n I tiut DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Kajnber ouilea M-latnd uf yesnvardaj's smart 11m im (HrtnnlM la (.lasti-ra are n' Breams newspaper ami aa riling form atom an lt adramaara over lwfc-e the otrculatloa ta lMMth. lun ami i; macula county uf any otbav Mnwsfmper. . . Dal'T Kaniam. . 2,867 nila paper to a member and a milled Ua Audi Bureau ( Clronlailona. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER a.,. . 'ssrrssprr ' ipasssssBsstssm LJ , faf SEMI-WEEKLY UVV i.mn . hi,, , m,, ,., , rnr rr --BjiCsaai VOL. 31 ADRIATIC DEBATF VIRTUALLY OVER, CITY MADE FREE Flume Independent Under League of Nations for 5 Years, Then Vote Decide? DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1919. NO. 9761 aa. . A m ifninia PifV - - a r $10 rhroi Mli n urn u (ages Carnival HOME TO MOTHER AND SWEETHEART, COMES AMERICA'S GREATEST HERO ITALY GIVEN ISLANDS BY JUGO-SLAV COAST Plebiscite Will Determine Status of City and Territory. Thro crlmf Ins; , ilea ory dlsli'ictf... ne 1 0. 0tot awny with" i hero today Btoul 6 irlo started a. se l thut covered v. the city and brought out every available officer for the hunt. It la est limned (hoy se cured more than a thousand . dol. Kiss in cash and Jewelry by the ho!d-ur uf the pedestrians, a ho tel robhery, a Raraito hold-up and three saloon rolmeric. Kunnlng out of gasoyne, they entered a ga rage, held up the chauffeur of an other machine and escaped with It. Tha second car was later aban doned, but no traco of tha bandit has been found. Br KURD FKKGl.'Horf (United lress tttaff Correspondent.) t'AHIH, June 10. The Adriatic -iiucstlon, which haa 'been one of the hardest nuts for the peace conference to crack, which resulted In the tern porary withdrawal of the Italian dele. Kates, Ih now reported to have been virtually nettled. The United press la able to outline the plan. It follows:: flume will be ntada a free city under tha protection of the league of notion, together with considerable surrounding territory. which lecomea a free sluto; Hebenlco will go to tha Juiro-Slavs, Zeara will hecoine a free city under Italian con trol; certain Adriatic Inland adjacent to the Juao-Klav coaat will be award ed to Italy, and a plebesclte will be held In five years to determine wheth er the people of Flume and the sur rounding; territory dealre to remain under the league of nations or become subject to either the Italians or Jugoslavs. ELKS FLAN PROGRAM 10 OBSERVE FLAG CAY AUSTRIAN SAYS PEACE TERMS BREAK COUNTRY II Y Rt'DOLPH KOM M Ell (United Pre an (Staff Correspondent) HKUNK, June 10. Chancellor Iten her, head of Lh Austrian peace dele gation. In an Interview, described his country as a "big lurid owner from whom factories, field and mines have been taken and who hss been left with only an empty castle of debt and taxes of ht former extensive proiwrty." lie wa Id: "What surprised us mont was that the peace conditions are in comparably more severe in compari son than those for Germany. Not that we claimed milder treatment but we were surely justified In expecting an equal footing:. It Is use J ens to talk of self determination and simi lar Ideals when countries with 100 per cent German population like South Tyrol are annexed with the slightest attempt to Jutf y such an art of violation. "1 represent tha Austrian socialists who fought during the war for lofty principles of International Justice which President Wilson late p romul gat eel . Whore are his 14 points? In llosmla Morvaia and Si lesia we lose three and a half million.. In Tyrol wo lose two hundred and fifty thmisnnd and in Kyria a' hun dred and fifty thousand. What re nin Ins in a traKlo remnant of one of Kurope's capitals, surrounded by barren, mountainous country, unable to live and not allowed to die quickly. Otto would have thought such a crip pled Htato would receive special fin ancial consideration instead of econo mic terms even worse than those given Germany." Flag iJuy services, commemorated by Elks' lodges throughout the United States on Kluif Day, Juno 14. will be held oy Pendleton lodKA So. 288, the Klks' homo Kunday afternoon, June 15. Members of the lodffe, their families and friends are Invited to at tend. An uppropriate program consiMting of ten nu in bent, was announced this morning; by the committee in charve. Klnicinp; and addresne will make up the rofrram. The I lev. J. Francis Morjran. pantor of the First Preslyt- rlan church, haa been oxked to de liver the patriotic address on tho oc caslon. F. J. MrMonies head the commit tee which 1 in charge of the exerclaea Sunday With him are A. C. Koep- pon and I C. Campbell. The pro- ir rum announced today is as follows: Sons; America Members and Audience, C. O. Uretich. leader. Introductory- Exorcises Exalted Ruler and Officer Prayer Chaplain i. Holo Selected Clvdo Phillips 5. Uradlng History o the Fins;.. Ir I- 1. idleman 6. Altar Service. 7. Solo Selected. .Muse Esther 8outh Mrs. George Sutton Accompanist t S, Elks' Tribute to the VUkx Harold Warnet 9. Patriotic Addrena , . Ue. J. K. M or san 10 Won. Auld Ians; 8yno -Jimbers and AiWience I waaau.Mina. iii,iMty t- mf 0iV !!".,. .SSj.. . r i-nWi.rrt-i.n t- ' . -uuar, ' af ' I ? ,S ' lilt A hy 4 " v,, , ( iA': -tyPs J Am. il U ? 'u mi ! , . - I '" t . ii --a. aaaaaaaMfc.airfrtrtmiaisstii ' I JOHNSON CHOICE OF PROGRESSIVE LEADERS IN 1920 California Senator Groomed for Presidential Nomination at Republican Convention ; BORAH AND KEN YON ANNOUNCE PLATFORM Want No Alliances, No Meddling, Troop Return, Labor Betterment. DR. F. A. LIEUALIEN BUYS LOCAL HOME BREAK RANKS iTELEGRAPH:RS str,ke set FOR 8 O'CLOCK iUMUKKUW, AU- LABOR ASKED TO AID OF WINNIPEG STRIKES; T?il 4. I TA T.. Pint Municipal Employes . Have Returned. Horse Wanders to Railroad Track, Two Die in Train Wreck WASHBl'lliV, rwa. June in. Two train men were killed and several In jured when a ltock Inland pawicnger was derailed here today. Tho riorall cnt occurred when the train hit a horse which had wandered on to the track. The engine turned over und six cara left the track. SUPREME COURT DISAGREES OVER OLCOTT'S TENURE HAIjK.H .ItllH- HI. Ttw Ml. in-iiMi iiMirt today lclct that Mvirnr lil nwv rtxlam aa txx-rctary of ntutc and "till holil tliP itivi-riMrMil but diKagrced aa to tho tenure. "I olflco. Tlio inat tT will Iw HUbiiiUtfd tin the court In a dirrcn-nt frn THE WEATHER FORECAST "fonitfh.t ami ,Wed. IttJr. llffht frost tonlghi la - jcpos4 Dr. F. A. Ueuallen, who was cited five timea for gallantry in caring; for wounded men of nia division durlns fierce fifrhtins; li the Artronne. haa purchased tho Perkins residence at the corner of . Haley and Plains tifreets with the Intention of making his home In this city. Tho deal was handled by H T. Wade, tho property Helling; for $4200. It in understood to to tho purpose of Captain Ueuallen to take up tha practice of medicine hero as soon as ho huH bad a reasonable vacation, so hh to muke certain that hi health la fully recovered. He was Raised dur Ins; tho fig h tin in the Arfronne and was blinded for l days. lr. Ueiiutlen'rt citations for gallant ry were due to the fidelity with which he worked with his wounded men whilo under fire. At one time tho po sltlon where ho was located was taken by the enemy but was later recap tured by the Americana Tho doctor remained with the wounded despite the fact bis Instruction, wero to re treat if threatened with capture. W. Schwnrtxenbers; left today for a business trip to Spokane. Clil''A'!', Jim? I The aid of labor in Kvneral in pushing' the tele- j RTnphftV strike to a successful end Contested Cnx'S Coming I f Soon. Wl.VXII'lXI, Juno 10. The first serious break In the ranks uf sink ers occurred when scores of telegraph ers deserted the unionist ranks, re tuning to the keys In the offices of the Canadian Pacific railway and Great Northwestern Telegraph com pany. The return to work followed tho defeat lat night of opposition to the city's mine to appropriate $150, 01)0 to hire a new police force, replac ing the one discharged when its mem hem refused to sign the city's "loyalty'' ultimatum. , A six dollar woi; was allowed the new policemen,' most of whom are returned soldiers.! It Is eatlmated that 2000 have been j sworn In. They patrol streets in ci vtnan autre out. are wearing Charles Hein s. P. M. oearing tne worn a npeciai Monday. June Frrd ulary, ' Each carries club. t 'on ha ve not been a va i la ble." He aked the convention to "take some iuilttn to help us destroy the worst labor aulocrarv tho countrv has was asked today by President Konen- Known' kamp, tt the cumnit'rciHl telegraphrj j union in a telegram Bent to 1 'resident lliotisntid4 CJaimed. (Jompers of the Anirrican Fedpration! CHICAGO, June 1 o; Between of lvilMir. now in convention at At-j forty and fifty thousand telegraphers .untie City. In his liiewtpe Konen-: will leave the keys at 8 tomorrow, an kamp said promises which the jr'v'ern-l Kwerintr the call of the general strike, n-ent made "were violated" and that ; according to President Koneiikamp "mediation, conciliation and nrbitra-i of the commercial telegraphers' union new heavy SMALL REPUBLICS THREATEN PRUSSIA .Circuit court cas which are due for trial the rest of thin month in clude tho following Friday. June 3 Michael Hyan vs. Sims Dicken son, boundary dispute; Monday. .lane 16 Charles Kcott va. O. II. Header; Thursday. June 1 :t Sistine Craig va "Anthony Joe (Trais: Friday, June 2' Locku oed; I mpnis s. l-octa Iiitpui.; dncs.l.i . J tine .lT H F. I 'a I hut vs. Ahum J. I '-Impr. The ultimum which the regular po Saturday ,,f this .veek is iriven over v I icemen refunod to sign, denied all hearinir nnlit-it l inns f.n- fJiiMl filin. municipal employes the right to par-lsnii, aIt.rs, tictnate in a aynipatnetic striKe. ui alfo declined to employ mt iklng em-1 ployes "without discrimination." f Kxcluve of policemen, city off!- j clala estimate that 70 per cent of the! striking municipal employes have re-i turned to work, signing the "loyalty"' ultimatum. Many rumor. no me of . which could not be confirmed, suld that core of workers in many lo-; callties are returning to work. AVIII start Cr Street cars will be running here! next Thurstlay, Mayor Oray an- i nounced. He ld he would inangir- ate limited sorvice that day, each car to i'C gimrwfii iy a. worn in ni-cnii i LOCAL MOTOR CO. NEW CONSOLIDATION CRUELTY EDICT FENDS. LADS ACCUSE FATHER Eighteen Witnesses Testify When Boys Report Threats of Parent Till; M'UIT SII.I TH constabulary. The mayor notified tb company to resume service under di rectum of the city. He asserted he would swear in 10. una special police men If neceswiry to prevent disorder when the service is resumed. Conference May Find Telephone Settlement HY CAUL. D. OlIOAT. (I'nited l'reas Staff Correspondent.) HliKLIX. June in. The meetlnjt of the national assembly calltMl for Thursday to dlscuns the peace situa tion will he held In Weimar lnxtead of Berlin, aa orlKlnally planned, it is an nounced today. A new alarm is be- SI'IUNC.PIBI-I). III., June 1(1. Soe- ln manirefited In iWiiuih official cir- rotary Ford of the Internal loiml llri cles over the possibility of movements therhood of Elcctrlcnl Workers, ex slnillar to the eHtablishnient of the Pressed hope today that the uenei-iil Khlneland republic fruslrallng plans strike of telephone workers called for Tor a stronn centralised governnient. Iuna 11 mlaht he averted. In fai-t One leader told tho correspondent that conferences between representatives 1'russia Is airreeable to havliur statesof ,ne companies and emploes arc on the American plan but does not 'continuing- in -New York he said. Indi- want tho states to become entirely I catnip; mat some oasis to work on n Independent and unprotected. A Taff- llsche Kundschatl editorial today said the government Is manifesting- strango nervousness" over the politl cal situatli.n. dclaring the calling of students to Join the guards for the possible defense of Poland Is ill-advised. BafSl V been reached. ' t?l t wcl" Tin consolidation of tin Kastern rti?oiv Motor Co., local dealers in V lie and Poet loss cut . with the D- C. Warren Motor Co.. one month ago. has been followed by tht consolida tion of the concern with the Spokane branch, now phuvng under one head ; all the Washington. tregon and Ida ho territory for thee curs. The Pen dleton bianch now connected di jrectly with aeiwies under one head in Portland. Seattle and Spokane and : ir. taken to mean i hat local owners ate in line to receive a service which 1 few. If any other, .agencies in the jnonhwest can offer. i In the laxt is months the big or- pa niAt 1 1 on has grown fmm a small 1 I'ceinning t "ne o tho Xort hwest'j I inost influential a.tto concerns and th (l'eudletoii hraneh consitiers itself for ' tu Mate" in helonetng to a com pay ot piR'h proportions and able, to give the . service now mailt possible. Sixtv Killed in Riots In Monterey, Mexico j.I.i:i. Texas. Jane 10. Siviy were killed anil many . on nihil in election riot in 'Monterey, Mrvb-o last night ac cording to Ii-.patchci tmlay. After examining 18 witnesses in the hs against Luther Baldwin. Cabbage Hill resident charged by his two young, eonji with extreme rueltles and threats to kill. County Judge C. H Marsh yesterday took the case under advise ment and probably will hand down a deision upon his return from Port land later this week. The case was tried yesterday afternoon in the coun ty commissioner room. The boys, one H and the other 12. ran away from home recently after, they alleged, the father had threat ened to shoot them. They hid the shells and went to neighbors home from where they feared to return homo. The boys came last wee-k to see Digtric Attorney R. I. K eat or and have hm file a complaint against their father. i WAHHIXGTO.V, June 10. Senator I Johnson of Callforn a, la the ncnats progressive leaders candidate for ths presidential nomination in It 20, Sen otors Borah and Ken yon today made the announcement. declaring the? spoke for all senate progressives and t group of liberals scattered through a number of states. Borah announced he had never been a candidate though h s name has In-en mentioned in practically every dbacustdon of prospective Republican candidates. The platform upon which the pro greaves will put Johnson forward at the Republican convention Will con- s tain among1 others the following planks, the progressives say today: No permanent entangt ng alliances with Europe and no meddling In Am erican affairs by Europe; Immeditt return of all American troops from abroad, particularly from Rnsnla; , complete restosatlon of free.- speech, ; free press and the right of peaceable assemblage, md a labor . program based on cooperation and greater In tere-st of workers In , the industries which their toil creates. ENTIRE ASSEMBLY TO DECIDE ON ANSWER- Two daughter, now nearly of ag and employed in Pendleton, testified ; would insist on Immediate admission By CAitI D. ttflOAr" (United Press Staff Correspondent.) BERLIN, June 10. The national assembly has been called to meet here the last of this week "to-, consider peace questions. While the cabinet, or even the peace committee of the assembly has power to- accept or re-. jeet the treaty. It Is believed In view of the latest developments that final f decision will ret with the assembly as a whole. ' This belief Is strength ened by a statement of a members peace of the committee to a corres pondent. He said regardless of the tenor of the allies reply to the counter proposal the German delegation will neither quit Versailles nor sign the tieaty without first consulting Ber l:n. There is absolutely no change In Germany's determination not to sign the treaty unless it Is modified accord- ing to a member delegation new In Berlin. He further stated that Ger many intends to stand pat on refus ing to accept the entire guilt for the war without further intervention by neutral commission; Likewise she that at 12 years of age they were so cruelly, treated by Italdwin that they were forced u leave home and have fince made their own way. They gave evidence which corroborated that of the younger boys, Kight oth er witnesses said they lielieved the father unfit to have the care of the children, while threo testified in fa- r of the defendant. Mrs Baldwin and a girl 1 '2. twin to the league of nations and a plebis cite In the territories which the treaty would wrest from her. . The govern ment today introduced a bill in the national assembly creating a high court to try officials guilty of causing or losing the war The workers council or eocial dern. ocratlc party ha asked that tha party hold a full session this week to consider removal of the present lead ers. This would Include President .sister to the younger boy, still live at home but are helpless to change the i Kbert and Chancellor scheldemann. '(.uiiine or me ratner. accoraing to . w tnes-e. The small boys told Mr. in.,. t- i Ke:,tor that they fee. red to return , LO,U CFSlOn Of Bonds home and would rather le committed: Alarminfr fiuVeinmrnt to. the reform school or placed InJ some other kind of institution triab le furced to live with their father. ' WIM'ONNI.N It.VTIFIKS. MMMNON. K June III. Tho as sembly today ratlfml Hie Hiifrrairc amendment by a vote or ftl V 1. 1 lie senate concurred Ihn awmMy reao. luUon hy 21 to 1. . a Governor Arrives at Rose Show in Armv Plane, 12:30 Today l'OIITI -XI, Jiuii. 10 Ovp anny ' alrilaiMY'4 (-omidet.Hl tJiclr rUKbt n-onl .MatlKT Mold, Sncra iniiUK t'nlif., at 12 20 lislay. ;ov crnor Oltfitt was a asMinircr In oar plane from altknt tf I Mort al ltd. The planes will larlioltMilo In the lloe show fi-sttvitlcM. 4. J LABOR ( ONVKNTIOX VOTES FOR REPEAL OF DAYLIGHT LAW ATLANTIC CITY. .Itme 1 The AnierU'iin hViloniiltm of Ijtbor con vention today voted by iso to I .la for lepe.tl ui llie 4lal:ht faving law. KING OF HOBOES HAS ABDICATED , Walters if. 1M Lieu tea ui. - Kugtme P. Walters, who left here n first serueaui of TrMp 1 and dur ing the war whs uith tin Itsth Field t 'Artillery in now a first lieutenant in I that reuiment. In a letter to a local friend Lieutenant Walters said the regiment was to leae Horh. ierman.v on May ;."ih and that the old Troop Ll men ould soon be hack in their obi town. r' jf f WASHINGTON. June 10. Alarmed ,at the rate at which ko eminent j bonds are beina; converted into other trvestntents the federal reserve aboard j today ordered all branch federal (reserve banks to InvestiKate the actl vitles of upeculators In their districts, j Opinion is expressed that a consid erable amount of bonds hava been , changed into stocks and bonds thut j ure practically worthless. What ov- ernment action will be taken depend I upon tho result of an InveiKation. Aa j a general barometer to financial con ! d. lions the board also de-slrcs to learn I to hat extent, borruwlna la balna j dint on bonds which thus increase th amount of money in c.rculatiun. Illinois Has Ratified I Suffrage Amendment Sl'KI.NT.FIUJX Ills.. June Is ! Illinois today ratified the national nt. j fraxe aniendtiient. The houss ailopt I ed the ratification resolution three I minum after convemna. the senale ! I'axsinir tha house resolution half an . hour later. Kin In the discard Is tha rale f tha gams today and another Is following tho flock, of European rulera. Davis, kin or the hoboes, a knight of tb road for ti yeara aanoancea his abdication. Ha saya ha'a golnf to settle-down la eiDciaaaa ana taaka a fortuaa, i U.S. Yards to Take Foreign Shipbuilding WAriHI.NUTO.V. June in. t'hulr. : n an Hurley of the shlppin board to. ' day promised the senate he will lift j Immediately all restrictions on forelan j "hij.l.ulldlnir in American shipyards.