av t,M', '"a" PAGE FOUR 7 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913. TWELVE PAGES jQreAonianl t AN INDEPENDENT Fabllched Dally and Sml-Weekl, all i-.aaietoa, Oregon, by th. UABT OHKOONIAN PUBLISHING CO. NEWSPAPER, BCBSCRIPTION RAT 4 (IN ADVANCB) Dally, on year, by mall Bnterea at th. po.tofftce at Pen die- t In - - . ; " "v"-a. a mau n-,,, .1, ,,.,. iDailV. IhlM tnttnlK. Xv m.II Yelephoae 1 Dally, on month by mall ' DailT. Ml UHT h ,TrU, ON RAI.H IV nTHRR riTivm Imp.rlaiHotel New. Stand. Portland j Dally, aix month, by carrier. wmaa ewa i, roruand. Oregon Dally, three montha by carrier Chicago Bureau. lo'l Security Build- aJI.y' " monUl' "! teg. IScml-Weekly, on year, by mall. We.hlnrton, D. C, Bureau MI Four- ! Semi-Weekly, lx months, by mall leant h Street. N. W. -Semi-Weekly four montha by mail . S.C1 l.n . .(0 7.S. .T( l.6 .CI !. .T5 .Mi NOT rXDKK.STOOD i . flation of the currency of the world, increases in national ob- ligations and the destruction of ( wealth by war. I The nations have travelled along the road of inflation Wltlrtlir n , . . : crease in wealth ; they must re- trace their steps and get to work increasing wealth as rap- -idly as possible. If the world's credit money doubles and commodities are cut in half, it is manifest that! rency must more than double. The sales have lifted prices ihigh and depressed the amount Of wealth. The Solution Of the.perty stolen from " Pr.-vnoe, committed problem is the reduction of uicide by nubbins. credit money and increase in1 Kasch arrestea at the request vi -.tie r renew military authorities, who planned tp return him to France and try him in a .civil court on a charge of convmon robbery. Kaasch wiia turned over to the Kranch. He killed himself in the jail at Uoptard, in wnich he had been placed for the night, f Unen and other property found in the officer's home in Coblens. the au thorities Bay, wag stolen during the war from French homes In Douai. American College Football Stars Who Played on or Coached Army : Teams? in 'France lMMMM Kot understood. We move along asunder. Our patha grow w-er aa the seasons creep Along tha years: we marve and we wonder Why Life Is Life. And then We fall asleep. Xot Understood. Not understood. 'Wo gather false Impressions, And hug them closer as the years go by. Till virtue often seem to us tra nsgressions ; And thus men die and fall, and live and die. Not understood. o ft ., ' v -Ml t V"- T e' Not understood. Poor souls with atunted vision Often measure giants by their narrow gauge; The poisoned shaft of falsehood and derision Are oft impelled 'gainst those who would the age, Not understood. Not secret i - Nl - , l Jk -a,AK ., Alujur V. t I'rl. linril. t mnulii l-m, M ortliinKion, 1.1,-uu-imnt j,li,. In this group are lour army officer a team reiiresentlnii St. Naaaire. M.i- Jor V. o. rrichai-l. Seventh Cunuuiny coach of tho KiBhty-ninth Division team is a West l'nint man, cluss ot '15. Captain i'uti! WorthiiiHton, fu r ous Harvaril I'iaver. was captain of the Eighty-ninth Iivlsion team, l.lcu- M " ' If j . HUSH iIT-KA PIUaiKNTi;i, h W.VSHINtl'IXIN, Jiiiiu -Mj 1wkI (lout WilMMt uiliinltU'd U J'n-inlnr li iiH-not'ttu tho llonili rtwoliitloii ak lii a liitirinir for lli Irish tloli-tui4-e lit till- PVIU.V CMlllUl illf, llll' HtUU' !() IMirtmi-ut tixliiy Inrormi ii tiio Hi nate. A supers! itlous man Is the one who ImuKlnes that otlu-is think na much of him as he does of himself. Don't lllilo Tliem Willi n Veil; mine Tliom Willi Oildiio lloitlilc Mivnj-tll. I'liiH. prepnration fur the removal ol freckles Is usually so succeHMful ll removing freokles and giving a clear .houuUfol cutliplexlull thut 11 is full t'liUe-r giiHruntt-e to refund the inone: I', it lulls. I'ou't liUle your freckles under i villi; get mi ,uuui:e of uthlua and re move tlivm. 4-;veu the first few apu rlications shuulil show a wuiulerful improvement, some of the lighter frecklos vunlahlng entlmly. . lie KUl't In HMk th. ilrituulMf fur tin tliiWo strength .Ottilne; . It is till: vt ii &ud vu the inqneytiaok guar ll.Ki:lt, tOICr . J). 1'. IJuclk, l'mip. linker's best hotel.,, Cotimur clul mon's UeaUuuurturs. lirgo, lliLilit aaiihple -cotiins, Kiiroiieun plan, with tiost UHll in Uregon. lloiiins with private hath uud tolluts. liot and cold wutvr ami telephone In every j-omn. Kiillt-s of 2 lo 0 JEoom l-'ioli. Klevator Service. Conveyance Moats Alt Trains, ' A IliuiK- for lln- Travokir Aay J'roiu llmuc," who made a nanie for themselves im the football field before they bec.ime soldiers. The photbgriiph, was taken the day the championship match was Played nt Auteuil. near liaris, between theiiBhty-ninth division's eleven and production of wealth. FUNNYBONE mMiJ&!& Skin Mahaii and t upluiu Dli k Hurt tenant Kililie Mahaii. who v,-as a star from IvHiuuis, MiKsouri unil Colorudii. , tarkle at Jlarvard, played on the St. Nnzaire team. Captain Kicks Hurt, who was couch of the St. Xaiaire leani, made a brilliant recoril at Princeton. The Ktghty-nliith llvlslon originally was composed of troops i H A coded. Stump Orator I want reform; want labor reform; I want Voic Chloroform. Dissappoiiitiiig Season. 'How did the past winter suit you?' understood. The v spring of action Which Ue between the surface and the show Ul Are disregarded; with self -satis- faction We judge our neighbors, and" they often go. - jaskeff the caUer at the country news- Not understood. paper office. Author unknown. I "It was rather disappointing. re- plied the editor, brushing the alfalfa ,from his white locks. "But it was a very mild winter?" "That'B just the trouble. I couldn't begin to use half tho wood I got for subscriptions." SUCH WORK WILL PAY THE CITY WELL PUBI.IC SLU5KKTS EX1 KltA OF MIDUIJCMAV ARKS, playtrrounds for for children, suitable ! camp grounds for MILWAUKEE, June 20. Through its public markets Milwaukee has eliminated the middleman in the handling of garden truck and some other produce to a greater extent than any other large city in America, ac cording to F. C. Jansscn, city dealer. "Additional public markets anil buildings have been provided for by the common council." he said. "The puonc marKets in here afford an op portunity for direct transfer of pro duce from the producer to consumer that is given to no other lar.se citv in the country, in the western cities middlemen are admitted tn the public markets, with tho result that much of ! IMIONK STItlkl) COXT1XIKS supplies to operators remaining In ex 5AX FltANClSOO, Juno 19. The changes through inducing union team telephone strike situation throughout Mars and ehauffeurs not to make de the Btate remains unchanged pending , liveries. one girl was arrested to a conference of union ami company of- , day for hopping on to a milk wagon f;eluU tonight to consider settlement, und dumping into the street 10 gallons Ptclwtiiis continues with little dlsor- of-milk intended for strikebreakers ' 'n 'no main, Jiowever. peacefu San Francisco girls have cut off suasion la the strikers- weapon. per- ' " i ' '.J.;... , - ..-agrr.ii M . .i-i.jn..o4i u j ci-ivd lei Of the Great Pacific Northwest Arc MadeEspecuUy Attractive This Summer by tho Reduced Excursion Fares Olltnti by the , United States Railroad Administration FIVE POUND CAN Sujier-Iluzurdmis Occuiiatkin. Book Salesman I'm going to lay off auto- 'or a nionth. mobile touristi and hand rnnJ Sale ManaarerWhaf the Idea? 4. i . , Book Salesman I've got only one certs are becoming more and ,ife and Im darn ,ucky fQ haveht? more popular in all live towns An hour ago a gTinnlng office boy per &nd cities. ThprA nrp mnnv mitted me to enter the den 'nf a wild nliA9 nnr na Iqi-o-o oa Ponillo-i"" engaged in figuring out his excess the benefit of Uie plan developed here ton that far surpass this city :protita ' f ' in such civic accommodations.; iaiurer. It is found that BUCh invest-j "Who are the plain ' people ony- ments pays in more ways than! bow?" ' one. They bring new people I "Wc". 1 wouldn't apply the term to to toe city and they tend to ' Umiu, make present residents more -Your cousin s medical practice, i Contented. suppose.. doesn't amount to much yet." These observations are bys "Xo- We relatives do an we can. Aval 'r jmrni $2.50 A CAN Labor Convention Asks Removal of Burleson idea , but of course we can't be sick all the time.' way of approval of the tnat the Walters island pro perty be improved, Mr. Walters ! Dark. having- srenerously offered to; "Don't you know i toi- yo- not to give the City the Use Of the is- S" swimming w id no white trash chil- 'land; and that hereafter the eh?" sternly aaked Sambo John-bandbemainUinedonamuni-: -But he wa n a white before he Cipal basis. A landscape artist j went in." replied rambo's small son. could make a wonderful place i i"rom the tiKstnut Tree, out of the Walters island and 1 "IP? '. the sender of ischo?" A- i 4-:..i.. ii 'Feminine." uu ou L wujpaiauvcij ouian t '-Why7' ATLANTIC CITV. June 19. The American federation of lnhnp r.n,-an jtlon today passed resolutions asking j President Wilson to remove I'ostnias- ter General Burleson. The resolutioa j follows: "That the American Feilera jtion of Tbor. speaking directly for -four million organized wage earners and firm in the belief it reflects the isentiraenta of the American people, re quests President Wilson to immediate ly remove Postmaster General Burle son." Tho convention continued its conser vatism. Kvery resolution having the slightest tinge of radicalism was throttled. BUY THIS SIZE AND SAVE MONEY M.J.B. Coffee is rich in Flavor and Strength WE RECOMMEND AND ( Vacuum Packed) Three Pound Can $1.60. GUARANTEE IT expense, ine lSiana nas greai I "Because It always has the last possibilities as a park though , word." for a playground there may be ! objections. FOE i-ootkii. w vxtkd As to the band what could i itv i itAxci:, tii'inw-ji be more logical than to have I " the city pay out of public funds FZ ,h.J,: lor Bummer Concerts? 1 he who was arrested several days ago by Whole town gets the good from lAmerican intelligence officers on a- such concerts and- the benefits ,char8e ot having in his possession pro are real. Why not finance the band in a businesslike way by j SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE taxation? The adoption of such a plan will insure a band and it would place the expense ! where it belongs. ! CAIIRTED XTT.R IV CONCORDIA, Mass. Juno 17 surgical needle that has been body f-ir mnro er given Mrs. city trouble untl was removed Airs, ilannum with cramps in was found. THE SOUL OF THE TREATY "rj N truth, the League of Na il tions is the soul of the treaty, the one thing which more than any other warrants the belief that a sore ly afflicted world is soon to ex perience happier days. With out the assurance thus given. the war, so far as the United j States is concerned, was fought1 in vain. Is it conceivable that through Toryism or partyismj or case-hardened hermitism on the part of any considerable number of Americans thisi SDlendid aspiration is to be wickedly extinguished? New York World. WILL PRICES FALL? 3N answer to the question proposed by the United States Department of La bor, "Will prices fall?" a large, number of big business men an-' swer, "No, not for some time."( All seems to agree that the pre vailing high level will continue for some time and that the country must accept a long per iod of high cost of living, high prices and high wages. This conclusion is logical from the facts, Hsserts the Newi York Herald. High prices and high wages will prevail until the rausi'R producing them are' ye moved. These causes are in-. f!l-?f'r!'flifl Destroy CfipKNflAC I-Srltish cruisprs lryor.i arrived j Others are expected a oiy reaay to blockade of the peace terms are. si rovers started thi afternoon. lor tho (ieruian IV TiOICDKF ELi PAD. Jun troop movement started toward from Fort Bliss vers are believed war game" instruction Tf you are unable to learn anything while trying- to teach others It's a sure indication that you are a has-been. Plain organdie. In ft dlstract In'gly loTIy shade of larkupur blue Is tbJs ummer confection, simply mad wMh fine pin iucji and narrow pufftofts of tbe mi rial, and set off by collar wUl cuff; of tin lace. ' A good friend e lands by you when need. Pendleton people1 tell how loan's Kidney I'iMs have stood the tent. O. V. Knieht retired farmer of 915.K. Court St., endorsed Doan eight jears ago and again confirms the story. Could yoit' ask for more convincing testimony? "For the past eight or ten years I have been troubled by my back, says Mr. KniKht, FornetlmeH I had pains across my kidneys and in my loins and sides. At such times my kidneys bothered me and J had o get up often at ninht to pass the kidney secretions which were highly colored and con tained a brickdust-like - sediment. Do'an's Kidney I'ills relieved the back- acne ana ine pains inut nan annoyed -sWa r, liLf i 1 p,,-,.i. me and cleared up the kidney secre- K HcdiLlli Ul dliu X CJ.I csnuig, tions. (Statement given May 7F 110.) On May 15. 1916, Mr. Knight said: "f Kindly confirm every word of my former statement concerning my ex perience with J Bonn's Kidney I'ilis, When f feel in rfeed rf a kidney medi cine, tak- I .loan's Kidney i'iJla and thev always do rue f""d." nt all den iers. Poster-MM burn 'Co. Mffjrs., i;iiff;i.if X, 5 i 2 5 i ' Don't overlook the drinkst in making up your pic nic lunch. , . Why take chances on finding no water or poor wate; ' A case of our SODA WATER, CIDER or Bran New solves the drink question. Easily carried, ready for serving and always Order a case from your dealer or call 528. Wm. Roesch & Co. "First for. Thirst" 4 .WiTMimmVW4 can SEA IREHES Af. Ik. NhM CUUop Beach HOW North Beach . Hf ih Monk f iA Calvmbla Tillanook Beaches wlna fattKr auutft mm Ori C a I Newport lal raaollf mmai all KmaUj kt Kau aliani h I a I iccamiMdaili tcilav. lama and all Maaarj Hlnani lo ma ha a -lion autlna lltiirl a aaata IM Cms Crater Lake aiMUr a th lha tfcraaM Oregon Caves Urmmtrn r TVw Aar iia ML Rainier a Mili hMtal ua-fwmt ftH ta Aahfn'A. -immi uu awl Hire Iavlr W kin your vacation to visit one or more of them, where the days are cheerful and the nighta brine refreshing sleep. Old 0An fUmm'-tme delieht. It tt-Z u Jnvijrorating salt-laden air and the splash 4f ita surf temper your nerves, redden your blood, whet your appetite, restore your wasted energy, bring new vim and health. Up in the Mountains TJ " mKImm ,ri tptr.. R.t.r, . p u. 1T Wta I" 6.rkM otj Mai sni Uku. M, kZ ta-k. try, I. W kk. im .Im, . . ,w "Wm " ! tm4 d taiM w L m. Can You Resist Such a Challenge I Ask tK Itril t(ckt ftnt W pUn your tri. Rt v. II u 999 Jwt what th fan i. and fa JMrr tip(l aui. liiaK mim f Ui LitJ Stat RaiTad AdminMtntion u nuM tmry mi: id m snaking ralin trawal canrvatent and aaturyiaf U U SMiai T)a hattonal Pasaa ka all ban rra.tl lawni .( -M... ajipaajin m imj r new. inula mTortaattaa f thir ttaavUi'liilir aUwatraiaal haaAla miwtMm rfatirhLa and aofiatn hM j by Ua AteiiuauaUM and mn far frw aJninbaUM. Aik mv lacal ayirwt fi-r any of Thm a One Pound Can 55c V r SERVICE i TWO PHONES GROCERY DEPT. S26 . U I ALU OTHER PEFT3. 73 - " 1 1 - - - - mm A a AU a II h . 111 l(OI)V I-OIt fO YEAILS! " 1 1 a f aara than 20 yenrs'ha. nev- g. X&Wtf Oft ElavS. -'iWl4kM fiSfgl 9 F. J- Hannum of thJa g :AWj? 4rJAkMt ill gtVf Stt S Ml racently. The needle 9 mmj Z-Pti W? t l-y a physician after d ?-mWG(!wKf'i ISST 8 had snfforod severely 5 f $SjM JiJSlf I i'JJJ i j RN-. June 19. Twelve K ' ' " V?5SV Jf W -"TfWrtiSfc t 1 9 ! anrt a number of rje- K L vJtm-tf 'A I today in the Baltic, f. I K f X iSfciL? UZcT IMSA & I on a secret mlsolon S P ' T-3 r ' t r'Z,3VlL' li - II e 1. An Ameriean 'K r " jT ft ' . I of eonsiderable slz K I -WV. i- - ' :7 .. 9 1 the Mexican Border O i - i U VI Oal " '5 1. iaiiiiv Th. .. -a :t . vroaM v. jutm -mi .... ;. s v zyvwaw w. 1 '..';"ffiiJ Going' The Children WiU Want It A PRESENT FREE TO EACH GIRL OR BOY Who brings or sends to the East Oregonian office one new Daily subscriber by carrier for 1 month or longer; or one.new Daily subscriber by Mail for 3 months or longer; or one new Semi-Weekly subscrib er by mail for 1 year; or any subscriber renewing their Daily subscription for three months or longer or Semi-Weekly for one year. VOll lOlK CONVENIENCE VMS THIS COUPO! East Oregon Ian Tub. Co. Gentlemen: I' tease .end rue "Uncle Bllly'e" Circua aad dond the iDally) or (Semi-Weekly) East Oregonlan by (carrier) or (mall), for which find enclosed I to the following addreu Send the paper tot month. year. Name Town ' Street and No. My Name Is My Addreu la SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally by carrier 16c per month. . j Dally by Mail fs.oo per year, Dally by Mail IJ.bo lx month.. Dally by Mall fl.ss thru, montha. e.mt-Weekly ll.eo per year. IP CI ROUS 18 TO BE SENT BT MAII SEND So FOR POSTAGE.