jp'wr-'11'-"" j -j TWELVE PAGSJ5 WHIWK'fc'.' Wl' WW ',. ; DAILY gAST ongCOWAK, yENDCTON. nnjORATOlTAY, JUNE 17, lQiO. ' FACE ELEVEN Notices1 Business Opportunities,' " LocalsKliost, Found Ior Kent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference ' 11 ' raw TODAY, Basil aaw advertisement will be fun under "Hew Teasy" (or the. first insertion only. During subsequent Insertions of tha ad It will appear ucdM Its proeae elesslflcatloa. 1 NEW TODAY ,'A.'TED Woman to cWk'on runch. (Aililrei n. 1J. McEwen, Alhenu, or. FiU HUNT Pnrnhihed 'hounoktyM' . Ing rooms. 3oi no. Main. 1 i iii i WANTED lly experienced woman, .Job conk for crew of nwn, Jnqulra fpl Clny. , ... . . ONE oi.'ltNKKY HV, 4 '. years old. unit two yearling halters Cor sale, Ke Alex Manning. , EXPERIENCED WOMAN ouk want 'position on . ranch ihmugh haying , and harvest fhouar9Ii. I KOH RENT Modern six room fur. I v Wished hntiae, north elde. Mummer odly. No chlldrca. Phone ,627J. A nuMF VUlTTtt Find ". MOKI3 "IN" IXfWlt ' Study tha ad. 1 Answer ' thoaa . that look "likely. ' Study tha problem of where you'd JIKB VO LIVE and decide on- a houaa that's a little bettor,' that your caution una yoa that yoa can AFFORD. ? For with a food home, Whose value la Increasing all "the time, trou'II be abla to work to greater purpoes, and to RARN MORS. Soma of today da SHOULD mean a good deal to you, Aoy ' how -fin vatt - - SALE TO it SALE Ail kinds of lasuranc. J. H. Elites, 14 Main Bt. Phone 404 ' FOR BALK Wicker baby buggy, 120 N. Main. Phone 210J. FOR SALK Price $210. -ft room furnished house. Eiwiulre 224 Thompson FOll SALE 19 room furnlahed houaa. price 14500. . Beautiful home for family.' Inquire 224 Thompson 8t. FOR ALE or will trade llveatook, one 1 2 foot combine Address . -EI. jr. Juvenal, Echo, Oregon ... TH ' ' : r I f T , , For Sale Continued "aatpWaaaafcai mj---!- wsaossasiaaa a. FOR IMMEDIATE BALE Pnylng garage In best little tows) In Ore. gon. Worth while Investigating at S25O0.0.9 Address 121, car. this of fice. --.-' ' ' . FOR SALE Id -ft. cut Holt cpmblne with gas engine. In good shape. Bee-Purl Bowniaa, Bowman Hotel.' FOR 8ALE A 45 Holt Combine en gine In first class condition. Inquire James Mill, 114) N Mala or pnone 7I. FOD H. P. International (Ja Kazlne witn friction clutch And throttllnsj governors. Also 4 H. P Pair banks-Morse gas engine almost new; 1 platform . Fairbaaks-Morse scales, capacity ltvO lbs. Any of these can M bought St a bargain. David M. Nelson. Phone (07. ' FOR QUICK BAliB AT SJACfUFlCK HiO aoraa south of La Crosse; 18& acres flail wheat; at aorea summer, fallow; t head horses; Improvements fair. Price I1S.S75. Half . cash; terms balance. Crop will 'maka a large payment on the land.' J.l B Moore, Care Security State Bank,' La Crosse, Wash. . j I t. ...I t :.' rr t-j- - ttt -- - i i- wmrnt t giLsaaa3 gMstaii3 fim mipmmmmmm OIRL8 WANTED at tha Delta.. Ko axperlehos necessary.' 1 Wanted 'srwuxsi ii sn Wantkj Oood eUen rags East oregoolaa HEMSTICHINO at the Blnger shop.! Mall orders promptly atunded to. WANTEO-Cook F4. . on ranch. Phone HANDf BUSINESS DIRECTOR t OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY .Thi( llrecory Is rsperuUlj ksudy for Um out-'f.Towsi raadav who aaaxy sjsuat the) aa rwsaiimailils nmslneaa asea woo represent u following Tarsona Unas, SUI are icuaaia, i ami who atsusd ready so giro yoa proenfX and afftotea atsiliav WATED-r-Ao P''iPd lrl worn at The pajm. . . . : Auto Top: GR)U 14 yra., wants position caring for aruall child or baby by day or hour, inquire $1 Coshle. " WAKTEO Second hand self-bindsr in gaud condition. Address W. . rxgnn. Umatilla, Oregon. ( ! WANTKD-rPaiiitinc or carpenter work -by. day or sua tract. O. 1 Brown, 11 ia BU or ehona tiiU.. to IF TOO RKED a Now Top or Cur. tains (or your oar, Sea Mna, M BL Court. AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, 11 west Aita street, - Auto Tire Service WANTKD-r-aome ens to cut 600 acres of wheat. All level land. Average WHUN IN TROUBLE -cell -our Berrlce Car. Wa go ssywbera, aay time, Simpson Tire Serrioa do- Phone tl. placksmith!n THE BOWMAN BHOF, ' BlacksnvKh- ig. Rorseahoslns; our BpeolaMy. Bev pair auto springs, wheels, all sixes. FIRST CLASS Blscksmlthinr of every descrlptloa. Ton can do bettet here. A. P. Banrln, s7- Clay St. . . Lcbricating' Oils MONOGRAM Oils) and Greases,- all dsalsra, Eastern Oregon Warehouse Matloek aad Alta Sts. F. O. VoUlraa, Eastera Oregoa repreaentatlvav Legal Blaaks Batteries (Willard) Auto Tires roB SALE Holt propelled combine j FOR 8ALK Within tne neat ten harvester. . Prloe 2000. Only cut; days, S40 acres, f miles from la. about 10 acres Addreaa Joha i Crosse. Well improved. 271 sores in. Crow, Pendleton. Oregon. jcrop, of which the purchaser receives' Plate) glass. 11 1 " " 1 1 1 j nil 1 mm third. Part oreek bottom land FOn SAXE-One II ft HarrJa com-! rlee 90 r acI- Moore. ' bine wUh Harrts engine. Kua t sea-IW" wuruy wjils sunk, La Croaw, sona, cut 13O0 acres. For particulars "".. apply to Oeorge Lambirlh, Hermlatoa, Oregon. WANTED Customers tor insuranea. Fire,, including growing grain, au tomoblle. farmers' accident, ball and Only old line companies represented. . ' Prompt adjustments) -a neai ios occurs. - lee Moorhouse. agent. 212 n Court street, Pendleton, Oregoa, 'Phono 1M: . , ' i .a ,ii i .i i.. . - WANT ' AD (JOLVeia- AKO 1 ca.Aiiru:o BiasiosroaT .Cauatlag sis ordinary words ts the line and charged by . the Una. Wast ads aad In as la, Haaa rar Lias. Ffrsi laaartloa. par line lea 'Bae add. insert tea, Mr llaa a One weak (els Inaartloas), eaeh Ineertlos. par l!a so 1 Bso. sack 4asertksB( per Ha. -4a e moat, contract, aaea Ineer ; tloo, par Hat i. -ta lll-aisath on i r art. each In-, t aertloa, per lias , . i 10 No ads taksa for lass jnan t llors. tMlnlmurn cbsrgs 11.111.. . Ads taken over (he tslephons 'only from Kant Oreaonlaa sub acrlbera and those listed la the iTelepbons Ulreetory. - copy must be In our office not later than $. o'clock day of publication. FOR SALE 3300 acres unimproved) SALftffMRN WANTFJO Live I stock ranch on Powder River. All; salesmen wanted or enerj' eounty ' fpticd cwm r!vM hnifnm la.H In Ruum 'nramn. tor . lit nnrll r ie. rori BAi.i'. -nome very oeautituij balance well grossed grazing land, sts mor, bloW-out proof, sold on money i" id un "-11 o nnnn niu. nrs mm w fore you buy. J. H. Estes, (14 Main irtreet Phone 104. Architect RAYMOND - W HATCH Arenitset. Phone 741, Rooms ( sud . Da s-pain Bids'. '- CEORGS R- WRIGHT. ARCHITECT , Teiaphone f 04: (14 Mala St., Pen dleton, -Ore.. ...'1 BATTSRIEB repaired or racharswd. new and rental batteries. Serrioa Statloa, Main and Water. Chiropractor 'LEGAL BLANKS of every tlon. Blank Dooda, T.saaaa Writs, BUI of Balsa, Contracts, ubpeeaea Affidavits Complalnta, Bummocts, sts, for sals at Kent OregoaUsia Of floe. Monuments 5) DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market. 14)1 Ja, Court; phone 1S4. I 1 L, MONTERASTELLL, Marble and) Oranite works; writs or arraaga for lntsrvisw for prices, styles, eta - Piano Tuning DR. LORETTA B. BTARBA iBERT McDONALD, Piano Tuner. Let -! feebler Bide, f ta 11 a. m.; I . sne tains care of your plane by the 1:20 to ( p. m.; other hours by a p- 'year. Speeial rata. Phonographs) re- point men t: phones Of. it 2. Rea. 11(1. ipalred; phone 04S-W, 11 W. Webb. FtTRNJTfRB FOR BaLK Ward, robes, kitchen cabinet, beds, ohalrs. tables, refrigerators, book shelves. 614 Ulleth. Phone I03W. miles from Mlzpah Post Office. Con. back guarantee: No competition, slderable open range. In beat stock 1 elusive territory. ' Best proposition district Eastern Montana, price' tti ever offered on the ' .coast. Motor per acre. One-fourth cash.1 Balance; Products Co., 104 W. Psrk St, -Port' In seven equal annual payments' at Irnd, Ore. ( per cent. Na trades considered. MONTANA (., twnera. Montana. RlirCK Model II, for .sale or trade for Ford or Maxwell. Bulck has good tires and 1n fair- mechanical condition. Inquire at 4104 E. Court street after f p. m. any avenlnaT. - - WHOLE8ALK- LAND Box 1071, Mi lea 'City, SIIKliP FOR SALEA fine little bunch of ewee (J2S) 1 and spring lambs (17S) for sale. ' Merino and Cots cross- Early lambs, all In fine condition. Address J. D, Wat. son, Hermlston. Oregon. " ' 1 FOR BALE Goes garage, good lo cation in business part of town, j Well equipped with machinery eu.d i tools.- good stock- of enttraa and ttrea j Must quit on account of health. J. D. 1 Royer. City Oarage, Pilot Rock, Ore. Miscellaneous DJtl-S.SMAKlNU C13 (51. Willow, Phone FOR BALE World champion creed mala aad female Russian wolf sounds. ts months old. Ricttt ace to train. First 2a0 takes them. R. a Hill. Ill Court Houaa, Portland. Ore. ' "... INDEPENDENT Call tSJW. C1TT FOR lALaV-UN aereo of fine wheat ' 'land, one and one-half miles green strtlon. Good house aad barn. . 100 I acres in summerfallow. All plow land. Price 121.00 per acre. Parti VXurtflrn Montana Stock laud.' For. Bale Twenty thousand aereo (conshuvd farming and stock land,' good soil, well grassed, numerous, springs with flowing stream -through three veotlon. Well located -on main Una Northern pacific Shipping point on land at north end, also close1 to eouthweat end of tract. Price le.DO per acre, 1-4 cash, balance seven equal annual pay meats, interest at I per cent. No tradee considered, Probably the best stock proposition In Eastern Montana. For sale only as a whole. For full particulars and plat '- For Sale Continued ' ; For Rent APra. AND ROOM ALTA APTfl. FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, I0X Clay. address MONTANA WHOLE&AL29 LAND CO., Box 1071, Miles City Monlans. 1 Scavenger, j CMn crop nsymerrts. per oent, one-fourth cash. . , I '"- W. B. Smltn. jone, Oregon. NtTna"'' DR. ir. II. HATTERY will have tern. porary offices over the Quelle Res taurant. ;" 1 " " '" W1CSTERN OLD LINB 1JFE Inaur ance Company desires representa tives for Oregon. Liberal contracts. Address Mux bh. VO n CAT 1 nrrM fin' Tnnlllaa river. 4 1-2 miles from Oregon City, I "niqna. HBMtcrn MiHUana Graxlns; land. For Sale 14.000 acres. welLgrasaedJ and well watered by springs, water holes, and Tongue river, partially covered by scattered growth Of pine spd cedar timber. Well grassed, SI miles from Miles City on main Tongue River road. Ample plow land to raise ail nassssary feed, considerable river bottom land. Prloe I5.C0 per aore. balance seven year o t.adea considered. vrivqiivi vnrnT.twiTn t.wn COMPANY. Owners. Dot 107. Mllaa 7 A. cleared, balanee ' under' brash. Good for gen. garden. House, barn nnd fruit trees . Mvlns; water. ' Will take auto aa part payment. Bee E. A. Hus-hee. Box S01, Cy. Beauty Shop PRACTICAL TRAINING- In Gas, ONLY 1600 for 10 acres, all undsf Bldg. Electrical and Steam Engineeriag. ! government ditch, one mile from ! . mechanical drawing, machine' ahep: Hermlston, Ore., Is fenced, not el practice, oxy-acetylene welding, au-) building. Is best alfalfa land. Joining "CALP TRKAT- 11. 1. av.t. all I ' ' vyv.ip ' Mltn,. Vtd. D.hlL Vaam SI ttitA HAIRDRESBINO. rtient. facials. FOR RENT Furnished room -In pri vate family:" 401 K. Webb.- FOR RENT Tart .ec .atore bldg. ia qulrs ill B. Court. . FOR RENT Lexgs . oat. sleeping room -wits iasth, iMUisa III Ana latreet, eveoiaxa.- v 4 , v.. . Auto Washing: CARS 'WASHED I call' for and de liver. Especially equipped to han dle work risht- Automobile Laundry. Phone 3S. opposite court iiouse. ' Contractors & Builders j Painting: & Paper Hanging 'Auto Repairing MILLER BEMENT AU kinds or automobile repairing. Chevrolet and VeUe service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed. It Cotton- wood. Phone 203. . Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every d ascription. We buy your ear, condition 00 object. Anro Ctenrine; House, Garden St Alta. Phone 711. - Auto Painting FOR. RENT House and six .acres suitable for chicken or hoc ranch, th'sea metes, f ran Pendleton. Reaa n. ahie. Addreaa 3. F. Trombley, Fen dleton. Your ad. should serve yoa quickly when the onok leaves. i-v-M. w sr. , vnUNlfa. inalr a aaeelaitv of farmers stock and machinerr aales "The man that cats yon the money'.')) -Leave orders at East Oregonlen Office. NOTICES Get that boy a "Remington .22 Re peater start him right. MRS. MARTHA CHILDRETH ' h moved- -her - hemstitch! nr. machine from KaM Oregonian Bide , to .ill Thompson tit, Pbone d42. , -v Men sated. , .--j.. For Attalia trticatton district Teamstare and laborers, 44 for eight hours. New camp, aprlng beds and mattress furnished. Apply Wallula, Wash. General Construction Co. - Tel 1060, tomoblle and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each subject. Wrtte for ans you want, Seattle En gineering School, Seattle. Wash. f mi imm tuv 1 ihhii h a (una biirii. per acre. No rocks or gntvel, soli is ; sandy silt. Address Ed Maher, TS-1 hlm. Wash. Pilot Roca-pendletoa Auto Btaca. Leaves pilot Rock at I a. as,. . Leaves Pendleton at 10:20 a. as. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANORO BTUBBLEFIELD. Prop. 1 HEN WITH YEARS- of expert ' ence.' hop at Wallace Bros, 111 Johnson. Wsrd A. Hoacland, Prop, PARKER A BAVFIELD. Desixninc, EBglneennc, aonairucunc; z ysaxs exoerlence in concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldc..paruaad. or tp r irvPBMtX. CONTRACTOR- Excavating. 1201 East Court. Phone 22IM. Cleaning and Pressing - 'B DO CLEANING, pressing, alter ins and repairing. Rudd the tailor, 201 W. Webb. Phone C8S. PAINTS. Wall Paa Picture Fran. Inc. Is. J. MeAtt-e, the Faint Man. . Lowe Bros. Palnta. J. w. JACKSON. General Contractor. Painting, papering and kalaominlng done quick, neat and cheap. ! did Calvin. Phone 1024. Dentibt DR. THOMAS OH MART, aylor Hardware Bide, Pendleton. Ore. Phone 107. Draymen CHICK FOOD, scratch food, toniea, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled Hsu-ley. C F. Cole worthy, 129 E. Aita. Auctioneer OPTICAL Dept., any also, style or ahape class while you wait. D. N. fKebert M. D.. . .. 11. BeMs Bide. Auto Electric Work AUTO Eleotrlo Work of 'lt arinds; isa-rstn starter, tejnltloa. ate El ectric Ban-rice Station. Main Water Attorneys D. W. BAILEY. Attorney at Law, Boama 7. 1, . JMSpain jjuuamg. , , QEOROSI W. COUTT9, Attorney at Law. Room 17, ecnmtot eiooc CARTER t SMYTH?. Attomeye Law. Office ta rear of jNatlonal Bank Building. at FEB A FES, Attorneys at law. Of- '- rtesnsla Mulidlna.. Odd IWIowh and KchcluUiv I . . . . . Our anmial xurmorial service .will ;B. L. XCEATOR. Attorney at Law. he field-at the Presbyterian church Boom 24. Bmlth-Crawford Build -Sunday, June 15. iat ft p. ro.. AU mem-jlaC, 51- " r:rJZ- .A- aorn.,d coun CALL FEIN LAND Bros. Transfer van to move your household goods. , We also pack or store goods- We do soon try hauling. Telephone 221. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ... Engraved Cards VISITING CARDS. Wedding An nouncements, Invitations, many de signs and styles to select from. For sale at East Oreconlan Office. THE nOUSE PAINTER" j WENDT Tinting. ' Paper Hanxtni Ftimatcs FnrnlHhed Phone 1144 Mifp 728 Cottonwood Poultry Supplies Plumbing and Heating HEATING plants, aheet metal work. . pipe fitting, general plumbing sup plies D. D. Phelps. 117 E. Court. Radiator Repairing .. ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WOBKa 701 East Alta stree . All makes of radiators repaired. Work cuaraa. teed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by ana expert. Tnorougn sauar action (oari anteed. D. T. Phelpa, 117 B. Court. Real Estate Florist POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, Ftortxt, (II Mala Bt, Farm Loans Snow A Dayton. 117 E. Court SL, Real Estate. Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. . -- - Gates Half-Soles Mil ing present. - COMMITTEE. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS aasjJ-"W& MOTHER'S REMEDY BY ALLMAN 1 ' 1 eome. ivr -ilf - - j i - -gTfe ,'..i) OM.flWiER 4 MArwiA SEC 'Sft,:! j,n(er4Wlsr LET J TRftf twtir KNFt;e IT " - mahhS Wss jy ( j H v " I ' -. Notice) of Bads for lire HaeeV Notice is hereby friven that aealed bide svlU tie received at the office of he -City Recorder In Pendleton,. Ore. con. -up e June Jith, 4l,-t 8 o'rlerlc- P. II., for the purchase by the City -of iPendieton of 600 feet of t l-l in ah Standard -brand .Cotton Jacket Fire Hose. F. O. B. -Pendleton, -Oregon. The Common Council re serves the right to reject aay and all bids 1 '-. . , " . ...... ' -Dated thls'lOth day of June. 1111. . . THO 3. FJTZ GERALD. ..-... . t , 1 City Recorder. Notka of Payment of Water Bonds, Sniee B of the City of Pendleton. Whereas, the City of Pendleton has decided to exercise Its of tlon; to re doem and pay off the Water, BonSa Series D of The City' of Pendleton, Oregon, Issued on the lot dor -of July. 1899, optional 20 years after date, and numbered from 1 to 4 5 Inclusive, of the denomination f II00O.O0 each. Now, therefore. Notice Is hereby given that The City of Pendleton Water itends Beriee No. 1 2, S. 4. 5. t;i. , 1. 11. 12. IS. 14, 15. 1. 17. It. 19. 21.- 21. i.. 2S. 24, 26. 2d, 27, 2S, 29. 30,-31, 12, II. 34, 25, S. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41, 42. 43. 44, 45, are hereby called for payment and will be .paid upon presentation thereof to the City Treasurer in Pen. dleton, Oregon, or at the office of Koonts Brothers In New York City., New York, on the 1st day "of July, 1919.! Interest on said bonds ceases July 1st, 1919. LEE MOORHOUSE, City Treasurer. Dated -this 27th day of Iay. 1119. lor at law. Office la Deapaln Bldg A, KEWBERRY. Attorney at Law, 'Smith-Crawford Bulldinc. PETERSON. BISHOP A CLARK, at itoroeya at Law. Rooms 2 and 4, Smith-Crawford Building.,, . JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office ever Taylor Hardware com- BALET AND HALEY, Attorneys at Office In American xiauonaj Bank Building. , . .. .. . SCHsilDT, HAV1 the old tires half -so tad; miles guaranteed; have worth. O. W. Bradley. S9 CottowVd. Horseshoeing IF YOU WANT your. -jnules.. feet trimmed, leave word for Bill Jen kins at Dunlap's Cigar Store or pbone 4. -, Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM E. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton, Orecoa. . UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands, Pendleton property, stock ranches, crazing lands. W. H. Moil loots Restaurant i THE QUELLE. A good alaee aa Suits to Measure EMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pen dleton, Bldg. Phone 1008. Second Hand Dealers V. BTROBLE. dealer In new and aae ood hand goods. Cash paid to second head areoda, Cheapest Vtaee to buy household goods. Ill eV Co art. Phone 1T1W. - Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON BHKBT METAL works, .ehimney tops, WJtters, skylights) troughs, auto bodies, 711 Cottonwood. Job Printing FRED JS. Law. Room Bide. - - 4. LETTER HEADS, Envelopes. Bill Attorney at Heads, Loose Leaf Bills. Onamep- mlth-Crswford 'clal Forma, Dodgers, placards, eta. printed to your order. 'aa Offhn. Bicycle Repairing Laundry AUTO Tires Vulcanized, bicycles and i every article Laundered perfectly. supplies. Savage tires, ksy fitting.. There's an agent In your town. Pendleton Cycle Co, III E., Court. (Troy Laundry. 108 Garden St. Taxi Service WHEM YOU NEED a taxi or touring . car. call ooedecKe. we CO where, anytime; all new taxis; ako 4(4; stand 111 Mala St. Tailors UNDGREN .. alteratlona; A FRAN SEEN, Vaiiora 72C Main Bt. Used Cars USED CARS as genuine bargain arte, at the Pendleton Motor Baled Cq -Cottonwood Water Bta, Phono A4 Paycboloby, .Methods In , Geography. I The Common Council reserves he 'Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art.! rlKht to reject any and all bids at Its' Course of Study for Domestic Art. j pleasure. j Thursday Afternoon. 1 This notice Is published by order of Grammar. GeorRrnphy, Stenocra-: the Ccsnmnn Council of the Tity ofi fUACHJCRS' K.V.VAflN.TIONS. , Notice Is hereby given that' the County Superintendent of Umatilla County, Oregon, will hold the reirulnr examination of applicants for State Certificates at Pendleton, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Juno 2.V 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continu ing until Saturday, June 28, 1919, al 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday 1 'forenoon. , V". S. History. Writing (Penman ship), Mitaic, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon. rhyslology, Reading, Manual Train ing, Composition, Domestic Science. Methods In Reading. jCouree of Study for Drawing. Methods In Arithmetic. Thursday IXirrnoon. Phy, American Literature. Physics. Typewriting. Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary -Certificate. lYIdny Forenoon. Theory and Practice, Orthnjrrnphy fSpelling). Physh-sl Geography, Eng lish Literature, Chemistry. Frlduy Afternoon. School Us, Geology, AlKchra, Civil Government. Siitnnlay Forenoon. Geometry. Rntany. Saturday .rtriiiMin. . General History. Bookkeeping. W W. GREEN. -County School Supt. NOTICK' OF BIDS IXK AIT STREET ll.r SHITS. Notice Is herehy slven thnt scaled bids win be received nt the office of the City Recorder in Pendleton. Ore gon. up to 5 o'clock p. m.. on June 25th, 1919, for 1 Auto Street plusher and Street Sprinkler, mounted upon a 5-ton Truck, bids to be as follows: For 1 Auto Street Flusher and Sprinkler complete with 1000 gallon tank I For 1 Auto Street Fltipher and Sprinkler complete with lfOI g a lies tank All machines to be f Pendleton, made June 11th, 1919 , ... THOS. FITO GERALD. City Recorder. 1 RJEURALGIA or Headache Rub the forehead and temples with I ana tempi ANM-.Ui KTOCKllOI.nKRS' Apomn YOUR B0YGUARD"-3O.6OjC!S0 MTaCTTNG. I The Oregon Iliitldlng and Txian A- eiavkm. Pendleton, oreatvin. LADIES! When, -irreguutr or delayed use Trlumnh Wtll R.r. anH -1 . . . HEUKH V l i pondable. Not .old at ru .tow, the niutsl I meotinff of the 'torkhohl-1 Jv, not experiment with othew. aav. vrvof TlfB ORKtWV BL HJINa d.sappointmenU Write for Rcllrr" ANi LOAN A-OClATlOy. will nnd parttculftr.. Its frM. Addr: hold at the office of the . Anociation. f National Medical Institute. JfUvru m the City of Pendletiui, Oregon. onlk iniinaa, June ;nm. immi I. 1., trt 8:3ft P. M. for the pur poses of electlnr IMrectorx and Audi tors and .for Ihe trjuisnetion of such other hus'nes a niay come befora the metfnir; ? pated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 2fith day of May, C. IU MATtSCM, , Vice-President. H. J. STUXMAN. Secretary. Lost IsosuLaa rc ctwATioiir SUCNCVf .aLADOES V MUCOUS MSMBBAMla AT VOOB DnUCCIST eV. valt aravtawc rw.T sai s-baiinnaail LOST Hetwren Gibbon and Psndle. ton, 22x4 Rugged Tread Federal standard l Tire, with ora-rr. Finder 'please re make and to be guaranteed a to pp-iturn 'to Independent Garage and re- Arithmetic, HU.orjef Education, Jerotlon T he WBer-, Iceiv fOWafd, , . CHICHESTER S PILLS wv. .T:ii.suaaia aaassv TaT i,V----.S.AAi,tv" a . r