DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1919. PORTLAND CHAMBER SUPPORTS TERMINAL RATE PRINCIPLE fmvmm tutu, m jiwanniapi.ii jilliiih. amn i u iiiim im uji i, m ,m SV, , , . - .nM..,iWr.Miir.iti PENDING AMENDMENT TO LAW IS OPPOSED Stand Taken Against Pre vention of Short Haul Competition. I')UTI.AND, June 20. DiDJ'.ors of tho I'urtland Chumlior of Com. morco Wednesday tckmraiiheil ihe Oregon iluleKuilon In cuiikd-i ri PurdliiK Ihe imndliiir amRn.1mi.-nt to to fourth ctlon of the Interstate Commerce act, covering tho Iopjc and hort haul cIuiiko. Huiinort was aH ed for the principle that tin r.ul mrds muk'i u. terminal rate to a port. rd opposition to any change pnvmt- Inic coiopctltlve short haul truffle wan I I ointment of a eonimlUie ol reoutstfd. , . , biiHlnenu men wan aulhortinfd to make. Another tiuffli; (mention win th a careful Investigation of tho wall-! appeal .if Ihe Wallu Walla C.inmr. oiit of ration on an oil tanker which clul ciuli for analHtanco In obtaining I vut u p ayed here uecauae tho man nviro prompt movement of pi mh alle prt'ductH of that Noctlon. r'hlp. pers uiv Kald to bo badly haudlcanped hy lor'laal of tho Oregon-Waa'iicton linen to accept American Itadlway Kx- Vrcm Hhtpmenta on train No. 1 he-c;i-iho i.f IranK-Hhlpment leJaa at WhIIiiH. The nhvloua rimieilv, my lh. Inland empire proleHtant.j, Is for tho ii.!i ouiIh to furnlah an extra i-x-,.ie car for loading at Wallulsi .)ur Injr the bony Henxon. O'nwitrt Anton, conHUltlng engineer. r.t lvi.n-it, Wuh., proventvil lalore tlio i curt" hl plan for eatabllHhnient of free porta. fine Stock Ranch for Sale BIRO ai-rea, all ronccd and otonh fciion!. o rmrm Iwiiiho and 4 barna. Inrgc im lmrd, and all kindn or hcrrim. Tluiro Is SOO rm tillable and 130 In train. There Ih a More. P. O., hot water resort, school, grist mill, saw mill, all within 3 miles of this riuii b. lias dally mail and l li ptmne. (raalrur fiennlt on (government riworvo fro with Mace. There In head of caulc, 20 horm-a, 4 hoira, a lot of clitckeiw, and cverytlilnir bmi a (rood tln-ratilni; mai-lilno down to a Eurdin rako. Including a sh Ionic mill, corn nlii'Ilci", chop mill, SOO busliolx of corn raised on prcm. too laat year, 3 gaa eiiulocs. Von can buy thiN fine ranch and everything mentioned liero ror tl2.no an acre, and pay hair oan, and lu years at ft ht mil on lialaiix. I have n very attractive linme on tho North aide for xaln. There, are 8 rooms, 2 aleeplug pon-lirw, full baxe mcnt, furnnon lieat ami fireiilaee. Tlio houw; la liantrln Ished all tlirounli. and subKiunlJnlly built. 2 lots on ir uer of Moelc, gnraim and oilier lmirovemenln. Vou fan buy this fine homo for $Kono, hair cash, long tune at 1 larr cent ImiIiuicc. Ha Willi mo and see It. E. T. WADE. iuit for ulleKcd failure of tho owners to fnrnUh proper food to, then. tti.He' on board, t ! WASHINGTON LABOR TAKES MIXED COURSE 'visit the chapter there tonight. Mrs. ' Jarvin -will he ffi rnlon June 2-1 arid j 2 for county convention It. F. ! Kirkpatrfck, grand hifh prlcnt of the I. o. O. p., Henry Taylor and It Alexander, both pat grand muMt;ra. are plann-ntr to attend from Pendleton. J. R; Porter Will Build Fine Home Riverside Avenue No Kind Word for Haywood i Put Greetings to Mooney and Debs. ' fjontrantti wre let lat eivenlnj? for the erection of a colonial type of rc-Hidcnce for J. It. lorur on Itivprnlde avenue Just beyond the city limitM east ; of town. Tho completed hoiiHH 1m CHtitnated to coMt cIohb to 117.500 and will he eo.ua! in appolntnientti to any of the modern homr recently start ed In the city. M. ftulcy waw awarded the con tract for the Htriictitral work on the house which "Will he a two atory frame building with full basement. The plana call for two complete hathH, f lrclace, haid wotd floorH. Hlpcpinjf fiorchc and other .ultra-niodern conveniences. - A hot water heating system wl.l be InMatled, the contract for both heating and plumbing hav ing been given to It. H. Thomp son. Helng beyond the city water and light connectiona, the new home will have Its own farm lighting nd pumping plant, Charlea Milne having been award ed the contract to furnish the sys tem. He alo will wire the house and IiiMtall the (lecetrlcal fixtures Ilan for the home were drawn ' by Raymond W. Hatch, local ochltect. I BlibMNOHAM, WaKh., Juno 20 , HadicaliKm waj routed in the Wash ington Ktale Federation of Ltbor con. vention here today hy the defeat of a proposal to aend a telegraphic : greeting to William D. Haywood, con victed I. W W. pader now in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth. ; Kan. ' Another radical HponHored motion, , however, to send greetings to Thomas J. Mooney, Kugene V. Iebs and other ; convicted men, prevailed. . Authority waa voted to the executive , council by the convention for the or- f ganUuition of a "triple alliance for political purpoaes. the tentative plan decided upon to le submitted to a Hlate-wlde referendum of organized I labor. According to the proposed i plans, the federation will affiliate with the state grange and railway ' men's welfare league, forming a sep- ! ate political machine. Will Attend t I- 'oiivcntlon. Among thoxe who left today for Portland to attend tho Chr'niian church Christian Kndcavor utaie con vention were Mrs. lter Koyd, Mlw Irene Hoyd, MIhk Alice Oreenwald and M s Pearl Brnnt. (Jrtsm llukery Hum New IlranHi. The Alta Bakery opened todny on Aita street as a branch of the Ore gon Baker, Court street bakery which is owned by J. S. Burnhain. The Al ta will sell Ice cream, confectionery, as well as all kinds ofbread and pas try. Mrs. M. K. Hrouillard will he In charge of the new branch. Wa Here 31 Year Ago. ' Wearing a beard which caused hi old friends, John Vert. Hvnry Taylor and John Hentley not to recognize ; him, Ira Huzan, who came here July 4, sees many chan&rs since the days when a few house marked the Pendleton site. Mrs. Proome ot Athena, in a sister of Mr. Buzan's. while George Buzan, formerly of this city, now of Portland, is a brother r, Uf&ij Kick . V 1 1 1 " 4 hhfetf Electric -JA VM ' Washington Labor Backs Canadians Bomp Plot July 4 Is Prediction of Investigation Chief i JBS-? M 1 m I TV. J . . .Mfc L4W ' fpp!y- WUEN SPOKES are: loos i SPOKTITE While mostcqucaks are caused by loose 'heel and can be remedied by squirtinir SPOKTITE ; into the cracks, yet many wheeli i get i loose - without . giving you warnlnsr. t- , - Kxamine your spokes for 'tacks at the ""b for this siR-nihei danger, then squirt in SPOKTITE and make your wheels an cood as new and SAFE. . m Compounded and Guaranteed by THE WOODTITE LABORATORIES MODESTO, CALIFORNIA - KANTMAE- y A ICNTiflCAilr COHrOWNMO Avnlrf th wwifhil-t I Itr of dffttraytnc th lutr of your car by wiihlni It uith ALTO WASH, a wrirn. tiftmlly comtKtundfld preparation thst r moves grpnM, Main and rlirt easily and qulkly. -ftX V Will not mar th ' mow delicate surface. I 10c m aih.' te-i'. XT i j TIKLbi.VGHAM, Waah., June 20. I The State Federation of Labor today pledged full moral and financial sup port to the general strikes in all Cana dian cities. A heavy , collection was taken for the assistance of the strik ers following an address by President I Kavanaugh, of the British Columbia federation. They dare not put martial law into existance In Winnipeg or Vancouver , WAHHI.ViTON, June 19. William for they do not know which way the Flvnn, chief of the bureau of Invest!- soldiers will shoot," said Kavanaugh. j gation. of th department of Justice "The government does not trust its j said he belclves the country may ex- troops. Capitalistic government reach- j pect additional bomb outrages In con- ed its apex in development during the neclion with demonstrations planned war. Kvcry action taken hy the Otta for Julv 4. wa government toward suppression of - the strike in Winnipeg will but hasten j It is impwHlblc to buy a friend that the downfall of the masters." j Ik w.irth the price. j ' j . , , - ; IytN'rXX, June 19. Shaving hij moustache, darkening his hair, re moving hin spectacles, and cultivating a. limp, a Sheffield man so altered his j appearance that he was able to visit j one , AltB VOI? How much Is your money earning for you? Are you mentally equipped lu handle your own money, or do yo.frien(lB of hl()Wifes, and "marry brainier man loan your money out; . fr refcw interest ? We cn show j VOTKS Xlt lFKItt;K you how you can n.ake our money A,mjSBI m Va,t ,jline 2o. .earn ou a nmiaMinm mi-kh. . IVihis I vnnia yesterday fiiiully imssxI Mnrfno Iron woiks. omce, 546 Main tlm t(Htorui wiffrago amendment by a street, IVndelton. t ! vote of 31 to 6. Makes tops and scats like new. FreMrvea and water proofs leather. pantSMiie and mooitT. Mupt satis fartory dressinc o n the market an easily ap-pl.ea?. BRIEF SPECIFICATIONS Motor I'niO C'oiilllK'lllill Slv 1-2 x a 1-1 IncliCB. Olliirtt-r In liliw'k CiirlMirrKir Hli.vfl'lil m-IiiI. t hilii llorjt IK- k, llli ll)-iiii'li Nliiith' udJiiHtaMn ilry ilisv. TrniiKiiilKfloii tiriint Ipm Willi 8. It. I". ilmililo row lieariiiitN. Mrkcl wlifl bwk lmfl!. Frame Six liirli fluumrl, extra flcrp neclion. h l-lnll.v llvlmioit for full lliitrliklMi tlrlvn, Mrlnit- lliiriov wiil-'IIHtlv lotut anil wlile, I'lunt Ssltl Illi'hlH renr 1-2 x ftfl 1-2 Inchon. Alloy iimlii pinto with n'lioimil top pliites, anti-.sqiu'iik lironwi hiisliliiicM 111 nil Kprliut eyes. lieella.e 12.1 liirliow. Vilirlit Tourlnit. H2IMI imunilx. 'I'lrrn ;i.".vl 1-2 Ini'lies tiixMlymr C'onl. 111., rollouiiio- oihi'r iiMhii'iiu'iils tto tonunl makliiir II a lili-le cart llumer Moto-l1er Hum as urinT ami INineall 1IrIiIh, II. F. Kimble Motor Car Co. Ma MAIN ST. tiilll- American National Bank Pendleton. Building. jeyi " K Byea BelentlflcallT V' "tP - In,lnd. Olassea (round to III OMomncrtat ead OMtctea fruit . rnrnsftnusl f tmT ! fU.v utwifter-tml rsliers and fountl plspr intpmiiitimw. and find vourself j with a limit eii i imr fnr Mrpsnng Uie m CTjntK nirs). then ; Wi wuih for n rily M rfMwri. dn't vnnt Sorwthmg arm, m di'lioo'is. snd wholrwome. m Orri'r a jar at Vnean's feSs JT!lU5l M Mamlfmallow Witp tndae. s$zr-& Th' nnt time yoii wuh a i quirk dfart, try it on I I i fruit Yoti will fil the I I i narahmallnw adds a imnrt- I jfS I I drrfuj rkhtma and Train- LV!S:p9H Vacs CejwteCwnysae 3 i i PEMBLETm Sue Tir Auto ItefHilr H0a. W. J. Burns today brought actk n against Dan McTntyre for $31.77, al leged due for labor on motor cr re lifr. for supplies and parts. D. W. Palley Is plaintiffs attorney. Judge Omflmis Prt)jier(y Sale. An order confirming the sale of ie.;l property located In Cninn coun ty, to William H. Williams. was honded down by Circuit Court Jude (!'llert W. Phelps today. Tha ordei Is connected with the case of Louise Willinnts vs. William H. Williams. O-Hnres IIiihIhiikI lesert(, Celia A. Caldwell today started rli vsvrc proceedings against Wpslev W. Cn 'dwell, to whom she was marred in July, 196. She asks the custody of ;heir two children and $25 t nmnUi f-r their maintenance J. rt. I-ny ia Mrs, Caldwell's attorney.. Bring' Your Car to Us Ve can furnish prompt ly any size Wind Shield Glass We have an experienced man who will set the glass wrhile you wait- B. L. Burroughs, Inc. Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. When Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over an oil lamp in her Chicaeo barn she ttarted a fire thit made.historv That was back in '71 and cows' habits haven't changed a bit since then they still kick at unexpected moments and if an old fashioned oil lamp is in the way, over it goes to start a fire afire that always is disastrous. But although cows' habits haven't changed in 50 yearslights have. No longer need you use the dangerous oil lamps of '71 -for with Western Electric PowLii and Light you can have bright, satisfjctory, SAFE electric lights all over " your farm and home. No other light is as satisfactory no other light as safe. ... Western Electric lighting outfits hook up with your own gas engine. They are easy to install simple to operate. " Phone, write or call on us to bring a plant to your door. Let us demonstrate right in your home and in your barn why you cannot afford to be without a plant. . - Do it today tomorrow may be too Lata. . ' , - Charles Milne " Kfcittrk; Contractor Next to City Hall Itrndlrton. Ore. - The Joy cf Motherhood Tcfd Women TU How Titer Mttfe Event One of Great Happiness. .mmm In every part of the land there are wom en who tell how, through the application nf Mother' Friend, they entirely srotdeJ the lulTerinr usually incident to motherhood. Tbejr relate In no uncertain terms how from Its use the days were made bright and cheerful and the nfa-bts calm and restful, bow the crisis, was passed without the usual Fufferinir exnerirnred when nature ia itnairl- ed, and bow they preserved their health I ana urenfnn ii aevoie it 10 trie reanna or their children and to tbe thJugs life holds for them. Mother's Friend Is a most penetratinv remedy, prepared e.DciaI1y for expectant mothers from a formiHa of a noted physi cian. Strain tinnn Mm limmnuta ia avniHmt- nd Instead of a period of discomfort and corurtiint dread it is a sensnn of rala re i pose. The hours at the crisis are less, and Mother's Friend enahles the mother ti re- 1 tain her natural grnce, and her akin Is not ! cracKoa oua aucs not nccume aara or dis llnirpd. Write tohe BrediVH ReciilitorCnmnany, nept L, Lsmnr Bufldinr. Atlanta, rreomria, ffr their Motherhood Book, an-1 ootnin a bottle of Mother's Friend from tho druggist today, ' sjajBHPWPW aHB.:amwwH A Sure Thing is Better Than a Chance i , . .. When you order your meats from us, you take no chance of being disappointed in your expecta tions of something nice for Sunday dinner, rtt Phone us a trial order today or ask your neigh bor who is one of our customers about the quality of our meats.. The best is always the cheapest in the end. r . . . . ' . (Pig pork sausage in links make a mighty good breakfast. We have them.) Oregon Market PHONE 600 815 MAIN ST. TAXICABf f PHONE I U Boohs Sr. It ides ror S3.M PARRICR TAXI CO. Why Pay More. CECIL COSPER PUBLIC ACOOCNTAJfX IN COM K TAX ADVISER 8mlth-Crawfortt Bld. Opposit Pendleton Hotat phone 1039 , lirly liMlcr for Asocial ion. Kour now niemlnrs -were added ar a IliHelinir nf the Hetnll Clerk's Asso eialion of Pendleton, lirinRinff the to. tat membership up to 4n. All are men' but women clerks expect to join soon i The nnxt meetinff will be next Wed-i nesday night. i OVERALLS Keep Kids Kleen $150 the Suit A New Suit FREE if they rip Look for tliU Red Woven Label ggg? " Bewar of imitation (OVERALLS REd.U.&. PAT.OfT. LEVI STRMtSS&OU Lvi Struu A CoSan Franchco HwM 8KAND PRIZE t P.M-t niolofiltwl Siirvoy KlilKi Skiiw. The United 8int Rinlnsfnil Pur vey hns shipped 60 skins to Fim- ston Hrothew fur rnmpnny. Of this Rumher M arc coyote skins nnii t lie remninder lindffer and boh rat. They are rallied at $15i. Most of the ani i main wore klllrtl In March and April. Th snnov expects that from now on ihr fur will not he heavy because nf Die cu m ii.jar nf the summer months. IM31 HIDAWAV g 'li'l T im lis .'uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. SPRINGS Waits . Yeat for 1itiim. After waitlnfr 1 " years for her hus oand to return. Mrs. Paulino Hn'T today filed an aclioti for divert in 'h. circi.it court. charKinsr do?ci tirrr ard cruolty. tleoree Ha is : he r'r fr-ndant. The couple was n. a fried in December, 107. and since Jure, VJ"4. he has refused to live wl.fc h'r, "he says. Peterson. Hishop and Cliirk are her attorneys. !$1.tA..0 for Hoy Scouts, j The sum of lir.fi.&u, representing the 'associate members which joined the Boy Scouts here durinK the. Hoy Scout week was sent in today to Portland headquarters by If. N". lira ha in. Uen dleton chairman. Mr. Graham hopes in the near future to revive tho local i boy scouts orHiii?aition which has jbeen inactive for some time. A scout muster and assistant scout master are 1 needed. f ItcN kiib Irrfcl4nt lltw. I Mrs. Jessie Jarvls. state presidenl ..of the Kebekah Assembly of Oregon. ! was in the city today from Portland on her way to Adams, where she will Protect Your Porch Floors Porch floors and steps receive hnrdcr wear thin ny other surface about the house. Lowe Brothers PORCH FLOOR PAINT will keep them looking well and protect them against weather and wear. Sold ready for use In cans of convenient aire. Ask for color card. L.J. McATUE The lracticl 11 lt Man liowman Hotel ltlck Now Open Follow the Crowd A Clean, Beautiful Resort at Which to Rest and En joy Yourself During the Hot Summer. 7 t S In the Uluc Mountains of Southern Umatilla Co. II. AL CULTER, Prop. Dancing, Swimming, Hunting, Fishing, Etc. f Hot Mineral Water Tool and Baths. I SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH T I Cottages and Tents for Rent. '. I 1 Free Camp Grounds. " 1 Groceries, Gas and Oils Can be Had on Grounds. I GOOD BARN AND INCLOSED PASTURE f I Pilot Rock-Lehman Springs stage makes Hidaway Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. "lllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllIlllllllllllinilllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIi?