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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1919)
PACE TWETATB ' DAILY EAST OREflONl AN, PENDLETON, OREfl ON, THURSDAY, JUNE 1 10 1019 TWELVE PAGES i OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. G.OOD MRS. t)o row NCAN TO INSINUATE T ReTllt'ETj LAST NIGHT r HAD FlVC-DOCCrYR. ltl- IN MY PANTS n g- At Home in the Homing The time of all times when the Coffee MUST be right It will be right if it's CHASE & SANBORN'S SEAL BRAND A Delicious Flavor awaits you in every cup of Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Cof fee. Exclusive Agenev in Pendleton for C. & S. Seal Brand Coffee and Tea. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 S23 Main Si Si 8 S 5 The Professional Man and the Bank . The trrc lest success or professional man la nut time lie I wis reached (lie lop of Ilia profession, lie should bo able lo earn not only his livdiliood u ills irofrssjoo, but surirtus as well. Tilts requires Ihim4ih-ns acumen and tlHiroturll know. IcdKV of allies and conditions. Wc ar always (clad to advise with professional men ou business matters. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "STRONGEST BANK IX EASTERN OlyjGOiT" A. A. Frentzel, of the firm Campbell '& Frentzel Motor Co., Lexington Dealers of this city, has purchased the interest of L. M. Campbell, and will continue the agency in the future under his own name. Mr. Frent zel contemplates acquiring a new location for the Lexington Minute Man Six in the near future. Until that time he will retain the present location at 722 Cottonwood. The Lexington has made good in this ter ritory and the local" agency has become firmly established. The increasing sales of the Lexington de mands larger and more efficient quarters. There will be a full line of parts carried at all times. Tli in Agency Will lie Known Hereafter an FRENTZEL MOTOR SALES CO. 622 Col ton wood St. Solving Your fi&u.ilng Problem v:r. "- i At m it . .iii in in in ii V"ieker dHiviry often makes Uie difference between profit and low on tin; farm. HIUi a KeiNiWie Truck you can take your produce lo the best mar. kela and Increase 'ottr firoflls. Uut m truck must be built riiit to withstand tlie grind rf heavy farm work. Jtopuhlkj Trucks are built by truck iec4alista. Every Republic has Turbensoa Internal bear IM-ive appites the power nearer rim of (I is a &0.0OO ItepuWlc Trucks now In e. Torhrwaon Internal Orar Irive applies th epower "carer rim. of wheel, c-lnliur greater leverage.. A separate I-beam axle carries the hmd and takes aU load strain off driving mecbaolsm. The POWRMW delivers the power to the wheel that has traction and prevents stalling on soft ground. In mud or In snow. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 Court end Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon 1 SAX IT tvA JoN5 ?' THAT'S THO TIMS X fVjT ONCS OfOZ. ON YOV '.1 TCS - HCCJ I've, tot IT xvr -HA-HA-HA. '! 1 . U THAT'S Trl- CSCZ., Pendleton Met News The following prices are the prices 'according to prices quoted by the being paid to producers by Pendleton - Umatilla Flour and Grain Co. StanoV business houses. Wherever retail ard Toed barley is 62, and Barley "A" prices are given the fact will be spe- lis 52 1-2. cifically mentioned. Prices on mill feed and hay are: Krxs and Poultry j Mill feed ; $35.00 Eggs. 35c to 40c iBaled hay 20.00 Hens, 25c a pound. ' . i . Butter. 'f.xociUIvo Committee Butter fat, 55c pound f. o. Ii. I'cn- Ur i-nn iu,..m dleton. ... ... . .. rv,,,n,.v Kin . . i ne executive coiniiliiiee or - ine Country bulter. 1 (oil. Umatilla County Farm Bureau which Potatoes. S2 for lOOpounds. was active during the past year will Ham a Ftc continue Its activities this summer, co Ham, best quality. 38c. operating with Fred Bennlon newly i Bacon, best quality. 40c. appointed county agent. Following i Tr ,fi- are the members of the committee: I Xo Decrease bi Price R' - Earnheart- Holdman. Presl- I of sTrawerrles F. McNaught. Hermi.ton. Vice Strawberries are still retailing at i Z. ?e"t: C W' Kwe"- .Secret.ary: 1 frnm ti n t .,, narran, i-enaieion: j. o. Hales, ror tnis fruit Is well advanced and Adams: James Massie, Ukiah; A. R. lower. W atermelons are selling at 10c a pound, with canteloupes at 15c each. (iraliofMiers Are Pest At Weston Mountain Grasshoppers arc over-running some crops in the Weston Mountain country. An appeal to the farm departments of O. A. C. has been made in the hope or receiving Information which will miston: Frank T. Byrd, Pilot Rock: :H. G. Casteel, Pilot Rock; O. K. Good !man. Freewuter; A- K. Shummang, ! Milton. Apricots Arrive In IjochI Markets. , Apricots 'have made their appear, ance in the local tnarkets for the first time this season They are sell- lead to the extermination ? ih- h.. i lnS at basket, which contains ap- trovers. Five acres of crop belonging 1 P""'mately five pounds. to Billie Harfield were badly damaged. I ' Cherries Sell at Uiru'n Hairs at 15 to 2c a Pound. I Portland I Sc. Cherries are selling in the local mar- i An eader tone I In the grain bag kets at a retail price of frnm 15c to1 market is noted at Portland, the bags 20c. This price is almost double thcUelllng for 13 3-4 to 13c in carload price of cherries last jear. and local ! lots. Large quantities are still on merchants give as the reason the fact the way from the orient, that Oregon canneries are buying up tne rruit and thus boosting the price. Cherries are plentiful, however. Wool Market To Continue strong The wool marhet Is strong and will probably continue sn. according to the opinion of B. J. rmrke. prominent Pilot Itock Wool On Sale Saturday. Nearly a quarter of a million pounds of Umatilla county wool will le offered fur sale at the warehouse of the Pacific Coast Elevator Co. at Pilot Rock Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The wool Is the clip of sev- wool man. Mr." Burke returned re- 'era! big raisers In the south of the cently from Portland, nuking the trip I county. High' prices are expected to hers by auto. i prevail. Barley Goes 1wn One Half Cent. Barley is down one half cent today, Filmier Making (.ruin Hay Sow. Grain all the way from Pendleton - NOW IS THE TIME . TO WEAR SILK SHIRTS We have some of the most nifty silk shirts for men to be found in Tendleton arid you will find the prices most reasonable. Our best values in all . pure thread silk shirts priced at $6.50 iiii m& T1 :., ... r - vZi , v f 1 A BIG SAVING TO MEN Men with little or men with lots, we treat j"u nil tho suiir. Wc gl you the very best lit the lowest n-ices all the time, and tho service you got at the J. '. IViuicy Stores is not lo bo over, looked. Kadi and every saliw erson Ls trained in thu art of giving lo ouch uuil every- cusloiucr isrompt service and ooiirteous trealnicnt. Good Dress or Work Shirts 70c Our Best Bib Overalls, per pair I.IU The Best Work Gloves In Town $I.K One of our new waist-seam suits would bo Just the thing. to complete your arrangements (or a good timo July 4th and 5lh. You will bo given the cold shoulder If you are not properly dressed uud It costs so little when you buy it here. A clussy suit oun bo bought here fur $21.75 lo $27.50. KEEP KOOL BATHING SUITS 98c to $3.98 ' A COMMON OCCI KKNCK Tlltl.l), ACHING AMI TK.MIKIl VY.KT National lYlot Comfort Week June lath to S 1st. l-et us cxplnin to you the anatomy of the human foot. It will surprise you the things we can tell you about your feet that evory one should know. , ! Incorporated !9I I J. C. Penney Co,, A Nationwide Institution. to Cold Springs is looking- ci fine a It has ever been seen, Manuel Fried ley, councilman, mid last night after returning from a business trip through the land-1 north and northwest of Pendleton. Farmers are cutting their (Train hay and finding? a. fine stand There Is very little evidence of dum age by front and the few hot spelt have not scared the heads. Harvent ng 'will start in from two to three weeks. GOLDEN WEST Butter That's Tested Pure GOLDEN WEST is more than the tasti est of all butters it is pure, wholesome, healthful, because it is tested. No hands touch it before it reaches you. This assurance of its cleanliness adds zest to its eating. Your Grocer Carries It rJ" 'r! - ' .'"-V ( mrmm Cream crv Stock Run is Light; ' Top Lambs Bring $13 POIITLAVD. June 1ft. It -was a very small run for the mid week in the North Portland yards; only enht carloads being- received In the alleys over night. Market for sheep and lambs Is Knowing an active tone and prices tiro j being held firm and generally un changed with the best lambs avail able Belling at $13. General sheep range: Fair to choice lamb. . . . $ 1 t.Kn fft 1 3 00 nil lamb M. oo Yearlings "... 6.00 ?r 8.00 Wethers 7.00 ffi) 7.f0 Kwes ; 6.00 7.00 nutle Market Ih Hml. Market for cattle Is showing a firm tone at North Portland for the day with a very small run again for the day. Only 28 head formed the total arrivals over night. Price held unchanged' . General cattle range: Gond to choice steers . . f 10. &o m 1 1.5n Fair to good rteer ft.50a 10.00 f nmtnon to fair wteerH,. Mfl f'omm'n steers 7.00 rjoorl to choice cows and heifers a.OO-Qi Fair to medium cows and heifers g.oo fp Medium to fair cows and heifers $ OOtf? Canncrs 3. 50 fulls r.00t Calves ; .00fi 13.2& Swine Trade I Held. Another small run greeted the tradt n the fwlne dlvlwlon of the North Portland market for the day. Values ere stendy to strong with topn again lit 119.50. whlih were unchanged from recent days. General hog range: Prime mixed Mertititn mixed ..... Nmjgh and mixed .. Pigs Pigs Bulk i 33ri Get Our Big PLAN BOOK ! Send (c Today for our Bifr Plan Book ( iiiili'lc plans ror a lre num lsar of ntodern, oonvetilent lionies. riavo labor anil money In liullilliuc hy I lie iiw of ready-rut luiiilxr. ShllilNtl fllrutt lo you. I jk h ic-e of liillllirr Is iHainly niHrkiil lo oorressiiil Willi plan ami iitnilelo rna-U-rial lint, whli h ti'll" what rueh Inee Is anil where it Roe V lluild liefore i rices a ui! Wc Kuaranteo satisraetlon and savliur. IKI.V'T KXPi:itI.Mi:NT buy from tlie old rcliaMa concern Hint lias built hundreds of ready-cut homes in Ore gon. FENNER MANUFACTURING COMPANY Wills : Irstctluiill f tasfXillll .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuns I A NEW MODERATE PRICED CAR .r,o 7.50 9.6! .r.o T.nn s.nn .. 1.25 19.611 . I.7lil9.0 17.0OWI7.3B . 17.00 17.88 1T.O0S 17.35 19.00 H. 50 Th Essex 8TTHKK POSTPONED OTTW. June I. -Thirty tliou- sand 4'anadlan railway shopmen did not strike yesterday as isietlukHl. I'n. hm orforials are at Atlantic City con ferring wltli American lalmr leaders.' Tho walkout was postponed pending S The Essex combines at minimum cost the exclusive features of comfort, safety, luxury, performance and beauty that are the attri butes of high-priced cars, with the advantage of low first cost, tire economy, light operative cost and minimum depreciation. Worlds of Power, Sturdy, Beautiful in De sign and Easy to Operate. Ask for Demonstration. Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC . Distributors lit. 111 West Court hi Pendleton, Orefon a s S ts e s oil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMIII"Mll"l1"""11 iiHiiiiiiiliiillllllllllllHllimitf tne outcnnie or tots conference.