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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1919)
TWELVE PACS PAGE POTTO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 2G, 1913. j AM INDEPENDENT rablUhf ratir ana 8mi-Wetklv t Pdlr4oa, Oregon, br th BAST OREOONIAN rUHl.tSHlNO CO. Batrd at tb poatofflca at Pndla ton, OravoM. aa coDd-claa. mall matter. Yalaphona . 1 NEW8PAPBR. - SUBSCRIPTION RATH (IN ADVANCE) Dally, one rear, by mall Dally, atz montha by mall Daily, three montha br mall Dally, on .month by mall Dally, one yaar by carrier , , l.It .so T.t' 1.75 ON flAI.IC TM OTHER PITIKJl tmperi&lHotel New stand. Poftlaaa , Dally, all montha by cariior. Bewmaa !. Co.. Portland, Orecoa Daily, three montha bT orrl.r 1 on fii.b at . - , .76 . Chicago Bureau. ' Security Build- ! ?m,,f- ' ? monU- b "' kar. Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1, Waahlnirtnn, D. O, Bureau Ml Four- :mi-weeaiy, n montha, by mall leemh Street, N. W. 'Beml-Weakly four montha by mull THK SKHVICR FI.AO Dear little- flag in tho window there. Hung with at tear and a ero- man', prayer; . Child of Old Olory, born with a star Oh. what a wonderful flag you are! ' Blue ia your star in ita field of Blue is yottr star In the field of whilei, Dipped in the red that waa bora of flight: Born of tha blood that our fore- father sheri To raise your mother, tha flae. o'erhead. k!gain knowledge from books land newspapers." s newspapers are unable to' be fair can't they make an effort at least to be decent? .potato has resulted lu failure for three year pnar. Milton ia a wood place for a, fruit cannery and tho cltiaena thorc ore willing to assist In establishing one. Dr. Harry Lane, aiiperintpndRiit of the State Asylum, myn his 7000 pat ients will bo fed during the season with 10 tons of Htrawberi-les, rained on tha Asylum farm. 11 A summer hotel Is being built nt Meactuun for the benefit of rtistteatnra ut the resort. It will he 40 by 40 feet in dimensions and will accommodut 100 guests. Henry Means Is in the city today from I'matllla. TROUBLE BREWING WITH COAL MINERS OUR FIGHTING BOYS tar1 HE boys of the 148th and the 146th artillery, in cluding the old Troop D men, are ricniy entitled to the . .warm welcome that is being ac- corded them on their return home. Pendlaton was justified DKNVEIi, Juno 2. After five years of pence and prosperity in the southern Colorado coal fields duo chiefly to the Itockerfeller industrial plan, evolved by John D. Rockefeller Jr. following his visit and personal in spection of tho Colorado Fuel Q Tron company's mines four years ago trouble again is threatened in Huer fano and Las Animas counties, accord ing to reports which are coming to Denver from the district. Reports has it that the miners em ployed by the company will within the next few weeks make formal demand upon the company officials for the "closed shop," in other words. Insist that only members of the miners' unions be employed. The present unrest In the southern field, men familiar with conditions say, is due not to any of the old miners of the district, but to profes- MARVELOUS -'tnac 'Safer fortiafite maldagr-no tedious "creamiag- ill fam Mazola is always read for instant use. , I ; For deep frying m& sauteing it is unequalled. Use it over, and ever again. Carrie do flavors--even of fish and .onions from oaa 'food ia , '1 another. ,';,;; ..,, ..,..,..,'"' ftnlSana. R'TavnTai tn nliin nil fn caTnrT. Cnsf t aTinnr tWIHIIIjl I1IWHVIH W W vmm v ....... M wwwwvm one tali the price of the Best Olive Oil and tastes alike. 171)1717 Wonderful 63 page, beautifully illustrated Cook JTJEaXJj Write today for it. - CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. P.O. BOS Ml And now you've come, frenaied day. To spealt from a. window to sneak and kv- - uiuuiyiiiK uuoiiiLsa iaal even1 ing and turning out for a hospi- f'"! ,i'a,?r" ho,h"v; como '",0 i . T'ui- i a 11. ?1 the field during the last few months. in this itable reception to the men who Th. n ",, , I Carried the name Of this City are seeking to Impress the miners with , wnerevcr tney went on tne ,ne laea tnat ney are not ftettiwr -i S f Eis Jw4,i i- v fa til vv' Jkui tiiiVG'SV'.3"." i i i 1 ' iii i u m i UMI'IJlU!IJillia:,iUI ,Jl5itrlllll UllllltjUHUIIII New York . " . , . 1 i t :-Arh . 1 1 i!fJJJflltt'. )!tf.itt V SALAD .' I t I r-tlvIV COOKINC A. I a b m t if w i. won. the sweet- "I am the flag; of heart true: The 'often unthought of the sis. ' ters. too: I am the flag of a mother's And won t come down victory's won .volunteers, Some of "r am the t-Xio, . ,., - WPstprn frnnt isquare aeai unaer tne industrial plan ,in lire except to h executed as speed- walk rive nines, oicycie rive miios. anu Gone to be eon. till .h. vi,.m- i. Tho Tmnn TV mor, woro oil Land they will receive Justice only .lly as possible. ... row the same diatanoe." ' r ""f - : DV Qealin? With the CnmlmnV nftiMmla I Affm'l Inv ,i M..rill- 1, n wna t,,in In .1-- 1.. ... -....'..I ...1 tnem thru their union. They are telling men jAIherta, Canada, twenty-six years ago. swimmers have been Caplain Matthew S0me;fur,her that recognition of the union "I am warned in Chicago. San Fran- Webb, who swam from Dover to C- , 'of them above it. Others Werelnnd ,he ilschllrse of every non-union ,clsro and several other places." he lna. In 1HT5. and Thomas William 'marripd men xrhn nnnlH Vin vo ' mincr are the first steD they must taga tnid, ''but the only time I was compel- Burses) who accomplished the aarne I , me." Wf f13; In order to better their condition. jled to shoot during a bank Job was feat In 1911. cAciiijjuuii linn nic uioii uitest reports are that the agitators here In Brooklyn wn til? thn t inal they Waited. But they did nre making progress and that by July j I not wait. They were inspired!1 hey hope to be " enough to wnjl i :: i t ... , , submit their demand to the company f . Dear little flag In the window there. - Hung with a tear and a woman's prayer. 1 w o Tatf, 0ol tkf o,,a euumit uieir aemana to tne company Til officials. The demand will be backed them to seek the colors at the 'up, it is said, with a threat of a strike jfirst Sign Of need. n every Colorado Fuel & Iron com- In fighting on the western Pany mine in the state, .TltVCH.lWKL SWIM 1-Xlt Stst TIME LONDON1, June 2S. Jabex Wolffe ! is preparing to make his twenty-first I attempt to swim the Channel and ' hones to mnkn n. stnrt enrtv In .7ii!v I ilI E 1,000 l'KET ,"i anl going to take a new course," de- i Oh. what a wonderful flair vou i00. k e ,i t ti, ilvOM AlIPli.M3 .dared Wolffe. starting from riungcn- ; , are! . 4. - " . jn-ss and making for the south side of wm. Herschell in Indianapolis "CBW " c" l u wcic uij auuor cape Urlsnez. During June my train News. 1 position to know say that thei"rue elirt p aemon- child of old Glory, born with a .front these two artillery regi-! iments made records that will i wonderful flag you iever be a source of pride to thej ti... 146th and 148th deserve to 1,7- kkT.iT'ih pTrt T rank with the finest regiments'divod l.oow feet today from the air ABUSE OF THE PRESIDENT 'n e American army and that plane of Kddie tstinson. in different - , means in the world. They had t'arachu,es- Thc opening of tire 3X- . ' Kio- miTio Ti.Tiieli u'ora Parachutes punctured their descent N recent, speeches Chair-;the bll"5 uns which were,wUh hardly an. shHtk and they Ian(1. man Homer C. Cummintrs suPPsed to be only for long ,ed iiBhtiy at the air post, a few hun- Of the Democratic Nation iranJ?e use our regiments dred feet from where they hud made Hi Committee has Called atten-!did n0t J.0! . at.lon IThe'.ctt was witnessed by rere- tion to the coarse and abusive rangej At times tney Droke all ; -sentatives of "arioua countries and language in which many Re-! ice(?ents an. asnlshed thej,u.rnautiC authorities, including Glenn TmhllYnna in ..!,:- t,.-;French by rushing to the verVH. Curtin, Henry Woodhousc. presi,- criticismt of PrsMnt wil 1 front, thereby raising havoc U'cnt ot the Aerial League of Am No&defad lean President been Subject to i !1 . g? -F j o i" sP,m.the demonstration, and after the two, such vituperation as that which 1 United States- troops, 1 Britishers had made . their drop sov- : is now beina- IpvpIpH nt tko 'Particularly of the western lerai of them offered to go up with j " ueiuy leveiea at tne - .- 1 it.;, stinson and do the same. .country's present Chief Magis-:xr8"llc"la' " naa V" trate. J wo snprimpna fmm '"-T-1 among many will not onlv cor- roke down V rebate what Chairman Cum- i"1, Tmy: '- . , ,,,-, 1 1...J. , ! Pendleton is proud of the ",ul3 tlU, UUl Will aiSO 1 - rr. r . .,.;, on,. ;ii.,o-fc , boys of Troop D and wishes;! vhiVh snmo m 4- for them in the future the 1ns program will be: swim five miles, MY K2AB! When tho head fccli thick or aches, when one feels all out-of-sorta WOMEN! DRY CLEAN THINGS AT HOME Try it 1 For a few cents you can dry clean everything.- L 1 1 . lj .... . . -; broke down the morale of the 1 to 0b MILEib ! Tn ui.v i ru 1.' t? i.'f 'i? 1 1 it 1 WHERE JUDGMENT IS NEEDED the senate has been act i ULing strangely regarding HAYS, Kans., June 26. Ueu tenatn Warren Kite, and 'his bride hold all airplane marriage records. Kite, former instductor at Kelly Field, wooed and won Opal Arnold of Larned, Kans., in nine days. By airplane they met at Lamed yesterday and flew to Hays, 75 miles away, in less than an hour and were married 10 minutes later. The honeymoon began in the air when the fly aways sped home for the paren- temDtinc-to substitnt r,;iiino!same brilliant success they o-at fr, O,or,. -achieved in war. e.w-u 1 UlliV.ll V From the Kansas City Star (a Republican journal) we quote this reference to Presi dent Wilson as coming from the I mouth of Chairman Will H. i Mflva nf ill. PaniiKlijian A ; 1 al Committee- " the Peace treaty and the; ua blessing. "It has been said that hi--Ha?ne of WatioM it ftas at (President Wilson's) name will leasi manuestea gooa juag iro down in history linked with m?"tn 80,116 8ubJecte dealing that of George Washington. I th army and. nayy- -In wiU say that it was a wise bird Enn2,,5f. aPProP"atons for who picked out the steamship the fnting arms the senate on which President Wilson committees have been moving -:ij more deliberately and conser- imiicu. . ,. , , - , weanesuay oy Even a nartisan like Mr ,valJveiy man nas ine nouse .,. alias j. B. A,an aWaiting trial TIav. nucrhf fn fool chomo of ,. Which IS Causing injury Dyihere for the murder of two men when nasty implication in that fling. relesa slashing. Does he think that the average senate naval affairs corn- American whatever his politi-!ml.tte.e is backing up the naval cal creed will book, much less f nation service and the mili attempt at joking cT?t JS' about the possible drowning of fVAt? the President' ment for PrVidmg vocational Taking its cue from Mr. Hays I?? n JPJm seemingly, a sheet issued by the T!?;dfoh nun.L0o y:i: m ; ssKouid that ;cSon SIjAVFU COXKfSSKS MANY CHIMBS ANI OXl,Y ASKH SI-KEBY EXKCX'TION NB WYOItK, June 24. Two train robberies and thirteen bank holdups was the criminal record admitted Wednesday by Gordon Fawcett Ham- he robbed a Brooklyn savings bank, i He declared he had no further Interest I tongue it is tho signal that poisoru are accumu lating in tho system, and should bo cleaned out at-once. Auto-intoxication can le fwst ascribed to 'our own neglect or carelessness. When thc organs fail in tho discharge of their duties, the putrefactive germs set in and generate toxins actual poison. which fill one's own hotty. Sleepiness after meals, flushing of the face, extreme lassitude, bil iousness, dizziness, sick headache, acidity of the stomach, heartburn, offensive breath, anemia, loss of weight and muscular power, de crease of vitality or lowering of resistance to infectious diseases, disturbance of tho eye, dyspepsia, indigestion, gastritis, many forms of catarrh, asthma, ear affections and allied ailments result from auto-intoxication or self-poisoning. Take castor oil, or procure at the drug store, a pleasant vege table laxative, called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets,.1 composed of May-apple, aloes and jalap, Bavo five to ten dollars quickly by, idry cleaning everything in the home' with gasoline that would be ruined by .soap and water suits, ooats, waists, jsilks, laces, gloves, shoos, 'furs, drap eries, ruga everything! Place a gallon or more of gasoline In a dishpan or washboiler, then put tn the things to be dry cleaned, then 'wash them with Snlvlte scmp. Shortly pcrhap3 a everything comes out looking like new. j Coated I;otnin fades, shrinks or wrinkles. I lo not attempt to ury clean wimoui Solvite soap. This gasoline soap la the! secret of all dry cleaning.' j A package of Solvto soap contain- ing directions for home dry cleaning, costs little at any drug store. rry clean outdoors or away from flame. Grain Fire Insurance Rate and teitais greatly reduced, 1 66c per $100.00 See Umatilla Flour J Grain Co. 220 East Court. '. Phone 1014 Ture and Delicious lMtllvn-l In package t , any tart of tlie city. Sold in Bulk or in Ice Cream Cones Prop In, or U lcphono 80 HOWS BAKERY Kaxt Court Street. Try our linn Ilome-Made Candles, Read the Want Ads. It Pays tlllllf If If IIIMtlllllltlllf llftlf II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH THE .1 w . FRANKLIN CAR GASOLINE SAVING EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF TIRES AND DEPRECIATION .V. .4 1 S a tee reproduces from the Salt would constitute breach of T II u - t vi; wuuiu tuui "lr"v.t?Vl"r", " faith with men who are enter- Kan. a truu uu iie..jr nm. - , tfc expecting to find cious diatribe of which Presi- o AJ;nnai ,jmV. dent Wilson is the subject. One " tf,jnninf nf tv extract from this effusion will From the standpoint of the 1 1 :0 4 Vi r, - via! , l;r V,Q on.'mna ' uni'wx and tenor of the President s , d b overzedi on the part of critics. Under the title, Kin? ' cut exnen- . r ti it7ij PsMv,f im tne new congress 10 tui expen- ll IfllC IIU1IU, LliC IJCOlutll. u maaeiosay: . howinc. .."Chin music hath power to 8t.r ine savage a.,u y will heed a good army records are w beinP laved powerful navp. At the by Lenine and Trotzky The f n fa ape and he ajrcW under y ie8g &n iment sUnd WV0?1?' It cannot help accomplish big than people who attempt to good but we mugt nQt ,ook f9r - the millimiuxn at once. ises and thereby make a politi- u showing. Even with the League, of Na- Of the Great Pacific Northwest Are Made Especially Attractive This Summer by thc Reduced Excursion Fares Offered by the United States Railroad Administration 28 YEARS AGO (From Oregonian LAST SEASON'S DISEASE GERMS Trace of crip, innunza, fevers, nav be linKcrm in your blood rauaing that extreme weakness, tired feeling, bad digestion, indefinite pains, dull headache all symptoms It powible greater danger. J or fine full reatorative ircatnient take Hood' Rarsaparilla to purify yonr i.i I .i.uri lin votir neires. re- rtnn wr Nir.,, . charge, rilln to atitnulat your liw nn , fne ,ot of njW, potatoea waa regulate vour bowel. Hul.iuuti.n of luhic a'l liarl.-. the Daily KaBt June 26. 1801.) The colt ahow in Pendleton July 4 In which cah prize to the amount of 10 will be given, promise to be a Kreat nuccefcH. , H. t'ram, 'J. T. Temple and John Hailey have the ahow In hrouaht in today from the Htnire f;iilch4 lit I' lll'l'l lll, B lurt- ull t floi l to (jl'OU coot HOW Urn mm ! SU BREEZES CUUop Beaches North Beach Tillamook Beaches m raw tnlia fa" her auK lb OrfitA Cotat Newport WM All aktl 1WW lall reliant hotel art omrnclA '. itlinnt to iiiki ! I(t wtln itlklfaL Crater Lake .rl4 A It I 1 1 H I ntoWtli ra lh Itroil at m BeMfir n4 Kf fcl(ft Rail I Mfri OrtBffOfi C-avefl Mt Rainier T MllM BHMlei Kft. Rail 1 Aakf'4 TaeMia, Itteiu: Bbm ii Ufet AM frhrMa orr Ik m - i atM tM-BW rw J iMaln W M Plan your vacation to visit one or more of them, where the day's are cheerful and the nights bring j H refreshing sleep. 1 5 flrl (ffAn 13 RUmmer-time delight. Its E Vv-COXi invigorating salt-laden air and the splash of ita surf temper your nerves, redden E your blood, whet your appetite, restore your wasted E energy, bring new vim and health. Up in thc Mountains I tn CH u wually bMfietJ phaa T mrMtloa. Ym m awklatf ttM PU -BH Ud MTdkd UkfofS oC daily blMIMM it. ! . Tha tr4Mrr ! aablitM nd faMvtrina. Ntjr'a gft jUh tr 1 E fMnda tutd dutriM im1 rtixwi vml Ym caa "hik," eanp out, tlimb lofty pwk. nsmbwrVH mmty traAau nt Ukm, rid korx : back, lovng In rtmr uinyk, mat, and forrvt ail yotir nrvs. , MMffvrWUi fm mrt IwwUmnc th ivstmC atr, drink kna; aaarklttif rryaul -watera, aaUac wImImom food aad aM aaada all aw aaw, 1 Can You Resist Such a Challenge! A ah thc leraJ tirk! ifv1 t hla plan ouf trip. H will tall o )uat vital tn far ia. an-l five you other helpful hint. It tha aim ! Z2 of tha Uaitad StaU RtaVoad AdaitnMtralinn ta strnd avary paaaitt.a aid In making- vacation traa4 ontftniMit and aatitfyinff to tha publrf ' Tha National Parka baa all bean rraatly imarovr-d and ware aavr j aa nil' ic aa thay ara turn. UmbUviIv lllaarad tMtfthhM eiinc S atnan mf ai iaai ma af tberr dalistita and vondrra aae barn ja4d . by lb Adva i ni atwi and are for fr dia'nhatiin. Aak your local ' afrri fir a'y o' fti'in. There's a reason why experienced motorists are keeping close track of their gasoline tank refills. They have learnd that gaso line consumption truthfully indicates the wear and tear that goes on all over the car; tires, engine, chassis. It is significant that the Franklin Car gives 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50 slower yeariy depreciation Such all-round economy is only one advantage due to Franklin light weight and flexibility. Others are: exceptional ability to hold the road, freedom from dangerous side-slipping on turn's, consequently greater ease of handling and greater driving con fidence, and naturally a measure of riding comfort unobtainable from rigid, heavy cars. ' , And Franklin performance and economy are made doubly val uable by direct Air Cooling (no water to boil or freeze) which en ables Franklin owners to motor reliably the year-round. We are ready to demonstrate the unusual capabilities of the . ' ' Franklin Car at any time and over any roads you may suggest. ' " "' ' ' ' ' ...... , ... r .... Pendleton Auto Company . Established in 1907 ; IimillllllJIIIIIIIIllllMIIIIIIIHUIJUJiMiHIIIIIIIIIIIM