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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1919)
..-.-'J'.-''-"..' ..'''''" w wyn mfL . 0 gmm .1111 i ' ' "'' T iht -t i tit-' --t . Section Two "Y f - "M ' r T"M,L,! t-.', - ;. Section Two . - l Paj zlu I jr I . Pa 7 to 12 ' : ' ; DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 27, 1919. L-u - - - - - - - ' - - ..i ..... . - - - ' : . . r : : r-- r- " " ... - i ' f : - - MRS. C. C. VAN ORSDALL CONVENTION SPEAKER Hundred Delegates Come forNeighbors of Wood craft Convention. Mm. O. C. Van OrnilHll, formerly of I'endletun, grand Ruardlun for the NolKhbom of Woodcraft, Ih the prlnot pal speaker at the two day convention whloh bttfrlns In Pendleton today. "In surance l'roblema" and "The Im.w, Our l'lan and Our 1'roblomn" are the mj h- Jocta choaen by Mra. Van oradall. About 100 delegates are In the city from tho Kastern Oregon district and are twins; entertained with the mem bers of the local chapter as hosts. Following Is today's program: Call to order ut 10:00 A. M., District Guardian. Heating District Officers. District Captain and Team. Seating Irand Officers, District Of ficers and Team. King Coremony, District Officers and Teaim JMnno Holo, Thelma Crnrtidall. Addrtss of Welcome, llev. Alfred Lock wood. HesponHo. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall, Orand Uuurdlan. Duet, Marie Fletcher and Mvrul Jack. Appointments of Committees on Credentials. Collection of Credentials. Hoprano Holo, Mrs. Hurry (IlancMI. Noon adjournment. . v lleport of Credential Committee. Appointment of committees. Address. "The law, Our 1'ian and Our Problems", Mrs. C. C Van Ors dall. a. a. Address. "Growth. Its necessity and Its Relation to the District Circle Funds." Uertha M. Ixiach, Clrand Dan ker. Address, ''Our now Iepartments", Minnie Hlner, Orand Manager. Rvenlng Session, 7:30. everybody In vited. Vocal Solo, Mrs. Cieo. HuMon. Voela Solo, Mrs. Thomas HolwrlHon. Address, "Insurance Problem." Mrs, C. C. Van Orsdsll, Urand Uuardlan. DOG SAVES BANK FROM BEING ROBBED IPATHE SHOW MANAGER 4 OF U.S. EXPEDITION LAUDS THE ROUND-UP KILLED IN RUSSIAt jun as. a nine Office of Publicity Manaeerl ashi.;tc.v. j,mc 21. one um- to people In apart- n vtr;tu r:i: cer and three men of the American ex- uuay IIIUI J.UdlUIlg UJ. juedltion were killed Saturday and two NeW Post Cards. !"'en were wounded, when they went ilo the assiMtutu-e of five comrades AKHLANI. Or. terrier belonging ments over the citizen's bank of Ash land started barking furiously about 10:80 last night. lie was hardly quieted whon the clanging of the That the fame of the Itound-t'i ... . ...... . .., j ' ounas electrical oura-mr .u.m r , no w,e dlnnishlng Is evidenced bv 'the foilowloir letter from Mr r I. tr. I whom the atiti-Kolclmk forces cap lured June 22. ileneral Craves cabled the war department today. All the Investigation hrought to light an rutli niaIla,or ot tha j,atn0' E'xchango i klllt',d Hnd """' were members of and 1 ass . re you thut If I do not have the 31st Infantry. Kegtjlar armv. The men lulled were Lieutenant Al bert Ward. Corporal Jesse Keed. Pri vates D. I. Craig, and Charles Flake. to be In New York at the time the ine exlKnl "' Injuries of the wounded 'ftound-L'n comes off I will l. lhr.. !"''n h"" ""' '' unascertained. The Pen window at the rear and numerous in Honkunw footprints and fingermarks. Appar- Mv aellr Mr Marsh: emiy un a-"" cracssom,. nu TM wlJ anBWer yourg of (hc Hh but had escaped when he ran afoul of tho electrical protective device. The device was set to go off at 8 o clock hud tho bank employes 'eft to have'to go back to the convention 1 """I""11 ' 3-'"t Infantry. They the door out of adjustment, and the the )aHt wvek AUKUt It will be Im- jwere surprised while fishing In the bank offl.lals ore positive that the possible for me to be In Pendleton for I vlclnity of tne """"" line, and were (retaliation of tho alarm system two jthe Hound-Up. and let me tell you that "tured. Graves reported. Whon weeks ago saved their vault. Ii think Pendleton Is the biggest little ' n"w" "f ,he l'i",l"re reached tho 31st two piaiuons u coniitany m went to However, If I am unfortunate enough i enlisted men captured were members When u man tells you that further argument Is unnecessary It nieuns that he has reached the end of the string. town In tho lTnited Mluteu. nnil u.h-. a itown the size of Pendleton will put de""""1 the men. They L'p you are entitled to the supiyirt of c.i)tured men arc still in the enemy's KlxHul Aatnit III Vltr. J. H. Jones, special agent for the .Neighbors of Woodcraft, Is in Pendle ton to attend the session of the lodge here Friday and Katurday. Old Picture of Pendleton Kliown. The Pacific Power & Ught Co. is displaying in its windows a photo graph of the city of Pendleton us It was in 1SS2, Just 37 years ago. The picture waa taken by liowman and shows the few houses and buildings then standing In this city. Vwfojr JIhkhWI Here. Wesley Hassell. I'endletun boy who has been In Kremerton as a member of the United, Ktates .Vavy, returned jcKterday. He has received an hon orable discharge. HE KEEPS TAB ON ALL NAVY MEN 8AV8 . FKillT IUSIX-It.TIi DAY W KIIItiTO, Juno 37.' rti-Mdii. tlon lu-glns; the gfi-Frtior nf Ohlu If, prevent IImi Wlllard-IH-inlscy fight III Tolcclo July 4. heranso It "dwTiM tile Nation's birthday" was lnlnMlnHfl In die house by Kef ircwvntatlvr) ICun dall. isrolilMlluiitHt of t allfonils The , liatO. uuuld .lUuotr .,.MmnmmMam . tliruugliout Uio world, says Uh resolution. 1M : l js- lie Mill Mn Hster In Walfa Walla. Korgeaat Jim Howler, who was In Pendelton this ni'jrning as a member of the 14lh, met h s s-ster, Mrs. A. . Hampton, in Walla Walla. He visited in Pendleton for a short time yesterday and left in tho afternoon by The writer has been In show ihni1"' Graves reported that though , auto with Mr n.l vi ... ness for twenty-five years, and never err,tor' around the Souchan line I and Wnm jL.rurd' -v I in thut experience have 1 seen a better exhibition than what I witnessed In Pendleton at the Hound-Up. I never saw a circus that was operated better, nor their acta worked faster or In bet ter order than the Itound-Up at Pen dleton was handled every time 1 wit nessed it, . However, I assure you that if I can not be In your city to witness the Itound-I'p. Mrs. Carroll will represent jthe Carroll, family. And let me toll' has been a bolshevik hotbed for weeks the Americans were never Interfered with until this occupation. HINOENBURG QUITS AS Utile Hoy Itrc-uks Ann. Howard Brundage, the 10 year old on of Jlr. and Mrs. H. Hrundage. broke his arm In five places yester day after a fall which occurred on Webb street. The boy tripped and fell. and the accident was the result. ijou at this time that If there Is any-! iy.viu.v t vc A..r.n t! thing In any way I can do. individually j mv agreement to re-tire to private life j attended the state convention of the I let ii in from Com put ion. Miss Nellie Horton and daughter. SJiss Haroldine Horton. returned this n.orning from Portland, where they ,1 jf jTS V I He Is head of the files and sta tistics section of the enlisted per sonnel division of the bureau of navigation ot the navy (Japan-1 ment. In his records are the Cards' -ot all the men who have enlisted far the aavsvalaeai Jasw--,- 4 .' Has busy now with demobiliza tion problems. ' or as 'tne manager of this office, to i promote the welfare of the Pendleton ; lto-jnd-1'p, just shoot me a line and 1 j assure you I will cooperate with you to the fullest extent. I Thanking you for the troublo you have gone to Inviting me to the exhi bition, und I assure you I wish it to ilie the most successful Hound-Up Pen idleton has ever pulled. Very truly yours. rATHfc BXCHANfl.13 I XL'. P. I.. CAltROM Branch Manager. The Kound-lTp post cards are now ready for distribution and mailing. ! These cards are exceptionally fine this I year, and consist of a folder which after peace is sained. I hereby lay j Christian Kndeavor society of the df-wn the chief command of the German armies," Von Hindenblirg de clared in a letter to President Ebert. according to a Copenhagen dispatch tcday. Christian church. AMERICANS WIN AT PERSHING STADIUM PKIIHHI.VG STADIUM. Paris, June 2. American soldiers made a clean; Internal I even no .Igvnt Hero. James K. Hogg, internal revenue agent, L". S. treasury department, Is tiere for three weeks' investigation of income tax returns and has located his office in room 251. second floor of tho federal building. ITurnaT Pciiilli-toii Man l!ere. Bert Knight, formerly of this city. sweep In hand grenade throwing yes-j in a Pendeton visitor today. He is tcrday in the first finals In the In-! now with the Kiddie Brothers MMing t- inllled cl n.mplonf birs. ' red Thon-.p- Company of island city. Mr. Knight soi: won f.rst and Sa-i Thciipi.t fee- Is returning to Island City after a makes three post cards. A large force 1 J ., . .1 w . t. . t. , .J ... . .! " entries. Teschmr Pa'! loci; and -mibnv IZZ m m2 .i J" Ha.lock wop place, !n the oa meterlXolii, Ptplc Arc WedJed. . gon, Washington and Idaho, and from , ,eir honts ,,n ,he 1,0 meler n'Bh ! Humme- n couple from No the response, being received. the I h'ir',lp" r,,,ls- , i married at 4 o clock yester- crowd for im will be the blmieat In 1 A'1 thr'e Places In tho Javelin throw day afternoon by Justice of the Peace the hhtory of the Hound-Up. Anvone:'" ,no """allied chamrjy.nships were Joe H. Parkes. .Mr. Hutchinson Is a deslrlns iha nnd .u-h. . ,(, ... won by Mroniicr, I-lversetlge ana uut-liarmer near .Volin. Entertaining Friends or Neighbors When you do wouldn't it be fine if you. had an abundance of clean, safe convenient light 'in every room in the house running water in the kitchen, 'bathroom and barn an electric fan these hot sum mer evenings to say nothing of a vacuum cleaner to , help you in your preparation for company, and all the other conveniences which 'electricity brings to your home. ' V ; Perhaps you think that because you live ,in the country these things are not for your. Let us show you how a Western Electric ' Power and Lighting) Plant will give you all of these conveniences and at a cost so small that youwon't believe it until you have had the plant in operation. ' . Attach your name and address to the coupon below and mail to us today. We will show you how this ' plant tan be easily installed on your farm. , . CHARLES MILNE Electrical Contractor Pendleton, Ore. Name Address ......... School District No. , . Section No. CUSTOMERS WHO DEPEND UPON US FOR QUALITY, SE LECTION AND PRICE ARE Guaranteed Satisfaction Hills Red Package Tea for iced tea, V lb 40c Hills Red Package Tea, Japan, H 40c Hills Red Package Tea, Gunpowder, ! lb 40c Tree Tea, Mi lb " 35c Schilling's Best Tea, 1 lb . 90c Spider Leg in Bulk, 1 lb 65c Standard Grocery Co. 230 E. Court. C. L. Bonncy, Pres. Phone 06 mail to : friend run receive thrm hy calling at J too in 6 In the Judd Building. If r Americans. .Trousers Held as Evidence j and E. E. Cleaver is Left to Deplore Day of II. C. L. j - Mra. MiisJmt tn .Imlfnixul. Ii;ni:i,S CONTItOI 1IAMIU'K An order of default and Judgment 1XMM, .In nr. 2B. lU-lwls are In lit the sum of "i3 was handful dowu ffmiIlto conlnd f Iliunliunr it llrr- j 'y Circuit Judge i. W. Phelps today Ma dlsiwtch UMlmy refwwlifl. Tliey are J In the case of Addio Temple luvher siild to have; .-fiplMNl Uio town liall and Iw. John Kndicott. U no lihcrallnir firtsunorK. firnerai Von IxtloM ha itven ardvrva to ituIi Hta-.M Harry WcU ot Oti board. Uio revolt by force. Klnicr K, Cleaver, manufacturer of paint. Ih trying to net back a nnir of 1 hi punt from UlKtrict Attorney Kvans at Portland. The lost t rotifer, ac cording to Cleaver ure probably In the district attomey'H possesion and. In this day of H. C. U, he figures ihy Khould le returned. Hi letter tit thf Portland officer, requesting tl e return of his clothing said: . "I understand that Ah Fong, the ! Chinaman. In whose cao wan a wit- ness. ha pleailed guilty and ha been m-ntenccd," the Idler ruus. "If .ui will rememtM-r you weie holdliiK a PRir of my pants m-s cvidrnre. I ish that you would return them as soon as pntiHtMe, H.s I can nialte very emu1 um of them (luring tbco hish-irice ! t'niea." j ALLT TRIMMED JIN ANGORAf i SATISFACTION With the car you buy, is dependent upon DEPENDABILITY Every farmer knows that the name CASE has been an assurance of dependability in farm equip ment for over 77 years. We want every prospective auto buyer to know of, and take advantage of, this 70 years of manu facturing knowledge and giving of satisfaction with CASE products. OVKHSKAS I:.V1,1STI l:TS STOP WASHINGTON, .Iiuif- 211. Tim war ilt-imtmriit kmIiiv Moinx'ri riinlu r n--rtitni if piillMimtHH fr sen liv In l-Yanrp BihI irnin-. . Min so mr nc ciMHod will In stilt lo a overseas re I'liMvmeiit (lesit rnmi ('amp lesln !!! forwardprt hi dotsrhnients nf a tlioifriiifiilH hs rnplilLv as iJiey aro liuto ulaleil, inisiiuited and piteil irellnt. imry traluiiiir. ' riirunnliMl In (letnehitieiils of a (lion, sand as rapidly as lin y arc iiKK'ulnicd. aj vaoelnaied and (Clvcn preliminary Ireatiiw. You can rely on CASE 6 (he all feature car H.F. r Car Co. 6I MAIN' ST. Build Yourself Up; A daily ration GrapeNuts vvill help., A Wbnderful Food fbiturdy Strength! Captain Harry Wells. Walla Walla man who is a nephew of rT. Ii. Wells of this city, waa expected to arriva with the 146th. but word from the men on the train days that he i now at Fort Kuswll, Wyoming,, and will receive his discharge there. Will Visit lactorifM. Mr. and Mrs. j. K. Elkins. Mr. and Mrs. A. sr. Ferguson and Mr. and Mra. Dan Gilkey, left yesterday for a motor trip to Seattle Mr. Klkins and Mr. i j Ferguson, representing the Oregon j Motor Oarage, wili go east from Seat-' itle to visit automobile factories, whiU ' , Mim. KtkinM. Mrs. FVrgitson and Mr. ' !nd Mrs. Uilkey will remain fnr a vis-) ; it there before returning to I'emlle-' U n. Young' Roasting' ; ; HENS : ' 30c a lb. LOTS OF THEM AND THEY ARE FAT AND TENDER. WE ARE SURE THEY WILL PLEASE. Oregon Market j an Yon t an? j The "cold pack" method of can j niiig. t he canning of green vegeta-' ; I'les and corn, the canning of meat, ' t ih and poultry and ihe drying of ; fruits and vegetables will be explained' Saturday at 2 p. m. In the library by I Mim Lorene I'arker, county demon stration agent. Miss J'urker will have j 'he necessary . e-piipoient to demon- ' S Ntiato to housewives the various moth- S i i'da, S PHONE GOO 813 LIN ST. llllllllllllllllllllllllMlllltltllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllillflllltlllliiiiiiiitifiitiiiiiifii. - For the day milady I cares the itnore or mount Bins for & day In town, this lightweight cloth gown Is just the proper costume. It's long simple lines of classic type are developed In tan and white plaided tHcolette, with a stunning Ureek key patterned upon skirt -nd bodice in tan angora wool. I ii;ri:u rt:tKM j W ASHINGTON'. .In nr 2.V Tfic Mn. ; nlc foreign rclatioitH tt niitnittce hax ; V.Uh1 by 12 to 4 to defer action on the I "all n-Holntlon for a j! mra to ikvco j Mwth Hie I'nitc! state and tier j many until tltc (;erniait have sisml t lie treat y. A tniil i it g to Sf in tors jlxlgv himI I "nil. a majorij.v of tho j eomna.tte mvoixtl the resolution hut i'cttnUtl tlufi ire!-4Mit an .'nopi Httme ttinM to prt"- iu liile the et.nnnit- tee wat-. retuliing this eoiietuion Ho rah In a lirlef hut fiery sjHtTit in tlie rtMMtto ilerl the hh.-c treaty a "guarantee of wur."' and sharply (-ritieizcri the x'(xl ("niiftwwr for ig itoring the (iaim.-i of Ireland ami Kn : rca. Celebrate n the mm Duplexalite THE NEW FIXTURES Tln'ows the light both up and down Let us demonstrate to you Yours for service. J. L. Vaughn Y.WKKKN W IN" OV Tl! K l'i.i;sm; stiii m. ims. a Jnue 27. ilaix-nee laitdoek. of lasa dena. and lulward Tex lnier of I w -icimx'. Iunk., won first and second place In tho liumlreil oM-ter da4i fi lial. In the Interalliel game this afternoon. Tlu- time vtns ten and four fiftlM seconds, within a fiftti of a sec ond (f tlie world record iiMMle liy lii pineolt. Ameriean. In tlx MvniR gaoics at stth kholoi. in 1 1 2. 206 E. Court St. Phone 139 FNFOIU'K I.S S;iVISATKI.V V A S 1 1 1 ( , T N . .1 ii ne 27 . The lioiito jnilietary onnutiittce lia ctoei! ed o ltrmide weerate etiforeement at.- for oMtNtltiilMHial anil w art i me prolilhltioii. This a4fm will iwnlt In t slurtitly mtallOiiis: tlie dratio enroroe metit nieaureH durina; the life of the wr-ttino art. I at HIDAWAY SPRINGS Something doing every minute. 5 Dancing; July 3rd, 4th and 5th. Good Music. Swimming- All the Time. A general good time assured all at this COOL, ' CLEAN RESORT. E GOOD MEALS. GOOD BEDS Auto stage leaves Pilot Rock at noon every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday. H. M. CULTER, Prop. ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliilililiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii.l 3 3 i I