PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGON1AN. PENDLETON. OBKtUiN. FRIDAY. JUNE 20. 1919- TWELVE PAGES aMw--a-a.w With the FourthM July Only .Eleven Shopping Days Away IT WILL P W YOU TO SHOP AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. YOU CAN SATE TDIE. OUR STOCKS AND ASSORTMENT ARE THE GREATEST AND MOST SERVICE IS THE BEST. WE GIVE YOU THE BEST FOR THE PRICE; NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE. " ! : l i? ,1 . ' VARIED. OUR Children's Wearables 1 1 - : . J f i ': : - I I ! I 2 FOR THE WARM DAYS TILT ARE HERE. The ease with which we can provide you with every little wearable you, wiH require for the children will more than surprise you. ' : We anticipated the things we knew they would most re quire, and have thera in our stocks now. ; Good aissortnieiits of these, com pricing cunning little coats, dresses, sweaters, underwear, etc. To enable you to secure the ones you like best and that you feel the children would "kJok best in. We placed on their price tickets such low prices as these: Children's Coats $3.73 to $22-50 Children's Dresses $1.49 to $$.75 Children's Sweaters ! S2L25 to $8. 73 Children's Mushis at most moderate prices. -It's the Best Bargain Shop I've Seen in the West" ' "T terc at fit ti tzt wvr?r ik iw jt macSE fanr z.aja-r. T1is s til vff pt ;r -it :J."-y tnfiBs iravj.-c ?rrt K.tYlliltT TOT C3T T VIM'V. TOfPoIlrW tfcfe IS rtw tont Pir Taio TH fcK f J totxw w.t ajo8 nfrjr. racSLS art erflfi ma trs at- loaded. Ya wrll ra4 rarrT lev a larcan. Satarday We Introduce a New Oregon Product. One of the snappiest of American Toys THE GO-GIGGLE Made in America, Made in Oregon, Made in Pendleton. Bright colored and built strong and serviceable. Just right for the kiddies noisy for the noisy kid. They Are Ready for You Saturday. VISIT THE BARGAIN BASEMENT And save along with your neighbors they'll all be here. Mm "VHP 'H' SftVfph 4fMr IMM'' Jfla jjtihpa " aMPfKt MVJMC 4MWff fVnt(MlliM ffttiafyt (MH UNDERFRICED DRUG SUNDRIES. : " BUY THEM HERE. ' , 1 Sempre Giovir.e, pick complexion cake 49c I .uxor Cold Cream 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 49c Woodbury's, Packers Tar and Cuticura Soap, cake. 23c Sylvan Complexion Powder 2V Melba Greasefcss Cream 30c Luxor Toilet Water . $1.00 Luxor Cuticle Remover v 23c Ekaya Complexion Powder 50c Colgates Dental Cream, small tubes 10c Listerine I2c and 23c Pompcian Night Cream .19c Dr. Lyons and Colgate Dental Powder 2.1c Ekaya Rouge 30c Munn or Eversweet 2;lc Cutex Compact Manicure Set s 50c Free tomorrow, sample cake of Sempre Giovine, plea.- ask for it. L.1CE SILK BOOT HOSE Just received these, colors are white, black and brown, the pair $1.23 KAYSER SILK TOP UNI ON SUITS in flesh color, all sizes, an extra fine quality gauze lisle with the Italian silk tops. Per suit .$23 to S-1.50 THE GLORIOUS 4TH will soon be here.. Buy your FLAGS and BUNTING now. It may be too late the day before the 4th. A complete assortment of flags in all sizes and styles, also national bunting in the tricolor or with stars. SEE THE WINDOW DIS PLAY OF SLIPOVER VEILS The greatest assortment of styles and colors depict ing the latest fashionable weaves, eta, ever shown in Pendleton. Prices 15c to 63c WINDSOR TIES are selling very freely for wear with summer costumes plaids, dots and plain col ors 35c to $1.00 Service. Fit, Style in KAYSER SILK GLOVES Colors of gray, tan, black and white from 63c to $2.00 INFANTS' WHITE SILK HOSE All sizes 4 to C -j. Prices, the pair 60c to 73c This is one of the good waist-seam suits we're ready to show you; single and double breasted rnwfels. Six months from now You're satisfied with - whatever , clothes you buy at the tim? fon get them, or you wouldn't buy. If that's all the satisfaction you want, any clothes will do;' they all look pood when they're new. We're trying to give you more than that. You want satisfaction six months from now or a vear. I nat s wnv v.e It A offer Hart Schaffner & 1 , i Marx clothes. Thevref Hf guaranteed to satisfy j W 1 lack if they fonL J; j V'S KA $20 to $415. Two special racks of specially priced suits, for men, all sizes, new styles, all wool material. The best makes in America. Look these suits over and save $10.00 to $20.00 on your new summer suit. T. P. W. Pure FOOD Shop In Our Model, Sanitary Basement. CLEANLINESS . ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main line Phones, all 13. All Other Depts. call 22 We alwavs have the freshest and Itst Fruits and Vege tables, handled in the most clean and sanitary manner, where the flies do not find a home. EXTRA SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST Sliced Dili Pickles, 3 large cans . . . ; 5-c Del Monte Catsup, the bottle 23c Good Table Peaches, the can 33c Litbvs Tomato Soup, 2 cans 23c Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, 4 cans $1.0 WHEN YOU START OUT to find the very best for your money in Clothing, Fornishings and Hats, dont overlook this store. PEXBtT0i!S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE 3heP boples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE M'4A4A4 DONT CHASE AROUND looking for best values. Come to us. have them. We 5 BERLIM PRESS BITTER IS iisoEBwra . - ' ? r Terms Vnceeptkhle Be- fore, no Change Made" is Declared. (,t rf aazd ttoe trrr, ss.Jssit feas fefi haa?M." aM the Taeteart toiaiy. "We refmsfr tent tfm "tw-29- w taart imps nf d'r- are 3i t tis HASjo-aSiftEe- otf rTf5 rwpniaic.rv rs-'SnK. msast lay a"" riiSJ' cnl, EPtrrtr te Tr.1TX2grt2 staftSll 9Tr trie whofe trtorr a 1m Is .or.-;h piece: h. asI cooJc lr be Iamtm ffm. IUF Pwrtl has Ih .K.n.r watr sr;! aUr.ff earcark cf a ur. fee hAd rre4 93j! h-f-fcour : L-tT. ITai. fnp s-i-a ita ?ir -r t'.:"fr a.i:.-".--!;' jo of afx-i to- Italian Cabinet quits Then Stays Is Report f SALE OF DAVENPORT BEDS P,50 ' 4 n"f "aief ROM E. Jose S.vna."i- irrf,-rap In. parstJEiRt fei4d to o-pe z-iW-TTsmeess' f--refira p?ii". Otiser -fiurai fartiwrts m-t lax nlarht ? ie smtrs tfeer f"ne rtitit in rlar fjf the fVriJfctji voe. 1 "fierm f t rmed rp"&rf3i are c?re:ila!f f hat PtretBar OrSaado" t7i4y--l irte r;2ratn of ?Jie -rjijr? a"rtr.i so ls?TMrr IffMiwJa;. It i f 3trv-r rp.-rt the a.ired OrJan-io to a pTrTBmetal crisis now tfeat ffe rwTJitfi were vi!Hra?t. Boston Cannot Count on Champs This Year iirri-rl J:",zi-rt. Cr-ie ar-4 T-"'fc W.?i nsr jfh: an-'l ?--ra r.t r-r-:-m f Iff ' C,o-ir ft.-i r-cth(r?- h'-jr --r -ar tti er- Ur ii ijatn- el he tam l.lfN tbe fcrtt. 85y al"l 'Vr. ft.a heivlnsr. a fc.a Kfew ru rxtr-fi t,st anther i'arlT- fcw k 3 r-rtST Itsrsa mi th rr-2? si cafcrbae and '4Sc in cold T&eve;- fa.M '..- piaf the ssvapTT. 'cabbuSte :n .ATi wi?h tfci lis ri?r- .a" d-K' a nd iy h-e a?- ptfcRdi t iter r V;t?r sabi.wRA. fr.-- leared M1r3s' Je !Uaa and ctmeSKtl'r half t4irtoa sait os ul.eii:wo fiiw- wv 'ae.j a& as4r,'. A wv ! jy cfe'f-el -ft hp. few fraUr. of tJi- UTt"'-r3 -r-.n. fc-owes-er, r ranscaut ar,l iw jrrvii?:. cayttn. coie rertamsr f -r ifie e;.--i?. wiv- nt.-E ii--e a S.-ci-r. Arid to The Rd ji-Tt t'r,,ct a rmpWi pro- t-t-'.?e .-r, s -snzr ar..i r.e-foua?f -IMr-? TJse f-rfkd no wa ..r lh-r b.aps sc &-r. a." J ft-k ( ;r the fswrrfs fptarfed than wSie mifi'j;:. wocd wi la,-? yr w:h a wWu C"rrot and fra. rTr iRe" rT iaa h-rd a'tr w;aan7 a ftv r-r,- at tiRKnroi dfrtmr-fatal to their inicrit and take the fim4rqa rnrv. Th-f al- rxri rffwKre tr rtrh itie tmtT metric fa fewMtiitc ItijmitctiKjcre asirrr Mriktrv ThrnMiifiHiiwi wni mi r' irtt f -frz Ilit- r--1 rt -1 tf im mimivn frnot f;rrw tor a rrvMl j4 tfrre Murs. n AN To fTi:or. 11. I S . Juno -r)Hilni of 12 nirlrer marliim-a. all f le r Ifati taml in vHilt"iJ miUi l!Mrtf mntim are ttere t .-mart fcordt-r patrol wrW a a rewtt of MoimUj u 4irmrilnc with the VUtKtas. ARK Ycr? H''w ruurh U yosir m'nfjr rarnln i-r j..if? Ar rnrntaliy euipp t-- h;rU- .ir rmmey r d you tak tJi ?ii.!itt mterrH and h-t the rstH).r man your nion' out fr at 8rf.jTtr imere4? W mn show h,r jf-u can niak your money urn m a hamisume profit. A,5toria Vr.;u ln-n Work. OffW. 64 JHinin Mrvnt. lytndkion, - vd Jr. j . ird- na -fa iratfter mmnx- . , ta LaTrr tie o Bed fHtie, 5 r...a k c. a4I fr lew - - - r-w 8 5 Don't forge; to GET THAT TENT. Camp Cots, 9 Camp Chaui and Slo es at f 4 114 E. W.b - - - f Jl . Br H. C Ka-rfito f"ttie--i Psi-w 5ff Crresr.des NKW TORK. Jas 1. Brare and ?ld haTe fcs erj-al'!?- di?at--i?5f-:t-ir5i? to farJ r f Powtri th'a Tear.. kJt rivn w;s h i h e ha n d ica t he r ha v heen laV;rsT nrdr- linrf crowd than mxht re exr-ted ;th S4f?j-clrab-i a th a-rrar?" r hare tinted owt Both elats ha? sr-aJe r4tar fnrr to p-ii hi ard f.e Prv r r-Ir a ri "hr ef fona. G-ze V.'ah:s?ra Orat. o-rr- f-f t5 t-Arr? whrch won a pewrart a1 a w -vrsd r h ; lor.-rh-p w mira-e-r-o;!f m 11. oeoed the par TV add-tf-T. of F Bin Jrt t- the puchia rtaT a a pewh4e aed t?ie c5-' rkdr for dr mk t-a 9t Ivb f fm3fe-. ati fr -'4 ?- ' rad? fc w-il ukMi sajre 'd .h Hvke H-ttw Jfr j an-J PlA.-Jrc r Pasrth. a prom f--e Marr 1aiT!rr. H ha 3 &wtfeirfer arrd a h5f to !h art r.f the irwn. T?re -;d :rfi?d s p4a?'R3r frfrKd Of fcftiftll. and th 03Efi-3d h-jr wi'Js the exception .f Vft rc?d. The f.-ftehtrv howerer. have hwMi wj-fe rrp. a.od the caschir. rtaff i ao what :t should he Ed Fa rrcw ha ha d hi 5 r-r: b rSt. f F'a5f R-s?h and the lame-3 f' of J--re Brfh. The resit off the ps hrs r fee sjiahle to cfs to the fierr th-r showed wh thr wt I Tar and oa the way isorrh harthn th TVr are rrr r-r that the wm fe 5fl ihe throve f fttterwal rrohe. If that w the cajh. there I ma!I hop ?w th ;jh. A r en srvr ntr. ft ea.-vrt r f ?Tr-d h:her than third VK-. Wih, r p. and cat yo-R-r car rota &n s-r.a 1 Cfibej or fyucif h i pes . COOK iirt:i ft in VjtUKr al:d "atr or atock. add as trfjf ;--: a r.? sty of srven jeaLf ihas have tee?l cted in aach a Fr.:iil a-rrrrnS tatfr tr-t it neei eo Ir3i&d off hfre -rrr-o- ! Wi-.'r, t.'if'r- and iep- pr. CIifVwT a la Panncan d for jw-rvtR,. f-r.r.k wui grat ed che and i-t'; r t. c j t?a;n ?::' u- aroyrd n':ifo'er. HOUSEHOLD ' P !:! Jawe rcry nroibr of tfie rwn peace dvltfation im-lad nor rifrrrw r-a-tl partwpoiie in th mninx d the tr-wiy. awviedusar i a Htmrr dHVaicf. TtM- ny-arp ad ded that tle dcleniirin Mibtmtted a Trurt U the- fiermaa iw'trnmmi yevutfontx awt that tit terms are Im (wwibkr of e-serwtr and ampftanr womld adace the Mtra in a pit tn caaMit a Iwd. ae nonacrvaaoce ar cw4mt to a report. ft Mi tl Vextah Vow aw. V, ah ih rrcas varwrtr ef veaetaftf w on;f ow to the rammer marhct to ' r- n h,-n'4 fad to eat them. J:rr,.-,e' vrriiMCa. and map or cvt fn f I II K.XO.; IXJ1 XCTTOXJi ATI TW' ITV, Jw sa The AnrhrM fdlmtar cd fatmr una ajitwi'wdt atSofacd a rrdiik rajar thwj rtkta. unburn isnmurr in- EYERY FAR.MER SHOULD HAVE A WINTHER TRUCK We have them NOW ami READY FOR DE LIVERY, from 1 ton to 3' ton capacity. You will see their advantages after looking" them over. Ask for demonstration. We are distributors for Umatila County. Independent Garage Distributors COLE-REO DORT-SCRirP-BOOTlI Court at Thompson SL Thone 633