"4f,w It.- ... . v, cis wain 41 nMW iwiwi TWELVE PAGES PAItY EAST OKFOONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1919 PACE TWO 1 I I I I ! i Only Seven More Shopping Days Remain Now till the 4th , A very short time. Prepare now, don't wait till th e last minute. This is to be the grandest 4th you've ever spent enjoy it to the limit celebrate winning of the greatest of all wars and the returning of our soldiers. -; ... - . :. , RECENT ARRIVALS OF , ovety 117 1 vva ISIS Make Your Selections Easy Here. It is no wonder that women are buying so many blouses this season there never, was a time when blouses were so pretty and be coming. The newer arrivals are of Geor gette crepe, silk, crepe de chine, net and combinations, showing effective copies of imported models, especially suited for wear with the suit. Besides, there are numerous styles in lingerie waists and middies Here are some very convincing price ar guments as to our superior values: Georgette Crepe and Satin Waists $5.75 to $22.50.' Lingerie Blouses $2.50 to $9.00 'AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY EMBROIDERIES AT A REAL SAVING. Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric embroideries all on sale at re markable reductions, averaging from 25 per cent to 33 per cent. Dainty Swiss flouncings, edg . ings and insertion? to match for the babies' wardrobe. Convent and cambric embroid eries for underwear, fine Swiss embroideries for dresses in a complete and comprehensive range of patterns and styles, all on sale this week. ONE LOT OF EMBROIDERIES AT ONE-HALF PRICE. JUST RECEIVED BLACK SILK HOSE Full fashioned, high grade, double heel and toe, wide garted top. The price, pair: $2.25 KRINKLE KREPES for gowns, combination suits, children's dresses, etc., a splend id wearing cloth that does not need to be ironed, quite a consid eration in hot weather. Light and dark colors. The yard. 50c T- - FANCY SATEENS for linings, petticoats and dress es, a special assortment of pat terns in dark and light colors that are new. Yard. . . 65c to 85c THE MOST GORGEOUS RD3BONS You have ever seen arrived yes terday. The prettiest combina tions of pastel shades, wide widths suitable for camisoles, narrow picot edges in colors, double faced or two tone satins and many others. The best and newest ribbons here priced with in reason. . SUITS for euery busi ness man You may think you're hard to fit ; a lot of men do just because they're a little over or under weight, or taller or shorter than the aver age. You'll find clothes to fit you here best values, too made by HART SCHAFFNER & MARX That means style, care-k ful tailoring, all-wool If fabrics, insuring long-ht A. . 1 1 h- 1 il est wear ana Desi snape keeping qualities. You'll be surprised at ,the splendid values and the ease of finding a fit when you come in and try on one of the new spring suits. $20 TO $65. Money back if you're . not satisfied. Is s I Copyright 1919 Hut Schafiscf fc Mars illiia THE "DRESS UP" PROBLEM IS AN EASY ONE Provided you shop in Pendleton's Economy Shop. NEW HII.K DRtXNEN This from a careful shopper: "You have the prettiest dresses for th least money in all Pen dielon." Why do we sell so many? 13.73. S.-. SIT tta XOVtXTT S E.TEB8 -The slip-on styles, the finer ceat sweaters, the summer wooienf, the pretty silk . ma terials, al! new summer styles. tin. .V7. .7t -MKX'S DRESH HWK ATI new shoes, new styles, tin sV.iw- dates farther back than Fot:r ibjt. 11- Kid, fine calf. i'a:k and chocolate. Every 'to' on sale today fS.t. i.49. $!. il 'rt fhe good harfrains for r.e'. . A a od fast folor soek of Mr.:j4 ihr;:d. reinforcd heel ario ivf aii t-lastic non-rip top. V;,i f.4u,ri 25c. . tra tM-(Mi..a for Me H IX -lltRT SHIRTS U brv afirinjc an .'tr,-p-" i' thI.: kr'xl mrsaiii Tr l.'v. n.c-f. arc h i'.'in ,i the A bie; lot of xtra good quality shirts that sold up stairs for 75o to 11.50 placed on sale today. Boy snertal 4 Ho SII.K WAIST B.VRG.1IX8 Our message to you Is this: Visit the waist section where a big- lot of cash savers await you. Kt-erjr Waist Keduced. OKIjICATK fell.K C.MISOIE8 Made up of the new silks and trimmed with the prettiest of delicate laces, insertions and ribbons. Spf-eial (.2 fHIIJRFl-8 sTfKPV08 Aa;ain we call your attention to i-'enrtleton's- bent bari$ains In children's hose. Made of the bct thread aod absolutely fast color. special 2 Be. WOXK.VB HONK BAIKiAIXS fou can't beat these baraains. Txtng ijsle Hoot tHc Fibre Bilk Hose 4c , K.-iat Black Cotton... -ate V.'hit and liliick How IOc ' Ull All Keal Itanralns. rc lm of Jufct a h s.d bargains as these. Dii'!aved for.your careful in- ec--ii'.tr - shop, tvery Imj Kato Is a uood value, of serviceable material and -trr;'' lw- priee. ft will raa ke your "dress ui" problem an easy one If you 1HI. 1:1 Bill Wl.il. wliera your dollar pulls the larfrext load Not One Fly in Our T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEANLINESS, ECONOMY SERVICE . 3 Main Line Phones, all 15 All Other Depts. call 22. Extra Fancy Comb Honey, each . 30c Pure Extracted Honey, jars , 45c, 85c, $1.60 Extra Fancy Ripe Olives in bulk, pint 35c Extra Fancy Green Olives, pint '.. 40c Sweet Midget Pickles, pint. 35c Freshly Grated Horseradish, jars 20c, 40c, 65c Royal Ann Cherries for can ning, pound . ... 13c mawxtonS greatest department store boples areliousQ ASK TO 8EE OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS. VHERE IT PAYS TO TWADF i '.v.': BUY YOUR TRUNKS, VALISES AND SUIT CASES HERE. WILL ASK THAT RESERVOIR ComiQUe4 from fat l.) mim V t v w -.mm i ltloul for HiriiiK unl .suiii- labovo have been adjudicated and the 'area listed are the maximum under tthu decreed jnioi-ltloM. In addition to ' the foregoing, be. 'Iwveu Hermiston vm Hluiiflcld there 'are 8,000 acres df excellent Inid of ;wnicn aoout ,unu acres oouiu te wi- Rjtered from the Furnish Canal If suf Ftflcient water were available, the re vlnialnlng (.000 arros could only be tored by pumplnx, the maximum lift 0 from the Kurnlnh Canal belnK about af 70 feot. 8evoful thousund acres more ' J 'of excellent land could also be watered Cby extending to the westward the htKh Rlllno of the Western Lund & Irrigation R .Company. 1 Investigations bv Reclamation 8er- p vice Invest ligations to a greater or gf 'less extent have been carried on in the 9 .Umatilla, Villey by the U. H. Itcclullia 2 tlon 8t'vlcs since 1903. Considerable 2 data Ib R-ulluble r -latlve to the runoff of the river and its various tributaries! J Detail examination have beeu made F,of a number of reservoir sites. Few Sllitf theae aitea HnwsvMe .ra fAiisihte On A uccotint of the extremely high cost of Iff A 'storage er acre foot. A W Cliuiaic. TA Ji Klovution-rlrrlKable area 800 to 700 j( ? feet. ! 5 Temperatures alaxlnium 110, Mln- R R Imum 29, mean 52. 2. ' K ! Precipitation Average 8.7 Inches al 1 .. . . .. I , u IT K ' al . . r .1 Pifl & Heo,am..T,.n Seice malnUilns a" 1 114 E. Webb S Plete weather bureau outfit and t " 2XX!XXSy???Q ' 2 fall and temperature records are kept I 5 and have been kept since 1907. DELTOX GRASS RUGS The fi.mnus Uellox aruss runs avo here In all the new patterns untl colors light blue, tan, (tray una ttteun. liter homes and for beach collagen. SALE FIBRE RUGS $10. 00 Itugs, 8-8xl0- ft, lfl.8. lltl.00 HtlSS. 9-0X12-O It. 8I2.I.1 Thla lot Includes half wool and half fibre rugs, ulan ull flhro rugs In u lurce soleetlon for (Jtiiln.f room and bench homes. CONG OLEUM RUGS II!!. 0(1 ItUKS, 7-6X1I-0 feet . 9.T.V Hf.,00 Itutts. 9xl0- feet. I2.:I J17X0 Hugs, BxlJ feet, ut la.H.1 A lliulted number of coiitoteuni- Hold tteul I'ltfrs sitttttblu for bed- ioni' ami dlilntf-ruiiiti J Jtie. Kllllnir Frosts First in full. Sep- 10.000 s. f. Dlnmond drill worn pro- tomber still, lust in soring. Muy Hih. Isecuted during the winter of 191X-19 Average frost free nerlod 163 days. Ishows a satisfactory foundation. 8 A iJUld & IrriKation Company Ownership Nearly all the luliu to be benefited by storage is prlvutely owned. 1-ess tha-i luoo acres of the land which would frobably be Includ ed would bo vacant public land open to homestead entry. I'nder the system of the Western Company about , lower TA 4000 acres are owned by the company Q and stilHttaiitlally an eititul urea is R owned by the Northern Pacific Hnil Kiway Company. The remaintler of the urea, about 8()0i) a-.res. Is owned by in p dlvldunls. Of the area Individually A owned 22 ir cenc Is in tracts larger & than 160 acres and 78 per cent m A INM. nf Ull ,, . , r.,u . , r 1 . ill Stlf- the riclent material is iivsiluhio vicinity of the dam site. Agricultural (hhIUIihik ttnder Furnish H.vatem... Western lud and Irriga tion Company . . . . Umatilla Meadows am) Klver 4.000 a 4.000 a. B.'ttiO n. Incliiiled lit the greator 1,'niatllk I'ro-Jeot. l4,firiuv. t'H'hv are you so violently opposed to government ownership?" "HeeitUHe I admire and respect I my government and dimt want to be tempted to ciltle.xe It every lime uny. thing goes wrong with a telegram or u railroad ticket." Washington 8tar. Total 13.000 a. j At present the above area does not receive full Irrigation. Irrigation I'lan i The general plan of development should be: First Obtain storage on McKay Creek to the extent of its safe supply i which is at least 60.000 a. f.. possibly Too Advum-etl. T0.11V 8ptikonl wim having lUa throat examined ut the iiiflriuiuy. "liuy I 'Ah--b.'" .wild itir dgetmv i "Me 110 up Ik Knglees," said Tony. I Moutun Transcript Tributary to the Furnish ditch about 2001, acres are owned by the In- ,more. land Irrigation Company. Of the rest Serond Enlarge and extend the of the area about 8000 acres are own- existing Irrigation system. Many of ed by individuals. Of the area indlvi- the details of this work are now on dually owned 25 per cent Is in tracts file In the office of the lieclamiitlon luriter than 160 acres. 75 Der cent in i Service. However, some additional field work Is necessary to supply the eatlmuto In Its totallity. IMIiiuuml Cost Aa neaiiy i.s can be determined at the present time the cost of the roscr- a? 5 ' 5 K K trocta of 110 acrei or lw. On the t-muttlU Meadows the lur est Ftngle rwnerahip is the H'muttlla Ranch, suiipiwed t be affiliated with the Swift Interest of Chicago. The company 1h supposed to own In excessoir would be between one million ami 11 hHir una two million miliars, or it cost of storage of tomewhrp hotHt?rn $30 unci $35 per acre foot. !n addi tion to thl chnre there would be (he various costs of betternienis and en InrgrmentK to the various syntem to b of 1200 acres. The remaininn area is InHlvidnAllv owned. Of the area Indl- 4$ vlduatly owned over 40 per cent its in A tracts larKer than 16( 6ncrea. 5; Arpu Thf. Dro-w i rMi 111 34.000 arrcH irriable area 37.'t"0 acres. The dif ference between the groi and the Ir rigable areas fH due to certain hlKh spots, also to the area occupied by the bed of the I'mati'.la Itiver und other drainage channels. Xo pumping units are contemplated at this time as the 3000 acres between the Feed l 'a na 1 and Pa na I A w-h ic h miKht be watered by the direct pmnp- inff plant could also be watered by Kravlty from an enlarged Furnish ca nal. luty of Water It is the plan to supplement by stored water the un raKulated supply now appurtcnunt to the lands. The quantity to be supplied I sandier soils and those which But-irri-will vary from 1 a. f. per acre for tho if 1 6 - pis ft mini The Joy Of A Perfect ik.m w- rwnow uie wy aiiw .V i : iL.. m ; to one thru posscwint. Q a- skin -ot purity tntig 'bejuiy. The tott, iiifQ finaaiialuil iMMaianr it ucmitrs brinfi otit your n natural beauty to iu foil- Q avat In Mr 7tt War. f Katp to 2 a. f. per r.cre fr the sandier hoIIs. X total Btoruf-'e of not less than 60,000 a. f. should be provided, or an averaKe of 1.6 a. f. per acre, which should be apportioned to the various areas about as follows: ; Faruili I'rojiH-t: For 4i0 acres in flat, a , large proportion requiiinff ! drainage, provide 4.000 a.f. For 600 acres provid.,. 9,000 a.f. X'niatilln Meadow and lUier 1 tot torn: For 6000 acres, a Ihtro proportion requiring drain aKO. provide 6,000 a.r. IUtwiHn Feed Cunul and anal A: For 3000 acres provide... B-!50 a.f. AIhvl ViH'd Canal For -!000 acres provide. . . 3,000 a.f. This area of 5000 acres to : bo watered through enlarg ed Furnish Canal, j Allow for conveyance los- ises 10 per c-nt 2,25 a.r. Western lnntl & IiTlxaUon Coinimny. For 6000 acres on t'ma- itilla Meadow. Butter Creek unu u nun j i in 11 -111 u- 6.000 a.f. 3,000 a.f. EVERY FARMER SHOULD HAVE A WINTfiER TRUCK We have them NOW anil READY FOR DE LIVERY, from - ton to 8'- ton capacity. You will see their advantages after .looking them over. Ask for demonstration. We are distributors for Umatila County. Independent Garage Distributors COLE REO DORT SCRHT-BOOTH Court at Thompson St. Thone G33 uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiimiiinMiiiiii . .68,725 a.f. about 3 a. f. SI vide 5 For 2000 acres provide. . . Fij For 8000 acres of sandier K I land, mainly north of Coy- J(oto Cutoff, provldo 16,000 a.f. Pf Allow for conveyance los- es 15 per cent 8,750 a.f. S Total ..' Si A total application of 5 ! per acre may be expected for the Fur 2'ntsh lands, the 5000 acres on the hill Bito be watered through the Furnish en Bilnrffement, a large proportion of ITma Kftilla Meadows, and the less sandy por Kttlons under the system of the Western m Land A. Irrigation Company, when the i country i fully developed. A total application of about ,4 a. t. per acre Shinny be reasonably expected for the tsandier lands herein considered when 5 fully developed. Accurate data is not 5 t hand as to the depths heretofore ap K plied. The testimony brought out Jn W the adjudication of water rights tndi m ciites a total application of from 2 1-2 m D f. per acre where the water users 4j ,wre pumpinff water to f a. f. per acre Zi where the supply was abundant and !- r.the water users under no incentive to f economize. Heservoirr Five sites have been ex Samined on McKay creek. The two up R'per sites would he very expensive and R win not be hereinafter considered In Pithe estimates, of the three lower sites m the nno that appears best is located A, about fi'e miles above the mouth of JiMnKay creek and the same distance J from IVndleton, In Hec. 34. Twp. 2V. jS 5;X. 82 K. W. M. The area to be sub- tS C nierired is i:bout 1200 acres of which ! about 00 ecrVs were in cultivation. 1 Ianis The hetKht of the damlS m vould be 145 feet, length of creml 24 00 15 jfee,; type, earth and Kravel em bunk- HJDAWAY 8 PRINGS 3 3 Now Open Follow the Crowd ' A Clean, Beautiful Resort at Which to Rest and En joy Yourself During: the Hot Summer. S In the Blue Mountains of Southern Umatilla Co. 5 II. M. CULTER, Prop. s Dancing, Swimming, Hunting, Fishing, Etc. I Hot Mineral Water Pool and Baths. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH f Cottages and Tents for Rent. j Free Camp Grounds. Groceries, Gas and Oils Can be Had on Grounds. 5 jnent with rfilnforcarl concrtp fitc: GOOD BARN AND INCLOSED PASTURE Pilot Rock-Lehman Springs stage makes Hidaway Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. a s jg spillway on west side with capacity ot .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: