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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1919)
TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1319. ,-, -- t--.L , U.- PAGE FIVE COIOY'S CASH GROCERY 525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640 Your Pay Check REACHES FURTHER IF YOU BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE. MOUNTAIN SPUDS, 100 lbs. $2.00 Sunkist Grape Fruit, large size i 10c Sunkist Lemons, dozen 35c Folgcrs Shasta Tea, Gun Powder, Japan, English Breakfast, Ceylon India, lt lb. 25c, 1 lb 50c Snidcrs Catsup, pint bottle 25c Churchs Grape Juice, quart bottle GOc Olympic Pancake Flour, package 35c Best Shrimps, 2 cans , . 35c Best Grade Peas, ..... 1 can 20c, 2 cans 35c Solid Pack Tomatoes, can , . 20c HIM PICTURE MS W bat tue Picture Theater. Havt to Tell You. - AltCADK TODAY GltlOiX , 1UUUON bCAItKH HOODOO til' 5 ygUlllg 5 It's all a Juke, this talk of, Friday being unlucky. Fur many centuries people have refused to sitcn contracts on Friday, fearing tllut the Jinx would Lie an uninvited partner and turn thing awry. Housewives have been afraid to try out new recipes on Fri day, for fear tho cake would burn, or the bread would not raise; and women have avoided wearing a brand new dress on a Friday, because they bellev ed it would cast an evil spell on the gown. . A great student of superstitions has discovered that these people were all wrong. Friday, he ooncoUes, has a tendency to be a day of bad luck, line If persons wear something green on that day, such as emeralds or a bit of Krei-ii ribbon, they need nut fear the jinx. If the mother of Reginald Jones had tiresHed him in green on the day of his birth she would have spared hhu much hardship In later life, according to this student. Reginald, the unfor tunate hero of "Never Say Quit," started out wrong by being born on Friday the thirteenth. Blnce there aa no green to greet him on his ar rival, the jinx greeted him. The Jinx got the upper hand immediately, and iteglnald had a hard time ever after. This William Fox comedy showing at the Arcade theatre today. IN THE III f FIVE POUND CAN M. J. B. Coffee COSTS YOU LESS PER POUND BUY IT AND SAVE MORE MONEY Because of it superior strength and .richer flavor you use less M. J. B. per cup than any other coffee. - EVERY CAN GUARANTEED The most economical coffee yon can buy Cfo)l Children 10c (PaffHGTriflflu Adults 25c FLEECED For His Hoodoo Was Working Overtime. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS George Walsh IN Elovor Say (pii A LT A TODAY "TIIK MYSTKRY Gild' A KOAIAMTIO 8TOIIY OF JXVK AXD WAR T ilr a flirt .... rvM To. T. rtnvc tVirt T. v.,1 f n f lil HP Cna 5 Ton Truck is a real farm necessity, just as it is the p necessity of manufacturer, contractor and merch j ant. There is no question about it proving a money J saver right from the start. It is flexible, turning in p a 46-foot circle; has 121-inch weel base; the regular 4 Ford motor with worm drive and has proven as eco- g nonucal m operation and maintenance as the rord S Touring Car. The price of the truck chassis is $550 S f. o. b. Detroit. We urre olaciner orders without de- d lay in order to get reasonably fair delivery. The de- g mand is big come in and let us talk it over. I Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sts. Phone 40S Everything Known in Music The romantic aspects of war are em phasized In "The Mystery tilrl," the Paramount picture In which Sthel Clayton is starred and -which will be shown at the Alta today. From a A story by George Harr McCutcheon, ylwho Is known as one of America's I moat popular novelists, this story Is Bald to arive Miss Clayton a vehicle ad- inirably suited to her talents. Like so many of Mr. MoCntcheon's "The Mystery Girl" has to do with a mythical kingdom. But the lo cales are realistic, being the west front in France and the coast of Maine in the country. J I Ethel Clayton Is Introduced as the ; Countess "Ted," alias 477, a motor Rainbulance driver in France. She Pjund her uncle, Prince Sebastian, the pj ruler of Lajrania, have been driven A trom their country by the Germans. A Prince Sebastian goes to Green Fancy, Maine, and wires for his niece to join him there. At the front she has been Kjsoen by Captain Turn Barnes. V, H. A., K who Is ordered home on leave and who I sees the Princess on the steamer again jP and falls in love with her. She is ipursuea oy enemies ana in an exciting 'series of adventures in this country, leap tain Barnes assists her and wins her love.- Miss Clayton is suld to make an adorable Princess Ted, and her always artistic emotional acting makes the churacter a living figure. Henry Woodward Is Cuptuln Barnes and other Important members of the cant a re Clarence Burton, Winter Hall, Muym Kelso, and J. Parks Jones. Marion Fairfax wrote the senario of "The Mystery Girl" and William C. ide Mills directed it. Charles Schoen baum was the photographer and John 1 1 Browne assistant in the direction. I brethren. She had to stop work a day on her latest serial, "The lightn ing Haider." but 'twas in a good cause and Pearl didn't mlnd Hogs Alone Maintain GKltMAXS A(KTSE FKKNCH OF CKtELTV DAJtMHTADT, June 10. Ten per sons expelled from portions of the ft h inoln twl riff 1 1 ttiorl Uv t h French 1 UOOd 1 riCe at XardS new republic. It U alleged, have reach ed this city. They claim to have been confined by the French in the bar rucks at Worms, and some say they were not given food for 24 hours, were placed In cells without sleeping accommodations and were insulted French officers. j ! PASTIME TODAY Children 5c Adults 20c Pearl White i f PKAItli WHITE IV IHZ7.Y CM.MH It whh on Ftflh avenue In New York m VKy. at hih noon, durlno; 1h biK j.irle for the L'nltrd War Work Fund. 1'ASTIME TOWAY fourth the avenue v;as roped off and firmeckled with stalwart We din furnish you anything: you desire in music Pianos, Talking- Machines, Banjos, Man dolins, Strings for all instruments, Records, Player Rolls and Needles and Popular Sheet Music. Baldwin, Emerson, Knahe, Howard, Hamil ton, ('able Nelson Pianos. Edison, Columbia and Victor Machines. Terms to suit. Warren's Music House .820 Main St Phone 524 Pendleton, Oregon members of A From Forty-second street rjjMpe K(Xew York's "finest." Forty thot$and R people Raited skyward and held their breath for Pearl White, star of "The lightning' Haider." to whom fear Is an ilunkiiown quantity, was climbing sure Zi ly and confidently a 150-foot extension 5 .ladder on a Fire lepartment truck. Jl When she reached the top, she K clung "with one hand and waved an (F Aniericun flag with the other. Mean jP; while, a score-of members of New York's two most famous theatrical J clubs, tho lambs and Friars capered 5jmadly through the crowd with dinh 5 pans and collected bills and silver for J, the War Workers. Bi The combined drive of the Lambs R and Friars was the result of a bet be (jjtween George M. Cohan, Abbott of the j Friars and Willie Collier, a prominent Lamb, each posting up "a thousand jcold" that his club could secure the 5 ' most cash for the fund. Miss White climbed the ladder for the Lambs and on that day put them two housund ahead of their cowled POUTUAND. June 11. Aside from hors. which continue in good shape, the general livestock market at North . 1 .. rl ja 1 stums, in tt-irA a f f ikromi tit . .0 "1'-;od maltreated by days. Trade in tho cattle market la ebb. Injr somewhat as a result of the con Bested supplies In the hands of lead. Ing killers. The extreme tup of the steer division at this time is J11.50: or a loss of 6c from the previous week, while the best cows and heif. ers ore not selling abovo $9.50 and from that price sales rule down to 8 for poor stuff. General cattle ranee: Good to choice steers . . .$1.R0M 1.50 fair to good steers $ltt.r0r 1 1.50 8.511 r 10.00 8.00 W ro 7 00 W 7.50 Fair to jrood steers Common to fair steers . . Common steers Good to choice cows and helfors fl.OOW 8 50 Fair to medium cows and heifers 6.00 n 7.00 Canners 3.50 w 5. no Bulls 5.00 Si' 8.00 Calves S.00& 13.00 SW1K3 Tralo kmL At S19.50 for extreme top quality, the market for hogs Is strong at North Portland. Only a small run wae shown in tUe swine alleys over night and these were quickly picked up at former figures General hog ranse: PTUiie mixed 1 19.25 fi 1 8.5(1 Medium mixed 1 S.75 Hi 1 9.00 Hough mixed 1T.0 17.3M I-lgs 17.00 17.35 Bulk 19.00(8 19.25 Nliccv Values Arc Off. As has been Indicated for several cays there was a further sharp re duction In price for both sheep and lambs In the North Portland yards. Receipts over night were quite fair Kxtrame top for lambs is ip' down to $13, a lot of $1.0i from the pre vious quotations, and like declines are shown all through the mutton alleys. General sheep range: j Fair to choice lambs . . .Jll.Soifi l.1.0n Cull lambs 9.00c, to on i yearlings G.ooifi 8.0o! Wethers 7 on-,; 7.50 Ewes S 0" 'ii 7 00 THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cases. Black Kiver Falls, Wis. "As Lydia j B. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound savea me icoui au operation, I cannot ! ay enough in praise ; of it. I suffered from , organic troublesand i it j side hurt me so j I cculd hardly b up j f rem my bed, and I i was unable to do my housework. I had the best doctors in Eau Claire and they wanted me to bave j an operation, but I.vrlia E. Pinkham'a vAMt.M rvimtmund cured me so I did I not need the operation, and I am telling all my friends about it' Mrs. A. W. Binzer, Black Kiver Falls, w M. It is just such experience as that of Mrs. Binier that has made this f amous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suffers from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness, irregularities or "the blue should not rest until she hes given it trial, and for special advice write Lydia Ix Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Masa. -IN "Falsely Accused" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiii I ALTA HV I Children 10c Adults 25c rag Ml Ethel Clayton I I IN 1 "The Mystery Girl" In Addition I INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1 VAUDEVILLE I ESTELLA RAMSEY . f Gifted Pianologuist -v., I 1 TRACY PALMER & TRACY -f E Singing and Dancing. . 5 TllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlil SIR EK)UGLAS DRJYES 'EM HARD ALL HILLS ARE DOWN HILL TO THE CHEVROLET You can drive a spic and span new that does better than 30 miles on a gallon of gasoline, and be the owner as well as driver for only $300 down. We will take your Liberty Bonds as part payment. Eastern Oregon Motor Co., Inc., Across Street from Hotel Pendleton IkMtto Is Not ii (ioodl Oiro. (From Oio Ames Iowa Intelligencer.) When a man cornea to you all dou Uvii up with pain and declares hi will die in your irenence unleno you procure hi in a drink of whiskey, send htm to a doctor or else give him a done of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. There la mis taken notion anions a whole lot of people that booie Is the best remdy for culio and stomach ache. Iloauty in OKI Ok. Ton often see a beautiful old lady mid alie seems to be ru hrppy us :he Ik beautiful, for beauty and happiness depend largely upon good health. Indigestion or constipation are to a j great extent responsible when old age lacks beauty and happiness. This can often be remedied by taking Chamberlain: TV.blets. They strengthen the digestion. Invigorate the liver and move the bowels. Thl makes you feel better and .look bet ter. Try it They only cost a quar-tre. Good for Itidlftrstlon. If you are troubled with Indiges tion take a few doses of Chamber-, Iain's Table!. They strengthen the stomach and enable It to perform Its functions naturally. They also cause1 a gentle movement of the bowels. You will be surprised when you see howl much better you are feeling after tak ing a few dosea of them. 1 if a l f i DOUGLAS There is only one place for that delicious CHOCOLATE ICECREAM KOEPPEN'S The Drug 8tor That Serves Tou Best. MR. VHEAT FARMER DUPLEX TRUCKS solve your Transportation Problems. The Duplex Truck which la the original four-wheel drive truck is used today by hundreds of wheat farmers and is the only truck on the manfcet that la really fitted for this work. The Duplex ton mile savins is the same in the city or In the country over cobbled streets or almost impassable roads. The Duplex not only has, but applies directly to all four wheels, the power to pull it through with a capacity load. It climbs the steepest winding grades, surely and evely though fully loaded. Tire savings average 10 per cent. TOrn OPI"ORTCNITY TO SAVE MORE TIIAX $1000.0 Last August we purchased two of these trucks complete with trailer for Government work. Within four months time the war was over we had no further use for them and are offering; them la condition good as new at a very low price which Includes trailer) for quick sale. North Portland Box Company, North Portland, Ore. Free from the stress of war. Sir Douglas Haig is enjoyins; kis well earned rest at golf. Th photog rapher snapped the popular Brit ish commander Just as he made a long drive and watched tor it to 'all. 960 ACRE WHEAT RANCH a-tTcs In crop. Hft aon in siuiiukt fallow bslattce pasture. ,(hmI miilriiiurs, abuiHlatit siiHy uf vh(cy Hpcd In h-ou Tvrnut: &17.50 mt aero. 1-3 cash, balnnoc n-wiiuble terms. Crop goes with platv if taken xm. If you arp intrc?K! In wheat or Mo-ek randKs an biveMigatiou villi conviuetB yiHi Uiat we have he best values orfered In Oregon ami A asliinloiu FARMERS' EXCHANGE Heppner, Oregon Con Dung' Low Louies Dace Fine home-made j FISH NOODLES Chili Con Came, Span- j ish style. I Chop Suey, Chinese ! style. j All kinds of Soup. j Short Order Meals. j Good Steaks. , Lunches, Coffee, etc. i China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. Webb and Cottonwood flta. Phone 7. rendleton. Ore. FOR SALE .Mill st-iv Whiwt lurui, lH'alHl in Vi-ru (01111I.V, tirrtsou; miles -M of .Maupln, miles rnnii tuu rullrtma Mnlious; ii mik-s uf Mt. llootl. 4:t0 acres in wheat and barley, crop gtH1 Willi trale. 5 mrre In corn. linrovmiientN rt'aMinably aootl: ean all lie IrTtaled; aerrs prrpvlunl naler riKht paid for: will he on imbllo blldiwav. 75.0O er acre. 5.IMMI don it. deferred iwynienis at per eeut. o IntniniliraiH1: KH4i(m giti at onee; iarty selliug ou ac count f Ul iM-alih. Itcrerrnce A. A. ItOIIKKTS, I'Ihiiu- , IVndlelon, Ore. Address, FEN BATTY, Giangevilie, Idaho. j -V' i ' J