Section Two Pages 7 to 12 . Section Two Pages 7 to 12 2 3 I tflTOURELLE TO 60 TO GIBRALTAR AND SPAIN Pendleton Boy Says He iWould Rather be Chas ing Jack Rabbits, cr- ; Iloiny Ittuurollu, I'eiuilclon boy who In In the U. ti. navy and who It staUoucil ubouril the U. 8. S. , Mtts. burgh, exiJOCta to leave noon for Cllb- raltur and Bpuln. and from there to other uarta of Kurope, hut would rather tie chaalns Jack i-alihila In Ju niper canyon. Ho aitya a loller-to hla father li. J. Uitourelle. aa fi.llown: "I'm all O. K. hut ao liusy I can't even gel any more than 15 or 20 min utes In which to aend you the aeaaon'a greotlnsa, etc. Uut It will aoon ho over and we will all nettle down iiiculn. "I think we will leave fwre not later than next Tuewluy 'or Olliraltur. Hpuln and from thire I really dont know where we will go. There la no doubt about our vlattlnir alt the coun triea' In Kuropd'fcut whether we will gvi through the Huex canat and on to Japan and China, la not certain. In all probability, however, we will vlirtt thone countries alao. Ve will be gone at least a year, but X know of one guy that will come back before 18 months. I suppose you think I'm lucky to ace bo much country, but I'd Iota rather be craning Jack rabbits In Juniper can lrn or elee flailing In the Unuitllla than holding handa with the pretttfent harem queen in Turkey. Uut such In life. long. (v my love to every one. Tell Jim Lwvlin I will write to him from the top of the Ularnoy Ulone If we go to Ireland. Lots of love from your son, HKMtr I'. LATOUItKIXB, box 12, V. H. H. 1'ltlaburg, caro of 1'uatmoator,' N. V. DAILY EAST 0REG0NIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1919. Elks Lodge Will be - Organfzed at Bend On Friday Evening HALKM", June 25. County agri cultural agents in Oregon are art ini; entirely -within their author ity In mixing poisons, preparing poison baits and distributing tha to tho public for the pur pose of exterminating rodent, ac cording to the- provisions of the law panned by the recent leglsla ture which takes precedence over any prior iitatules bearing on this auhject. In fact. Attorney General Brown hold In an opinion rpeparcd for the guidance of County Agent Mac Hoke of Wallowa county, It In the duty of Iho county agent to enforce tho provlHlons of the statute when these prnvfHloniis have lcen accepted by the? count court or the board of county com missioners. The request from the Wallowa county agent wan prompted by a letter from the state board of Pharmacy Informing him that It wh contrary to law for him to dispense strychnine and poisoned grain, which contention la com pletely upset In the attorney gen eral' opinion. 100 DELEGATES TO N. OF W. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdali Will Be Chief Speaker for Event. UMATILLA COUNTY HAS AN AUTO FOR EVERY 7 PEOPLE, FIGURES SHOW The automobile population of I'ma- The lire figure are reached by con tilla county at present stands In the nub-ring the popular sizes and the ratio of one to every seven persons, make of cars which use them. Tires according to estimates bused on fig- 33 by 4 and 24 by 4 Inche are about urea from the office of the secretary a much In demand as the 30 by 31-2 of state. There are according to the tire ued by the small machine. The 1110 census 20,000 pernor. in the cheapest auto tire now sells for about I tat Ih-w h 1 p fua.. 8A.V JOtfK, !al. June 25. Some appetite are, expennlve. A rat In one evening chewed up from Frank Karrantl's $00 roll of bills. One hundred delegate from the varlou KaHtern Oregon chapter of tho Neighbor of Woodcraft will meet hero Friday and Saturday for the DIs- I trlct Circle Meeting when the mem ber of the local chapter will act a hoMta. 1 Mr. C. C Van Ordall, who I a for mer I'endleton woman, and who I grand guardian of the Neighbor of Woodcraft, will be , the principal speaker during the two day sessfofi here. Khe will Hpeak on "The Im w ; Our Plan and Our Problems," and "In surance Problem." Mr. Clara Ixe. of Union, will a county in the state district guardian, call the meeting to (tne average at 1 1 hum or pernap Hiight order. Mr. I F. iJimpkln. of thin city who 1 nast district miurtlifiiv will i.A m - ...ii, idlHtrlct of the state and there Is a la r ire Bertha M. Leech, grand banker, will .lnco in favor of car selling around "" litll can b obtained addres the convention on "Growth, j'u" na more. It Necessity and It Relation to the j Three thousand auto turn In to the District Circle Fund," while Minnie state treasury to be expended on the auto. The Increase In auto is esti- car lire for $71. mated at 200 a month at thin time. j Uaxolino Is an item which readily i Tho average of one car to every amount into large figure. Kvery even people 1 one mark of the pros- car Kes .000 mile a year burn perity of the community but the aver- on the average 430 gallon of gas, esrti age price of the car owned locally mutes show. Oas sells for 25 or 2 strengthens that Indication. Umatilla Pent a gallon, which mean that one s county' car are worth more, on the hiU for tn' n a ear would be average, than those of almost any ,OK to H0. Taking thi figure for estimate placing 00u cars, John 1). and hi anwcintes would tie takintr 330. mmj, or uout one ly more. The percentage of really low third or a million dollars, ach year priced cars I far Ichh than in most ,n Umatilla county. Auto acccHaories are a variutiie item on them. Homo car corne fully equipped while m CAPITAL STOCK TAX RETURNS are now due to be filed on Form 707. Every Corporation must make a return. The tax rate has been doubled and the ex emption reduced from $99,000.00 to $5,000.00. As a result practically every corporation must pay a tax under this provision of the law. CECIL COSPER IM'HMO ACCOUNTANT " " INCOME TAX AUVIHBIC Hlner, Krand manager, will speak on. "Our New Departments." An address on tho "Woodcraft Home. Location, Plans and will be Kivcn by a member of the Woodcraft Home Council for the dis trict and the queation aa to the posHi hilitieR of I'endleton as a location will he diKcusaed. Mm. VanOradall during a recent vlult here looked over the city as a possible location. The evening meeting on Friday will j he open to the p'ibllc. Muaical nutn- uy mem imeiu win oe ine leaiure of tho evening, as well us lodge drills by the members. The convention will come to a close with a banquet Saturday evening. state hiKhways uhout $4,00 a year. They represent In valuation clofle to (.000. 000, three fourths as much aa Scope," i Umatilla county subscribed in five loans for the winning of the war. Owners of automobiles are of one voice In agreeing that the first cost of a car is not by any means comparable annual total In tho county. witn tno steady expenditure wnicn is j The actuaJ value of cars and the required for gasoline, oils, tires acces- aniount expended each year are not sories and general upkeep. The item lhe tur more than naf tne of tires perhaps comes nearest to an- aro reI,eater and are obtained In pruaening tne Initial cost. Jvery car trade for a used car and others require the addition of every thing but the engine and the body, speaking broadly. Bvery motorist curries a few extra spark plugs, cost ing $1 earn, tire repair kit. a water canteen, one or two Indian robes cost ing $10 to $15 and such necessities. The accessory bill on the average pas senger car might easily reach $5i a year, which would add $15,000 to the County Agents are Authorized to Use Poison in Work Appetizing Suggestions j FOR BREAKFAST Cantaloupes, Berries, Florida Grape Fruit. Puffed Goods, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Pork Sausage, 4 Premium Ham, Strictly Fresh Eggs, Gold Shield (always good) Coffee. S FOR LUNCH t Boiled Ham, Veal Loaf, Liverwurst, Combination Salad, (ask the clerk for the ingredients), Saratoga j Flakes, Heinz Pickles, Sliced Peaches or Apricots, S Ridgeway's for Ice Tea, (Safe-tea first). j FOR DINNER The best cuts of Steaks, Chops and Roasts, Young J Fries and Old Hens, Green Peas, String Beans, As- S paragus, New Potatoes, Hohbach's or Oregon Bread, Golden West Butter, Watermelons. Pendleton Trading Co. w "If it's on the market, we have it" JtKNO. June 25 -Having heen K ran ted a dispensation, the Bend lodge B. I O. K. No. 1371 will be instituted here Friday night under the direction of Dr. H. L. Toney. deputy diHtrlct grand exalted ruler, of McMinnvJlle. Klh in all parts of Oeschutea, Jefferson. Crook, iake and north ern Klamath countle are expect ed to be present. Dr. Toney will go to Atlantic City where he will attempt to get' a charter for tho Bend lodge t the annual convention of all Elk lodge. Work of getting a charter for the Klk lodge here beau-back In 1916 under the direction of the Jute Vernon A Forbes and Kalph I'oindextcr. A cenu wait taken of the city to etublih the popu lation claim of the Elks here that Bond has sufficient population to allow the granting of a charter. rKh inv. i eHiimaiea to nave at leat one spare ment of J100 to r,0(i. Umatilla tire, which make 15.000 tire in the 'county however, probably " stands at county at this time. Each of these 1 the head of the state in the percentage tire contain an inner tube and per- !of new auto buyer, for oroKoerity has hap one spare, making six inner tubes jcome to this district residence per car or 18.000 in the county. The average life of a casing I esti mated at 5,000 mile and the avcracre distance traveled by the cars in this county I 6.000 mile a year. Thus a complete new set of tire Is necessary in large quantities in the last two years. As a financial asset to the county, the large number of machine is not considered so strongly a they are a good road asset. Every owner In comes a booster for better roads and each year, which, with tire averaging ; It i a conceded fact that auto bring $40, means $200 annually for the rub- good roads and good roads bring more ber one's machine wears out. The autos. The large number of gasoline tubes are good for twice the life ojf the 'driven vehicles in Umatilla county is casing and at a cost of about $4 each 'given much of the credit for swinging on the average would cost between Uhe $1,050,000 bond issue for roads $10 and $12 annrally. which was voted in March. How Much Would Electricity Be Worth to You on Your Farm safe, clean convenient lights at the snap of a switch any tim day or night Runnirig water in the kitchen, bathroom and barn. An electric wash ing machine for the family washing. A vacuum cleaner instead of the old dust rag and broom. An electric fan in the kitchen "or bedroom these hot days. An electric iron does all your ironing quicker. An electric motor for your sewing machine, cream sepe rator and other power duty which you now do by hand. - How much in dollars and cents would this be worth to you. You will be surprised to find that all of these conveniences can be had on your farm with so little expense. A WESTERN ELECTRIC POW ER and LIGHTING PLANT will take care of all these things for you and better still it runs on the same kerosene you are now using for light Clip off the coupon below and mail to us TODAY. We will show you how you can have all these things and just what it will cost you in money to have them. CHARLES MILNE Electrical Contractor Pendleton, Ore. Name Address School District No Section No. by tho continued dry weather and.Jto decide, but that each country must with favorable weather conditions j Inform the others of what action it there will be a fairly good crop of all, has taken. kindH of grain without any more rain. The council also made further ar- l-Jite sown spring graiti -will not make rangemcnts to finance food supplies much of a crop, hut the acreage of tor Austria until 'ie harvest. thlu I small. Kali wheat, of which there Is a big acreage, i pract ica lly out f f danger and will yield almost if not quite normal eroj Hie .Mternatitc?. Gravel te News-Me raid "The? AU- nnleK there Khould bn over-Kansas man -want to know how It's known everywhere as "The AII-Fcalure Car" A Fully Equipped Car Built by a company with 77 years of manufacturing experience. Sold by an agency firmly established in Pendleton. Tin follfftlnj? ivriiHiiirntM K loMnrrf niHkiiiif It h iihiiIi mr: Iliimix'P Mitu-Mcti'i rinwcr n ! nrnrr 1t' nul Tunraii IJglilH; tiucxlyrar ford Tlrn. II. f. Kimble Motor Car Co. ' M MAIN ST. Deer to Be Tlentiful West of Cascade Range I'OltTLAND, June 25. Deer are more plentiful west of tho Cascade mountains than they have been for many years, according to indication being brought daily to the attention of the state fish and game commis sion, says State tiamo Warden Carl Shoemaker, Monday fiv application were received from people asking for, permits to keep fawn which they ; had captured. "This is a favorable indication,"' nays Mr. shoemaker, and wo have been receiving applications like thin for two weeks and In numbers exceed ing any former year. Tho fact that that for two years the people in this state have had little opportunity to go hunting because of the war, would probably explain the increase Indi cated. Deputy warden all over the state are reporting an abundance ot game." At the Mlnam reservation, which Mr. Shoemaker visited, the herd of 17 elk -which were brmiKht from Wyo ming several years ago has now grown to 104 elk and 40 calve. The 17 elk which were taken from the Minam farm to Klamath Falls about a year ago have lc Teased to 40. it Is prub able the doer of the state would prop agate a fast if they were unmolested. uniiHually hot weather or hot winds. An observer made a drive of more tli ho 40 miles through the wheat fields of Latah and Whitman coun ties. The Palouse farmers have been noted for 3ft years, as the leading pessimists of the west, and have sel dom been willing to admit th'ere would i be a good crop until the grain waaj harvested. They are easily frighten d, considering that In 35 years that the Palouse country ha been produc- Ing wheat there had not been a failure! of crops and that in 1117 and 1918, which were the poorest crops the Pa- louse country had ever yielded the! "half a crop" harvest In those twol sensons would have been regarded as I fair crop in almost any other sec-; ten. to go into the newspaper business' and keep out of the poor house. Ehsj- tell the truth on some one and go to the hospital' Boston Transcript. KACII COI NTISV TO 11C'I!I: OV ntlVATK TltAIH-;. tiKlt.MAXV PAIilrf, June 2. The supremo r.roinoinic ounrii at a meeting de cided t hat the resumption of private trade relations with Germany during the blockade is a ipiestion for the I've found out soys si 7s, e that POST TOASTIES (made of corn) have got a lot of nour-' ishment in them. And the flavor beats everything Does Advertising pay? It does if your goods and service are what you advertise them to be. When an advertisement brings us a new customer that's as far as it can go. It is then up to the merchant If the customer is well satisfied they naturally come again. Our advertising pays because we make an honest ef fort to please every customer that comes in our market, whether they are new or old customers. J Oregon Market PHONE 600 815 MAIN ST. MM Wenatchee to Build Theater to Cost $150,000 WBXATTHBK, Wash., june a?. Contracts fr the construction of a new $150,000 theater at the southeast corner of Mission and Palouse street' are announced by the Wenatchee Koatty Hnd Investment company.1 owner of the site The Liberty has heen leased for 10 years to the Lit-, erty Theater company. H. V. Houghton of Seattle 1 the, architect of the new building. The1 contract for construct hi ha been i let to Alexander Dow of Dow & Hy- den, Seattle. Men will start on the j excavation w-ork tomorrow, and It Is expected tlfit the theater will be ready In October. I The building will occupy a site ' fronting on Mission street li5 feet I and 120 feet on Palouse. It will be of concrete and ornamental brick. The main entrance to be on tho cor-' m-r. The theater will seat 1J00 pen-; pie on the main floor and balcony, j A $15,000 pipe orgsn will be In stalled. . . The Mot Weather Palouse to Produce i Bip: Crop of Wheat , i i MOi'0V, Idaho, June 5 Crops . in' I-a4uh unH IVhllmun nnnnilu. hows' lnrt been damaged to any great extent WILL SOON I3E HERE. GET READY NOW. Come in and get a 12 inch General El ectric fan. Special Price as long as they " , last $15.00 PaGific Power & Light Co. "Always At Your Service" THE NEW IMPROVED JUNIOR Revolving' Rod Weeder 'cw of the Facts About It: 1. It kills tnore weeds 2. It conserves moisture 3. It makes an even, perfect need bed The kciiimhI use of this rll-km,n lni.k-ni.n( (liri a letter In, ft. Fion than mere word. Sturgis Cf Storie Pendleton, Oregon East Court St. i f " I i