;. , ' ': ' ' -t TWELVE PAGES ' PAGE EIGHT ' mWf EAST OReGoNIAN. PIRNDtfiTCN. OllteGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 27,1910. WILE KNOWN FACTS was before the effective use uf tanfcs o.oifl,9()Q epuare yitrds or cotMn numerous economies. The men ell developed. u ' llexttles, enough to carpet an nroa initiation of lucliigs, eyelets, tape nml The Hnaoe convention of ' 1S99 'nearly four times as lurite as tln Uia- istaya made the nnw trousers cost 5 - CONCERNING THE WAR saainat the use of poisonous Kaaea In trtct of Columbia, il-4 cents lom timn a pair of army rat-fare sianed by Oermany In Sep-! Keren SIMIou Mats, hreccries. I'y July 1, ism, (t la estl- teniber. 190. The I'nlted States never j Steven million service hats of fett'niiited (lint thin chimin In deslim "i" ii. .were ninnurHcturea on orners piaceti .woum nnv snveu me iruvcrnmeni Ourine: 11X from 2o lo So per cent by. the " i AVer Department. The felt wan nearly l",n noo.noo In order for trou- rteCneS Of U. S. Uniform d" " The records ho, how- tralla, New Zolnnd and Itiisslu, or pro- I A million Kitlltlnit needles wero Abandoned I-Jtt in War 'vr. tlwt '" armies were supplied duc-ed in the I'nlted Mates. 'bought In Sweden to help relieve the . .rj" " u nS " with masks and other defensive appli- j The army's reiiuirmunts fur pillows ishortaice here due to the cutting off it l'Or , lX)Ilg TrOUSelS. 'anoos, only about, 3 or I per cent of created a shortage of feather. In nil of the (lermnn supply. Jupunese no s .. tlh" ' casualties were fatal. "This there were manufactured for the Gov-Idles proved unsatisfactory. The f I r . ludlcates." says the report, "that gns 'ernnient ri0, tioo, pillows welRhlng two American product was Improved and ASHIxaTOX. June 2. Here can bo made not Only one of the most and one-half pounds msh. After the American needles makers were puah- re some InteresiiiiR and little-known effective Implement of war. but oris j American duck feather supply hatred to the' limit, but thoro was always -lasts about the v.ar. and especially of the moat humane." 'been exhausted and thousands of an acute shortage. America's part In It., taken from : At the time of the armistice all Her- ducks In. China had given up their I The people In 13 of the largest cities J America's Munitions." an official many' chemical , warfare facilities ! plumage, and still there were . not 'of the country, St. Ixiuls included, report by Itenedlct Cruwell. Assistant could not produce more than six tons enough feathers, adulterations with played an unconscious part In winning tsecretary of War and Director of of mustard gas a day. The United goose feathers and other llBht plumiiKe i'be war by using artificial bus of less Munitions: States alone had 10 times that capacl- were permitted. .than normal heating power, as n result J i " Kmsr rounds or arttl- ty on the same date, while both France! in response to a crthled plea for new of the removal of toluol for explosive fiery ammunition fired by the I'tilon and England had reached a heavy out- sheet music for the army bands over- purposes. In New York city, arttfl ,rmy at Gettysburg, the Americans put. So concerned was the German seas, the Government made the larg-clnl gas was reduced In heating value in tut N. .Mlhlel drive used I.KSJ.IIt. high command that the ablest spy ol est purchase, of band music ever made jBbout 6 per cent und the candlepowerl J . mi in iiip use t artillery ine empire was aeni into rTance in 2U0.UMU sheets, costing nearly foe,- iiowereu irom 12 lo 16 because of this for oriViiMr -was rearhH by the Vri- Ortobor, 1918F to find out the FreUch 00. 'iKtl at the itnn.iiie in h(n 4 ti,fhc.d nf niAklnir numtsiril ifl.OO rounds were ex)ended. Thi Th amiy procured inure iMtrlppina- procesH, carrier on umtor than Studies made at camps showed that contract with the CSovernment. leas than 15 per cent of the men mere TIOUSAKDS OF "WOMEN suffer periodic attacks of headache, that a permanent curs may be nearly always resus from soma stomach, liverr, Dowels. Tak: Tablets. TheyJvTill 'correct the there will be no more headache permanently cured by Chamberlain i ; tl I ' ' ll a ' .fffih- mlibly frcn i nsyjr drcarr-:r.3 hadj .Hcadaeho disorder of thz i Chamberlain's I e disorders end I Many have been 's Tablets. 1 MIAfSTKIl JVrTKMPTS IN JAlIi AT SlMIINtsS correctly fitted with shoes. A scien tific system of shoe fitting was ud opt ed and schools to teach It were etab lished at Camp MelRs, P. C. and Jef ferson Barracks. Kach camp and can- OOI,OHAlH SPKIXOS. June 28. ' to n merit sent two officers to one or Rev. Orover Harrison, an PJplscopul the other of these schools to take a missionary minister employed in the five-day course of Instruction. Thus IColorado diocese, attempted to commit the science of correct shoe fitting was aulcldo In the Colorado Hprlnga Jul! disseminated throush the army. Few Americana ' know that the last nti-'ht by lantnt? himself with piece cf bailinir wire. The wire broke under hln woisht. The noire caused breeches of the American service unl- j by his fall attracted the nisjht guard, i form were abandoned late in the war.who took t.i": vire away fiom him', for long trousers. The change was Han ison t.is arresed Wednesday due to studies made by army clothing .afternoon on u rtatutory charge, experts. The soldiers didn't like the Harried, tri 33 years old p.r.d grid breeches because of the time required uaio of TIt?i"urd college. He Is well to lace or butten them below the knee, jltnown In Episcopal circles throughout tften it was impossible to remove the jtho state. He c.m.o to Colcrado from breeches from soldiers wounded in the jlouisvillo, Ky., and Is a writer of fic-leg- without cutting the cloth. Leong .linn. trousers did away with these objec- ., , , tions and had the added virtue of inrt hrlif fa'a IVTalnrlv croat pr Wnrmfh. The overcoat, too. : V was redesigned in accordance with Gen. Pershing's recommendations, a knee-length garment being provided that was much smarter than the old coat. The new uniform never appear ed In the field, but according to the report the redesigning accomplished Laid to "Stench Bomb LIFT OFF CORNS! Order Your COAL Doesn't hurt a bit! Sore coma lift right jff with fingers. .'. Magic I . ' . HAVE IT DELIVERED AT ONCE YOU HAVE ALL TO GAIN AND NOTHING TO LOSE. Prices can not go lower, they may go higher. If you wait till cold weather to buy it is impossible for the railroad, the mine and retailer to guarantee you a full, supply. " If little coal is sold in summer there is a loss for that period, higher prices in the winter are the only means of making up that loss. It is neces sary to mine, trans port and deliver coal in summer as well as in winter. P' ll f ' Iho atl-yoat-round iofi drink. ' " ' Leader shifa.onco ostaMisliod, is strengthened and confirmed by its followers mid imitators Bevo's ledwssp is proclaimed hy the largest rear guard that" ever followed a leader. Sold everywhere -Families supplied by grocer, druivil!( and dealer. ""Viior$ are cordially invited to Inspect ft Sis ANHEUSEP-BUSCH ourpUn. ST. LOUIS. lilurnaiicr Sc Hocli, Whotfmle tl.tTll)ut..rt I'tUt lLASn, Olllt. .y 1 Intlilpr X- Ttnrrniiirliu , 'tvl DiitribiitnFii rKNIH.I".'!!.'. Illtl!. CHICAGO, June 26. A "ateiu'h homb" hurled hy a ro-Grmau ilur 'nf u dinner In the La Sulle llutul is blamed liv Xiirthclifl'j for lllo Kliinrt ular intniti'ir. from which h is puf ferlnjf, ucc-irii-tng to .lame' Koeley, furnierly i,f the Chiciiao Trilium. who tallied Willi liiM i mtitilli aS'i. "Lord N-i IHt'lit't ? iiohit'd lo Ihroat and siHd with a lnom,: -lllafsl None of , otheI. veTeonUllK hBH ChK-UKO. -Mid Mr. Uee.ev, u-lllns thk!much on f,, Oompera, prldont -lory today "He comlniied. . ,e-;of the American Federution of Labor, n.ember mr Wt v,,lt thmc. ;teme-n- Hunltary objects because il Im re oer the tiiirn Wuniis" us you called -i.-inu. ,1iii,BtnTT.a .h i nt army In Frunce and two finKerfl on ono hand were shot off by Hun machine Kmj f-ic. He lit eager to Ret back lir.o aoi'vico and has written tho local re-ri-uiil'fc officers, asf:iii if his enlist ment will be auceplet!. Col. Charlts J. NeNon has writte-l Johnaion to como to tler.ver for cxumlnatit-n. If the fin ders are mluain fropi the left hand. Il will be accpeted, but If hit)-riht hird the members wlich pulls 'tie tr:jti-r Is crippled, Juhntton will be useless to the army. Watch the Little Pimples; They are Nature's Warning Unsightly and Disfiguring Sig nals of Bad Blood. rimplci on the face and other parts of the body arc warning from Nature that your blood u sluggish and impoverished. Some times, they foretell cciema, hoih. blisters, and other skin disorders that burn like flames of fire. They mean that youf blood needs S. S. S. to purify it and cleanse it of these impure accumulatious that can cause unlimited trouble. This remely is the greatest vegetable blood purifier known, and contains no minerals or chqmicali to Injure the most delicate skin. .... (jo to your drug -store, and get bottle of S. S. S. today, get rid of those unsightly, disfiituring pim ples, and oilier skin irritations. - It -will cleanse your blood thorough ly. Kor special medical advice free, address Medical Director, i StrUt t Laboratory, Atlanta. (Ja. . ' want much of unythilitf except food. :hem thnt er.- thrown at the bar.-1 riuet at !ho llnVl 1 a Sallir?' Then 1 r rr.'i...l tle Incident. Lord .etroKrad seen s to be practlcinif Northcliffe. then tho head t the) faing somewhat assidously. Ftritjih AIslon l-i Arn-'rii-a. came t-j tills city an.l a btinitit-H ..is clvcn irj -- . Read the Want Ads. It Pays his hon jr. -h ."! tfU're t.a vm:t down jiinc one a ir -- J.-i man sympathl' U irt rtri:tnt;S l hrt w into the ban ." t h.ill, Iho tt-i. fl.-or ii the h'H-?!. sfov'Mi mi I cnt.itninff a nuxi'i.n :;n l irrtiatin? chcini-.'al. 1 t next i :.ort.l N'.irdicliffe nJ, j lecnatnizmt- .he o lor, wa nble to icll whut ovei 1 n ly h.iU hi;onfl " 'What's ii i'steiicii 1'ioni'" y he 'Jt? ninnded. "He -v;i nrifh n;uusid nt my 1e-f-.-rlption .f iha 'mm d ami the uses they had recti u: ti in crhicao8 In ternal fitritVu. ilut he cttnilainefl j ilnrlnjf the evjnhi. r tho efft:t the vapor had on i.ix thi tuit. Tiiit next J day. he callt.i a lUjci-jr, whu, aftvr e-x- itminin hit tin it, ma le him !ri;uk f.n enKasp-i.nMit, f vmit and ni-euk t,t itio Creat Iaikcs Nav:il truini-iij tia-tion.'' BUY NOW and help spread the load of coal dis tribution evenly and properly over the year You are the one to benefit KEMMERER LUMP is the kind to store, and if you will let us fill you up you would have no trouble at the end of the year about your bins being fall of slack. This coal will "stand up and we guarantee satisfaction. Oregon Lumber Yard Costs few cents! Drop a little Freezone on that touchy corn, instant ly that corn stops hurt inn, then you lift it right out with the fingers. Why wait? Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without sore ness or irritation. Freezone is the much talkefl of discovery of the Cin cinnati g-ehlus. r. s. rooi hijips - OX WAY TO tiPffCUAXY PHONE 8 Unsightly pimples and blemishes on the face are sore signs that the skin and blood need the purifying and strengthening action of BEECBWS FTLL. Larf Stale of An? MmKcIm In th WHL - oUmrwlwra. la Bum. 10, 2ftc DEAL, Kng.t June 26. The eight American steamers with cargoes of provisions for Uermany which were detained here for a few days, have pro ceeded for 4iernmn ports. There wa a report early Wednesday that they would be held here pending the sign ing of the peace treaty. WHY Mr. Successful Farmer Bought a Holt Combined Harvester VOUXIl-:i VKTKIHX SKI;4S TO KINT . IX YAXKKK AIIMV DKNVEil. June 2. It depends on his riKht hand or the loft hand, to de fine it l. ti. jonnnon nets into the United Slates army. Johnson Is em ploye I ut thu state Industrial srhool ut Golden. He served In the Canadian FIRST AMERICANIZE AMERICANS, HER PLEA THRESHERS 9 sizes - AVERY THRE SHERS hnve guaranteed for life cylinder twth. Hyatt roller !o;iritig cylinder and blower and ft paai ar.tee with each math in to take 99 D-10 per '' crnt i't the grain out of the $trar nf.il put it dean ill the sack. . , ' F. E. Ramiey, Mgr., Stanfield Office, Phone 1212. EK'Y TRACTORS 7 sizes AVERY TRACTORS come iii 7 sizes and 7 patents owned by the Avery Co. Sliding ' frame transmission which means less parts and less trouble. Round Radiator which lets the exhaust cool the engine. Adjustable Bearings, saves time. Lubrication that is positive. Gasifier, perfect combustion. Removable Cylinder Wall, eco nomy. Universal Lug,' to grip, the ground. ' fci ', s75 j ; ' v-rr American Nationa I Bank Bid?. Pendleton Phone 348-J if v' -.r j V HVZ.23AHT! COOK "To Americanise the foreign horn you muse first Americanise the American born." This is the theory of Miss Huldah F. Cook, supervisor of the Akron Ameri canization schools, whose duties Include the training of 100 Amer icanization teachers. "The first tep In the Americanization of the American -born is to teach him or her the rich heritage brought by the foreign-born," she says. "The first step in the Americanization of the torelgn-born Is to teach him thenjjllah language ' H A 1. It is built by the Holt Manufacturing Co., a reliable nrm,'35 years of manufacturing experience, behind it. 2. There are more than THREE TIMES as many Holt Combined harvesters operating in Umatilla and Walla Walla counties as all other makes combined. 3. For 21 years our two houses have carried a complete stockfof repairs at the same locations in each of these counties. ! 4. We have Holt combined harvesters that have just finished their ISth season. 5. Capable operators familiar with Holt machines may be found everywhere. 6. Holt combined harvesters arc sold locally by a reliable firm which has a reputation for making good. . 7. We specialize on service and it is always our pleasure to help PM We stand corrected in regard to the above paragraph 4. In looking over our records and talking with our customers, we find . that Mr. H. J. Roscnburg will this year operate a Holt harvester for his 21th season. Storgis Stone Agricultural Equipment. PENDLETON WALLA WALLA