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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1919)
Section Two Pages 7 to 10 Section Two Pages 7 to 10 reftooia ECHO ROAD WORK TO BE LET TOM New Bids Expected for Grading on Cabbage , Hill Route. With one of the busiest wnslony of tlin present yeur in nlnht, State High way CommlHMloncr W. U. Thumunon left for I'urtlund lut night to attend the Juna nicotinic, which opium to morrow in J'ortlanu. Anions the big contractu which will bo lot at thi time are for grading the 18 in lien be. tween Echo and Hleth and for a aim ilur amount ot work between Cabuuge 1IIII and Kumelu. Huverm counties are expected to end deluKutionit to the meeting to bo. licit titate aid for their county roud projl. Nunierouw couMlen voted on road bond at the auedal election held Tuenduy and thouo who voted money for highway are expecting to Sot aeaiatance frnin the comml8tun. AmMlirlaU, Anyhow. "In umlerrftund Ihut the orgunlat went cruy during old l'hatpurr'a fu neral and inude a dreadful break?" 'Yea." answered Yadlluh. "Instead of pluylng Choplnn Kunerul March aa the cuaket waa being carried out, he etruck up 'Where IK We Oo from Here?" " C"arwon Magazine. Cool Niffhts promised During Currentweck WASHINGTON. 1. C, .llllio B I orecawt for tlio mtIo1 of Juno to II, liH-liiHive. I'ai-lrlo Uiaxt atuU-a: (it-iierully fair Willi noniuil Icmiicrature. Northern Korky Mountain anil lilau-uii n-ttiona: (;em-rally fair Willi nearly nomiul tcniMTnlurcn, alllioiitfli nlKlila lll bo xmicwhut oool Willi nunc iropi4H of froHt coriy in mo wH'ii in iukIi Muow, Sportsmen Will Head Into Heart of Alaska For Big Game Trophies fine Cletet, Peters nlioll roprenenta- live who la In Pendleton with Mr. I'eret, motoring to Hpokune, la going big game hunting in Alaaka thla sum ner. Ijue in June, IVret, with four other HjM'kaue MportKmen, . will aail from Seattle for Kkaaway. take the White Tana and Yukon railroad to tta terminus and then head Into the hcurt of Aluaka in quest of caribou, nioun tain Hhcep, goats and ether lg gama chaructcriKtlc of the far north. The ci'Meni plated hunting trip 1h to Ihj1 two months and the party expect to bring back Koine exceptional trophiea LOCAL BOYS AT HILL MILITARY ACADEMY OlALMWH MIST SAIATK AGAIX UERLIX, Juno At the rlak of In curring the accusation abroad of a re turn to in Hilar Ism, President Kbort, Ilerr Nouka, the nilnlHter of defense, and Col. ltelnhardt, the war miniHtor, have decided to rw-eMablinh the mili tary nuluta, which had been abolished. Idaho University Holds Commencement MOSCOW. Juim 9. Benlora at tno University of Idaho are In the mfdt of their commencement fuxtfvif lea. Thla Is Henfjor day. Tomorrow ha beon designated an Alumni day. with the- president's reception oceurintf in the evening. The clatta wilt be graduated Wednes day mornlnfr. The commencement ad dreHN fa to be dt-llvered by Ir. Aurella H. Itelnhart, preKldent of Milts cot lege and formerly a member ot the University of Idaho faculty t4 X , '. ', ' ' GOVERNOR 0L60TT TO FLV TO PORTLAND HALKM, June (Jovernor Olcott v.ill make a fiylriB trip to Portland TucKday, The governor will be a pasxeniser In the blir Do Hjiv.lancl I. lane, which in ono of the seven 'alrplanea comina rrom Mather Held, C'al., to l-oriianu as a feature of the Kone FeKival pro. Brain and which will atop In the state capital on their way north. The In vitation to the governor to accompany the air fleet to the Hose carnival waa extended through the Salem Commer cial club. Opportunity is also offered to one other Balem c:tiscn to take the air ride In a commercial plane which i coming down from Portland to ac company the viwting flyers .back to the metropolis. i ' Adolpli Hcjdni Perry J)aUn Homer llcydm There's Great S a-tisf acti oi in krvowirv -tHe cKild rerv's KeevltK ei-JqyTTven-t are beirvd provided for whenyou ive thenv POSTUM as their hot table drink At Bpeeia! exereiws Iield recently, at the , Hill Military Academy, Ponland, Ore., atudenta havlrig' raaila prcgraH In their scholastic and military work received promotions. Among those to be advanced waa Ho mer Heyden of I'endleton, Ore., who vaa made first Hergeant of Co. A. of tht cadi't cru. Verry Davis, also of Pendleton, xvuh ajpointed cadet third cnrpoi-al. Adolih Heyden, another Ka-stern Oregoniun, who attend ed m h'io! In Pendleto has ahown a marked progress aleo and la In line for advancement. He haa grained a place on the interricholasUc track tram Fine Stock Ranch for Sale 2150 acrtvi. Hit fenced auit ffiMi-d. V romi liouso aiMl 4 barn. 4trc orelmrtl, ami all klmlN of ImttIcm. TIhto in .KM! arre tlllablo ami la lira hi. Thrro lx a ttm I. ., Int water rework HciitNil, fcn&t mill. kw mill, II within a inlhs or tlibt rant h. Hum dully mall ami tHc phcHie. r7.itix iHt-mlt on ioeniiiient reniTvo jtmj hIIIi iHikv. I'lM'rc ! 20 la-ad of cattle-, 2t lioi-NeK, 10 tunc, a lot ut cliickciut, mid cverjthdur from a kimhI tlirtthliijf inaclilno down to m jranln rnke. Inehidinjc n hIHiikIw mill, irn Kliflleii riknp mill. JtOO IhihIh'Ih of rorn ralmrd on prcjn Im'm lust yer, A tzns vnizttiv. Yon can boy tlii fine raneli and everyUilniC immthmed lierti for $!2.,'VO an acre, ami pay half oaMi, and lO cnt at irr rent on Imlaiioc. 1 lutve a try alfraetltr homo tn the .North nlile for Nile. There arc 8 roomH, 2 lcvplnir KrtluH. full meiit, fumaoo lieat and fireplas The Iioiiw tx liartirin ImIhI all tlirouylv and aiilstMiillully hulll. 2 lot on cor ner of hloc'M, fare anil other improvement. Von rail buy Utb flno home ftn- $H(MM, half eanh, long time at 7 Htr ecnfc Iwlmte. tio with tiio uml wu Ih. E. T. WADE. HEPPKER GOT COIN FOR SALVATIONISTS HKPPXRU, Juno 9. To raise Mor row county'H quota of $1250 for the Salvation Army, Hcppner Klkn lwt evening put on a My dance and car nival in the fair pavilion that waa second only to the far-iamed I'endle ton Hound-Up. Several hundred people thronged the b)? pavUion unlit a late hour and every known frontier method of sep arating the unwary from hla or her money wan employed. , Atuyor VauRlmn was boss bartender and helped hIIiik "buiIs" and 'fire ft' a- ler," kick deleted. PoBtmaster Kich ardm dealt 'em froin the, tittle tin box at faro layout. iXive McAteo wore hl finger nails off raKlni? in the monev at the roulette wheel. lea Miitlot-k Rave the Fine Italian touch to the game and other members of the herd JitKt plain held up the tend- er feet and relieved 'em of the "10 buck" bills they had not parted with at the poker tables. ' The affair was "some different" from the present day social function but everybody entered Into the spirit of the occasion and enjoyed the fun While the accounts have not been ful ly audited it is believed the reeciptft wilt run well above the sum aaked for by the Halvatfon larie who, in Heppner as t-lsewhere, are considered special protesen of the Klks. HOW TO COLLECT FROM UNCLE SAM eg What's the usq when you can have Post Toasties I WASH1XCTO.V. June 9. Ufe H- aurance compainiea were urged to-day, by the Bureau of War Ktsk lmnmmre to open up Infonrttiiion channels, to advice dependents of American sol diers and wiilors, how they may net compensation and allotments due them. lte to the fact that many men ;have similar names, it waa elated, it Is 'practically impossible for the bureau !io make certain payments, unless pro j tier identifications are received. As an example, the bureau pointed out that there are over 1,200 Smiths whose first Initial are K. recorded In the records. To make sure of receiving1 proper consideration, the bureau slated, this is how each lelter should be made out. When corresponding concerning al lotments or allowances, letters shoulo he addressed to the Account ins1 Pi vi sion of the bureau and contain these facts: full name of enlisted man, pre sent address, his allotment number or armv serial number, date of enlist ment, rank and organization Nov.. j 1 11 7 (or at enlistment, if subseQuenr; thereto), full name of allottee, rela- tionship to enlisted man and address. When writing- rettards compensation ' letters addressed should be com pen-j sat ion and Insurance Claims division j of the tturemi and should contain full 1 name of enlisted man. present address, j his army aeruil number, date of death ! or discharge from service full name of beneficiary and address. In reanlrf to insurance, address "Compensation and Insurance Claims Division and stato full name of in- j sured. present address, his army serial j number, nnk and orran;jition when insured. Insurance certifitate number, date of birth, date of discharge, full j name of beneficiary and address. j 1 oui;bt the Midnight. Johnny came home Irorn Kunday school quite thrilled by the leswon "it was all about the Midnights." he said. "The what?" asked his father. "The lldniht8," repeated the boj "Teacher told us how Gideon fought the Midnights and knocked the day lights out of em in no time." Bos ton Evening Transcript. Western Electric POWER FLIGHT &e Star Attraction Forbur Home Gen. Angelea has lost an arm and Pancho Villa ha lost eight or ten Ieg, and now both f them seem to have lost their heads. WHY DO WOMEN SUFFER When There is Such a Rem edy for Their HI as Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegeta ble Compound ? "Ihe performance'oF this ourfir niqhr and day means dependable liqht for house and barn; power for many of rhe chores that now take up valuabletime' CHARLES MILNE Electric Contractor Sett to Cllr If all Pendleton. Ore. , JlinhawakB. Inci "I had pach nevpre female weakness that I could i not do my work and I could not get any thing to relieve me. A physician treated me, but it did no good. I had been in ; this condition xor three-months when I began taking I.ydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound it cured me. I keen house and am able to do my work now. I certainly praise your medicine." Mrs. Suda Oi.dfather, 613 Vest Second Street, Mishawaka, Ind. Women who suffer from such ailments should not continue todrag around and do their work under such conditions, but ?ront by the experience of Mrs. Old ather and thousands of others who have tried this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkharri's Vegetable Com pound, and found relief from such suf fering. If complications exist write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., I.ynn, Mass. The result of their 40 years' experience in advising women on this subject is at your service. A V ERY THRESHERS 9 sizes AVERY THRESHERS have guaranteed for life cylinder teeth. Hyatt roller bearing cylinder and blower and a guarantee with each machine to take 99 9-10 per cent of the grain out of the straw and put it clean in the sack, F. E. Ranney, Mgr Slanfield Office, Thpne 12F22. TRACTORS 7 sizes AVERY TRACTORS come in 7 sizes and 7 patents owned by the Avery Co. Sliding frame transmission which means less parts and less trouble. Round Radiator which lets the exhaust cool the engine. Adjustable Bearings, saves time. Lubrication that is positive. Gasifier, perfect combustion. Removable Cylinder Wall, eco nomy. Universal Lug, to - grip the ground. ., American National Bank Bid?. Pendleton Phone 3 1S-J "Red" Demonstration ! July 4 Contemplated j WASHINGTON, June 7. Govern-1 ment officials have been Informed that word Is belnfr passeil through "red" circles for a tlenionptralion July 4. Kvery precautionary measure is beinff taken to thwart the "reds" in so far as exiKtiniv laws permit. According to reports of "May Day" nuthreakers. June 2 bomb outfaces, the spectacle planned for July 1 will constitute protrressive series of demonstrations against the cevernmetit. Parados and similar demonstrations dcxifmed t" participate in riots ap pear to constitute the proaxam of "reds" In their plans for a July 4 out break, nii'ordinir to propaganda lit erature and other information in the hands of tfovernmont departments here. As a .result orffanled labor of ficials as" well as jrovernment authori ties are expected to take steps to dis courage particiimtion of labor men. soldiers and sailors in brawls which the "reds" will attempt to start. Announcement We desire to announce tliat our superior quality lino of Mary Patricia Chocolates in packages, will bo euld iu Fendleton by Shechan Bros. "The Cosy Pendleton Drug: Co. Thompson Drug Co. m Health Authorities Tell Us That The Frying Pan is Usually Overworked a nice roast or piece of boiling- meat, come In here and you will find we have arranged for your visit with just what you are looking for. You will like our choice assort-' ments; our own special delivery and the quality we afford you. Oregon Market TIIONE 600 815 MAIN ST. AilvantJiJiv f l n Wont. "Tirt you cull :th- a bonehoad ?" asked th lijr niitn. 'No, answorotl the little fellow. "I merely rpferrtnl to you as nn ex ample f con bra 1 ossification," "H'm. Would you mind -waiting here nminute till I ko and look in the dictionary ?' If you are unablo t lenr.n anything while trying to teach others Ifs a sure Indication that you are a has-been. ,2 i Porno so caltrd tiinliuma don't Rive HAIL! FIRE! Are Your Crops In sured? If not. have them cover ed at once for there is liable to be a more se vere hail storm than the one we just had. It costs no more to in sure now and be on the safe side. See Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. 820 E. Court. lhon 10M Tasty New Spreads and Preserves No-Ka-Gi Sweet Pickled Pineapple, Hawaii's gift of the gods. We recommend it, per can 30c Welch's Grapelade, back from Uncle Sam's service, the national spread for bread, toast or biscuits. We recommend it, per jar 45c Mayfield's Orange Jelly, absolutely pure, made from selected fruit. We recommend it, per jar 20c Happy Home Mint Jelly, excellent with our choice cuts of meat. We recommend it, per jar 20c A full and complete line of Tea Garden, Happy Home, Shasta and Veribest Jelly, Jams and Preserves. Pendleton Trading Co. , "If it's on the market, we have it" FOR SALE J'-Mn acre whom ranch in tYtuikliii A. Wn., nil trwtor la ml. mm iu wheal, tatlamv summer falhm. I rc modern Imium. cti crvie iiu rairo. Ian fint Imrn, dcniy wati-r. lrv 7,VOO ht tr inchidiiis t-rip If laLcu mmmi. Terms N5.(H i-u-li. Mud up t IHH tit trade for jtMHl iiK-imit riwriy r a knh1 miiuII farni. ImiI. t Mitt t 7 ht ttMit. rurthcr Mrtkualr aildn . I. ture you a giiosi of a snow ior your money.