4 TEN PACES FXITE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1919. TWO SHOPPING DAYS LEFT NO W TJLLTIJ IJJT 5 SHOPPING TO DO; IF YOU TIME MEANS ANYTHING TO YOU: IF VALUES COUNT AND ASSORTMENTS PLEASE OU, 1 1 Tiiunrnm f o urAnriiniicp rtrivir rrrk-NT'C! rr ITPCT ni'PATtTMKVT STORK.-4 "' ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE.;1 I With the Idea of Rendering: You the Best Store Service wc. Unhesitatingly. Recommend the world-famed Mi .A - X GOSSARD CORSETS the original-unequalled front lacing corsets as the perfect expression of modern hy gienic corsetry. Our. expert corsetieres promise every woman they fit to a Gossard the ideal uronortions of her type, with QgZSi safeguarded health and com fort at all times. . They, are priced 'from $2 .25 to $8.50. T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Sanitary Flyless Basement. CLEANLINESS; ECONOMY, SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Departments, call 22. Swift's Premium Ham, pound 50c Swift's Premium Bacon, pound 65c Swift's Premium Boiled Ham, pound. . . . . 75c Swift's Premium Dried Beef, pound 65c Fresh, Crisp Saratoga Chips) package. . . 15c Fancy Mild Tillamook Cheese, pound. . . . 50c. Wisconsin Cream Brick Cheese, pound. . 60c Bluehill Pimento or Chili Cheese, pkg.. . . 20c THE GREATEST DISPLAY OF NEW ... - NOVELTY RIBBONS That we have ever shown. Beautiful dres dens, satins, combinations; narrow to wide widths, for every wanted purpose that rib bons are used. Now on display in 'our front window. ' . White Silk Hose are here, pure silk boot, lisle top, full fashioned, the pair $1.75 Pretty Neckwear for Women, that you will surely like, organdy and Georgette collars that are new and stylish. Each 35c to $2.25 Parasols for Children, pretty little colorings that the little ones will like 59c to $2.00 FLAGS AND BUNTING of all kinds for the Glorious Fourth. Get your supply tomorrow sure. DRUG SUNDRIES Powders, creams, dental powders, soaps", etc! "All at real savings. facial Iffir Man! Getting to the Point COME TO US FOR YOUR 4TH OF JULY TOGS. WE ARE PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU IN QUALITY, ASSORTMENT, FIT AND PRICE. NEW SHIRTS Quality shirts in every wanted style; all the MEN'S SHOES The .best for service, snappy styles as well as staples, all the new shades and leathers, $5.00, $7.50, to $9.00. emeatj ' Shon -.-' . .' WHERE THE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN PENDLETON. There can be no lower prices, otherwise this shop would be classed with the regular stores re ceiving its regular profit. Special Sales Cannot Compete So-Called "Cheap Stores" Cannot Compete. and your careful, everyday shopping will convince you that they DO NOT compete. THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF SUCH BARGAINS AS THESE AWAITING YOU. BIG WASH PANS 19c Flare edse, heayv weight, triple tinned. WHISK llliOOMS lc This is the kind that is sold everywhere for 30e. HIKING IMSHES I.V5 Here's a good clean-up sale. Guaranteed ware. WOAITEVS STOCKINGS 10n Black and white, all sizes. GOO! STKONG GINGHAM 15c JIKAVY TIN" IISII PANS 3flo Built stronK, built to last; every pan perfect. vacii'm l.rxoH kit $i.os The universal pint bottle and tray nil in a black enameled metal case. I N Vli:i.lll Dl'ST PANS ISO. They come in pretty colors. Tans that sell at 2rc. ' : C'HII.IWKX'ft GOWNS a; Hold for $1.2 5. SOIT WHITK NAINSOOK. Sic DOVER KGO T5RATFK Or. It stands In the bowl while you odd other Ingredients. SKWING TillillU), 3c SI"OOii Sizes 36 to 80, In a class next to "lark's O. N T. VKGF.TAIU.K ItlCKItS ac Tlere's the real barBains, sold everywhere at 5 lie. WOMKX S VKSTS 10a No smh prices ns I hose. fllll.nitl.'N'K POII'S UHO Compare and then make your purchases don't take home a load of "rcsrets" alons with your other things. Don't have your neiuhbor tell you that you could have bought every item cheaper in the Uars.-iln Basement. lH This Best ir All liomy Slil, where the quality is sood and the prices low. new colors and designs M- A WONDERFUL STOCK OF HATS Every style you could ask for, straws, Pa namas, bangkoks, felts, etc., all sizes $2.50 to $27.50. NECKWEAR Here is the greatest assortment of smart neckwear in Pendleton. Every style and shape 35c to $2.50 MEN'S HALF HOSE The kind that wears. Cotton, fibre, silk and wool. Nearly all colors 25c to $1.50 COMFORT UNDERWEAR The underwear that is made to fit. The best makes in America, all sizes, all weights. The suit ..." $1.00 to $7.50 STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THE 4TH. PENDLETONS greatest department store FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE COME TO US. f TV TJ n FOOD J3u MM WHERE - IT PAYS TO TRADE We Give you the Best for the Price, no Matter What the Price. TO PR CENT WHEAT CROP IS PREDICTED Soldiers Discharged, Return to Umatilla Mrs. Anna Kdwards and Mrs. C.mon and broke his neck. He- sot up I women patrons will be much more perty. Chamn made a business trip to Her- out or tno water aasea, duc oniy none- i'i., ...' ....... mlston Thursday evenuig. ed that his neck was stiff. It besan to vitation to women does not In any the earnings of municipal power and Mrs. Jeff Stephens motor- pain him more ami unout six nours y mat .... .. ,. ........... ...... ..... u Hermiston later he waiKed into me county nos- , - win.- ipital. complainimr of a sore neck. L . . . Ciishman site, when roily developed. wheat crop of JO per cent normal for the county is. the prediction which s V. Maloney makes for this year's . yk-ld. The Judge does not believe the estimates which have eiven fl per ctnt are correct and says that the ap pVurance of the grain indicates that the crop everywhere is to be short to 4 certain extent. Mr. i ed on a business trip to (Pflt Oresronian Special.) Isnhirilnv evening. rVATII-LA. June 30. Arthur and A large number of Umatilla people! It was thousht that his neck was Charley Powell are back from tttmpj attended a bis dance at Stanfield Sat. only bruised hut he Erew rapidly "lira Tnn' O'Connell of Portland, is dered an X-ray taken Tuesday. The visiting her daushter, Mrs. A. n, t plate showed a fracture of the spinal and family of L matilla. i coninm near mu uuoc "i uiH ncuh. Mrs. O'Connell arrived here arteri ' ie "l her daughter Mrs. Marsaret . sinu wnu-n na cume iu me nui-nuini Lennox, in Rtarbuck and attending a cuuni, n.iiuu i., fr weicnmlna- the bovs Three months aso John Pry suffered Lewis where they have been since April, 1917. They received their honorable discharges last week. Elmer Campbell, sometimes called fctephen Jr., "filfmmv." received his honorable dis charge from the army in an eastern v:siting camp. . He returned to his former ; home here to resume his work. .4 "In the best areas the crop will not lie more than SO per cent normal," he ouid today. "In the lighter oil the yield will I almost nothing in some places. The train jR very short south and, in some places west.' i Heads have not filled out properly 1thout moisture. Judge Malonry says, Although the grain has not been dam ufred especially by the dry spell. A ui.od rain three weeks ago would hav Helped fill out the heads to a greater half Interest in T. extent than they have filled so far. cream parlor. Mr. and Mrs. B. McK.enzie are ""; w-illa i Larimer street. Several weeks later parents of an eight pound baby girl ja ;z(,r made R hied blis.ihe was discharged from the hospital born Thursday. , ... ' ' . T,Lnnrt at.,rrtav as cured. Mrs. Stella Paulu and Mrs. Bertha , h o ,', f Dempster is resting easily, say phy- I Cherry made a business trip to Pen- j .... , Sat. sicians, his neck having been set. dleton and Stanfield Saturday in re- . grd to the Chautauqua which is to,---.- prana visitinn the report. Mrs. Alonso Nickels returned from a visit'wlth her parents at their home iThat he has a chance of recovery is I Snub Uncle Sam's Gin; Everybody Filled Up? would produce 7.1 Omt horsopuwor on, a SO pur cent load factor. , NEW YORK, Juno 28. "Well, hot? ,l"11"''' "' " 1 11 ,s much have you stored avray?" is a TACOMA, Wash., -T n I - 1. Captain w. frequent salutation in these days of T Uoty, Camp I-wls inc. nib- officer fast approachlnir orldity; and alto, iuntii relieved of late by Llcutiiiant Kethcr nuite a. snirit of speculation as Colonel liyron Ij. Ilargar, has received to the huge amount of booze Individ-!nis discharge from the service, us bus WOMEN! DRY CLEAN THINGS' AT HOME- Try it! For a few cents you can dry clean everything. in Riparia. Washington. H. H. Kdwards" is Improving his business property in Umatilla. Harrv Rodenbouch has bought a S. Tilllson s ice few days. The Sunday scnooi or umatuia nau R ji J TTV Fpwpr beach nartv on the Columbia beach i IvaiJl OUOS tiave r CWcr New Vacuum Cleaner Just Recieved Friday evening. Ice cream, cake and delicious sandwiches were served to tho children and church members who attended. Frank Payne received Injuries Sat urday while haullns hay from his ranch to town. A Pendleton doctor was called. C W. Sutton, who has been In the St. Vincent hospital at Portland for appendicitis for the last two weeks. Is Betting along fine. He Is expected to be up in about a week. The teachers of Umatilla public uals would cache for tho long dry spell has been aroused. Had one gone, to the auction at tho Customs Appraiser's store house, Xo. 641 Washington street, yesterday morning where "seized and unclaimed merchandise," bottled and. labelled as orange and sloe e;in, was set up for sale, one would have concluded that all those who mean to' lay away the stuff that cheers have already done so. rattled Captain H. H. Tost, who has been sistant camp morale officer. Suva five to ten dollars nulc-kly by -dry cleaning everything In the boms with gasoline that would be ruined by Aii1ani 5 . Cni'inrr ; For this enticingly bottled orange land sloe gin, valued at $30,000, was DENVER. July 1. During the first yt!turned to fltoraso yesterday because three months of the present year 669 ( a dearth of bllyers. (.. j. . xewer persons were Kinen inn wo.pw RtoI.ey nctlng deputy collector, ex as- soap and water suits, coats, waists, r . I . ... , i - siumn, aiiova, turn, uiuc U1,,... , lt,.uri. io uonoium erics, rugs everything' wnere ne win resume his position as superintendent of farm and grounds ! ,,,ncc a gallon or more of gasoline In of tho mid-Pacific Institute. in dlshpnn or wnshboller, then put In the IhliiKs to be dry cleaned, then wash them with Solvito soap. Shortly everything comes out looking like npw. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. I'o not attempt to dry clean without Solvlte sonn. This iriisnllnia ln Is ths KIE IN QVAKKR. liONDOV. June 30. Two liumlreil fifty were killed at. Morcncv. liolouiim. ! nun -iiiniio. iinly in a succession Masonic convention. Misses Fanny and Mary i Kent are exjiecieu i vimi GUARANTEE This Vacuum Cleaner is guar anty: d by the manufacturer to he frw from all d-fccs of ma K'riul and Minrkniullsllip. Should My tU-ftilH lKtclo wilhin one year from dale of pun-liusc tln-y err-'- la replace or r1ilr wirti rt.f.-tivi. part or parts l-'IIKIC P t'HAlUii:. Si schools have gone to attend summer 5 schools at different ports of Oregon. 5 1 Miss Willis. Miss Roberts and R. O, BlDykstra are expected to teach here K i again next year. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frammer went P 1 to spend the week end at Pendleton. d Frank McNurlen. J. H. nobbier, C. d,V. Rundsen and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. 5 i Rutterworth. nre In Portland attend- fewer iniured on the country's rail road.s than during' the correspondins months of the preceding year, Arthur Kirkendall. regional aupervisor of safety nf the t'nltfd States railroad administration, told delegates to the convention of the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Firemen and Knginemen here today. ' ' "When the safety section of the ad ministration was formed after the gov ernment took control of the roads many large systems had safety de partments." Mr. Kirkendall said. "To- j uuy every iniminpni raiiiuiiu in liib .country is paying particular attention: to safety of passengers and employes. plained the absence r.f bidders at the well advertised sale by asserting that Individual buyers have already laid away their stock, -while wholesalers and retailers have already overabund. ant stocks. ol fnrthquiikCM last niicht, according !8eorct of all dry cleaning. o j omo cilsuato . today. Sc-vwal i A package of flolvlto soap contain- Amw nri,rWt JUrr? in, th ,l,p"'-ln directions for homo dry cleaning cltlin ami tlm HhCHkH .wmUiirii-U conts little at any drug store. Pry throughout the mem. clcan ouWoolB or away from flimo. TI'RKA IV ASL MINOR AHR ?IIVIV fiRF.EKS Fields of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Atchison of . mat ilia. They expect to Btay during Chautau qua and then return to Eugene to visit friends. Clarence Atchison left last night to work in harvest fields near Walla Walla. Cincinnati Hotel Has Woman's Bar crNCIXVATI. July 1. An Innova tion in the city's saloons and hotels was revealed Tuesday at the Sinton ho- ;tel of the Taft hotel syndicate, with the announcement by the management jculine bar hn been transformed into la womans oak bar room. It was a di ireet result of prohibition. Many of tho 'old names of the famous drinks re- Iniain. but all are now non-Intoxicating. Cosily fixtures remain the same, and jeven the familiar white clad bartender land the lovable brass rail, so gently IT earesse d with tho foot, are 1 h ere. Tuesday three matronly women, guest; I'NTIIj HI XHOmS AFTKII f the hotel, plodded CaMiultics Wounded Slightly. Privata Christy, Keating, Oregon. VOt'TII IlltFAKS ins m:ck HIT IOi:sT NOTICK PARIS. July 1. The 'situation in Asia Minor is feerious, according to of ficial advices reeeived by Renters, Ltd., here today. These advices stated that the-Turkish forces out numbered the Greeks four to one and threaten to drive tho Creeks entirely out of Asia Minor. Tho Creek forces are reported to be retreating before ihel'urks. who are supplied with good arMltery and plenty of ammunition. Tho Creek Keneral NIdw hfi decid ed to make bin first defensive stand along tho line running north and soul h through Pcrghanos, Magnesia, Nymthalon and Aiilin, Creek rein forcements aro expected to reach him within three or four di:y. Tho larg-j est Turkish force now ar advancing from Denb.Iu. The Turkish troops al ready have occupied Nazli and are i proceeding against Aldin. j DEN'VKft, July -Julian Dempster julep, minus the Jolt, rowim kith is si:mxti:i TACOMA, July 1. Tho Tacoma city council haa turned down tho Pack wood lake owner sito in Iewis county owned by the I-add interests of Port- n tn get a mint;land, and has chosen the Lake CuhI. and discussed man site on the Snokomlsh river in 19 year old, of 1545 Jorlmer street, diver Into two feet of water at the Lakeside bathing beach Sunday aftcr- the difficulty of getting kitchen help. Mason county. The voters will pass on . Old timers. Insted of mourning, are a $300,000 bond issue August 12 and of the opinion that bar life with pretty .decide whether or not to buy the pro- EVJGRY FARMER SHOULD HAVE A ; WINTHER TRUCK We have them NOW and READY FOR DF LIVERY, from V, ton to 3, ton canac v will see their advantages after lookinrr th Ask for demonstration, for Umatila County. We are distributors Independent Garage Distributors COLE REO DORT SCRirP-BOQTII Court at Thompson St. ' Phone 633