wt - '"" "fljj .aiarm-Mr". Section Two f Section Two -Pages 9 to 12 I DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 14. 1919. PENDLETON'S FOURTH OF JULY A VIA TOR KILLED IN PORTLAND YESTERDA Y WHEN PLANE HITS EART H W. B. HUTCHINSON WAS ARMY FLYER Intended to Fly Here July 5 th i viivuig muminaiea . Flight. n, Hutchinson, discharged army nvlamr, win Inmanily killed at I'ort- inna yesterday afternoon when bis- piano Hashed to earth out of control and crashed Into a, cement wolk Hiilihlnsnn won lRned to flv In Pen- ttetnn during the Fourth of July cele. luatlon, having been obtained by I i'. Irn -e, of the local committee, 1 htirsday. Hutchinson. Hon of a wealthy wheat farmer living at Dayton. wa dun to "y from Portland to hla ranch hum hi Dayton today and on July 4 whs to fly at YnMma. Following- hi" flight there he was onmlnn to Pendleton to fly on Hutiiritiiy, July 6. Th local Fourth of July commit too won distinctly disappointed at (nrnlns; of Hutchinson' death todn". They went to great expense to get him Maneil foi the local flight and feur "it, wlih the grout demand for nvla. tors for the Fourth, they will have a nurd time replacing him. liuichi.n "1 was to Introduce new thrill In air fhlng here by doing an lllumlnau j 5488 Registered at ' 0. A. C. During Past Year; 3186 Regulars nnvuios AGrtieririTtAt, fou.lCOH, Corvallls, June 14. iiegiHtratlon for the school year Just cloned at the college wa the largest In the history of the Institution, tr.il 9 individuals tnk- Ing work. Thin figure Include short course student and H, A. T. C. men The number of reg- ular 'students fas 3 1 H0 and short course students. mio. The total number from Oregon was 2939, from other states came 1.123 and 21 were from foreign cnun- tries. Heventy-one persona were transferred from olher colleges and universities. Among states outside' of Oregon which had the largest registration were Washington with u Oiiifornin 437 and Idaho. 77. TO CHOOSE DIRECTOR AT LECTION MONDAY McNary Wont Back Hiram Johnson for Presidential Race WASHINGTON, June Senator McNary today 14. stated E. L. Smith's Election Urged ,hat Senator Borah and Kenyon V... rpu I ld no authority to speak fur vy muse OUIJIJUI ling Board. him when they announced that progressive republicans In the senate were united In support of COMING OF ARMY FLYER IS DELAYED Hi rain J oh neon for nomination for president, "I war not eonHUlted on that," hp Id. "I will not RuMrt any man Tor nomination who U un- Hlterahly opposed to the league of nation." 1 ed t.lKiil flinrht HIh firefly flight win m taki plfice iHtfl at niKht, wlih fire WorNn to he net off when Meverill hun dred ftet in tho nlr. STKeant John Milkownkl, an nrmv mechanic. w wlih liiitrninKnn on hi ratal fJ;tht and he, too. win In. mantly l:Itled. Election of onrxrehoo) director for th three year term and ratification or rejection of the proponed budget for 191 9-1 2 will be voted on by taxpayer and voter of JiHtrlct Xo. 1. Monday. The poll will he opn hctween 'i o'clock and 7 oVIork In tn council room or tne cuy hail. k. L. Smith, now a member of the hoard. ii the only candidate up for election. I 11m re-election in nrged by thone w!xh Inn; to uphold the present hoard and the Improved school conditions CHEHAL.I., June. IS Plans for the School election In all the distrirU I junketing trip of the huHlneK men of I'matllla county will alfto be held and the ChchuliH Concert bund were on Aloiioay to . let t directors and vi j perfected Tuesday niKht at a meeting; or budKt't.. Only taxpayera may vote , fur the trip June 17, 18 and 19. on the hfhool iiv.v In any dlntrict but Thirty or more budlnea men will ac IIKII (JS HAI TO VISIT XKK.imoiES li sal votet are entitled to Vote the directortt fine Stock Ranch for Sale I30 aorra. all fenced and cross f.i.ocd. a room hotiso and 4 barns. Largo orchard, and all kinds of bcrrlca. Tlwro la SOO acres t Ilia bio and 150 In praln. There Is a mro. 1 o.. bat MIit rnmr. ocbool, grist null, saw mill, all within S mUoa of this ranch, lias dally mall and Iclc niton, (.'razing permit on (iovmunnn inrrw kimi wlih Placo. There is 20 IumkI of cattle, xo horses, 40 lioga, a kit or olH. kctiM. and everything from a good Uireslilng machine down lo a ganlen rake. Including a shingle mlU. corn sIk-II, f, clmp mill, SOO Imslicls of corn raised on ircm. Isrs last year, 3 gas engine, l oo ran boy this fine ranch and everything mentlonpil hers for tlS.SO an acre, and lay half oasli. and 10 rears at t icr cent on balance. I hare a very attractive home on Iho North side" for B"'u Thero are a rooms, 2 sleeping porches, full hasc tnent, fnrnaoa heat and fln-placc. Tlio house Is liartlfln lhd all through, and substantially built, a low on cor ner of block, garage and other Improvements. Von ran bar this fine home for SRnon, hair cash, long timo at T per cent helancr. Co with mn and see It. E. T. WADE. T Kids His Wife By Chewing Poison, Just Misses eDalh DENVER, June 14. "Kidding" hla wife by chewltiff poison tablet nearly proved fatal Baturday nleht to lRoy Horn?,, 46, huahand of Mrs. Vera M. Tlldeman-rtonn acquitted Inat fall of the killing of Roy Chamberlain, an Ednewater farmer. Koae chewed the polaon tablets until hi body became ailff and he was removed to the county hospital In a serious condition. He will recover. yAlAs STRKFT WOI.P MI'KT SEItVK 8KXTKXCK company the band, and concerts will he given by the band at each city viHit ed. The trip is made for buineaa and Pleasure. cHpedally that the bimlneF men may acquaint themaelvea better with the Western Washington district and a I wo to give some added publicity to the city. The itinerary of the body as outlined la as follows: .Leave Chehalis at 7:30 a. m., arrive Aberdeen at 11 a. m.. H'lquiam at 12. lunch; leave Hoquiam at 1 p. m.; visit Monteaano and Elma; arrive at Olymp iaat ft p. m., leave Olympia 5:45 p. m.; arrive at Tacoma at 7 p. m, and remain over niKht Ieave Tacoma WVdneaday morn in; at 9 and visit Puyallup, Sumner, Auburn and Kent, arriving' at Seattle at 12. Uunch, afternoon and evening In Seat tle leaving Seattle at 8:30 Thursday morning for Everett, where they will take lunch and rtart on the return trip home. LltMitenant Fetter, army aviator who was reported yenterday as plan ning to fly from J'ortland to Kpokanc Hunday, will not vhdt Pendleton a re ported, but will fly from Portland to ' Seattle Monduy, a wfre from Milton It Klepper, In chance of aviation ar rangements at Portland, to the Pen dleton Co m me rc f a I A kbocI a ti on t od a y said. loiter he will fly to Spokane. Either g"fng to Spokane r upon his return from there, the flier will come through Pendleton ,and will alight hre. as requested by Oeorge C. Haer. president of the awociation. li is not yet known whether Lieuten ant Fetter will return from Seattle to Portland or fly acros the tnoun- tain of Washington direct from the sMind to Srf'kane. It will not he nece-wary for Pendle ton to request the army officials, at Washington to hav lieutenant Fet ters routed via Pendleton, Mr. Klep per's wire said, as h hag authority to fly whichever wuy he chooses. Word will he Ment here later as to the exact time of the flier's arrival. Meanwhile a suitable field for landing I being sought by Mayor J. I,. Vaitghan. Many a woman says her prayers be cause the minister says she should and does other things because he says she shouldn't. XKW YORK, June 15. The fnited States circuit court of appeals affirm ed the conviction and senlence of David Lamar, "the wolf of Wall street," and Henry B. Martin of labor ers' national peace council, for con spiring to obstruct the shipment of in unit ton to the allies by fomenting strikes in this country. Umar and Martin, who were convicted by Franx von Hlntelen, were sentenced to serve a year In the Mercer county. New Jer sey, penitentiary. is not insured read this Hsian 2000 ACRES WHEAT DESTROYED BY FIRE CHIC0, May 31. Fire due to sparks from an engine destroy ed 2,000 acres of wheat, valued at $120,000, on the Stanford ranch, between Soto and the Southern Pacific right of way, last night. As the grain was insured to take effect June 1, the loss is com plete. The grain was owned by Godholdt Brothers, of Red Bluff, and J. H. Jones and W. A. Yocum of Chico, who recently pur chased the land. RITR OF TIFD A XT AT PICXTO FOIMTBH WOMAV TO HOSPITAL SAX FRAXCTSCO. June 14. What appeared to be the harmless bite of a little red ant which nipped her on the arm during a picnic In the Oakland hills a f'W days ago almost had a serious termination today for Mrs. E. Eickworth. 17 Car! street. When the bite began to show signs of infection and her arm to swell pain fully Mrs. KSckworth today went to the Central Emergency Hospital and was told that if she had waited an other twenty-four hours blood poison ing would have set In and necessitated the amputation of her arm. The wound was treated and she was taken to her home. SWIM PftOSTIt ATK-S (.OVFKXOR BVDMBY, N. S. W.. June 15 His excellency, the governor (Sir Walter Pavldaon) has recovered following his recent collapse. The governor was prostrated after a swim in the bath at the Government House grounds. REALTY TRANSFERS FOR THREE YEARS Itched Something Terrible. Cuticura Healed. "My face wes in an awful condi tion. It was smeared with pimples. biacicneads and enlarged pores. It itched -something terrible and I lost nights of sleep. My face was disfigured for three years. "Then I saw a Cuticura advertisement and I sent for a sample. I bought more and it only took two cakes of Soap and two boxes of Ointment to heal me." (Signed) Henry Goldfarb. 215 N. Fremont Ave., Los Angeles Cal., August 6, 1916. Having cleared roar skin keep it dear by using Cuticura Soap and VJinirDent lor daily toilet purposes. SLCotkuTa Talaim Powder -vq Do not fail to test th favinaHnv frs. grance of this exquisitely scented face. Baby, dusting and skin perfuming powder. Delicate, delightful, distingue, it imparts to tbe person a charm incomparable and peculiartoitself. Sample of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum free by mail, address post-card: "CtrtKUr. lrp. R, BoMeo." Sold everywhere at 25c. each. 111 1' ELECTRICITY finds many ways to brighten your house and lighten your work. Snap a switch and any room is flooded with clean, safe light. , Put in Western Eecfric Power and Light and have light for every room in your home; every stall and passage in the barn. It gives you power to run the many electrical household devices as well as the grindstone, " separator, fanning mill, water system, etc See this Western Electric outfit in. operation . Charles Milne Electric Contractor . , J Xcit to Clt Hall , I-emJletoa. Ore , ... . WE ARE WRITING GROWING GRAIN MUCH CHEAPER THIS YEAR than ever before and the cost so much for the season so that you can place it in force right now and it will cost you no more than ib would if you waited until you thought it was dry enough to burn. You might think wrong like the farmer in California and lose your entire grain crop. PHONE OR CALL ON US AND WE WILL GIVE YOU THE LOWEST RATE on growing grain obtainable in Oregon. WE PAY IF YOU LOSE. So come in and insure, and be able to rest in peace. Bentley-Graham Insurance Agency f Phone 404 815 Main St, nKitns. W. E. Welch to A. M. Pesnaln. I12S0. NV 1-4 seotlnn 33 and SK 1-4 N'R 14 section 3- township 1 north. 34. H . Xewport to IT. M. Schilling. $1. Ixit 1, block l.i. Hermlston. A. L DeniHris to A. neniflris, $1, Mete and hound tract N'VV 1-4 section 21. township 5 north. 86. A. 1 Deniaris to SI. remaris, $10. S 1-2 XW 1-4 section 21 and part X j 1-S XW 1-4 section 21, township 5 : X. 3S - j A. L. Deninris to A. Oemnris. $57.-; 1400. X 1-2 XW 1-4 and SE 1-4 XW Jl-4 and XK 1-4 section 2S, and mete 'and hound in section 21 and 2S, , township R X. 3. , X. A. Johnson to J. W. Kelly. $ STiH , Int 5 nnd 22 feet of north side Lot . j block fil, Freewjtter. F. Morrlsette to A. MorrlHette, $1. .I3 1-4 XW 1-4 section 13, township j 3 north. 34. F. M. l.ockwood to 1-C. Timmermnn. Ul.flO. W 1-2 section 24 and NV 1-4 section 2Ti. township X. 33. j C. W. Winder to W. Winder, 1K0. 1-2 Interest In SV 1-4 section 2 and N" 1-2 section 11. township 3 X. 3(1. A. McKtrnth to Alden Fuller. $1.00 7.5 acres section 14, township 6 north, 35 A. Fuller to l. :. Spcer. 13.0on. 22 acres in SW 1-4 SK 1-4 section 14. township 6 north, 3S. 11. Mayer to n. 1 Prlnir. $1. V. 1-2 , SW 1-4 and XW 1-4 SK 1-4 section 31. township fi north. 31. Tt. Howard to 1 n. Tlrownell. $Stt. 4 acres in section IS. township .5 V. 2S. j l". It. Isaac to W. r. Welch. $1.00.1 IS acres in section p. township 2 N 32. C. nreedlnc to F. B. K'.nte. $5000 Port lots IS and 16. Mock 24. Arnold Kn lev's. J. r. Sabathier to J. R. r. lj-wis $1 13 nrrei In SW 1-4 section 14, township 6 north, ranite 35. R. J. Pnvls to 11. l Sanders. $60 Lots 3 and 4 block 55. Freewater. X. It. Foster to J. Xnrkatts. $f00. T.ols p. jo nnd 15 section 15. township 3 X 36. f M. Smith lo A. T Simpson. $195 Lot 13. block 25, Arnold A Ratpy's M. Hunlster to A. Ohapln. $1. I.ota 2 and 13. block 12, MeArthtir's, Wes ton. ( j Ajnerlcan Natlonai Bank Pendleton. Buirdlnc Eyes 8clent1flcs.lU examined, Glaasee sroond to fit TJAf-E ROTHWET.Ii Optometrut msd optkniaa Bring' Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size Wind Shield Glass "We have an experienced man who will set the glass while you wait- B. L Burroughs, Inc. Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. The Market of : Personal Service It's not what we used to be but what we are today that in terests the buying public NOW. We know you will be pleased with our com plete line of meats and our own delivery service. Every minute this market is open is a minute of service to our patrons that is why they are in creasing. . . Oregon Market THONE 600 815 MAIN ST. TAXICABfl PHONE I II Books an Itiik-s for 12. W PARKER TAXI CO. Ha; nj Mora. CECIL COSrER Pl'lll.IO ACtXHNTASIT INCOME TAX ADVISKH Smith-Crawford Bide Opposite Tendleton Hotel Phone 103 PLACE your GRAN ENSURANC E NOW Special Rates Why not Insure in a good com pany at CHEAPEST RATES obtainable? Tri-State Tfirminal Co. Telephone 550 129 East Court Street j i 71 - I ti 1 r "e f