:j.'.U-4'r " . FACE TEN DAILY EAST Oft EG ON! AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1010. TEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. Country Lard FRESH, CLEAN AND PURE, LB.... 35c EXTRA FINE COUNTRY BACON, POUND 50c COMB HONEY, EACH 30c RING CHERRIES, POUND 14c ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES, POUND. 14c WHITE SALMON BERRIES, crate. $3.50 WATER MELONS. POUND 6c C & K. MILK, CAN 15c MINCED CLAMS, CAN 10c COMPLETE LINE OF LUNCH GOODS AND QUALITY SUMMER DRINKS. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. -QUALITY" (Two Phones 28 - 823 Main St. WE MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU TO DO YOUR 4TII OF JULY SHOPPING. JOgOC N&U JUST XfOP T rpr Seetf to . Hie Woman and the Bank Tlxt MiMTCSMfii! lMu-ekrcirr of today Is m woman with the ability to manage household affairs with I he mean at hand and a iiiIum over to make ncau on a In Mid icrhaK and have a Savings Ac count of hvr own. Sht flmfc it nioM convraienL to ar the bilk by hank check, and by that system kivs Itcrfrd rec ord of all expenses. This bank welcomes both Chcckinx; and Savings Aecounta. and wc hae a ruom specially cquJed for the convenience of women, THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "GTHONGEST BANK IJT EASTERN ORKGON1 LOOK Watch this Space for a surprise to the people of Pendleton and community. , j , 3 r WATCH IT from day to day so that you wont miss it. FRENTZEL MOTOR SALES CO. Telephone 1 722 Cottonwood St. Distributors of Umatilla County for White Trucks and Lexington Minute Man Six. . . liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiC- Cattle are Up Take advantatre of this bargain In a cattle ram -It, fully Htieked and equlpfied 173 acren adjinhMf Jle-ri attoa wlurre all raz4nar can ba luul at filial I cost. There in a Mmall btae. prntd barn, SO acre In the botlcmi which hi in grain and some alfalfa. The place ratoetf Mirrtuient Iiay to feed aU the Mock. With thbi ranch Koea all rattle and horse. Had diea, machinery and equlmetit t run lite ranch. Thura am 120 head of tf.ortfcrn and whlieface cattle, 3 of them bring- three year old wtcem, bal aitne fwu. yearllnicM and cuws and caltes. lu Iteud of lkurnett, liai-newt. Middle. Jrice fur everytiihiif. If taken quirk S12.5O0. Snow & Dayton "We Sell Land" I IT EM Court KKAJb fcisTATK FARM IX) AX 8 Phone S$ INSUKA.CK ON IT Af3 PA - RTAuze that t&J Pendleton Market News The following prices are the prices SE 1-4 of section 27, being paid to producers by Pendleton I 29. business houses. Wherever retail prices are given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. gs and Poultry. Eggs, 350 to 4 0c. Hens, 22e to 25c a pound. Butter. Butter fat. 6Tc a pound f. o. b. Pen dleton. I tutors. Potatoes, $2 for 100 pounds. Country Ham. Ktc Ham, beat quality, 38c. Bacon, best quality, 4 tic. Lard, 28c .township 4 N. n. .ittle Change In Priced iu ljucal Markets, There is little change in the local :marketa today. Fruit, which Saturday showed such a decided decline, is sell iing at the same prices. Butter fat still pays 57c to the producer. i Country Ham Brings 31c a Pound. In the prices quoted for hams and bacon, the price of 38c for ham and 40c for bacon is paid to the producer for the country product and not for the product shipped here from outside the county. George Hodge to W. J. Huffman. $10. SB 1-4 of the SW 1-4 of section 13. and the NK 1-4 of the NW 1-4 of section 24, B 1-2 of the SB 1-4 and the W 1-2 of the SE 1-4 of section IS. XB 1-4 of the XW 1-4 and the NW 1-4 of the XB l-: 8V 1-4; SW 1-4 of the NK 1-4 and the SB 1-4 of the NW 1-4 of section 23; 8 1-2 of the NW 1-4 of section 24, township 4, X It. 28. Chas. H. Crandull to Sidney V. An derson, $25. NK 1-4 of the NW 1-4 i of the SB 1-4 of section 16, township I 4 north, range 28. T. S. Givers to Frank Derrick, $3, 000 s 1-2 of the SE 1-4 of the BE 1-4 of the SE 1-4 of section 27, town ship S, X. K. 35 Geo. Morrill to Dr. St. 1, Baltezore. II. 7 acres In the NB 1-4 of the NW 1-4 of section 35. Tp. 6, Violet R, Hughes to J. O. Kenyon, 13201) Descriptive tract in block 6, McCoy's Add. Milton. Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co., to W. C Wade. 10. Descriptive tract In block 1, Ireland's Addition, Milton. We are proud of the fact that we are keeping prices down in Pendle ton. We endeavor at all times to sell at the very smallest markin of profit. The wonderful growth and success of the J. C. Penney Stores is proof enough that people all over the United States are taking advantage of the splendid values we are offering. THIS STORE'S 'GOOD NAME" depends primarily upon the value delivered in merchandise it sells. We take pride in presenting to you the largest assortment of , latest styles and best values in Ladies' Georgette Waists in this city $2.98 to $9.90. ... .We specialize on a wonderful value in Ladies' Waists at $4.98. CAMISOLES 69c to $2.98 Don't fail to see the wonderful values we are offering at ..$1.23 QUALITY IS ECONOMY and it is to be had in Madam Pfeil front, lace Corsets. Kvcry corset guaranteed. Come In pink and white at prices unequalled elsewhere. Priced at I.M lo o.lM Incorporated 1 IS "J. C Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution,1 opinion merely lundua the taxpayer into a loss. Thousands of dollars were spent in the erection of camps which were never used. x In some instances contractors wre paid compensation by way of apology for the fact that the Ministry, after placing the contract, changed Us mind. MONEY WASTED BY BRITISH WAR LORDS Itaise In Cbrree Due to Speculators The raise In coffee is due to specu lators, according to the opinion of Ar thur K. Devers, of Closett and De- ivers, wno also oeneves mat ine great-l LONDON'. By Mall.) Taxnavers est possible maximum the coffee is ,here are anashinir their teeth at the liable to attain is-75 cents. He says: wav thelr -ood ,.. has been wasl- "It is understood that millions of jecj. coffee trees have been destroyed by The comptroller and auditor general frost. The public will remember that lDf government expenditure has Just oranges once went up to $1 Per dozen published his report on the accounts on the strength of reports that the nf ,he Ministry of Munitions for the frost had killed the fruit. The public pat year. His accounts show: stopped buying oranges and the price I That a factory which cost 19.500.. idropped to 60 cents. The coffee bulls 000 to erect produced only J80.000 In Brazil and the United Btates are worth of material. working the same game on coffee and i, Another factory which was built at It is strictly possible the public will tt cost of $83.1. OHO was closed and used take such action as will tend to cause ,as astore eight months after It was cessation of the bull movement." 'built, I One of the staff was engaged at a I Coffee fjoot I'p 2c isalary gf $10,000 a year and got $8,000 at Portland, jfor four months part-time service. Ijeadlng coffee roasters (advanced j An escape of poison gas rout the their quotations 2c a pound during , taxpayer $1,250,000 owing to the fact the day to protect themselves against! that one set of wiseacres started to the high prices asked by some manlp. I make the gas before another set has ulatlirg Interests; the low priced firms: approved of. it. The difference of getting more business than they were willing to accept. TACOMAX WEIMJ IN PAItlS TACOMA. June 23. Battalion Ser geant Major George P. Johnson Is on his way home to Tacoma with his bride, a French girl, whom he married in Paris. Before he took the step he wrote and asked the permission of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Johnson. Johnson met his bride, who was YVonne Cuisinier. when he was sta tioned at Mont Jtlchard, France, let ter she went to Paris to work as a ste nographer and he was stationed there for a time. They met again and were married. Since their wedding they have been. living at Neufachateau Vos ges. where Johnson was In the office of thu provost marshal. Upturned soldiers who doff their be coming uniforms for unbecoming "civ ics" and find that the "demand" for the latter Is sending prices skv high have reason to feel a bit disturbed. Take home a Delta fancy brick of Ice Cream. They are put up In card board cartons and will keep for on hour. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronlo and Nervous Disease and Disease of Women. X-Kay Kl tro Therapeutic. Temple Bid. Room 13, Phone 411 Tltti Hut AVcaitier T makes peo plo better acquainted with their resources of strength nI en durance. Many find they need Hood' Sarsaparllla which Invigorate Hi blood, promote refreshing; sleep and overcomes that tired feeling. American National Bank Building. Pwdlatoo. Xys acUntlflcally Glass ground to (II DAIiR nOTHWKIilj . "America first" slogan. is no second rate r fttitfrt irt irif rtirrt f fiiiitrtf f titr;rit ti iiitif ti if f if ttiirt in iiiiiit jjf iiiiifiitiif iiff t iiitiir fieiM-rat Stock Prices Hold Htock prices at Portland Saturday were as follows: General cattle range: Good to choice steers. ..$ 10. AO'S 11.00 Fair to good steers .... Common to fair steers . . Common steers Fair to medium cows and heifers Good to choice cows and heifers 9.00 9.50 Medium to fair cow end heifers B.00 7.00 Canners 3.50 5.00 Bulls 5 00 g.00 FOR LITTLE MISS DEMURE 3 00 750 ,8.00 8.60 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 Calves . General hog range: Prime mixed Mediant mixed ' Ttnnirh and mixed . Pigs .- Bulk Fair to choice lambs Cull lambs Yearling . . '. Wether Ewes .001.25 $19.60 ls.75 19.00 I9.2S 17.25 17.50 17.2S17.7 1.0 ItS.GO 13 60 10 00 10.60 (.00 8.75 H.f.OSf 8.00 (,(0 7.50 REALTY TRANSFERS f Velda Lavadore Friedlander to T.. U Rogers $3000. N 1-3 of the NW 1-4 of the KW 1-4 of section 14, town ship 3 X. H 14. . A. K. Bounton to Geo. L. Dunning. $2000. HB 1-4 of th NB 1-4 of th I I Con Dung Low Louies Place Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Carne, Span ish style. Chop Suey, Chinese style. All kinds of Soup. Short Order Meals. Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc. China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Sta. Phon M7. Pandleton, Or. THE FISHING IS GOOD GET THE RIGHT TACKLE AND THE GETTING WILL ALSO BE GOOD SOL BAUM FOR THE RIGHT FLY HOOKS. That is what you want now. Look for the Fish. Hotel Pendleton Bldg. Th nor artiatts of admiring grown-aps will anry th artful aimptictty of tfefa deMclon little party frock far tb te-yer-ol4 airi: Tsw frock 1 mad In reding-' cote tyl wKa a deep; bematitched ham,- a roaaded, eord-flntehed neckline, and a akllfatly laced vel vet bow of Preach - blue. Th frock Ksetf la of to pink Sor gette crepe, Bring Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size Wind Shield Glass We have an experienced man who will set the glass while you wait- B. L Burroughs, Inc. Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. (Mm Wc Are Distributors for Umatilla County Bee them In our show room. A complete line. Immediate deliveries. Service behind every sale. J..t us demonstrate. Oregon Motor Garage 119, 121 Wit Court HI. ! Born CfcfeA Eimmn ft T. 4agM R. I