Section Two Pages 7 to 12 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1919. PROPAGANDA USED TO DISCREDIT SOLDIER LAND MEASURE PRIVATE INTERESTS OPPOSE LEGISLATION SinnQtt's Committee Un- earths Efforts of Oppositionists. WASHINGTON, June 24 Tlie ex istence of a widumipread propaganda financed by private tnterettta, lnclud inif, It la alleged, certain Untied Stale. cnutorM. In opposition to the Iane soldier Iund settlement bill, ha been uncovered by the house- committee on public luntlM. The object. It develops, la to keep the United Huu:s out of the land de velopment -work, mo that private cap Hat wilt huvo no competition In sol dier colonization plans, and ho divi dends may be reaped from the labor1 of the soldier who may be colonlxcd I If the orovernmunl enters upon thin work alvancina; money to the soldier! settlers upon a Ions term payment plan, a proposed In the Lane bill j this opportunity of private Lute rents (Will bo loHt. The situation bean ureal similarity to the flffht which waa made on the federal farm loan system, whlrh en abled farmer to pecure loan at I low rate of Interest.. It now develops that Rome of the men most prominent critics of the farm loan system are back of this propaganda against land settlement legislation for the no Id I era of the war. notably former Henator Weeks of Massachusetts, who Is inci dentally a banker. j For some time Chairman Hinnott and hie colleagues of the public lands committee have been aware of "a propaganda agulnst the lane bill, but until the appearance of Mrs. Havllund L-tmd as a wit news the sources could not be (raced. Mrs. LaJiid appeared us an opponent of the government on). onlxHtlon plan, contending that the work run be bettor done by private contract. ; Chairman Hfnuott exhibited a mag azine a r title, hearing the name ot Henator Warren . Harding of Ohio in opposition to the government Idea and asked Mrs. Lund If she hud writ ten It. Hhe said she hud "agisted in Its preparation" und had secured Its publication: American Athletes Take Opening Event On Track in Paris HOUSER SAYS FULL PRICE WILL BE PAID Better Service to Wheat- growers Predicted by Grainman. ITS THE MOST POPULAR BRAND I A Ulrt. June 23. American soldier athletes made a clean sweep of the 100 meter dah trials the opening event of the interal lied track and field champion hips, winning all three heats. The winners were Hoi Butler. Kd wurd Teach ner und Charier, Pad dock. C J. Ktont of Chicago, won the first heut in the 1500 meter run trial. If a wornim ref'iM-s to go away for week's visit It Isn't because she's afraid her husband will he lonesome but because she is afraid he won't be. CAPITAL STOCK TAX RETURNS are now due to be filed on Form 707. Every Corporation must make a return. The tax rate has been doubled and the ex emption reduced from $99,000.00 to $5,000.00. As a result practically every corporation must pay a tax under this provision of the law. CECIL COSPER I'UIIMO ACCtM'NTANT JJ" INCOME TAX AUVISKIt HERE'S A BARGAIN! New Studebaker Big' Six Model 1919 with five cord tires, spotlight, bumpers and tire cover. Has been run about 1000, miles and in good condition as new. See DAN GILKEY, Owner , at Oregon Motor Garage. PORTLAND, Juno 24. Every wheat grower In the 1'aclfiu North west will be given every portion ot ever)' cent to which he Is entitled on the government's guaranteed price for wheat this season. This Is fhe big reuson that Max H Houser, second vice president of the grain corporation, with headquarters at Portland, retulris his dollnr a tarj job with the government. Mr. Ho.iser went east on a recent trip with tin" view of severing his connection with the grain corporation, but was per suaded by Mr. Barnes, head of th-s or ganization, to continue during the I f 1 season. "The grain corporation here wl'l be maintained at even a greater effi ciency than previously," paid Mr. Houser. "Owing- to war conditions, with consequent lack of mai power. v e were compelled to get along as bet we could and therefore, had to Mi Imp "This reason we are golnt? t; r. ake d it! ly sure thut every whwUKmwtt Mill get every cent he Is entlthd to, we will have field ageing ' sou I that nufhurp practices whatever are 'practiced upon the grower. He w.l :et the government price on what ever,fyide of wheat he has to offer. Purfiiy the last two ear wheat giowers In the older grain sect ion 4 re ceived cuke fulr treatment, but many complaints were received fron gruw in sections that had never before grown any grain for fame to out-, leints. These latter we will try t reach through our field agents and the are assured of correct treairrent. "I expect a free and early move ment both of wheat and flour. How long thlw will continue will largely de pend upon the anion nt of tonnage available for shipments If the ship yards gel additional contract to last them until next spring. I have abso lutely no apprehension that we" will have any trouble in forwarding cur surplus. If the shipyards are not giv en additional contract, it Is going to lia a tux-lnti nrnhlnm Vmw In forward.!. - - - . .: , ; i i h. E? - r id) a pound IN THE FIVE POUND SIZE. $2.75 a can IT'S RICH IN FLAVOR AND STRENGTH AND REAL ECONOMY Vacuum Packed) We will Return Your Money if You arc Not Satisfied Three Pound Can $1.73 One Pound Can GOc TWO PHONES PENDLETON, ORE. Whlti-house, Broadway, Infant on broker, of No. and their four months old the twelfth floor of the 1 1 1 i er. I love you Uuell." - With, note was found an automouue oioi-- I l..r tlrftntfe issued to her. Mr. th6 u-hiiAh,u was notified and hurried apartment house at No. 40 JSIver-1 home. Patrolman William wncn v.nterduv lumped from "i.ummoneJ Dr. William Slnao of window in her apartment to the court- j Knickerbocker Hospital. ,h 1,1, t.- Khe was atill alive tin nounctd the woman dead. William Jiiacle, superintendent of house stated that his wife had been the buildlnic. found her but died a few ; miff ering from nervousness since the minute liner ! birth of the baby. Mrs. Whitehouse was fully dress-j ed and clutched a black leatner nam br inside of which the polite rounu note wniin reau. ' ,. . ,hini he is too nood for any w ho pro- j Mr. White- i live any longer. self. Am When a Kirl thinks a young man is .... .n'nlaiost xaml enouah for her, she is doing this my- Are you getting the most out of life on your farm Are you getting the most ou$ of life oh your farm or are you spending the best part of each day in household drudgery. Do you carry water at your place or do you have plenty of running water at all times? ; Do you clean your house with a dust ran an(' broom or are you using an electric vacuum cleaner? Do you wash by hand or with an electric washer? What of the thousand and one other things which must be attended to each day, that could be better done by electricity. . - Why do the work of a machine When a WEST ERN ELECTRIC POWER and LIGHT PLANT will i take all of these burdens from your hands. . Let us show you how this wonderful machine can - j be applied to your farm. v. Attach your name and address at the bottom and j mail today. We will gladly show you how a better i way of living may be had at small cost : " ? CHARLES 5HLNE Electrical Contractor , . ; Pendleton, Ore. Name Address . . . ; . . School District No,. . . Section No. I couldn't keep it up any lone-,""" our nniirpliis wlih dhpat' Artesian Well at Baker Gives Flow For Irrigation BAKER. Or., June 24. The llttlfotir-Uuthria company have obtained a fine flow of water In the artiKlan well on the Sunny alope ranch. 1 1-2 miles east of this city. , The well was driven 400 feet deep last fall when a small flow , , of water previously developed, ceased altogether, and the season beltis: lalo it was decided to stop drilling. Last week work was re sumed and after sinking only ten feet further the water began to flow In volume about 100 inches and rising 3 feet above the ground. The well is on (lie hill side, nbuiit 100 feet above the lev el of the Powder river valley, nnd a half mile east of Pam-O spriims. The lenipcruture of the walcr Is about 65 degrees while that of the springs is S5. Oreat possibilities in IrrUntion are considered as assured for sev eral thousand acres of land tfast of th:a city and other wells will undoubtedly be drilled this season. vr - r s v is j. i l Spring Fever il What Is It? TIIRKE o'clock in the after noon and absolutely do "pep." You call it spring fever, but is it ? When Ton ore constipated waste matter re- l - '-w' ' . .... j r ; -t mains in the intestines, aecays, lonus iuijns which are absorbed into j our blood ana carnea uy it to every cell in jour body. When ycur cells are thus poisoned, oS " course you have no "pep J Pills'salts.'mincral waters;"casuiroil,etc.,mrrelyyorce the bow sis to act, and make constipation and self-poisoning" habit. Nujol is entirely dinercnt fronai drugs as it does not force or Irritate the bowels. IW (T (Nujol'prevents" stagnation by sofhening the food waste and (encouraging the intestinal muscles to act naturally, thus re tnioving the cause of constipation and self-poisoning. It ia 'absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. NujoI helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacu. tion at regular intervals the healthiest habit in the world. jGct1 bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and watch iTourgVpep'icome back. JJ ;..7N.)ol ( .old In urnled hnlll" l-rin Uie NolnlTnirfe Mn. 'trOTTling. AadrugiuUk lnltooIiiol. Tou m tuf tr from mlutiliitci. Polk Nominated to Fill New Office in j State Department j It's known everywhere as "The All-Feature Car" in A Fully Equipped Car Built by a company with 77 years of manufacturing experience. Sold by an agency firmly established in Pendleton. Tlie followliur rcriiniiiiiit lownrtl iiihMiui II, n complrto car: lliiiiilN-r Mntu-Melrr llowfr Vales Wnriu-r la-nstw ami Tuninu Utflits; (iowlycar Oinl Tiros. H. F. Kimble Motor Car Co. 616 MWS ST. WASHING. Toy. June - 2?. Prt-sl-, dent vilnn toiltiy inimlnutod Frank ; U. VoUi tti hp tli first unrlpr !ecre-: liry of state, r inntttn created in thvj ast stale depurtment approprtr.tinn i bill. Wllfnn hIwi sent the following nomlntion to the senate: William W. Guneales, South Carolina, envoy and minister plenipotentiary to Peru, nnd Hons Long, New Mexico, and Henton MeMillian, Tenn ., enjoys extraordi- nnry and mlnlstera plcnlpoenUar- to Cuba und Guateninla. 'MTtMfr- Qgft- PAT. WM. Hk mi Cioctteor ' H'y'1 y Does Advertising pay?. It does if your goods and service are what you advertise them to be. When an advertisement brings us a new customer that's' as far as it caH go. It is then up to the merchant If the customer is well satisfied they naturally come again. Our advertising pays because we make an honest ef fort to please every customer that comes in our market, whether they are new or old customers. Oregon Market PHONE 600 813 MAIN ST. Novel riane Helps In Mastering Air IrfONDOX, June 24 Secret experiment are belli r carried out near Iondon with . view to perfecting an Invention which, it is clitlmvd, will be the gronteot step yet made towards the com plete mast fry of the tiir with a heavler-than-alr machine. This I a "helicopter" aero plane, capable- of rising and de scending vertically without get ting 'its nose tip." and able to hover In the air. All the flying machines of t Tiv novelists have been able to rbe vertically, but so far thin has not lu-en possible In practical avlati-m. The Brit ish Air Ministry is directing the tels. KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH -THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . PENDLETON, OREGON Oldest and largest National Hank in the State Outside of Portland MltM. . S WIIITKinil'SI-: JI'MIK TWM.VK STOHIKS TO lK.TII NEW TllKK, Jim 23. Suffering from the effects of a nervous break down. Mrs. Hubv Vhltehous, who llv4 with her husband Oulllernxi SECURITY THE TRI-STATE TER MINAL CO. HAS PAID THE FIRST GROWING GRAIN LOSS OF THE 1919 SEASON. YOUR GRAIN CAN BURN NOW. DO NOT HESITATE, IN SURE IT WITH THE Til-State Terminal Co. Agents for the Oldest and Best Companies. Telephone 550 129 East Court Street M 1 n u n M. 'K i h : I J r .