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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1919)
TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE f, 1013. PACE TEN OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. C Penney Co., a Nationwide Institution. 5 a Swifts Premium Hams, Bacon Lard We receive fresh shipments of this meat weekly. When you buy from us you can be assured of getting only the highest quality. 100 per cent Pure Leaf Lard. Look for the guarantee on the pail. When you buy Lard, buy pure lard, don't be satisfied with cheap mixtures. ItoUfri Ham. Sliced t your Nnfcr, pound ..... IMicd Itcrf. Nihil! to our tn-dcr. pound ItmkfaNC Itacon, Sliced to l our Order, Kund (tountry lmid In IHilM. Nund (tamplrlc I.Iim- of Vuality lunch khIs. Country Ituttcr. ihmiimLs, full wcltUil IUukIi lCggs, doarn GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main Si. Stick to Your Purpose Imagine tlio iiih-ut of a ship Marling out with a cargo aud chaiurliyl his point or destination eTcry day. He will prohaMy arriie finally at some un known port. You would say that while he might he a good tailor, he was lacking In purpose. I. this not largely true with ouone front child hood BP? By having a definite aim and sticking to It you will attain success sooner. Aud a Savings Aeeotuil In a strong bank is a good compass. SAVIXGS DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "STRONGEST BAXK IX EASTKKX OREGON" . 8 r -- - 11 8 ' rl" A u'MveiwrA.Nj'b 1 that's tveUT iKiS m i&Ws ' A church I J r ZJ m a ' 4 vVCtt, THlSN, til V, t in1 4 cut out That , . ' Vil ; j , j -y yr "42 ill M ll 71 BACK of the Lexington car, af filiated with it and contribut ing to it, are tea large factories. ; Each is devoted exclusively to spe cializing in the production of parts for motor cars. It is therefore a better car for lest money. The reason the Lexington car has shown an Increase in sales of 1000 I jiri three years is the modern organ- ' lization of brains, machinery, and methods that produce it. Campbell & Frenizel Motor Co. Distributors for Umatilla County 722 Gottonwood . Phone 46 From the Farm to the Market Kr.lTIU.IC TIIK KS are iwrtkulurly adapted to the -im'ial reqiiireiiMHIs or Hie farm. They combine every feature noccivary or uVlJ-allc ror rami uwe. llr.TM'HI.IC Tltl KS are a la-ofitabie iiiventcnt on any kind of wallier. on any kind of road. They are eay-rid-rarin. . They are built Hilli Hie extra Mreiucth and dura hilily tliat lii-nre Iheir workout day in and day out in any lug- and cay to drive and cure ror. HKIt"IU,IC Hit "KK have rovpd (m effk-nt In all kinds of liaulliut tliat M year IUMillic produced and Hold wr tliau twice as many motor trucks a any otiier maker. Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 Court and Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. MOVIE SHOW NOW Helix Girl on Visit Busy at Athena To Brother at Camp (East Oregonian, Special.) ATHENA, June 9 The moving pic. ture show opened Wednesday night to a large crowd. The new show will show pictures three, nights a week, Wednesday. Friday and Saturday. O. M. Shigley has taken the position of head miller in the flour mill at Freewater. B.D. Uugger has also taken a position in the Freewater mill A. U. Lundell was a visitor in Athe na from Weston Tuesday. S. S. Hutt took a load of lumber to the Tum-A-Lum lumber company of Helix Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss went down to Portland today to attend the Hose I the hardware store during the ab sence of Mr. Fossu Miss Ruth Booth who has been visiting at the hoe of her slater Mrs. S. 8. Hutt returned to Pendleton Thursday evening. C. M. Eager has moved into the Hansel! residence on Fourth street, which he bought a short time ago. lialph, the small son of Mrs. Marie Carsten was brought home from tSt. Anthony's hospital today. The young ster is steadily improving. MisS'EVa Carsten and brother Frank wejit down to Pendleton to accompany their brother Italph home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone arrived this morning and are visiting at the home of Mr. Stones Mother, Mrs. Jerry Stone. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. liutt were visitors in Pendleton today. t only four pupils were successful In iheir eighth grade examinations. They were Lucinda Dell, Sarie Pambrem, Velma McAiexander and Conrad Mil ler. Charles May was an Athena visitor Tuesday. -a e l-S C3 e i c c OJ : Large New Stock of Notions Just Arrived Hickory Garters for Children, sizes 2 to 1 5yrs ; Lake View Garters for Children, sizes 2 to 15 yrs. it ci -PrtM T .i A 'i ' -. . tOL uiana nose oupiwneto ij Tebeco Tooth Paste .. Look Out Alarm Clocks - Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Brushes . Cuticura Soap Cabinet Hair Pins Colgates Dental Cream, medium size Colgates Dental Cream, large size. . ; Hinds Honey and Almond Cream Armour's Fine Toilet Soap, 2 bars for Mentholatum, small Metholatum, large 8 oz. Peroxide 1 oz. 3-in-l Oil T ni.iy A oonrtmnnt Pearl Tlllt.trinS. ler Cai'd Beats All Lead Pencils, each c Pins, per paper jc Clarks or Coats Sewing Thread, per spool Coats Crochet Thread "c Gold Medal Tooth -Picks, per box Cube Toilet Pins c 2-in-l White 'Canvas Cleaner c Liberty White Kid Cleaner Martha Washington Hair Nets c Rick Rack Braid c Cambric Bias Seam Tape, 6 yds., sizes 5 and 6 c Convent Bias Lawn Tape, 12 yds., sizes 3 and 4, 2 for 2oc 3J)c .... $1.23 2.r)c ..... 19c 5c and 8c 8c ..... 19c 39c 15c 19c 39c ..... 15c 10c ...... 5c J. C. Penney Co., a Nationwide Institution. For Burning Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or $1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo i a clean, dependable and inexpensive, antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effec tive and satisfying. " The E. W Roe O . Cleveland, O- (East Oregonian Special.) HELIX. June 9. Miss Jla Xor vell and Miss Opal Rice are spending the week at tiamp Lewis as guests ot Koy Kice, who la being held there on account of Mickness Letcher Xorvall and Edna Potts at tended the carnival iu Pendleton Thursday evening. Mrs. Jennie Leslie and Mrs. Tom Ohormley re leaving for Portland this week to remain until the return of Mr. Ghormley from overseas. Miss Blanche Lewis, Miss Bessie LewM and Miss Clara King are going! to Portland this week and on the 14th Blanche Lewis and Miss King will go to Corvallia us delegates from HelLx to a convention of the Girls' .National Guard. Irvin King and family are spending the week at Bingham. Arthur Lewis and Margaret Walk er attended the carnival In Pendle ton Fridiiy evening. Dr. McKinney of Weston, was in He lix Friday. Jrace Garrett and Elbert Clark were visitors in Pendleton Wednesday. I j Tourist Travel Heavy ! Through Meacham Now J ( East Crregonlan Special.) I MEACHAM", June 9. There was an t average of 12 cars passing through here daily from points in Oregon, Washington and California and from a far east tt Nebraska. They all re port the roads between I-a Grande and Pendleton are the worst they have ex-. j pertenced in their travels. I J. D. Casey and Hoy Huwes re- j turned from Portland Sunday. They j purchased a planer for the new mill while there. I J. is. Baker, J. 1-X Marshall, W. B ttos?t. Btirdette Ross, William Chelf and J. l. Casey transacted business in Pendleton Wednesday. Jesse Freeman visited friends In iPcdnieton this week. Mrs. Mary Wilson and two children spent the day in Pendleton Thursday. Walter Marltn and, James Baker were La Grande visitors .Saturday. Mrs J. L. Barker returned from a shopping trip to Pendleton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dyer of La Grande were here this week spending a few days with Mrs. Dyer's father, William Chelf. Stella Shephard returned from Ka me la Friday where she had suent the llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. I Leasing Pays We have riwiitly wild wmic isoimI pue In I'nia- tilla County, and Mill have a couple wlilc-h van bo had If taken quick. S 700 acre, with 300 arrra hi ron and 300 acre. uinnier-rallow. ;ooil house, barn and plenty of 5 water, tiood toek and equlinnent. four year, jet to run on Icaw.. ITIeo $15,000.00. tan ali-o sell the land Willi II If dralrcd. 1500 aTe. Willi OOO acren in crop and S00 acre. ..ummer-rallow. I-'alr huililiiu;., (rood toek ami - equipment. Here i a elianee to make norne big money. Price for all 3O,(XM.0O. E We alo have some choice wheat tract., fnnn 100 acre, up; xonie choice alfalfa tract, and a number of - home, in Pendleton. Tell us what you want. WE WHITK GKAIX I.VSlltAXCE. Snow & Dayton "We Sell Land 1 1 T Ea.t Court KA ll ESTATE Phone 35 IVSURANCK FARM IAJT8 "lllllllllllllHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIHIII " week vUltinK Kuth Austin. Mr. and .Mrs. Uillmun and M!. Olllnian f 'ancouver, - Wash., ara visiting llr. and Mrs J. B. linker. The party motored from . Vunt-ouver to Walla. Walla and vixited with rela tives there befure coming to Meu cham, ' Miss Ueraldine Hanlon of Kamela and -Mr. and Mr. J. A. Walters mo tored to Iai Grande Saturday. Mrs. ltobert Fat; .in and daiiKhter. Lnrene of cilibon, fjent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walters and other old ui-iiinintances. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Hllgard .spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Scott's sister. Mrs. J. D. Casey. Mr and .Mrs. TnnlnK. who has been worklnir for B. K. Murlin on the ranch have resigned and left for l'endleton Sunday liy auto. Mrs. I.eo Fmlt, wife of the O.-W. It. & N. aKint at Kamela.. died Sun day mornlni? at the tirand Rondo hos pital at li lirande. She was well known to a numlier of people here and the now. comes us a great shock to her friends. A1HSIIIPS WH.ti CAItltY ion i!.ssK.t;Fats 1US. ASTtllt A V l KMil.lSIf I.DIIII, XOTHl SIHHITHMAV. who wi;i jikk iv i.oxik.v LONDON, Juno 9. Fare to America by alr-r-four cent, a mile. This Is the Vlckera Company', pre dicted price for a trans-Atluntlc trip in the new KlRantlu airship, now prac tically completed at the firm'. Harrow yard., and of which the trlul. are scheduled for May. Tho vessel will have a cubic capacity of over 1.200, 000 teet, and la designed to carry 100 passenxcrs to America In 48 hour.. The averuKO speed for the trip will be 75 miles per hour, and the fare should work out at about four cent, a mile, or $240. Vlcker. are also building a number of airship, for sporting purposes, in cluding African big-game hunts. Iff K. j 1 r r ' K IK o !S fJ It! I A Studio Query. "Solomon wu a man of Incredible wealth." 1 know he wan. How do you sup pose a man could secure such an enormous income t a time when there wa no hiotlon picture busi ness?" Washington star. juiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi I Whitman's 1 jjCANDIES Just received Urge iupply. ! Tou can't bur better oandlea, better assortment, anywhere In the world than right here. We have tried to carry title s policy of eelectlng tbe beat through out our buslneea. S Com In and luflf for your- eelf bow well we have gucoeed- pj ed. . s Tallman Ct Co. 1 Ieadlnf DragglaM rillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo ASK TO SEE THE Ahoha Fly Hook JUST RECEIVED MY SHIPMENT. Late to arrive but just in time to catch fish'. 10c EACH. t SOL BAUM For Fishing Tackle. 5 Look for the Fish. Hotel Pendleton Bklg. lOKtrysr Cahle iiHpauh?H Hiatu that Mm. 1 3 Ava Willing Astor. first wife of ToIo- nel John Jocr) Astor and for manyis parri leader In American society, wasls married quietly In London to Lord 3 Rlhblesdule, famous as a sportsman. ;S Uked 'Km. "William, go into the lidrary. In '2 back of the top row of biika there 3 are "Cigars, sir?" "Yes; how did you find them? "oh, very good, in deed." Boston Kvening Transcript. A kiw on the lips la worth 3,000, 000 on pa pr. uiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiriniiiiifiiinimiiiiitiiiiftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiifiuiiu Carload of f LITTLE SIXES HAVE ARRIVED AND READY FOR DELIVERY. Don't wait but get your car now, as they wont last long. i Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC Distributors lit, 121 Wen Court 81 Pendleton, Oregon uUIUUUUIIIIIIUUUllUUUUUUUIIIlUllllUIIUIIIIIII3UIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUUUllllUUa