-HEwt.lriiiti.jiv 1 ) It; Section Two Pages 7 to 10 Section Two Pages 7 to 10 rl .t JmmJ rru uirrii 1 V Xm U tJ T-'v -r Jr GERMANS HAD BETTER SIGN SAYS SERGEANT BOYNTON DAILlf EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY. JUNE 17, 1919. f. ' OrcJem to reniuin uvonwuif unU go into Cublunx an a duluched ri-Klimtnt were not rolUhcd by the 4th Knul nee, according to a, h'tler from Hcr Reant Verne Uoynton. of the inrdlcul department of the 4th. who uy that whon the nowa came half the leKiinent Hot drunk and "went on a rampuRe." Doyntun mym he cxpecte to remain now until the enxlnenr equipment of the entire Army of Occupation nun been cleaned up. lie waa wounded last July, the flint day ho went Into action, but has alnce recovered from the effoctH. Following la hla letter, written from Mayachoaa, (Germany: lear Dad, . A few duya ago I wrote to Gludya telling her I'd be home aoon. At that tlmo we were packing up and turning In property and making other prepara tion! for a move to the 1'ort of Km barkation, Thlnga have changed aomewhat alnre thi n and now IiihIvuiI of going homo we're going to a good ktandlng Job of cleaning up Kngint-er equipment for the entire A. of o. We (4th Kngrs. ) have been detached from tho 4th Divlalon and are now under command of the Third Army direct. Next week we move to Cublena and will probably remain In that city un til the job haa been completed. Talk about your aore bunch of men, you ahuuld have aeen the 4th lunt night about half the-rcgiuient waa drunk and on a rampage. Believe nie the Dutchmen were wlae enough to keep off the atreet and out of alaht. The they are liable to rccoive aome rough treatment. Them fcllowa nru going to make thorn wiah the Americana hud 'lit come In. They demonstrated that luat night. jitter: May 2o. We are moving to Coblenz tomorrow or next duy. Four compainea uro moving down on the Moaelle river today, by nlitht our little City of Mayachoaa will bo almoat deaertcd of soldier. If the pence treuty la aigned there la atill a chunce for us to get home within the next two months but If not we'll prohubly see more of Germany, becatixe their railure to sign will be a signal for a new allied advance. As aoon us we are sclticd In c.li. lens I'm going to put In for a 14 day leave and go to England, tfc'otlnnd, Ire land and France. I'll arrange to spend spend about Z4 houra in 1'arls on the return trip then take tho express from there to Kclglum and slop ut llruasolH. From there to r'oiogne on the Ithlne, then back to Oililcnx. if I cn make proper connections and get to I'arls In I nine i ii ULKe a rim down to Nico thru Mursaillalse, l,yon. Dijon n and Nancv. 1 Inienrt to "gold brick" the rest of trie time we urirj in Germany. 1 intend to spend most of my time from now on traveling around from one town to another where we have infirmaries to see how things are going. Hud a letter from Puul Flnnell yes terday. He la still over on the Ithine with tho th Marines. iGucss I told you about seeing hlrn same time ago. May get a chance to see Howler unri huvo learned to remain ptiasfve when an officer approaches and who are arfulu eating, out of dishes, dunned their uniforms today and came here In Inrgo numbers from uli parla of Clofornia. Tho first California en campment of American War Veter ans opened a three duys session to day. Various Western regiments, batur ions and divisions are holding reunion in connection with 'the cmvcntion, and erstwhile "huddle" are conipur. lug notes us to peacetime put-Knits and meeting: the "top kick" and "the old man" on equal terms. IteV. Joseph '. McQualde, nullunul chuplain. hun arranged a program of conference regardLng legislation, em ployment, benefits for widows and or phans of service men and oilier vital Problems. LVe stand Behind every Can TAKE ADVANTAGE of: THIS OFFER The Famous M.J.B. Coffee in the Five Pound Size boys didn't appreciate the new orders others with 14tith and 148th F. A and aa a reault a double guard haa been posted and orders published that any man picked up outside their bil lets or In beer shops after 10:00 p. m. will be tried by Summary Court Mar tial unlesa they can produce proper authority for being out. If the Germans fall to sign tho peace treaty we may move farther on. Into their country. If that is the case, well no telling when we'll get back. I don't think there la much danger of that and I'd advise them to slan and let these fellows get out of here or when we get to C'oblenx. I've got to go by ambulances to A. company and get a man to go with B. company to Trier, love to all the family and regards to my friends. VKHXK. Medical Department, 4th 'Knigneers, A. IS. F. . LAND ALLOTMENT . BRINGS DISPUTE Daley Conies From Survey or treneral s Office to Investigate. Pound 32.50 A CAN (Vacuum Packed) BUY THIS SIZE AND SAVE MONEY Three Pound Can $1.60 One Pound Can 55c VKTKHAXS l-OXFKU OY VlTAfj I'ltOHI.KMS SAV FHANCISCO. June 17. DIs. charged soldlera whose right arms .Thomas Daley, of the surveyor gvn (ral's orrii-e In Portland, Is ut llie I'mnttlla county Indian agency Inves tigating the corners on McKay crevk. about.-whlch thero hns been a conlro- 1 versty bntween Charles Vnitmrger, 1 owner of public laud, nnd tho allot- ments of government land of Philip Jones and John Mlnthorn. deceased. Mr. Daley will settle this controversy by determining the boundaries In the reservation district. Another matter which brings Mr. 1aley to the agency Is the fact thai ' some of the stakes which murk the! government corners and which were: put in two years ngo by Lincoln K i Wtlkea, government surveyor, have ! . been disturbed. Mr. Daley Is making; COnlllllSSlOnerS Investigations and hopes to find the offenders. This offense carries a pen alty of $250 and the government Is on the watch for such violations. SERVICES PENDLEjON'rOREi. - fine Stock Ranch for Sale SISO acrns all fenced and cross fenced. 9 room liousn and 4 barns. Large orcliard. and all kinds of bcrrkw. There la 300 acres tillable and ISO In grain. There Is a store, I. O., Ik water rrsorm. school, grist mill, saw mill, all within 3 miloa or Uiia ranch, lias dally mail and tel. triune. Urauiiur permit on Government rwarve goi with rrfare. There la 10 bead of rattle, SO horwn, 40 hogn, a lot of diloketu, and everything from a eool llireslilng madilne down to a garden rake. Including a shingle mill, corn slieller; chop mill, 3lM bushel of corn raised on prem ises last year, 3 gas engines, you can buy this fine ranch and everything mentioned hero for $12.50 an aero, and pay half cash, and 10 years at ii per cent on balance. I hare a very attractive homo on tho North aide for ale. Tliere are S rooms, 3 aleefilng porrhen, full law. nicnt, fuma oe heat and fi rep bice. Tho house Is liardfln Ished all through, and substantially built, 2 hits on cor ner of blnf-kt irarage and oilier Improvements. Von ran buy tills fine home ror KlKMl. hair rash, long tune at T per cent balance. ;o with mo and see IU E. T. WADE. CliKVKUX AMI.NK MAY UK iiaonTi:i CLKVKf-AND. O., June 1. De portation of more than a score of rad ical taken In raid here during a rwarcli for thone reponiilble for the bomhlnff of Mayor Harry L. DaviH homo m-empil almoft certain Twentv-elicht men now held, it wa Mated foiowiiifr a conffronco bevween fwlf.ru! nfficiHlR and Cleveland polite' will le turned over to the Immigra tion authorities tomorrow. This was decided on when it was awrtafned that mot tit the alien had entered the United (States l.y y of rimada and prodaitlv were guilty of evasions of ImmlrTration Inww. Only two of the men have applied for their first papers. PACIFIC JfGHWAY OPEN BY PANOARY 1 Made Tour of Inspection Speeding up Work. Thtit f trt-Kon will have the Pacific highway in shape f'r year 'mund tra vel from California to the Columbia river by Jan. 1. la declared by W. I Thompson, state highway commis Hioner, after a week spent inspect inj? the road work in Wentern Oregon The highway -uEU he paved, graded rocked from line to line tefore the California section is connected to meet, Oregon's progress, Mr. Thompson said. In company wlth,fliQinminHtoner9 ft. tlenfon and Uooih, 'sir. Thompson TAXICAB7fl PHONE I U Books 5 Rides for S3.S PARKER TAXI CO. Why Pay More. Extra Added Attraction Airtitar HERO OF THE EASTLAND DISASTER AND KING OF BELL DIVERS. WILL APPEAR IN PERSON IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR REGULAR HIPPODROME VAUDE VILLE. THIS ADDED ATTRACTION WITH A REEL OF MOTION PICTURES WHICH MR. LOEB CARRIES WITH HIM AND WHICH SHOWS THE METHODS OF SAVING HUMAN LIVES WILL BE SHOWN AT THE USU AL ADMISSION PRICE. When The Day Is Over When the household cares and the worries of everyday life have dragged you down , made you un happy. and there is noth ing in life but headache, backarhc and worry, turn to the riht prescription, one gotten up by Dr. Pierce fifty years ago. Everything growing out of the ground seems intended for some use in establish ing natural conditions. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., long since found out w hat is naturally best for women's diseases. He learned it all through treating thou sands of cases. The result of his studies was a medicine called Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. This medicine is mado of vegetable growths that nature surely intended for backache, headache, weak ening, bearing-down pain?, irregularities, pelvic inflammations, and for the many disorders common to women in all ages of Ufc. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is made of lady's slipper root, black cohosh root, unicorn root, blue cohosh root and Oregon grape root. Dr. Pierce knew, when he first made this standard medi cine, that whiskey and morphine are in jurious, and so he has always kept them out of his remedies. Women who take this standard remedy know that in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription they arc getting a safe woman's tonic so good that druggists everywhere scU it, in liquid oi tablet form. motored es far as the top of the iin kiyoim, where paving Is about to le gin. WTierever they found stretches not yet under contract to grading, they ordered sradmj? advertised, located routes, and ordered graded section macadamised if It is not pos-, si 1 tie to vave them this summer. Every effort was made to have an ; open highway by the beginning of &20. "Bridges, mere ordered built, grade crossings cut otit and gates elirninat-, ed." Mr. Thompson said. "Yes, there really are gates along tho route of! the coaffs chief highway," he added. Beside finishing up ail details of the Pacific highway on the trip, the com-i mispioners selected tho low pass route for the road from Eugene to Florence,1 on Alsea bay and looked over the loca-j tion of the. Medford-CYater Lake road. -Vo definite action was taken on the j latter project. ! Mr. Thompson returned to Portland Saturday morning and spent Saturday attending a convention of bankers j there. r West ern Electric Power; and Light - 3gf (he "Western Electric man show tjou the kind of plant jyou need I "HERE if at much dMfercnce ta ec- l ,o have a fas cvfinc, it Mxy hm a 1 Inc lighl pUau at there a m aulomo- (accdlcu cxjxaie to bar aaotber asfiaa at bila or fu cnfnm. No one type n . pvi of aa oulL Oa ifw olKu kaod. if rquallr wiled lo alt f.rm.. d yout waal .. oulSl w.lh b.ll-ia eaaae. . powr aad lighl requnemeau ar beWertera Electric aua ill Kit yo. about diflereal ffoai your neichbora. . . . . , . , , J a aew oumi of ma type ready for delirery LiLe every farmer, yoa want ' eleclrict '" FalL la aay car-. Unjmi aMtter power aad ligtit, but you ' do.'r want aa of filbBf oar eauipineats lo your aecda. . oul6l either loo Uree or too amall for your . . . . t . , aeed.. Sun nl f Get all the fact,! . M? " ' Ltl Ih. Wotcrn ElccUic mm , y. '""'1 ""'" ",P"t' bJi of Jl lAe kind . plant yoa need Uertera Electric Power aad Liojtf , OaltU. Our busiaeat is bigger Uiaa the aiera . Mist of any partkuUr electnc pUsC, -V, "" "V" We tell cleclriciiy for ih. farm. There tnc- " Wfm Elertne are all tizes and types of We' em Electric oaiBii. We are sol forced by policy to ell one type for every purpose. We cum sell yo as ouifii with or without a gay engine.,' , ' Motors. Wafer Systems, Mitkiag M chmes, etcM lo save lahor oa sSe farm; as well as Irons. Vacuum Cleaners. WHmg Mschmes aaj otfter electrical . helps to save tunc and labor ta the bosme, A, I Am; The Western Electric Man In This county Charles Milne Electric Contractor Ncrt i,, CUf Uan Pendleton, Ore. CITIZENSIPH TEST NOT SOJASY NOW Foreigners Must Learn Am ericanism Says Judge Phelps. Bring' Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size Wind Shield Glass We have an experienced man who -will set the glass while you wait- B. L Burroughs, Inc. Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. The liich i-ercentace nf rejertin f candidates for naturalization at the t circuit court Hession Saturday la high ly deplored hy Jndjro Gilbert W; 1'helps, before whom the candidates were examined. Six of the nine who appeared were continued, four of them because of their inability to read o." write to the courtn satisfaction and chiefly because they -were not versed in principles of American gov ernment. "There is no excuse for a person with five or more years' residence in tho United States not beingr aide to read and write atll understand the. f-'w simple principle- of our Rovern uient the judjre said 'For thie most part, indolence in rosionsille for this Ignorance. j In the making of American cltlKens,' the judRe pointed out. it Is necessary! that they lie grounded in the funda- t mentals of pood citizenship in order that they may vote, and vote intelll- Kently. "American cit izenship ia somethlnff that should man a great dal to its possessor and It is not ask ing too imirh of a candidate that be bf versed in our government. Since the war the laxity which for merly marked Rome citizenship courts has- been abolished. Judge Phelps- said H Is no longer possible f'r an appli cant to merely apply. pre he has lived continuously for five cars in the United States and be declared a citi zen. It is a great privilege to possess American ctixenship. the judge de clared, and the standards set arc mma too high. lie expressed as his wish that he might have a cHss of candidate to instruct in tho elements of citizenship. Candidates may. however, set Inst rue. Hon from any svhool teacher in th county or state and be assisted in I preparing1 for the test of citizenship. Everything Under Glass Flies have a very poor chance in our market. WThen meats are received at the market they go directly to our cooler, and all cut meats on display are always under glass. We fully realize the im portance of sanitation in handling fresh meats and we spare no pains to deliver your meats in a sweet and fresh condition as modern equipment and careful handling make possible. L Oregon Market TIIONE 600 815 MAIN ST. Read the Want Ads. It Pays KM.ISTKI) MAX WIN'S JIONOIIS AT AW A1MH.IS AN'N'AI'OI.IS. Md.. June 1 An nouncement of the scholastic standing of the member of tlx graduating class of the naval academy made today. Kirst honor went to AVele.v Mcl. Hague of San IMeito. Cal., who was appointed to the academy from the enlisted person n-l of the navy by Secretary 1 Hi it i el. Hague also won three of the principal prixes for ex eelence in professional branches. Uncle Sam's war department Is to place on th market nearly R.flitO.OOft yards of gauze. Uan the fashion au thorities who design stage clothes af ford to overlook this chance to se ct re bargains? GRAIN PLACE your INSURANCE NOW Special Rates Why not Insure in & good com pany at CHEAPEST RATES obtainable? Trl-StatG Terminal Co. Telephone 550 129 East Court Street