FAGIS TWELVE DAILY EAST OREfiONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TTTESTUV. JUNE 24,1919.' TWELVE PAGES r OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE , a 5 9 "New Shipment Each Morning by Express Field Tick and Extra Fancy Strawberries Field Iick Strawberries, crate. ...... $3.50 Extra Fancy Strawberries, crate. .... $4.50 Let us have your order for Royal Anne and Ding Cherries, pound ........ 14c Cantaloupes, each 10c Water Melons, pound 6c Complete Line of Jars, Rubbers, Jelly Glass es, Covers, Clamps, Wax, etc CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 23 823 Main St. 5 s 3 OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE The Girl and the Bank Tim .Vnmlnui Kir! difrrrs from Imt KiMrrs or any oilier nailun.. Srlr-nHiunl, mpablo aiMl - quirk lo h-ani, Kite noon Intrust bow co lake oarc or hcncir In Uw bu4e4 world. Slr.mrt aiwrciaim Ihc value of a bank account lu a Kirous. well established baukin- lusiUulion. Wc invite the account of young- ladles. aiMl whether large or small, tlicy will receive careful attention. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "STRONGEST BANK IX EASTERN; OREGON" t B6.HC.vC5 THAT V f! VtSS, Sift, fef SIXTY eNTS IV StxTV CTS. f . IIM. ' M '' "' ' I " - THAT'S Too muck teR STACe tooUNOTS, TOUGH STCAK L- " Here's Two rTHAT'S AtX xoot: m ;ir7 tiv J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. '"Si c hi '4i Pendleton Market Nevys The following prices arc the prices being paid, to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail j prices are given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. KftgH and Poultry. Eggs, 40c. Hens, 2-c to 25c a pound. Country Hani, Fte. Ham. best quality, 38c. Bacon, best quality, 40c. Lard. 28c. I Hi tier Fat and lint tor. Butter fat, 54c f. o. b. Pendleton. Potatoes. Potatoes, $1.75 to $2 for 100 lbs. LOOK Watch this Space for a surprise to the people of Pendleton and community. WATCH IT from day .to day so that you wont miss it. FRENTZEL MOTOR SALES CO. Telephone 16 722 Cottonwood St. Distributors of Umatilla County for .White Trucks and Lexington Minute Man Six. Illacklicrrios Appear in Local Market. For the first time this season, black berries appeared today In the local markets. They are plentiful and re tail at 20c a box. Ilulter Fat Down To 51 Cent. Butter fat fell three cents today, go ing to 54c from f7c. The general market Is given as the cause for the slump. It was 57c for several days. Medium Lo fair cows and heifers .00 7.00 Canners 3.50 if 5-00 Bulls 5.00 fi 8.00 Calves 9.00 13 25 With one of the smallest Monday arrivals of hogs that the local mar ket has seen for many a day. ths North Portland trade was firm and at least 25c higher at the start. General hog range; Prime mixed ...... . . f 19. 7iV ft 20.00 i Medium mixed 1.2:tf? 19.50 1 Rough and mixed 1 7.75 W t8.00 i Pigs 17. 754 18.00 i Bulk ,. 1 9.75 20.00' slM-ep Situation Firmer. Sheep and lamb market situation was firmer and mutton price were lifted about 25c beyond last week In the initial deals at North Portland. 8ules of yearlings were shown around $. on with ewes at $8.00 for top light Willamette valley offerings. Cieneral sheep range. Fair to choice lambs ...$13.0013.50 New Fruit Make . Apiearaiico in, Market. Plums and peaches made their ap pearance for the first time this season In Pendleton markets today. Plums are retailing at 75c a basket and peaches at 2c a pound. The fruit is plentiful. It Is expected hat the fruit will become cheaper as the season ad vances. Htrawbcrrlc Out of Season at Milton. Strawberries are practically out of season at Milton. Local markets are receiving no berries from Umatilla county at present. The fruit still re tails at from $3.5u to $4.25. CECIL COSPER PPRHO ACCOUNTANT INCOME TAX ADVISER Smith-Crawford Bid. Oppoaita PendletoD Hotai Phona 1030 T erie 3 The Most Important Feature in Ladies Dress of the ? Present Day is ,ingi MATERIALS FOR LINGERIE. Crepe de chine and wash satin are the chief fab rics for high class lingerie. ' t . ; Wide ribbons are largely used for camisoles. Nainsooks, fine cambrics, Windsor plisse and voiles are being sold "in large quantities for the more con servative grades of underwear. Laces in abundance are being used on high class lingerie. Windsor Plisse, per yard 39c Berkeley Fine Cambric, No. 00 per yard 27 '2c; No. . . 100 per yard ...... .35c Fine White Lingerie Nainsook, 36 in. and 40 in., per yard . 35c and 45c White Mercerized Voiles, per yard. 33c to 75c , Windsor Washable Krinkle in pink, per yard.. 33c Wash Satin in pink and white, per yard. . $1.69 Silk Crepe de Chine, per yard $1.69 Fine Laces and Edgings, all kinds and widths. Band ings, Beadings and Insertions are to be found here in large quantities at very moderate prices. Now is the time to buy WHITE SHOES. A style, a price to suit every one. N Incorporated See Our Full Page Ad Elsewhere in This Issue Page 8. J. C. Penney Co A Nationwide Institution. K la mat J i Wool lUingn 5 Or. More than 3"0 .000 pounds of wool has been purchased in Klamath coun ty during the last few days by Frank Bichey, hover for Kinsman & Co., of Boston. The price paid wus 50c a pound. TAXICAB7fl PHONE III Books 25 TUcles for $3.M PARKED TAXI CO. Whf Pay More. Cull lambs P.. 10.0010.50 YearUngs 7.00 & 9 00 Yearlings 7.00iij 9.00 Wether.1 7 00&i 8.50 Ewes 6.75 $j $.00 (rain l'rleex Show Xo Material clinnge. While prices of barley and feeds A-4 not show any change over the week end, indications that barley and mill feed are due to gi higher are reflect ed by the markets at Han Francisco and Chicago. Local dealers look for $60 barley. Boon and a shortage of mill feeds. Hay Is still at $21, f. o. b. Her. miston. Ion hie Tank. "A man should do one thing at a time and do it well." "The Idea Is trnpratelcnl. This year I've got to figure on summer c and winter coal both at once." n.amnnrla in 4mriVa id him upon a non-skid auto chain " " . t the invented. Mr. Johnson claims that HOpe OI UeOlOg"lSlS .his chain will outlast anything ever be ... , jfore invented in this line on account 1 if every link having a wearing surface Ceolo believe that some" da-!- He says it will, prevent skidding in oiamrti.d will 1m minei on a v-ry 'any direction and slipping of the wheel lurge acae 'n the Cr ited States. Th. y w ithin the chain will be Impossible, are confident there r. valuable Oia- Mr. Johnson Is an attorney, but is also mond n. tt.es hMcV-r- i -ter h.s c-i --- ?a machinist and has worked a n urn try, because many loofe d e v ls ! br f years at thnt trade. He is an lav been .cund t Miious -.rtion-. j to enthusiast and is secretary of the Thvr ir.Hift ? pM-.t . tie t'.i'-y av. 'Franklin County Automobile Associa- q this : Leliev ! be in either. Uon. Arrargements are being made th Rocky n.nuntai . sr Appa c!i an fr the manufacture of the chains and ranae. Uoa- ;ur d -d cli'rano -samples will be received in Pasco in a filled il- iuio i in to ins fasirui Kii terlifA of .uth Africa. ,V farm; in lu!.' plowing a gravelly hi'f'd. (oit. tm - first iis niund in erica i KIT. $nr thnn ft iliamons hve rmr f H'U in In diana in the lat years. a:id one old tor ftf'O. '! dm itioN have been Cuui In V'n inia. rt& Ci. a. Wi nir.. ?.it;ili ;ar rlna. fnt. I cviaana. Tm-y et jhort time. MA BKKTW .Milton C'hrHe Scll at lliirh Price. After selling five carloads of Bing cherries at Milton for $300 a ton. cherries are now hrtngin? trre growers $280 a ton at Milton. Therq were eighi shippers who confirmed the fact that they were getting 15 cents a pound during the first . two weeks. This is believed to be a record price for all of Oregon. DR. DAVID B. HILL Dentistry Wappler Intorruptless X-Hay. acknowledged to be one of the lie.Mt made. . I have- taken spe cial courses in X-Kay work at the North Western University of Chicago and from Prof. J. C. Jerman of Kansas ?,'ity, besides the regular course In X-Ray work at the University of Den ver. - I can please you. Trade in iraliM Continue iulet. Trade In grains is continuing quiet with no changp In orices ovr those quoted yesterday. The rapid rise pre dicted for, barley has taken a tempo rary halt and as yet there is nothing doing in wheat. Mill feed, although becoming scarcer. Is at the same fig Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Kleo tro Therapeutics Temple bldtf. Room 13, Pboue 41 Pure and Delicious j 0 ream verr lu lnckiwtv to any part of the city. Sold in Bulk or in Ice Cream Cones I'nip iii, or t' lrlHiimo 80 HOWS BAKERY Kast Court Street. Try our, lino 1 Ionic-M ado Candies. SAFETY FffiST ARE YOU PROTECTING YOUR FOOD SUPPLY? During warm weather there is only one sure way of knowing that your food and milk is being taken care of in the proper way. Never allow your home to be without ICE. Your food and milk is protected at the source of supply. Are you taking care of it after delivery o your house? FIIONE 178 FOR AN ICE CARD, Phone 178 pISTI CMVTHF. NhH AN tl Quality Quantity Service HKITISII Itl ILi MO.VSTEJl PLAXK FA RX BOROUGH, Kngland. June 24 The Tarrant Aircraft Construction Company has just finished building the biggest aeroplans In the world. It is a triplane, the middle plane of which is 131 feet wide. Above and be low this are two planes, each &9 feet Idaho, Tx Moi a; a ArUn an 4, long. All three planes are 15 feet 2 t 'f -ff.a. A lab?-fr . king In an .Inches deep. The body is 76 feet long exes sst iJan r u .-t U 10 feet longer than the biggest bi m stone weighing tt S-4 carats In 155. 'plane), and the height is 37 feet. Numerous sionea neighing from three j The pilot's seat rets out just 12 feet to 21 3-1 carats have been found fn - beyond the line of the planes. Ths Wisconsin. 'body of the machine resembles a ! whale in length and girth, with a PASCO MAW IWKVTS CHAIV, 'great blunt-ended nose. Between thej t PITS TAHK0.' KKIIIIG planes are six 3 pier-Lion engines, jeach developing t 00-horsepower. Four I PAWO, Wash., June Z4. Word was of them operate two-bladed tractor iacelved this srek by harles W, 'propellors: two of them four-bladed jvhasoa that a patent had been grant-."pusher" propelors. r.rain Bags ot I'indirig Buyera. Unless. rains fall to help out the wheat cffp, trading in grain bag will continue dull. Loal dealers are offering the sacks at 15 cents but there has been no demand for some time. Raini must come rjuickly In order to affect tha fall wheat, but cpring wheat would be materially ben efitted by moisture. Mwinc and Mutton (icn Strong. Wea k n ess was a ga J n a p pa ren t I n the trade and the early trading in dicated that $11 would be the extreme top. although first bu nines was all In cheaper quality stuff. This, however, sold from ZT to 60c less than IhhI week's quotations. General cattle range: Oood to fair steers $ 10.008' 1 1.00 Fair to good steers .... .00f 11.50 Common to fair steers . . (t.O0W S.ftn Common steers 7.00 7.50 Fair to medium cows and heifers . . . 8.00$. 8 50 Good to choice eows and . heifers 9,0n 9.50 Grain Fire Insurance Kate and terms greatly reduced, 66c per $100.00 See Umatilla Flour O Grain Co. 220 East Court. Phone 1014 Bring Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size Wind Shield Glass We have an experienced man who will set the glass while you wait- B. L. Burroughs, Inc. Corner Webb and Col - lege Sts. - m We Are Distributors for . UmatUla County - SB See them In our show room. A complete line. Immediate deliveries, . Service behind every sale. ' ' ' 1x5 1 us demonstrate. ( J Orcffon Motor Garage . ( 110, 121 West Court Kt. I If I Brg AWa date Cmaa H. T. Mmgnito h M . ' ft. T1 3 a 1 n i s 5 ft ; 5, ?