East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 20, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Old Officers Elected
I to their mw home on the Snake River,
beyond Lkwmtnn, where Mr. Itecords
. JJJy UmapiltC Votei'S lookm fte cattle ranch. The
, " young couple were the recipients of
i . ttmny Rifts. The bride came here
. 1. . , ' . (few years ago with her parents from
T'' . josenh. Oregon, while Mr. Uncord.
,xAr.M".. - " - jMd , l mal,inc.
11 o s.,n,,n was re-elected .h..l ' K'hel Ho.iken Is the miestthls week
., .Ata Ihnw fu r lom while f
tCI Hooil was Reelected clirk of this
district for m vear. The leaehdiK
Ktuff for this mt term 1 bh follows
Minn Klisnbetli frfeverunce iirt not :
lors I'hllinpi. Arlimtton and A. .
Huttnn of HamlM" vh.. h'.sh
rhnul teachers. Mr. Button Mill
leach manual tralnlns. :ra.te teach
m are: ;th ol '"IK urartrs. Kyle
olnlel of I'mapliiv; -''in and 8l!l
K'dc. Miss Pauline . i?-k f Adams:
am and 4th to le surP"ed: Mrs. Kyle
Mf)anil. primary imic her.
Tuesday afternoon m Walla Walla. .
two of fmnplncV -well, known young!
folk were married. The principals
were Sally Wisener. eighteen vesr old ;
daughter of Mr. nd Wni Jim Wise- !
nor. and WaWo Rtwords. .a son of .Mr. i
and Mrs. William Ra-cards. The youns I
Munil Heauchamp and ta enjoy-
' ins- a visit with old school mates.
Mr. Hurry Fathers and her brother
Ouo Iteri? of Prescot visited Sunday
with Mrs. Fill hers' cousin, Mra. Edgar
Helm. Mr. Zera- Just returned from
oversea where ha was an engineer
with the H.Mh. Be expects to leave
shortly for San Frincisco where he Is
a linotype operatoijwith the San Fran
cisco Bulletin. I
Miss VirRinia Todd, secretary of the
Home service department of the Ked
Ornss was a, KUest Sunday of Mrs. Dan
J. Kirk.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Jones and Mr.
and Mrs. It. K. Hean and Kd Hoon at
tended a special school meetiftg at
Pendleton on Friday.
On .Thursday. June 2. the Presby
terian Indies Aid will meet 'tth Mrs.
i cople have contrratailjtion- from ,- Babbidge.
.ho.st of friends and" w ill fro this week ' Uonenso LcRouz of Tacoma spent
THE dealer who has an
eye to the future is
building on solid rock. That
explains why so many good
dealers handle Firestone
Gray Sidewall Tires.
,' To you it means reliable
r dealer service in addition to
.- unequaled tire mileage,
.' which takes much of the
I worry and expense out of
- car upkeep.
The best tire dealer in your
locality is a Firestone dealer.
Get acquainted with him.
Mr ',
Most Miles per Dollar
the. week end with hia parents Mr. and
Mra. John lielioux at Cmnpliie.
Jena ThlrkildMn la Improving , his
home by painting- it French sray.
Kyle MeUanlel Is havinir soma In-
side. patnttnK and paperintt done while
.nr. an t Mrs. Will Weathers have had
all the Inside of their home remodel-tl.
Arthur and Remfne Kirk left Wed
nesday for Lwlston. Idaho, where
they will visit their uncle. James lie-
mine. ,
Ellyn Wllfley is visit inn tor friend
Lleth Dultnn Of T.OM-l.n -Ur u n.l '
Mrs. J. v. lMilton called on Mr.
Mra. feduar Holm as well-j Mr,
Mrs. A. A. Wilfley on Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. IiiTllles and family
of Colfax are a-uests this week with
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bacon, and Roy
Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Balnea
were, here Sunday but motored home !
the beginning of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy saHndert and Mr.
and Mrs. D. O. Saunders are enjoying
their motor trip to Huaelion. rduho.
They wll Ibe home the begninnins.o(
this coming week.
Leis and Lucile Records are en lov
ing the Rose Festival at Portland;
They are also mectimr old friends ait
the Rose City.
Jim Kirk this last week b.iucht from
Lee Roberts an orchard of 4 acres
cated at the Dam. They expect to
build a little home there makimr a it.
lightful summer hor. e -as It Is Iooftte4
on the bartks of the Walla Wa'Ja river.
Mr. and Mr. W. w. Phllluoi ha.-a
sold their Chevrolet and purchased n
new Ford which will be delivered next
month. The new car will be eiuioneJ
with a self starter.
Mr. and Mrs. Emit Muller of Helix
spent Sunday ith Mrs. Muller's parents
Jir. ana Mrs. o. W. Cnrpenter. Mr.
Muller has an extensive cattla rnnch
in the John Day country and ulso a
wheat ranch near Helix.
Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Frazier of I'edimi
were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
v .. fninpp..
Mrs. A. C. Freeme and Luella and
Everett Freeme left Friday for their
new nome near Twin Fall. Idnho.
where they have a homeste-td. .
Saturday night the Umapino young
people enjoyed a dance in the Kill
i On Friday this week. ,'Jrungers
of the Hudson Hay Grange arc entoy-fng-
their aniual plct.ic up the Wui:a
Walla river at the dam.
Ellison-White Musical Bureau
Our Boss Says:
Your first duty is to please,
that comes in the store.
To please every one
So, Tjeing citizens of. Pendleton, and i trying to
)lease citizens of Pendleton, we have adopted the fol
owiri g rules. Try them and see if we don't mind our
To use the highest quality obtains Me.
To carry everything on the market.
To retrul'te prices to Uie hot of our ability.
To use "Made in Pendleton' goods, wherever possible.
To be ready at all times to make any purchase not Batisfac-
tory. Mtisfa-tof-y.
To make our store a renUT of accomodation.
To have a price the same price to all.
To send out only frcoh coods, and if necessary stand a loss on
old good, rather than disappoint a customer.
To tell tike truth, about our good.
To have our store clean, and sanitary.
Pendleton Trading Co.
"If it's on the market, we have it."
Union High School for
Hermiston Turned Down
(East Oregonlan Special.)
HERMISTOX. June snwrh.
nual school election of Hermiston dls-
irict Tuesday night resulted In the I
election of Earl Kingsley as clerk,
and re-election of J. D. Watson. Fj
B. Swayze and c. 8. MV-Naught are I
the other members of the board. I
By a majority vote of the four I
school districts. Hermiston. Columbia.'
Minnehaha and Westland. the nroDosl.
j lion of a union high school was lost.
The larger districts were anxious for
the formation of the union, but the
smaller idlstricts with the larger!
amount of money to be raised by tax- I
aion. were opposed to it. j
C S. McXaught Is baling the new ;
hay crop in hjs large covered ware- j
house. He Is averaging from two to i
four cars daily, shipping direct to re- j
tailers In districts where alfalfa Is !
scarce . j
His business of chopping and meal- j
Ingr alfalfa has done much to in- I
crease ,the alfalfa acreage in this vi
cinity. Bridge gang Xo. 9 arrived Monday
at Hermiston for general repair work
around the station.
It is rumored that a new . ware
house extension to the depot is to be
built some time this fall, with new
concrete walks. E. P. Dodd, real es
tate dealer, says that Hermiston aa
an nitial point of shipment, has the
largest tonnage of any city of Us size
fn Eastern Oregon.
James Scott and wife returned
Wednesday from The Dalles where
Mr. t'cott recently underwent an op
eration for appendicitis.
R. Rasmussen. wife and Infant
daughter, were In Hermiston from
Butter creek Saturday. Mr. Rasmus-
sen was formerly proprietor of the !
Pendleton creamery, but in now con- j
nectea with the $tanfield creamery (j
" ' - uiiiiui an Aiittiin tallllf
on Butter creek. j
B. B. Kingxley left Sunday morning
on a business trip to Portland.
Maurice Scroggs was a business ris
ltor in Boardman the first of the
G. C. Akers and daughter, Miss
Rath, arrived from "Wasco Tuesday
afternoon. Mr. Akers Is looking after
business and Miss Ruth Is visiting
J. T. Hinkle came In Monday morn
ing from Kalem. where he has been at.
tending to business connected with
"Master Classes"
For Piano Teachers and Students
Beginning Monday, August 4, 1919
Last year the most successful classes of their kind in America; with many cities calling
to the great master to bring them to other centers, Manager McFailand again succeeded in
keeping them another season in the Northwest.
; Master Class 15 active pupils, .each $200 6'0 hours
Auditor Class Unlimited. each $100 60 hours
(4 hours each day 15 days 3 times weekly)
Auditor Class Unlimited each $25 3 consecutive
' . sessions.
Auditor Class Unlimited each $25 each week if
not enrolled in entire course.
Auditor Class and six hours private tuition $275.
Auditor Class and five hours private tuition $250.
Six private lessons, one hour each, $200.
Private instruction to class pupils $100 for 3 hours. '. . ' !
Private instruction, per hour $40.,
Classes Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings 9:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. M.
Assembling of students for special advance meeting and lecture, 10:30 a. m., Monday Aug. 4
Detailed information from Ellison-White Musical Bureau
Broadway Building, Portland, Ore. . .
Take home Delta fancy brick of
tee Cream. They are put up in card
board cartons and wilt keep tor on
Sour stomach, clogged up bowels,
pimples, blackheads, foul breath, are
evils of constipation. Hollistor's
Rocky Mountain Tea regulates the
bowels, purifies the stomach, expels
decay matter from system. Nature's
wondrous herbs. Positive results. 3;c.
Tea or Tablets.
Wife Went Joyriding
in County's Machine
Cut This Out, and Take It With Von. ;
A man often forgets the exact name j
of the article he wishes to purchase, ,
iind as a lost resort Lakes something !
instead. That is alway dump.
polntment and unsatisfactory. The '
safe way is to cut this out and take j
It with you so as to make sure of get. ;
ting Chamberlain's Tablets. Ion will
find nothing Quite -so satisfactory for
constipation and indigestion.
.Mr. Wltlir Cured or Indigestion.
"Some time in 190s when I had an
attack of Indigestion and everything j
looked gloomy to me, I received a free)
sample of Chamberlain's Tablets' by !
malt. I gave them a trial and they
were such a help to me that I bought I
a package, and I can truthfully say i
that t have not had n lmllii nttnclc I
since." writes VV'm. B. Wlsler, jo'jlae- i
vills, I'o.
oldest ;u;I largest National Bank
in the Statf Outside of Portland
BUTTS, Mont, June p. Butte'a
county commissioners and county i
auditors are battling. It is all becautie
Auditor Nellie Sullivan refused to pay
jfor an automobile which was purchas
ed by the commissioners, the auditor
;al1e?fng that the machine was being
used by the wife of County Commis
sioner Cooney for "Joy-ridinK.M
County Judfo Dwyer, who was asked
for an opinion sustained the conten
tion of Auditor Sullivan.
The next episode concerns the al
leged assult upon the auditor by Mrs.
Violet Cooney, wife of th ecommls-
isinner, and former friend of Mrs.
i-uiuvan. it is said she used a curling
iron, and her feet and nails, as well.
during the assault, Mrs. Cooney Is now i
under $500 bonds, pending the dispo- I
sition of the case.
The commissioners theji made an !
order that no person under 21 years!
of age should be employed In the court !
house. That affected the minor son
of the auditor, who had been serving
as her deputy. j
The last act was the refusal of the :
auditor to allow the commissioners!
pay for Sunday work, alleging they i ,
went "joy-riding" with their families
and then presented bills for "road-in-
Fur llio TleJfef of Klionniatic Poln.
When you have stiffness and ore
ness of the muscles, aching Joint and
find it difficult to move without pain
try masvaging the affected parts with
Chamberlain's Liniment. - It will re
lieve the pain and make rest and sleep
9 sizes
have guaranteed for life
cylinder teeth. Hyatt roller
bearing cylinder and blower
and a guarantee with each
machine to take 99 9-10 per
cent of the grain out of the
straw and put it clean in the
sack. , - , j
F. E. Ranney, Mgr.
Stanfield Office, Phono 12F22.
7 sizes
7 sizes and 7 patents owned by the
Avery Co.
Sliding frame transmission
which means less parts and, less
trouble. "
Round Radiator which lets the
exhaust cool the engine.
Adjustable Bearings, saves time.
Lubrication that is positive.
Gasifier, perfect combustion.
Removable Cylinder .Wall, eco
nomy. Universal Lug, to grip" the
ground. j .;n
American National Bank BIdir.
Pendleton Phone 318-J
I Ow Wash Rack 1
LOXDOX, June 19. A ten thousand-word
nov by a girl of nine. Is
bring published hy Chatto ft Wind us.
The authoress, Ia:y Ashford, in the
daughter of a war official, and she
tvaa "diHcovered" by Kir J M. Kurrle
There is only one place
for that delicious
The Drug Store , That . Serves
Too Best.
Hard luck Is a si nine for testing;
your friends: It separates the wheat I
Is Now Ready
Have your Car Washed, Polished or Oiled Up
You Will Like Our Work
We now have Oil, Gas and Air at Curb
A Service Station Complete
Strictly First-Class Garage Work
Miller & Bement Co.
from the chaff. II