reason to shop for them at Alexanders. The price is very conserva tive. The sweaters are very rich in quality and weave. Many styles, many colors. THEN THERE ARE THOSE W OOL BATHING SUITS FROM $5.00 TO $15.00 These are pure; several styles in bathing suit col ors and color combination. Women's and Misses' sizes. CHILDREN'S SOX Children's sox in all sizes, 4(2 to 9, in many col ors and combinations. Excellent quality 35c to 65c SILK HOSE 95c to $3.50 Plenty of silk hosiery for women of all kinds. BLACK, WHITE and COLORS, all sizes in stock, and many qualities. Buy your summer supply now. PURSES 75c to $7.50 A hiV nssnvtmpnt hio-h erade uurses and Offered in black and colors, in many new styles. Silk and Satin Lingere Satins that tub, and serviceable crepe de chine fashions these garments. Wash satin combination suits. Wash satin and crepe de chine envelope che mise. Wash satin bloomers, and all trimmed in dain ty ways with laces, touches of hand work andribben flounces. v - Camisoles of wash satin and Georgette 98c to $4.50 A most unusual assortment, so elaborate with buds and bows, laces and touches of hand work. Choice of ribbon strap or built up shoulder style. OVER NITE BAGS $4.00 Made of leather fabric cloth, guaranteed not to break. Just the right size to take on an auto trip or week end visit. If you use one you'll always like to have one on hand. MORE NEW SLIP ON VEILS 10c to 50c Yes, new slip on veils in many styles and the new Trench Veils, too. Slip on veils are most practical and they wear well. Offered in black and colors. PRTNTKn CHIFFONS AND GEORGETTES The patterns and designs are new. The colorings are attractive and you will choose wisely if you buy a waist or dress length from this assortment. Print ed Georgette and Chiffon are very stylish. Grocery Department VEGETABLES Wax Beans, very nice, pound .14c Green Peas, well filled, pound lc New Potatoes, good size, pound 10c New Beets and Carrots, large bunches ac New Cabbage, firm heads, pound . . 7c Head Lettuce, large heads, each l-c FRESH FRUIT. Watermelons, pound 6c Grape Fruit, each ................ 10c Strawberries, Raspberries and Dew Berries box 20c Black Republican Cherries, box 15c Red Currants, box f Large Canteloupes, each 1-2 We are closed all day the 4th. Open Thursday evening.