TWELVE PAGES 'DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON. (VftF.OON. THURSDAY, JUNE 2fi, 1919. PAGE NINE How to conquer thirst! 1 IhO If your thirst u superficial one or, if It is deep-rooted, RAINIER SPECIAL will conquer it. ThU unusual, fine-flavored, soft drink doe the one thing other soft -drink fail to do it really atii fiea. A bottle of it on a hot day puts (Shirst to flight in a jiffy. A bottle with lunch or dinner tops either off perfectly. Come to knowthia drink. There' no other like it none to rival it. You can purchase a lone bottle or a full case. Stamp your memory with its name RAINIER SPECIAL. Raialar Product. Camaaar, Swills. U. S. A, Manufacturer af Raialar Spaclal. Raialar Back. Malt Raialar. Raialar CaraaJ, Srrs aaa Daaalurad AltobaL ntiv t" ri viiiriMmi 'HiTf'Tst rdMl'ANV If K 1 .1 K V KS RETAILERS AND CON SUMERS OF THE NECESSITY OF PAYINGREVENUE TAXES ON RAINIER BEVERAGES BY PAYING ALL TAXES THEKtiUiN U1K1!A, iu MENT. Lang & C6. Distributors, Portland, Ore EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. Homecoming of 146th Interests Milton Folk (Hast OUg-i.nlan Special.) MIIVTON, Juno 2. Mlllon, in com l.anv with all other town In the Wnl li. Walla vallny, has declared a full holiday for Thursday 'In honor of the returning boys of the Heth Field Ar tllery who will be received with a big celebration In the Uanlen City on UieJr arrival from the cant which la ii-hoduled for tomorrow aftrn'n. A numlicr ol Milton men ar rnc libera of the reKlment, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vmii'r of Be anie are visiting with Mri. uener'l uarenta. Mr. and Mrs. if. Kcltwanrlt. Mr. and Mr. Kd Ucvlney have re. ti'rncd from a two wecka' trip to So lum? and other Sound points. in the near future with th idea of muklna It a permanent horra. Mr. and Mr. Kulph Kdwards and sun, Arrtill, h)iive returned from a two weeks' automobile trip aero the mountain Into the Wallowa district, Mr. and Mm. W. B. Daum and Mr. and Mm. William Wormington re turned Monday from a week' fishina trip to the headwaters of the south fork of the Walla Walla river. While there thVy were the guests of O. A. Cowl ana Joe Dykea who aro em. ploye of the forestry , department looking; after ,?.ns work an.l cattle rastured In the reserve. The return ing f.shcrmen report excellent luvk and lots of sport, bringing back alxut loo fine trout which they generously distributed anions: friends. The Blue mountains will Je a para., dine for huckleberry pickers this sum mer, uccotding to latest reports Miss Itowena Thomas haa returnil from Portland whern she vlritcd for j brouitht back by campers and flsher a couple of weeks with fHin1s. n.en. One of the largext crops of Milton was highly honored at the young berries ever seen In the moun- iiniinul meeting of the Department of Oregon, Grand Army of the Kcpubii.;, held at The Dalles lam week, when Mrs. u. K. Williams, well 1nown lo. ml woman wus elected president of Iho stale organisation for the ei:hulng tains is to be seen covering the slopes of the hills south and east of here. This year as usual during seasons fa. votable to this crop, hundreds of gal lons of huckleberries will be picked before fall. Although the valley here tar. Among other Milton attending! la noted for its fine fruit there is the o, A. It. meeting at The Dulles' nothing that Just equals the hucklle- berry in the minds of many people. Krnect and Cecil Coe. former Mll- neslde Mrs. Williams, ere Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lee, Miss Daisy and Mrs. Adilie Talberu Dr. and Mrs. J. o. Kenyon, aha re cently moved to Mil") 1 'roir Morrow county and have purchased the resi dence anl dental office of lir W. II. Hughes on Main street, have moved into their new homo and the doctor i.; already engaged In the practice of dentistry, having taken over the practice formerly held by Or. Hughes. Mrs. C. D. Putnam of I.a Grande Is ton residents, new located near Dew Islon. Idaho, where they are farming a large acreage of wheat land, spent a couple of days this week visiting relatives In Milton. They report the country reeding moisture but say they have as good prosects In theif d'strict for crops as are to be seen In most other parts of th-s northwest. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sa nuel of Day ton passed through Milton Tuesday visiting with her parents. Vlr. and1 evening en route home from an auto- Mrs. Ben Oeborn on Mill street. mobile trip through central and west- Mrs. H. S. Hhangle returned yester. crn Oregon, going aa far south as "ay from Oroflno, Idaho, where she Medford. According to thalr view the visited 'ten days witn her daughter. lllamette valley will harvest an a Mrs. T. C. Reese.. Mrs. Bhaugle while absent visited a numlwr of points in Northern Idaho in the interest of the erage crop but they aay that thou sends of acres of wheat in Central Oregon will never be cut even for Woman's Home Missionary society of, hay, so dry has been the season. the Methodist church of whlchorgan- Thomas Armstrong of the T. C. Kl ization she Is president of the North- llott company, has left for a cummer' west conference. - trip which will carry him through the and Mrs. G. G. Taylor have ; Canadian erovincea and as far east as his old home in Ireland which he has Mr. Purchased a lot on the we-( side of Chestnut street Just south of the Wil liam Anderson property from Mrs. Nellie Yates. The new owners ex pect to commence the construction of a modern bungalow on the property WHY Mr.1 Successful Farmer Bought & Holt Combined Harvester BEGAUS 1 r Every Coffee Drinker Srxxjkl know how v easily and healthfully INSTANT POSTUM i takes tfie place of ,rffee. not een for many years. :Sr. Arm fciroriff expect to return to Milton late in the fall. Miss Pearl Pet-ire n, who recently came to Milton from North Carolina, and haa accepted a position as teach er in the public ahoole hero next year,, la taking a summer course at the Monmouth state normal. A delegation of M.Hon Masons were guests of the At hen a Masonic lodge last Saturday nigh?, the Milton team conferring work or a class of candi dates in the third decree. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tolen. whos marriage took place In Portland last week, arrived In Milton Tuesday and are guesta at the home of Mr. Tolen'a I arenta, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tolen on Mill atre?t. Mr. Tolen and his bride after their wedding made an automo h'le trip to Seattle and other sound Hfntj returning over the Yellowstone ti-ail from the coast by way of Taki- Remember we sell 1. It is built by the Holt Manufacturing Co., a reliable firm, 35 years of manufacturing experience behind it. 2. There are more than THREE TIMES as many Holt Combined ' harvesters operating in Umatilla and Walla Walla counties as , all other makes combined. 3. For 21 years our two houses have carried a complete stock of repairs at the same locations in each of these counties. 4. We have Holt combined harvesters that have just finished their 18th season. i 5. Capable operators familiar with Holt machines may be found everywhere. G. Holt combined harvesters arc sold locally by a reliable firm which has a reputation for making good. 7. We specialize on service and it is always our pleasure to help you. ... P.S. We stand corrected in regard to the above paragraph 4. In looking over our records and talking with our customers, we find that Mr. H. J. Roscnburg will this year operate a Holt harvester for his 2ith season. Sturgis (Sb.Storie PENDLETON - Agricultural Equipment. WALLA WALLA 24nYP GALLON and ZEROLENE 50c Gallon Lynde Bros. Grocery And get more for Cash 309 West Webb Street Phone 334 i. Brfora her mrrUg Mr Tolan ui ulna Mary and u.itll 10 In Walla waua r. hero she baa a hoal ot frlenda. Mr. Tolen Is a former Milton resident now enaacea iln growing apples.. Thi will niaki their homo In Walla Walla. REALTY TRAKSFEflS Kr:iS. IT. It. Wood to Mary J. Caratens, $250. lts I and In block J. Kirk's Add. Athena. sVcwIs Male to EJna Male. 12000 W. 1-2 lots 12. 13 and 14 in block 102 Ilea. Add. Pendleton. Max Gorfkle to O F. Hteele, 1 Ut I In block lsJ, Itea. Add. Pendle- t) n. Prank Boss to Anna Boas, tl.00 Lola and 10 In block J, Halstead's Add. Echo. Umatilla Farm Lands Co. to Cora B. Knapp. $10. Lot 1. 2. 3 and 4. block It. Lota 14 and IS. block . lot 1 In block 14 and Lot II In block and lots 8 and I in block 15 and lots 1 and 2 in block H, 2nd Add llermls- ton. H. Fl Wirth to Kugene Clark. Ioo. Lou 3 and 4. block 12 and lot . block 13 Cole's Add. Pendleton Eugene Clark to Anna Sullivan, 31. Lot , block 13, Cole'a Add. Pendle ton. " , ' F". C. McKensle to W A Shawver. 310 Lots 14 and IS. block , New port Add Hermlston W. V. Crandall. $1. SB 1-4 XW 1-4 HE 1-4 of section 1, township 4, N. It. 23. Kdward T. Frederick to Chaa. A. Frederick, $1. Lota 12 and 12, block 272, Kec. Add. C. J. Whltaker to Ed Coffman. $10. Lot 7, block 223. Itea. Add. Pendleton,- Albert Allen to L. L. Roarers $1500. 26.1 acres In KB 14 of section 11. township 3 N. R. 34. Peter C. Henderson to A. K. oeicn- cll. $1000. Descriptive tract In Block 2 Riverside Add. Mlllon. J. M. .Stanton to J. F. McAIexander $1000. Lots 1 and 2 block 11. Pierce & Elama Add. Milton. Grace I. Demaris to Jacob De marls $1600. Mete and bound tracts In wction 12. township $ north, range R, f. Vancll to Frank Sullivan $50. Lots 1 and 2, block 10, North Milton. Lucret!a Furlch to W. C. Howard. $22. One acre in BE 1-4 NW 1-4 sec. 1, township 5. K. K. 35. Irvlngton Heights Land Co. to Ethel R. Wlrth. $150. Lot . block IS. Cole's Add. Pendlotrn. lrvinmon Heights Land Co., to O. E. Wirth $300. Lots 3 and 4, block 13, Cole'a Add Pendleton. THREE CHILDREN WJMLE AT I -LAY ARE STRUCK BV AVTOS PORTLAND, Or., June 2S. Three children, playing in the streets. In widely separated sections of the city. Tuesday night, were knocked down and Injured by passing automobiles. None were aeriqusly Injured and all were taken to their homes. William Arback of 274 Hall street reported to the police that a machine nhlch he was driving, knocked down a small girl at Fourth and Main streets early In the evening. The child was taken to a nearby drugstore, and when it was found that she was not aert ously Injured, was taken to her home at 459 Main street. Sidney Jefferles of 38S San Rafael street, while playing in the street, waa struck by & car driven by L J. Mc coy of 2S3 East Thirty-third street. He was not injured badly and was taken to hia home. A small newsboy, playing handball on West Park street between W ash ington and Stark streets, dodged In front of a macllne owned by the Portland Laundry company and driven by c. W. Robin, and was knocked down. His Injuries were minor. He refused to give his name or address, the driver said. ,1 JL'jAii i I Pflil DOCTOR FACES TRIAL ON MURDER CHARGE REDWOOD CITY, Calif., June 2 Charged with the murder of Ine Kllnabfth Reed, an army nurse, Dr Ephriam Northcott, San Francisco physician, was to face trial here to day before Superior Judge Buck. Northcott is accused of causing the girl's death through an Ulega4 operation. Miss Reed, a California girl, was here on a furlough from the base hos pital at Fort Riley, Kansas, at the time of her death. The body, fully dressed, as found in a ravine near San Ma teo, March 8, and for a week was un identified. Detectives, even before the identity waa established, declared the girl died from an illegal operation, and that her body was hurled Into the canyon to avoid detection of the responsible parties. MEDICI X Es ISKD BY MUXES. H Is claimed that Monks of ancient days knew of more than three hun dred species of medicinal plants used in genera) for medicines by these re ligious orders. While centuries have passed, with all the advance made In medical science, many of our most successful remedies are today made from the roots and herbs of the field, like that good, old-fashioned remedy, t-ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, which- for n.nre than forty years has been relieving women from' some of the worst forma of female! Ills, and is now considered the stand ard remedy. V1AYT AGAINST SCHKIDKMANX . IXMKV, Jane 3. A C-HM-nhairv.. tlUi-ati'ii today tvporleil a number of arrests were niado at Weimar follow ing Urn discovery of a amoiuc ativoriuuent troop- lo kkbtap and kill tuniior t haoeeilor Sclieldefnanii. H AMBIIU IX SI b".G E. HKRIJV, June . llanibuiv ha beou declared In a state of slcce as the result of a 4at. between com munstsaifl and politer. It t renorted. Port workmen are atrtldnue. Tear homhs and fire hmiA ei emf4t-ed in dijmriutiif tie rkHcrs, 1 Diamond: Performance Raises Diamond Adjustments to Fabrics 6,000 Miles I Cords 8,000 Miles - Diamond Tires have been rolling up such big mileage that we have marked up our adjust ment .figures to be fair and square with what our tires are do ing. Diamond users, old and new, share in this plus adjustment mile age. It extends to all Diamond Tires on cars, or in the hands of dealers. Fix the new ad justment figures in your mind. They are another proof of this fa mous tire fact: Diamonds arc the User's tires. l'cndlcton Rubber & Supply Co. OS East Court Ntrrrt IVInPhone 135 Pvmlleloai, orrfua Diamond SQUEEGEE TJREAD Tires