' p ,? t 1 "4 TWELVE PACES rAGE FOUR DATTiY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919. Bishop's Daughter Who is to Do Serbian Relief Work Cflre&onlari r-r.. NEWSPAPER. y BUBSCRIPTIOJf RATM K INDEPENDENT ubltfth4 Onllr 4 -.-Wwekt.;- t 2dletoa, Oregon, by th ftAtm ORKQONIAN PUBLISHING CO. J (JN ADVANCB) Hntrr4 at tft poatorfice at Pen die Dally, on year, by mall Diiy, atz months by mall Daiiv, three months by mall Tithoit ... , Daily, one month by mall $ Mi.i.Eiy'i.TH ririmi Daily, on year by carrier . tmperialHotel'Niw tnd. lrt)an Dally, ia month by carrier- Bowman News v.. Portland, Oregon , Dally, thres months by eaxriw- um, Or;or nan nr. ti aound-claaa mail ON F1I-K AT Ohlcaro Bureau, C Security Build . Waahtwrton, IV C, Bureau 50t Four teenth tr!, X. W. Daily, on month; by carrier nrmt-Wkly, on year, by mll S-m I Weekly, nix month a, by mull S-mi-Wpkly four month by mail - Tray for my pout. Mnro thintrs are wrtnifiht h prayer Than this world dreams of YarIor. t thy voice Hise like n fountain. f.r me. niBht and day" Fop what are nn'n teftr thn Kheep (ir'ROHis Ttiat nourish a blind life within the brain. If, Knowing Hod, they lift nut hands of prar Ioth for themselves and those who mil thm friend? T'Yir, so the whole round earth la every way Pound by gold eh a in about the fwl of Cod. T E.VN V -O.W but unfairness and obstruction j Iron, the controlling clique in the United States senate. The foreign relations committee . VT..... -I. .,1-....... v. , !of Nations. Leading senators lot the majority party indulged . to disrupt the work of the con-, ferencc. It may now be seen' ;how ridiculous was the criti-! cistn because the tentative j treaty was not submitted to the, 'senate, how silly the senate in 1 ivoting to publish the draft as it i then stood. The draft that .ill I . v l - i f J K i t:t. 4.,'iv-' J v HERE'S A BARGAIN! t New Studebaker Big Six , t aiockl 1919 ' - . sf . with five cord tires, spotlight, bunipers and tire cover. i . Has been run about 1000 miles .and in good condition as new. i , " ,. See DAN GILKEY, Owner at Oregon Motor Garage. V .MRS.GKACS a. WALK.UP I Aftor stoppins' t"hree' wceka In " . . 1 i i i . ' rrance to conrer with officials of the t they insisted On publishing IS 'Serbian Itpliot Cnnmiitteo. -Mrs. tiraco salready obsolete. Its publica-i Bnroh Waikup wm po to Belgrade ition in aisregara oi an einics " "o nHi..,llm,lv m fur urririvr imtci i r T . Sh( js ,he ()ny dllsh,Pr t Rjsh,,,, THE NEGATIVE INTELLECT Jy to confuse affairs. ant airs, charies a nrch. -ah-s. . t j The senate would appear itmvaikup ift for j-aris swcrai iays BN that rreat human ftorv,; better light in this country and j "Mrs. Wiggs oi the Cab-throughout the world had it'.. . 77: bags Patch," Lovey Mary waited until the treaty was;J,nlm LurKC Uives is'made to ay "When things completed and formally sub-, St. Louis Real Team first got to goin' wrong with nutted. We had child play rw. I savs 'O Lord, whatever iwhen there should have been Ama Loi.r. ,ri fiym oroffin' : ditTIlitV and StateSmanshiD. I I I'nltp.l Prom Stiff rnrnnilMH sour.'" ' ; ' jGood Republicans and good nkw voimc, June 21. just whnt'jrf : Here is the best of soDhv. The fermentation wind produces an acid disposi-;ed of the senate leadership tion, such as Charles Dickens' In'A'c "tVVd 1 nrir describes in his sour old .PORTLAND'S QUEER LCXilC Scrooge. Shakesphere gives us sn example of cynical bitter- Gj lly H. HAMILTON' nhilo- 'Americans of all political faiths iJ,mmv i'- " he Browns if Vwl 'havi refl5nn for hrinr Dhnm ' 11 nuraiion( but eastern fans believe of the nave reasons icr Deing asnam-.hp has hvpnPtiw.i them. xt since ness in Timon and Athens, and Hamlet the dim days when Cleveland and Pt. Jljouia battled for a pennant and al most ?tole it from under the very nose lo Mushey Jenninss. has the east civen 'T the very time that Port-. isl,ch attention to an American league ! land is supporting a suit VI,' Wi, il- . , . . z r ii . " npn Fielder Jones took his made- is sour rather than , A "r a 1 j r ! : jTji j Am 4, ciiifjiic uuc iLrVi uciscu aufr i hp peace agrpoment naa QhoL- fl" JtU n not . on consideration of .grades andj" there were a lot of folks Shakesphere to find examples :dLstence there comes newg that wbo believed he might cot some swath Of thlS malady Of the mind. 0U tV, 'w'.,h them, but they were very few and mav find it -nearer home in on ano.tber phase -of the. trans- ,were tremeiy lonely m their belief, your own office or cie cf Pprtation problem , the Rose since then prediction., s he your vwn oiiiqe, or cirLie OI cjt pe0pe are taking what ip.,imT have been Kenraliy confirm- n?' n, e &rff courte-i pears to be the opposite stand. I"1 to rowcurtin, a ,.ta for them m find the DUSmeSS 'WOrld- j. , , . -I the second Utvismn. ,- MeSriikeUk; turn -80urJlfpMthe Oregomanyes-, Brt,.du,-t away to an .,.. and they are. correspondingly j'.he, 1! i disagreeable, ays the ban of rommitw VednclaT tclcentrlaod i ward and forward under the lash of FracisCO Bulletin.; . Such men tlic Uresrtn delcsraUon iu conercss re- j Western visitors, he beean feeding Suffer a loss of magnetism and '" iwpdins amendment to 'them raw meat or something Just as ! th o-ift of maVirir nr tooninfr.""' lourtn srtion or tne interstate bad and the Browns befran to win. , . j , , p wmnierce-act. eovi rieuus. lHlianifirup3 3 pefcbl- nliort haul cianses. SuiuKirt was a.-k- iand then started eastward. Their start mism and Cynicism are COnse- l for tlie iiriiM'iple that the railroads ' east wasn't so enomraRins: as it might QUenceS Of getting SOUr. They mnk" terminal rate to a port, and., have been, yet they played ball In De- are left in the pathwav Of t'4,,",",, im-iniiuiiniL mat wouin navp iteaien any ciuo things which go wrong. The q,leBteti. remedy is a sound philosophy That sounds like the Port of life. A dead fish may go .iand "position isTthat they want down stream, but only a live rates based on natural condi fish goes up stream. An emin-;tions when such an arrange- entman said the other day that mentis to Portland's advantage he did not believe m the future and want a lower charge for a it Saturday Evening Specials POT ROAST 20c BOILING BEEF .18c CANTALOUPES .... .V. ?. .V f. 10c HAPPY HOME JELLY POWDERS .......... 10c Red, Straw, Black Pew Berries Water Melons x Asparagus, Green Peas, New Potatoes Spring Chickens . vr. Rojral tnne, Bing, Pie Cherries 'v Fat Kens. V . Pendleton' Trading Co. "If it's on the market, we have it" i I a feneration of baseball they have by . sfnie, meana by and means by plugged on and on, hoping: against victorieu or diplomacy, or by bluff. ir They lirkd the life out of the Yankees nope ana nowin it. but still comfort- "Uernmny h very much UKe me uiB ineir cuius wun ineir presence, yi younpf iaiy wno preaeniea s i:netR .i late years 'attendance has slumped ''th- hank. The teller, after examinlntf rather badly, but the pep 1 ntlll there, and Brownie supporters are ready to show It. Attendance this year already has been decidedly encouragim?. (but one that was playin-r as Detroit was in those days and then they beJ gn to pick -tip agnin. The Browns really are a Rood base ball club. The infield, save for one patchy Bpot. shortstop, is a fine, well running machine. There are few ball Kxcelled Counsel and witness were Retting on capitally for they were both on the i It, said: "We can't pay this over the counter, miss." ThiyoiiriK lady smiled her sweet est smile.' "Then," she sold, "I'll eonie round.'' life, and confessed that his last inntr Vianl when the rminal !ha-! "'"P"5 ln m of - j .an, K. J.U .nW V V" , -v-------- ona DMeman ana a stronr nitter. The' iir. "v...v. rate tssue is invoivea. n maiiBro s:,me siHo tV.nihlnir uao o-imr: r.PIH.1 Ti.n 10 Tha riermnrt Players in the tame who ea nsurpass swimmingly and the case seemed nl- ! Kovernment has curtailed the privil the marvelous hisher, and Joe Oedeon reanv - i ,;,Hrt m.,i ,ffl-r n.n.1 sain the einmRel RiiavnU- "lha uva.t Thin man is ficrhtino- n-irh s -Z i. 4.7. 2 ! . . i i'01 used bv the defendant in the inis man is iignurug witn a 13 ,t how can thev expect to ar-lof h c'ul before the season opened. lihel you cmpiain of- broken sword. Loyey Marj-s gue both ways without gettingjha8 "vr,a " turning m certainly' - responded the piain- pnuosopny 01 me i3 worxn a traoned in their own loiric r . "'""'- , tiff. -He said he defied me to find a - r.. ,x ,t is a eouna Dnncmie. as Xow, will you tell me once more," commissinnera traveling in Germany. St. Iuis fans lopi? ago ceased won der when either the Cardinals or, Vinegary .wjtn Seattle that rates should Browns would win a pennant ami settl- l K V,oOQ,l ,licf., nA themselves back to wait for the oc-1 win pennants, but here they are. back ripht w-here thy used to be ten years hi;o, fighting close to see if they can't wish the Browns -under the wire. i Bt. Iiuis fans always have been a i loyal lot. In face of adversity through world of fears. purposes the honey of hope is portland contends in its fight wuiLii a umrci ut but brilliant doubts. To keep under the stress and otaHps thpn tho Ham r.rir,.inio strain of life is a high and no- sound -with reference to ble achievement. When the trans-continental shipments, mind ferments ite mental juices How can anvone contend dif turn into the gall 'of bitterness ferently? and it develops into a nega-j - tion. I During the war the federal! The negative mind never'employment service filled a thinks positively. Nor could it tremendous need and did it! do otherwise after it has ceas- well. Both employers and j ed to live in the atmosphere of , workers gained much' by thej the great affirmative When service. The same benefits can things go wrong the wise thing be obtained in peace as were to do is not to whine, but by obtained in war. Why the newj the exercise of the highest laws congress did not provide funds; 01 being keep Irom Decommg or the service is a mystery. embittered. , It is not the negative, but the affirmative intellect that rules uie worm. H biRffer liar and thief than I was my self." "And what did you reply?" Inquired counsel. "Why," answered the witness. Inno cently. "1 told him I should go stcaight off and see my lawyer." Peace Anyhow. "Germany," said 'thinks she'll pet the a Congressman eace she desires VIIXARD TAKES A RUN WITH HIS TRAINER . EVERY MORNING A COLOSSAL TASK 1 f! I FUNNYBONE I Piiw Causes Worry. HE peace treaty Which the Force of habit is a wonderful thing." maitt a ijew-iston pin. ,,u . Germans must face further sign or invasion smokes a pipe. Smokes a great deal .1 he is crointr away or (they may have signed it before, anything his pipe is his first considera- this is printed) Contains 25,000 tion. fome time aao there was a fire words relating to new matter."" neighborhood m the m.ddie of Alore accurately upeaking the!t,'T.pa7h was out of bed with the new portions of the treaty deal first stroke of the alarm and rushed with Ktihipft where chances downstairs. .Mother and I were a were made bv the peace con- lunger getting there , , e.,f downstairs we found lerence cnanges in ueiaii ra- - - , n v hl mahtdress. lean When we found father with ther than in principle. Such changes were Able. The peace treaty ling as far out of the back door as he inevit- could, gazing wtldcyea at the Maw a ' dow n tbe street. colossal affair. It intimately ."his hea"d T in long ih touches the lives and fortunes rt!llim. -oreat c.osn, aiic-. the Of hundreds of millions Of peo- Jonests's house is all afire and 1 ean'l pie. The treaty is a compact my pipe:-' 5 j .11 .i i j : ' ueiween ail me leauing nauuna. ,. ,.,r, constituent of Fenator' oi ine parui, rtii n'nia n vumi- plications had to be adjusted, many conflicting interests had -lo be reconciled. The confer ence worked faithfully to a great end "and generally Fpeak jng has accomplished it to the tatihfaclion of all tiave the enemy countries. Hut w hile the peace dele- fates were busy wnn tneir ncr- good. our TAJ , AWZ) HEMPJZJL, f-'Inc-r wrote. the senator a long lei- , ti-r outlining some scheme or oth t which .laimed the senator's interest from the start. It looked like a pret-j ty good idea, and Spencer wrote thai nstltuent so- Just then he got two telegrams containing further details.! .Spencer cMIrd nui Menwrapner. Tear up ttat letter," he said. trke this one." j Then he dictated: iH-ar Smith Tfour scheme is n" telegrams cost mj 'it - S ' '."''it n r v rial , J t -ft f-y f I "and . explaining Its action on the ground that instanpas have been uncovered of men who were traveling by official permits carry. ng on, political propa ganda and circulating abroad reports Injurious to .German interests. The government hes decided to ex ercise active control of all credentials and .permits and will confer them only on per mo ns engaged in official work. , . . ItErrSB VllSON Al'THOniTY WASinXOTOV, June 21. A voto' of 13 to 5 the notice judiciary conimlt Ko KMlay rofused to gle President Wilson atitliority lo set aside the pro hibition enforcement legislation as af fects light wine and beer under the war time prohibition act. The vote came on tin amendment designed to give the president a way of partly re pealing tho war time prohibition act. You would rather own am original work of art, than a copy printer! by the thousand, wouldn't you? WHEN WE TAILOR A SUIT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE it is a work of art, done for you alone. There won't be any others just like itany where, so yem will never be embarrassed by running into somebody else who is wearing your identical suit. . This is one' good reason why particular dressers . have us tailor their clothes both to their measure and to their individuality. May we serve you likewise? i .; . " - Linton & Fronsocn Tailors Shirts to Order Neckwear 735 Main St. Phone m Read the Want Ads. It Pay Mr. Man Did you refuse to buy a typewriter for your office because it cost a hundred dollars? No-Why? ' . Because it saves you time and money and does the work far better than the old system. Then Why Not Buy Your Wife an electric washing imachinewhich will dfi) the same for her? STOP and think what it will niean to her. Pa Powers LijIrtCo. "Always At Your Service" 1. 1- 1I-11JU1I . -' PASTIME Children 5c Adults 20c Erery iomlnttsr1y finds Jess" Wlllard nd bis trainer otn five-mile run about Toledo u the bettlnnln, of the day's work la jprspw.Uon (or tin iuiir .ynBjon5lilp nbtlU Jsok A MASTER PICTURE BROUGHT BACK ' i Marguerite Clark ' in..' The Motion Picture That Made Marguerite Clark a Motion Pic- " X i 1 1 tare Starv " ' J " A few years ago a little girl, famous on the spoken stage but un known to the silver screen, made her motion picture debut in "Wildflower." ' ' Now Marguerite Clark is back again in the first photoplay she ever made. Come and see "Wildflower," the picture that made her a star. ' On Sunday's and Monday's in the future the Pastime wjll pre sent some well known successes. -T. -. .1' 'l '-!'