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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1919)
TWELVE PAGES ' DAILY EAOREnONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY. JUNE 10, 1919. PACE TWELVE 1 OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. 5 Canning Borrios From White Salmon, Washington, Hood River and Milton. We receive fresh shipments by express every morning. Buy your canning berries now, while quality is good. Berries w ill not be as cheap this year as former years. Field Tick White Salmon Berries, extra nice quality, crate $3.50. Complete line of Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses and Trimmings. M CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO -QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main Si. Fighting Life's Battles without a definite aim Is much like "sailing wilbout compass." You will not get any where. Make up your mind WHAT YOIT WANT anil WHEKE VOl' WANT TO GO and llicn GO TO IT without deviating. Aa ship has to encounter rougb weather so you must not expect atl smooth sailing." Provide for tlie hard times by saving now a part of your Income and depositing it regularly In this strong bank. ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT " THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "6TKONGEST BANK IX EASTERN OREG02T . BACK of the Lexington car, af filiated with it and contribut jing to it, are tea larga factoriea. ' Each is devoted exclusively to spe cializing in the production of parts for motor cars. It is therefore a better car for less money. ; The reason the Lexington car has ( shown an increase in sales of 1000 jin three years is the modern organ- I jization of brains, machinery, and methods that produce it. Campbell & Frentzel Motor Co. Distributors for Umatilla County 722 Cottonwood . . Phone 46 From the Farm to the Market ItKI'l'lil.lO THICKS are particularly adopted to th ' i-ial rcquin-iiu-iils of Hie farm. TlH-y combine every feature lwjTfKiary or desirable for furm use. ItEPI'UI.IC THICKS are a profitable Investent on any kind of weather, on any kind of road. They are easv-rid-rann.. Tliey arc built with tlie extra strength and dura I.IUty tliat Insure tlielr working day in and day out in any lug and easy to drive and care for. MA'VMAQ TltlCTiS liave proved so efficient In all kinds of hauling tliat last year liepublle produced and sold wore Uiaa twice as many motor trucks aa any other maker. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 ' Court and Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon 2 2 i eVCRY TIMS 1 DROP INTOTmHOTtet- . DN .rusincss i see vou ioiunc ground You CAZY '( M s EAST OREGONJAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. Echo Receives Gift of Aeroplane Propeller (Cast Oregonlan Special.) ECHO, June 10. Lieutenant E. V?. Hamnian, former teacher on manual ing to Portland for the Rose Festi val. Elvln Galloway returned to his home In "Walla Walla Sunday, after spending a few days visiting his par enta, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gallo way. J Mrs. Sarah Benedict Is quite 111 at her home on Bridge street. She Is De training: In the Echo school, has 'pre j ins oared for by her daughter, Mrs. Rented the city with an aeroplane Gold ie Hes. and Mrs. Sadie Elder. propeller. The propeller is about 12 feet long and la now on exhibition In the city library Lieutenant Hamman sent the propeller from the govern ment aircraft station at Indianapolis, where he was stationed. Miss tteukih Barker has returned to Echo after a two weeks' visit in the Willamette valley. While In Salem, Mis4 Barker attended the grand as semldy of the Rebeccas. A meeting was held on Friday even ing by the student tody of the Echo I high school for the purpose of elect ing the best all-around student. Walk- er Bleakney received the majority ot I the votes cast. i i Invitations are being received from' Robert "W. Carver, former Echo high school boy, also a graduate of Ellens-j burg normal, to the commencement (exercises at Whitman College, June I 5 to 10. I Mm. L. M. Hills entertained a large, j Tarty of children on Friday evening (in honor of the birthday of herj i daughter Frances. Those present en- i j Joyed a very pleasant evening- j I Lillian Wattenbnrger left Sunday! afternoon for Pendleton where she isi i to Join a party of friends who are go- Blotchy Skin How many tin, roa haw looked into tb aiirrar and writhed that roar Ode were softaed dear like .then whom ye know, "without a blemiih." Waia f D- O. D.. the lotion efhealiai oil., rtr your pimple, er blotch e Umrht and wake ipmtn moraine to nod them , rntul A Ua bottia will rire rn relief. Whrdaa't roa try O. O. D. todarr W lotion &r Sldn Disease TALLMAN & CO. Episcopal services were held at the Methodist church on Sunday evening by Bishop Paddock, who recently re turned from overseas service, and the Rev. Alfred Lockwood of Pendleton. Mr, and Mrs. F. T. George and daughters, Marlon and Lucille, went to Portland yesterday, where they ex pect to remain this week. Mis4 Alice Zimmerman of Cheney, Wash., is here visiting her sister. Miss Minnie Zimmerman, who Is a teacher in the Echo high school. Howard 3rew, former principal of the Helix school, who will be princi pal of the Echo school for the com lng year, will leave soon to spend the summer at Forest G rove and Tilla mook, Oregon. r Bring Your Kodak Work to THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. You get the finest work from the best equipped finishing plant in East ern Oregon. If you have difficulty In get ting good pictures with your Ko dak, wt Instruct you free of charge. Boy Drinks Lye Water, Is in Serious Condition (Cast Oregontan Special.) GIRUAXE, June 10. The young son of A. D. Hileman drank some lye water that was In a bottle and was ta ken to the doctor at Pilot Hock Sat urday where he ia in a serious condi tion. It is thought the child did not drink very much of the lye. P. A. McConncIl of Walla Walla, traveling salesman for McConnon remedies, was through Gurdane vicin ity last week. Francis Uillllttnd came ouj last week for a few days' visit with his parents, going on Monday to Pilot Mock where he will work through haying for Bill Solby. After a few days at the ranch Ed Campbell hus returned again to Port-land. Mrs. Bun Moore has 'been very sick the pout week but la Improving at present. Mrs. ffatu Dedgerwood Of Butter creek IS spending a short time with hf-r daughter, Mrs. Bun Moore. Chas. Kly made a business trip to Pendleton lawt week after repairs be fore starting his bawmill. Mrs. Tom Knright took her "baby to Pilot Bock last week where it was under the dot-tor's care for a few days. Frank Chapman and family went to t'kiah one day last week. Jim Kramer and family of Nye went to Bridge creek for a few days' visit with Kd Thrasher and family. Bun Moore, who ia cutting posts in the mountains for John lloss, came last week, returning home Saturday. Hoy Montgomery, wife and daugh ter, went to pilot P.ock Thursday w here they will go on to Pendleton for a few days and will visit a few days Ith her sister, Mrs. Twig Teal of Bcho. Frank Jones and family, ho have been at the ranch during shearing. left for their Pilot Kock ranch the first of the week, Mr. Jones taking his cattle to the Porter ranch at Alba. Dick Catee is working for Sam Xelson. (;rover Ooff visited at lioy Mont gomery's last week. Oilku-d French left with one band of Hheep for the low mountains and will take another band soon. Frank f'hapman had a fine horse cut on barb wire last week. V. ' Hartshorn went to Pilot Rock Saturday. e 00 - MONEY HONEST You Are Not Doing Yourself Justice, Unless You Visit Our Store Regular Our system, of merchandising is such that we may have a big supply of a certain article today, "perhaps the very thing you are needing," and tomorrow nothing is left but a reminder that many people are satisfied with the substantial saving they have made by paying us a visit, and last bu not least, after going home and examining their purchase it was the same brand and same quality they had been buying elsewhere and paying from 25 to 50 per cent more for the same article. This is the foundation that has made this Nationwide Institution. CASHDOWN SMALL PROFITS SATISFACTION fJITARANTEEI) BACK VALUES THE GLOVE SITUATION is somewhat improved", although kid gloves are high on account of the supply being short, but the quality is improving since the war has ended. We are able to show you some good values in kid, silk and suede finish gloves in the latest shades. FANCY TURKISH TOWELS for that combing jacket, in combinations of blue, pink and yellow. Each. . 49c and 79c JAPANESE LUNCH CLOTHS and Napkins, the latest flowered designs. See the wonderful values we are offering. "I BEDDING V Good Full Size Quilts... $3.19, $3.98, $4.98 Good Cotton Blankets, 72x80. ...... $3.49 Good Wool Blankets $6.50, $7.90, $8.50 and $11.90. S7C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. Hodaway Open Saturday With Big Crowd Present fKast Oregonlan Special.) T'KIAH, June 10. The opening dame won vn at Hldaway Hprlngs Saturday r ight and the following per son from l:kiah were In attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Helmlck ana daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Glbba and daughter, Mrs. Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. fart Sturdlvant. Ua. rlalr and lOloyd murdlvnnt. Mr and Mrs. Frank Chamberlain, Mllford Martin and family. Arden Oilllland. wife and son Mr. and Mrs. stubblefield. Perry Hlmp- son. Clarence Daley. Arthur. Oilllland. Albert and Virgil Peterson, Ralph Gibbs, tirace Glbba. Willie McKenzle, Gordon and Mosule Itcttte, Tony Scheels and J. It. Wagner. Mr. Mcintosh, ranger, who has ta ken Fred Grooms' place near Dalo for the summer, came over to meet Mrs. Mcintosh and daugters, who ar rived Saturday evening from Orient. Washlna-ton. golnr on to the Dale ranger station, Monday for the sum mer. Then Mrs. Mcintosh and daugh ters will return to Uklah for the win ter for the school. Mr. and Mrs Ed Thrasher of Dale were In Uklah Friday night. Mr. Thrasher going on to Pendleton Sat urday; Mrs. K. O. Clark, who has been ill with an attack of tonellltls, is elowly improving. Jim Harvey and wife of penuieton visited last . week at the UUnk ranch, with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Ganger. Roscoo Dickenson and eon made trip last week with a load of wool tn Pendleton, where he sold his wool for a good price. . Arthur Linvllle ! Ill at the home of his sister. Mrs. Chris Sturm, near Ai- tee. with an attack of typhoid fever Dr. DeVaul was called Sunday morn ing to see him. Fred Peterson returned Friday from Rleth "with his household goods and moved into Buck Welch s house. Clarence Daley and Perry hlmpson. who have been working on the gov ernment telephone lines. returned Friday and will leave again Monday, Clarence going to Franler station and Perry going to Pearson meadows, where they will be rtationed for the summer as fire guards. Dr. De Vau I and daughter, Mrs Storm, and son Berkeley, of Pilot Dock, were in town early Sunday morning on their way to the Hldaway springs. Mrs. Kd Brehm. Miss Hurah vaugnn and Miss Hlla Morris of Alba, were In town Saturday on business. Sam Ldgerwood of Butter creek. was In town Saturday night on ousi-ness. Harry Depew of Itltter was In town Wednesday. Arthur GIIIHand wa In town Frl- day night on his return from pnoij w ith a load of barb wire for Kfl . 3 Thrasher at Dale. 3 I. K. Lawrence and son Irwin, a made a trip to l-enoieion nemiTOij returning Thursday. ' While there Mr 1-niironce purchased a fine Buick auto which he will get noon. Ln Jnger of long creek, passed through town Sunday with a bunch of extra fine horses, taking them to Portland. Mr. ani Mrs. Tom Enrlght. who are l'vlnar on Clarence Daley's ranch. lr.oking after Frank Jones' cattle, were In town Sunday. Frank Jones of Pilot Itock. was In I'klah Sunday looking after his in terests here. Louis Johnwyn, who drives the Long Crpek stage, is 111 at his home In UHah. Tracy ' Baker of Dale, passed through town Saturday, en route to Pendleton. Mr. otto, musician of Keppner. played for the dance given here Fri day night, going on to the Hldaway Springs Saturday to play for the open ing dance given there Saturday night. ft Was Wis IJfe Ambition, Too.. William Hohensollern might as well auk for a trial. It Is the only chance he'll ever have to get to Pari. I Money in Your Pocket fry Putting Ice in the 106 Chest We have a few Ice Boxes which" we sell at cost. Call us up and ask about them or come to our office to that we may show you one. KINDLY GET YOUR ICE CARD OUT EARLY Phone 178 SMYTHE -LONERCAN CO Quality Quantity Service jiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHriiiiimiiiiiHitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiir Carload of LITTLE SIXES HAVE ARRIVED AND READY FOR DELIVERY. r Don't wait but get your car now, as they wont last long. , Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON Distributors lit, 131 West Court St. CADILLAC -rendJeton, Oregon 7nifniMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniHHM'lll""" ' milium 9 to r 5.! 3 I O. ! CP f a a s a s a a 3 13