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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1919)
PAGE TEN DAYEASTqREG TWELVE FACES CHILDRENS BOOK CORNER VACATION READING m. diwrnver Diat liWury tk hle lei"1 ihp nimmrr mention rl- tit.i A iivmiwr .f now wK.k h m flaol ujn ttt .-hiUtren' h flrv n-.ri nmntul tori'. unci fam Vny j .ufkSftir hav ftlifariv d ipoo, tr-1 The rhartu f tht litrr. n- lnt! lw h rend fnrt t'ft'ikd in h l.-i ihr mom hn, mii1 ih-r nrc mtwrji a h-. n ot rd nr' i.irl nr .irsrf lit f h- .-urtt , j'.rArr." M'IH1H Of itnoH ''1I ! antl irnnk ;h- i rwiitim -r.U, Jl know nn mr that h pwr. .r this ht irtn!1 :is 'it-l. And lh-' tMi'ji .i wiriBs W;i Imii n t-rt-fi, h.-i hrrty - -K.M1I.Y DlKEXS. BOY SCOUT BOOKS -Hoy Sotat AmHtf, official ' yr-nd the 3ax. tim rVotlltt f " Hoy Scout Camp Hook. ritirrlil Hoy spoilt cruvnm. Amp I'ndVr Roy Adui Clor. Hrard Boi HuiMlnir and Itoatin. nntl Jed Hnn-m. Ktmn Indian Sootit Ta.lka, 'filnneU Hnwr' Camping and Routine r.a.lon-Powt'11 Sootittnir Cnmex. t'arvy Hoy Scout at Sea. furtoii l(,y Scouts on Hob's I V lit. irolland Hoy iVoitU of nownho Adair. -j July. I' THIS t'MAKM W ROOK. If "The books lint charmed Is in 1 youth recall the delight ever afler- , wards; we are hardly prnuadnl thcra (are any Ilk them, ana denerving '"jecjualty our affections Fortunate if me oet rail m our way durtng this. i svsceptlfela and forming period of our ne. Aieou. NEW CHILDREN'S BOOKS - TORIICS Amra L'ndvr Bojr smut Colors. Cammirru-rBiiy of Kmr'a. Cr Hoy Scoun at Sra. CoblwdematlR. fomatnek Tuch-rao-ln Siorlaa. nicklnmin Ohlldrcn't apconil Book of Patriotic fUortea. iiniTBa Advrmtirra of Arnol.l HollSPr nartlr;-. Teahnn nt. r0., of MiiNhroom MitM-ftlil Jim Invi. Mrton Tom Strong. Waihinirton' -Math-n rilrhlnx In a. Matile Roya Itook of Xe t MS. aynardi9htMl I:tyn of 'r:iy. Jr. Tom stronE. Waahlnmon'a IMnch. ' Inven- Killnit i5rcn America First. Iipr Son Decides. IVrktna Tare Tn-lna. Orrvernor tranirt Storiea of tha CSroat Flier. Thoi Champion of the Foothills, Tnlman Jim Spurllnr, Flaherman. White ltliie Aunt. NON-r"RTtOX Adnma When Mother Lets ua Carpenter. lc tntirct-ti nl the "4'i.nt I.hk4 nt rQii-.) th rnunlv l.i!rtirv. In mMttitm hi ... . tho hikrn and ramp n book, ther 1-ler Jter of Tl .k. ! hr Xtur-. Toy Shop, VM irk Roy Scouts of Blnck Kajrle Children iot rrmitirtn tnild a Book of thr L:int-! unil h TTiiall Lbrr i.f fiction' i- n pla.-ftl it! -tarnu -f aiu roval. w -ij,re Un Hut :,rt;l JiM ..f wour Ihh.k f-il-us. a,.,, Td Shold.n8 Fourth of Get Our Big PLAN BOOK Send 6c Today for our Biff Plan Book rmtp Han. for a Urm nnm her of nKMiorn, cnnrralent Kate Uil.w ami tiumoT in Iniilliii2 bv tho n or md,.. Iiimoc-r. SliipK-d dirot to ynu. Each nkx-o of lomho. iu plainly marked to corrrMmtKl with plan and coniiilolo mal t.-rial li-t. hi h trll racli loop Is and nhr-rr- it eoes. Ilinlil wroro ih-m-ca to up: wo siiarantpp: .satisrnption and wniiur. IH)T KI'KIUMK.T buy frmn I Ik old rHIahlc cHM-em tlut has built hnudrrris of nly-pnt lumn in Oro. ron. , FENNER MANUFACTURING C03IPANY Kt Iturtland, OtvniB. B 9(K) ACRE WHEAT RANCH arrrs In oroi. "ito atrt-n in wurunor fallow, balance iraxtutv? Good bnil.liiirs ahuntlaiit Mimv of wat.-r pl, , houw. Tormss KIT.50 XT acre, t-3 ca-Ji. halancp roaxmablc prm.. Oon aooa with lan- if taken ncm. IT ou are interested in wheat oe sto-k ranches an biTestisatlon will rontlnoe jou Hat ,-.,a,.- I,e best rulues orr.-red in. On-son and Washington. . FARMERS' EXCILNGE Heppner, Oregon Price ervice AND Quality The Three Elements That Every Housewife 't Expects From Her Grocery Store. We are emphatic when we say that these three elements are strictly adhered to here. When You Pay Cash You naturally get a little more for your money. QUALITY and SERVICE stands out just as prominent. A TRIAL CONVINCES, Lynde Bros. Grocery And get more for Cash 309 West Webb , ,1. Street Phone 334 i Teeth. Korhex Favorites of a Nursery of "! Tear Asro. F'X Firm Reader. I Fox Second Reader. Pox Mother Goose j Meyer fnder the Blue Sky. O'Kane Jim Penty at Mondow orook Farm. " Olcott Patriotic Plays for roan i People. ' Pa ne M'- Crow and the While.' jwa.h. - Payne Play for Rny Child. J Potter Talo of Peter Rabbit, j Schiiltz Apauk. Caller of nuffalo. J Stevenoon Dramatlaed Scenes from, ! American History j jMANNERS AND MORALS; I The idea that a graded yem of i moral and ethical instruction should!' i"be incorporated in our public school! (System has been finding: many sup-i ! porters of late. France and Japan 1 I have adopted It. Enaiand Is employing' ; it in more than J.i.oso schools and In! our own country the- stat of South i Dakota has been developing- It since; lSOj. TUoufrh Oregon has taken no' nrgnnlied step In this direction, var ious teachers have seen the need ror this Instruction in their Individual work. To them, perhaps, the follow ing list of new hooks in the County Uhrary will he of assistance j Raklwln Old storiea of the Rast. ! rtlr.l for Children. . ruble stories. Old and New Terna. I ments. j rtrownlee Character Building; in t henooj. Cabot Ethics for Children. C.irruth letters to American Boys. Dewey lessons on Morals. Garrison Parables for School and ITorpe. Olllie Stories of Stories, rtould Heroes of Peace. 'Jsmej Old Testament Ivegends. Keeler Rthlcnl Kendlnas from the Bible. Olcott Bible Stories to Read and Ten Richman Good Citizenship. Smith Old, Old Tales from the Old Old Pook. Sneath Golden Ijidder Series, 3rd to xth Grades. Starrett Charm of Fine Manner. Stronir Talks 'to Boys and Girls. Tappan An Old. Old Story Book. Thayer Kthlcs of Success. W allaei f I nele Henry's Letters to nne r arm noy. Kth Wilson Talks to Toting People on V. , !',v4 . t - , ; ;. , v4 I - - f : .,." , ..w- , . s s; t. - " s x "i, , t l v v , f v 1 t 1 t " i S V w ' v ill ! r i: : . j :.., -j . . . i! vi ks ";"- '' , , . n st a ''ill , . f'k ,.tafV',"' V-" - '1 t ' . 'ii v T - 6vs" ' i ' " " ; i 1 V ,n V.. v.. .;,,.(. '?:..".Hvi.vV ' f I - "" . " .' '?..-'" .' v 'J i - " y JT v Y " . j1' I W3s ' s v ? i. ' ', , f- v - I . v 1 ' v ' - ? f " " ''i' It's tcCastcd . . r I UilNK5kWliatltbat means "it's ' toasted." ' : All.lhejdelicious flavor of Burley tobacco. haSijbeen ''improved , by toasting ( in .Lucky Strikcf the - real Burleyjf cigarette. ' LOCKY all- if fa IP a 44 m Wig CI I I ta ; Famous on"account of the toasted , flavor. An entirely new idea in ciga rette mating toasted tobacco.v' It's toasted '" for your pipe same i formula - START OFFENSIVE AGAINST BURLESON , - Iitaht is a -mb'ol of truth unless i it lies In a woman's eyes. Religion that costs nothing Is prob ably worth about that much. A girl doesn't fish for a diamond :ng in her mother's wash tub. funmnment may hobble along on crotenes. hut it get there by and by. Money may not buy happiner, but empty pockets beget a lot of unhan- I p.'nes. Some farmers are troubled with in. flammatory rheumatism and some ethers with flimflammatory Ruben ism. Wise Is the girl who can' tell wheth er a young man is In love or Is merely weaning in a new pair of shoes. . The summer girl will soon begin to freeze on to a reckless youth who has a mania for squandering his money on ice cream. Trustees of the Knlverslty of Penn- sjlvania have decided to abandon Co education as soon as a woman's col lege can be built. Things In this world become curlouser and curiouser. Iienln wishes to destroy the value of money, thus finishing the Job begun by the big war. Perhaps tho league of nations ought to organise, a sort of juvenile court for those little new nations. This war weary world Tonga to sot- tie down to peace and settle tin for me war. . . nothing Is wasted these days. If there arc any scraps of anything they are made Into hats for men. Canny investors nave put away their liberty bonds and war s&vlngwflampa to ripen In the dark. Bvcn the old reliable fountain pen- seems to go bone dry much ofteuer than formerly. To-day's most Important exchange is that of the tin hat for the straw. . come forward on contract or1 guar-' Tanners 3. soft 5.00 The ancient watchdog Is a member) antccd prices. : l'ulls 5.001 8.00 of the old guard. I That the cattle market is cleaning I Calves 9.0013.00 Don't offer odds to the elevator boy : 1In Hafeiv aftpr the recent extreme; Snino Market Is Steady. or he'll take you up. dillnes anil weaknew 'In the trade Swllie showed a cenernlly steady When the pantry is left unlocked ,vas indicated during the trading of tcne at N"..rlh Portland for the dav the small boy gets his desserts. , th, j.Jst ;4 hours at NVirth Portland. a scant supply of stuff avail- Wise Is the man who closes his i xhere wus only a mandful of new ar-; able for the open market.' Prices Proverbs ure truisms on the half j ... he cutt le nllevs fop the dav ' nra showing no change with tops con- ahell. . i iinrt r.rn.-t.lK-.ull tin. holil.nv.r stuff tinllinc nt t9'2n f 1 !.rlt and thf bulki ouie women are tot as ran as mey h..a ,ilstio9l of. ! of tht re.lllv good stuff around 19.I are painted. i ,,,.,-.1 emtio market rrices re-! 19 3.".. fleeted a faith' Moa'iy tone. ; "cn.ral hog General cattlo range: j Prime mixed Good -to choice steers . $ 1 d. r. 0 Si 11 r.n Alcoium mKed Fair to good slecr .... 9.f0'Ti 10.00 Holik'h mixed . lot.imon to fair .steers., I.0t4) S.nOP'gH . Common steers . . . '. 'lord to chok'o cows and heifers l-'alr to medium cows and heifers cent arrivals are now quite well rU-aned up. which Indicates that kill rs are doing better all through the dressed meat trade, -Fair to choice lumbs ..$11 80 I S.00 Cull lambs 0.O0W 10.00 Yearlings' .00r 8.00 Wethers TOO 7.69 l;wes 6.00 W 7.0 Hot cakes and caterpillars make the butter-fly. Livestock Situation os Better; Prices Hold Up PORTLAND, June 12. Only five leads of livestock entered the North Portland yards over night. One of these went direct to an outside killer 'Medium In fair cows and and some of the1 other small supply betfers range: 119.2". T 19 50 1 S . 7 S i 19.00 17 IWflli.J! 17.OOW17.35 19.00? 19.2J Mutton SHU Slow. 9.00 9.50; While a slow tone continues In the j mutton and lamb trade at North S.OO 8.5 Or Port land end no further chatlgo wns Indicated in the price for the day, re 6.00W 7 00 ! : .00 l 750 Bulk CHAMPION, EX-CHAMPION AND NEAR CHAMPION f4 ALL RUN DOWN AND WORN OUT Because vou have not thorouehlv mrified your blood, but have allowed to remain in it the accumulations of waste matter that cause weakness, loss of appetite, dull headache. broken deep, backache, eruptions and humors and other troubles. Take Hood's Karsaparilla, the medicine that renovates, strength ens, tones it will build yon dp, make you feel better nil over. Jlood s 1'iiis neip a a itomai u- toning, di"estire cathartic. 3 Tte?n&" -Vf? 4 . If 1 " 7 - rtonwtii-rt; tin rla(it; Ji" .'Irt oy. "u .o llri,.. niH Wiiianl. Jim Jeffries- Sns-a lwoV comnderrd 1 the griAzty 'llVtir rtf fbes rlwV - ring. , Comparing him with Jess Wlllard It hj fllfflcirJt to find a term that Indi cates thaf WJIIard is a much tiigt-er man than the former rhflnipoin. Iters; they are together, with Kid McCoy. "no 'of the m-eotest fighters of his ursllcht. Had McCoy been a. little big. Ut-r It is probabln tliat he would havo i'een Iho worlds champion. This I holograph was lakeri In San Fran-' nsco Just before Wlllard started forJ Toledo to train for his bout with Jack I ie ml'scv. ' iA Coated Tongue? , What it Means . A bad breath, coated tnnenc. bml taste id tue uiotith, languor and debility, nrr usually i signs that the liver is ; out of order. , 1'noF. Hkm ttn kr Bays: I "The liver is j a n o r g a n i secondary in I iinportunco j only to- the heurt.'' I we can m an u f ac ture pojsons within our own bodies which are B8 aendiy as a snalre's venom. The liver neti as a guard over our I yreu-Demg, rnting nnt the cinders and lubes from Uie general circulation. 1 A blockalio in the intcstincn piles a hea-y burden upon tho liver. It I the intoBtim a tre choked or.cloifgerl i up, the circulation of . the blood j lcomriJ jxiir-oncd and the Bystem : becomes loaded with toxic waste, land we buITct from headache, yellow-coated tonjfue, bad taste in mouth, nauaea, or gas, acid dys repsla, laojfuor, debility, yellow skin tr eye. At such times one should j lake ca3tor oil or n pleasant laxa tive. Such a one is made of May applo; leaves of aloe and jalap, put Into ready-to-usa form by Doctor Pierce, nearly fifty years ago, and sold for 25 cents bv all druirifista aa .Dr. Pkrwr8 I'kflsunt l'ulicU. 'z jj Pure and Delicious liehvccd In pflcknges' to' any part or the city. . ' - ,. ' i f- Sold in. Bulk or in - ; ' Ice Cream Cones' . Drop In, or telephone SO fiOHBACH'S 'BAKERY 1 ' Kast Court hirer. " Try our line llonio-Made t'aiidles. Next Balllncs to France June 21, Ju ly 9. Bailings to r.nulnnd June 21, June 28, July t. Sailings to toter4am, June 21, July . Sailings to. Sweden June 2s, July 8. . ftOOK I'S VP. We are agents for the Rcnndlnnvliin-Amcrlcan Une, lllillund-Aaicricajt ,inc. ( iinard IMnialilson Une, All Information' Regarding trav eling regulations cheerfully furnished. I'M TII,T,.V 1TX1'H GRALV CO. 220 Pist Court Street. Telephone loll.