rr- .51 j lady's. Eorum lor Hdus.ehold. To'pic's" I L- . MgiT : r- ( : r-T. . . - , , -r DAINTY APRONS FOR WORK AND PLAY Htv?iBtu ""I. tmockti uro- fco'dlM th apron in place, and th to protect one frock whll. serving .voivan rrom Bait may either button In th back or afternoon tea or preparing th aalad w luna-popuiar nidge apron type, la particularly attractive In white dimity of lawn, feather-stitched In color. It la cut ao that tba top la considerably narrower than the bot tom, and the cperfluous fulness la gathered In at each aide of the walat with smocking. Thla leavea the front When She Begins to Convalesce develop Into tba - proverbial apron string. Made of ehambray and heav ily feather-atltched In white, without loalng any of lta attractive dalntlneaa. thla little apron would qualify for the practical service clam and pass with flying colora. Tha "fancy" model can be made of of the apron plaln -a most desirable-, . perfectly atralght square of hand feature. The atrap which goea over kerchief linen, One lawn or dimity, the ehouldera and around the neck la Tiny tucka of graduated depth (it it "Honed on Ihc two polnta In front, snugly In at the walat line, and a g- m&mj& They . "WPr 2d for dinner. The kitchen apron developed In cross-barred percale ) an Intensely practical garment. Tha ihoulder por tion! of the front bib effect dwindle away into at rap" In the back, wbicb cross each other and button down -curely on tbe fitted belt, Into which the fullneaa of tbe back wldtba of tbe fcklrt la gathered. Tbe aldea are an perlmpoeed wltb hiaa panels forming huge saddle bag pocketa. Thla modal possesses two feature very eaaentlal to the apron In which one la infend ed to really accompllab things. These are coolness and a protective all-over quality. The last apron might be developed Into anything from a morning house dregs to a garden smock. In case of sucb evolution very little 'change would be necessary lengthening tbe fcklrt, raising tbe collar line, widen ing the shoulder and putting aleeves on the deep armboles. The apron Is cut In three piecea, back, front and aldea and bib. Tbe latter, by the way. does not stopat being Just a bib, but continues down and forma great ca pacious pocket under the front width. The blaa band which forma the collar In tbe front develops into straps In the bark, which cross each other and appear in the front, again buttoning over the pocket 0 Give an added seat le rernv. erjr by snaking: tbe Uf days less (I re some.. Torn her tte. Hon to tbe rare of the hals, nails, romplexlon and fianre, all of which have anffrred dor Ins; her Illness. . Thla will be found In be very beneficial to the members treat ed as well aa keeping the con. alrcent from becoming fret-fuL x!sasTa 4 . X lias uiauuur v ' W i .,.,1 jr,.,1 rj . . 1 hi m 1 f UlaAJulii kill CONVALESCENCE Is a time of ,:' A . f - --n"r?""' s ' ' golden opportunity. Not every ,!:" V Ji t ' f Vy TrAVH&jtr A ) A" r Uf: A - 71 A' A : :' El X r'X :r : It ?00r' 'V sr1- -r; V't.;, Ui.u ."'tV:'A;, f yt lalv'WIlMPy-aaalil amjajaj angeaMfcaSL m'mmlll . -OfT: flXt 9sm Pat Knot PiliLOSQPHT raiSBiK. ' JVV For R!ucUnt Curb V, buv tbe summer time la a"yir- rioie uma tor atraignt locaa: It la quit bad enough in tbe sweltering city, but when jt comes to the tantalising dampness of the sea side, then doaa tbe straight-locked lady throw up tba spnnge. Obviously It is a precious few of the fair sex wbo can do without soma suspicion of a curl and slill appear at all charming. Titst. to begin with, It Is tbe oily head that suffers most. Bcgo, rect the condition aa far as It lies wltbfn your power to do so. One way to correct tha condition speedily is to use a dry shampoo oner or twice a week. Equal parts of cornmeal and orris roof make an excellent remedy. Objection In frequently raised against the dry shampoo in the erroneous be lief that It clogs the pores of tbe scalp. Verily It does, If misapplied Vou see. tbe idea In using the dry shampoo la to rid the hair and not the . scalp of tbe exeeaa oil. ' Therefore, the ad monition to keep tbe preparation away from tbe scalp Itself. It should be ap plied wltb. a puff to separate strsnda of tbe bair and then thoroughly brush ed out.. If tha use of tbe dry shampoo la still objectionable, there la a lotion tbe dally application of which tends to correct tba troublesome condition of excesa all. Two ounces of alcohol. . two of witch hasel and reeorcln four teen gralna abouid be rubbed well Into the acalp. Then for'' the curling Itaetf, there ara several reliable ways of inducing It ' First tbaxf la tbe use of soap, just a wee bit of it on the dampened locks to Insure results when the hair le "put up" In kids or paper. Second, there is the use of can de cologne applied in the same way. And then there is ' quincesiied that old reliable of grand mother's day. The quiuceased fluid ia made aa follows: Ve a tablespoonful of tbe areds to a pint of bet water. Tbe water Is poured over tbe aeeds and the whole is allowed to stand for several lioura. Tbe resultant mucil age may be thinned wltb a few drops of essence of violet. Tha hair is moistened with the fluid before curl ing. So you see, Absolute straightness and Incidental unbecomlngncss may aw samr-died to some extent 0 Using a Reminder THK "reminder" la a perfectly legitimate course with a hos tess who la planning an affair sucb as g dinner, luncheon, "card par ty or email dance, where the abaence of one guest would upset things con sldersbly. If tbe Invitation has been ar all luformal her "rrmjnder" ma.v take the form of a telephone rail the day befora the affair to aaaure tieraell that her guest has not forgotten tbe . date or hour. Sometimes an injdtation to a formal affair baa been given verbally: then the follow-up or reminder should be sent out In tbe form of a (bird per son Invitation with the word "remind er" added in the upper left-hand cor ner of tbe page. Are Chle and Serviceable. button bole slipped oyer one of ittons on the front of tbe blou ho upper corner in place. Two ular patch pockets and narrow mmed strings complete this pron. which, finished In the long-and- stltch around tbe hem In any de color, will prove juat the thing ' ' ' S II II II I I III I 1 11 11 SM How to Stand A LESSON which every child should be taught to memorise and of equal value with time tablea and spelling cbarta Is the secret of correct posture. A simple description of tha correct way to atand ia given by aa export of posture aa the following: Feet Irmly'planted on tha ground, with the weight forward on the balla of the feet, uaing the heals for bal- n fat orAivht . 1 1 . 1 1 v Mtrihut tween tbe two feet Knees Ann snd straight. Htpa neither too far back nor too far forward; stomach drawn In. but not with an effort, rather the result of correct hip and cnest posi tion. Chestbone held high; breathing from the diaphragm (the large muscle between the chest and abdomen). Neck erect aa if pushing the back of the neck against a high, stiff collar, the chin lifted snd the eyes forward. It would b a sood plan to make the child recite thia each day, carrying out the details of tbe posture aa be ONVALE8CENCE Is a time of golden opportunity. Not every woman haa the leisure to giye really fastidious attention to groom ing, but nearly every woman bas at some time in even the busiest lifea period of getting well again when there must be no exertion either men tal or physical. So tbe wise woman raiher than spend that time wonder ing juat bow soon she w ill be on her feet again, or worrying alK)ut the things waiting to be done, amusea herself by making herself pretty. Hair, nails, complexion, figure all suffer when one is abed for any pro tracted length of time. Inactivity, you know. Is ruinous to the health of living organisms. And so It behooves tba convalescent to start gentle ac tivity in. nails, hair, complexion and muscle, while ahe wait. It la positive fun to file the nail in to pretty oral, to push back the cut icle and watch the lovely" eushiona grow about tba baae of tbe naila. It takes such a very llttf time, too. .Wash tbe handa thoroughly in warm water, pat dry, tben rub generously wltb cold cream. Tbay will feel de lightfully soft and manageable, and WHY IS AN AFFINITY LADY asked me the other day U.y men are so prone to seek fe- th manicure wlllglvw vastly better ' male companionship outside - the home, why the honeymoon is so often followed by a lapse of love, why, in short, affinities play so large a part in the lives of men? The answer is not far to seek. It is because wives encourage their hus bands to seek affinities. Yes; I mean just that ' Of course, every wife will deny it, re sent it, will hold me in scorn for sug gesting it ; yet it is true. Not openly, but none the less surely,- wives invite their husbands to seek affinities. . The thing which attracts a young ma to the girl whom he makes his wife it her personal appearance. It is not her character, her intellect, her disposition 'These things may come later to hold him to the girl of his choice, but the primary attraction was her beauty, 01 what appealed to him as beauty. In that degree which, she holds fast thia attraction, she may hope to hold bis ove. Whenever she relaxes her effort to retain that attraction, she invites competition with the odds all against her. The jarffe who ttempts to save her husband's money at the expense of her personal attractiveness, is the loser always. It were better for her peace and happiness that she make heavy in roads upon his income than that she suffer th slightest draft upon her per sonal charm. Wives who have learned and practiced" cornea to them. After a while It will, ,1,:, r,. k,v. ii,tu t... .1 .:; only require a gentle, "Stand atralght, p s dearl" to recpll the child to he cor- Melted butter poured on tba top of rect posture, without remembering canned tomatoea juat before aeallng each detail in particular. will keep thera aweet. Charming Summer Hat ref'7rr3 r if f- 1 1 IA" ir iw4( s, if. 1 v '- J - '-M -(u y x a ' : i m A -i': ; ; -t - :r A -f r:; ' 4 ! A V-,"'J tVv. .wVisV A results. Another thing that th in valid ba time for that ahe would not have otherwise' ts pinching bar finger tips into graceful polnta. , . But If the fingernails suffer during Illness, th hair suffers mor. one might bay mod; for th sheen and tbe life of the hair ar directly inde pendent on th health af th ntlr system. Of course, aa on regain bodily strength the balr Is going to haw for It. Still matters can ba hastened to a gratifying degree by brushing, massage anS plaiting. Wash ing ths bair la difficult, sometimes ut terly ImposaibU.ia eases of (ever ill ness, but th brushing if done thor oughly' and regu)arly can be nearly aa hygienic aa water and soap. long, ea-en atrokea with a bruah of medium stiffness will cleanse itbe hair of dust and help wonderfully In restoring the sheen. t But the brushing Is one of the things tkeft the invalid cant very well do by herself. She might, though, give her self a scalp massage for about five minutes every night. It doesn't take much time assuredly, or too much ef fort, and it ia so generous in its re ward. But If "nurse" is w filing to do it so much tbe better. Have you ever noticed that thick, scaly, leatherly look that the skin takes on in illness,? Inactivity again la tbe reason. There is no mor effec tual way to counteract that than by regular massage. And- can yon Im agine - any better time ' for mas sage than tbe days of convalescence T It ia beat done when the whole body ia lazed another advantage that fho gettlng-well day haro over other' times. Moisten tln face with a good skin, food after bathing with warm water and a bland soap, then with the fingertips describing a rotary movement upward and outward go over the entire face from chin up. When treating the forehead let the thumbs act as a brace at th temples. Finish the treatment with an Ice mas sage. It'a a wonderful tonic. - If there is anything humiliating to an otherwise robust young woman. It is the weakneaa and stiffness which aasail her muscles after a spell of I sickness. But that can to a great ex- tent be warded off by gentle exercise taken under the covers. Extending tbs arms and bringing the fingers back to ' the shoulder is not a difficult thing to do. nor over-exerting to even tha weakest, but It keeps the shoulder and arm and hand hinges "oiled." so to speak, against stiffness. A lllca ex ercise for the legs and feet may be taken by drawing the latter up and flexing the knees. But th thing la regularity and never over-dotng. which would do far mora harm than r good. 1 They ar cuch empty hour usnally and such discouraging hours between sickness and health regained. Bnt If up to the wiae convalescent to make the most of them to Insure herself a "good-looking" recovery. An Admirable Bathing Suit CNKY bow style change, isn't it. Darker colors are, of course, more and with them our ideaa of pro- conservative, feut one aeea some tun- Ric Flow Bread. add two eggs beaten light, two sauare One and. one-half cups rice flour; two melted chocolate snd one traspoonful boiled potatoes, put through a rtcer; three tablespoons sugar ; one dessert spoon salt; one tablespoon lard; one ta blespoon butter; one pint liquid (half milk, half water) ; half yeast cake ; one quart of flour, or enough to knead. Mix at night, put into pans in morning Bake 55 minutes. Makes two double loaves. N . Baked Sausage With Apples. Peel, cut in halves and core six medi um sound apples ; cut into very fine slices and place in a slightly buttered earthen pan; lightly prick with s fork 1 fresh, fat, stringless sausages, lay them over the apples, season with half tea spoon salt, two salupoons white pep per; diwide half ! an ounce of butter in small bits over the sausages, pour two tublespoons.white wine over and bake itt the oven for 35 minutes; remove, send to table and serve from sameish. vanilla. To this mixture add sifted flour mixture and brat one minute. Bake in three layers, round pans, well greased and floured. Filling To white of unbeaten egg add confectioner's tugar. two squares melt ed chocolate, two tablespoons crcme mar&hmallow and beat together, using sugar enough to make the right consist encysto spread between layers Vm top ot pie. Cut English malnut meats inns bits and sprinkle on top ot frosting This 'makes a delicious cake pie and M favorite with all. f priety? A few yeara ago the girl whs appeared on the beach with a aleevdeea slip-over chemise suit of Hiotle th rirasing K fleet of This fapnlar Ribbon Trias med Model. THE wrong hat with a cost urns can prove almost aa disastrous as th wrong word with an acquaintance. While every woman must expert ment for herself to determine which style bat la most becoming 'to rer particular style, there arc many women who are not quite aure of good lines. It would be advisable for sucb women to observe the women they meet every dsy and to pay particular attention to those who look particu larly well attired from head to foot. There are many persons who have educated themselves along this line by following this advice. A decidedly chic model I tbls one of black mllan faced with flesb-eolored georgette crepe. The fluted wheels of ribbon are unique and mak an effective trim ming. The ribbon is a trifle darker than flcah pink. Nolle how polnta falling from the band around tbe qrawa connect with th wheels. rtckled Union. Use silver skin onions if oossihle. naur boiling water over them and as they are rjund with fried bread cubes 1 Egg Relish. ss Roll an ounce of butter in a good tea spoontul of flour, season with pepper, salt and nutmeg. Put it into a codec cupful of fresh milk, together with two teaspoonfuls of chopped parsley; stir and simmer it for 15 minutes, add a tcacupful of thick cream; hard boil five eggs and halve them, arrange them in a dish with the ends upward and sur- Serve peeled lay them in cold water to cover, with one pint salt to a! peck of onions. In the morning drain off this water and put in a kettle with clear water ta cover and- one pint milk aud scald. B sure not to boil, as they will be too soft. Skim out into jars or bottles, pour over scalded vinegar; cut red pepprr into small pieces and mix with the onions. a , Chocolate Pile. One quart pastry flour, two teatpoan fuls baking powder, one-fourth tea spoonful salt sifted together live times. Cream half a eup butter, one cup sugar ; scant immediately with the sauce poured over. Por the bread cubes select stale bread, or fresh, as desired, cut in slices and then cut in cubes. Fry in fat until gold en brown. These afford a delicious accompaniment Xelaaae Ceekles. One cup sugar, one cup molasses, two thirds cup shortening, one teaspoon cin namon, one teapoon ginger, small spoon salt, large teaspoon sWda dissolved in enough hot water, then fill the rest of cup with enough told water to make it pastry flour enough to roll. Jersey Salts for Slim I Wares. clinging Jersey cloth would be severe ly criticised, but now It is the uaual thing. These make mighty comforta ble auita for the teal swimmer, as they are light of weight, will not cling like satin and will not crack like the heavier sllka. nmg combinations of gray and etriao, sand color and bright blue, ate. Tha uit ktched call for a purple jer- aey, all bound with whit braid along th important eam. Th bloomer are made In one, with a sleeveleM swimming suit over w hlch the chunim part is worn quit loose. Of conrs, such a style is for slim girlish figure only, the stouter girl will bare to choose her suit from other 'mor sub tle styles. O An Effective R.emedy FEW people realise tbe efficacy of the external application ot a so lution of hot epsom salt as a home remedy for minor troubles. Noth ing ia better to allay the burning and iicbing of hivea than a frequent bath ing of the parts in a very strong so lution of salts and hot water; th lat ter should be juat aa hot aa the pa tient can atand. Sumach poisoning Is an affliction from which quite an astonishing num ber of people suffer, usually In the fall and spring of th year. In fact, it is at the time ot th changing eeasnna that folka ar most liable tn poison of all aorta. Epsom salts applied In strong solution with hot water, ta th only remedy which alia? th"weli ing and severe itch of this most stub born of all skin poianns. The hot epsom salts treatment ti equally good for Ivy poison, pench poison, and all kinds of fruit rsshea. It will immediately take all tbe heat and sting out of a mosquito or fly bite, and is an excellent thing to lncludn in the path water as a general sort of tonic to the skin aud system. r