East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 07, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Image 9

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    Section Two
Pages 9 to 14
Section Two
Pages 9 to 14
District Manager Confident
Necessary Amount
. Coming.
i . .
No doubt extata in tho mind of V.
V. Walter, district Y. M. C. A. neera
tary, thui the drive (or fund now on
In linatillu county will be ended with
the full utiota aul'Hcribed by Monduy
night. All the teumtf have taken up
the work, and are meeting with on
CoUruKiiiK nm-tnKo, he Kaysi.
Utnutiliu county in one of the throe
counties In the Mute which la making
an efiorl to Inxtltute the county Y.
W. C A. plan, one of the other. Union
county, ulao being- In Mr. Waller's dis
trict. The third In Marlon county.
Kwry county in Oregon la nuhacrlb
iug to the fund which will be used In
extending tho vcupo of the organiza
tion. An ail iridlniilong (hut the Y. M. C.
A. in Mill doing good work ovornnaa,
Mr. Walter uubtiiutud the following
igtireM, which were Bent to tho Chi
cago Tribune on April 9 by Fred A.
Kiiiilh. one of their apeclul etaff cor.!
lonpondentn: j
At tho end of Murch, 1919, the
number of workers of the various wel-J
Dure organization!! In France Is aa'
follow - j
Y. M. C. A.. 6809; Ued Crow. G0U7-I
K. of C, 17; Jewliih Welfare, 89:
Ealvutlon Army, I HO.
12 Tracts Indian
Land to be Sold
By Agent Aug. 18
AtlvcrllwnioiiU are InmiicI by
lli rmatllln liiihun ugciiry in.
vlllng bid for tho Mtiu of g .
dliui olloliii-iil on AiiKiiMt IN.
Ten of the tracts lie on tint Noiitli
ulile or Ilio river. Tim an a ut Uiu
land offered for Mile ntturcKattM
UIMI acres, and U upiirulM-d for a
total valiuitlou of ,",, 170. Nine
alloliiU'iilH aru or forty acrcM, two
of HO acrvs and one of 1(10 mvrvn.
Tlie luiifl ofrtiTd for ulo la good
wheal land excel one forty a-o
tract, wlil4i Ilea about it miles
uboro IVndlt'ton on the north sido
of tho river. Thu Inner tract Is
good alrulra land, and Dutiable ror
GrandOId Hostelry
Famous in Early Days
of Chicago, is Closed
Eight Girls Will Complete
Course at Local Institution.,
t.rnJn I lugs at 13 1-2 Cent.
I'l'bbMAN', W'aoh.. June . I'ull
man Im'al of the farniers' union to
day contracted with the I'aciflc drain
CHICAGO, Juno 7. For more than
two years a temple for the republican
hlxh priests, a gathering place for
ChicAKO's eociul lenders, a temporary
dwelling for America's financiers,
stutesrnen, actors and actresses, war
riors, preachers, pugilists tho state
ly nhk Grand Pacific hotel. Houth
Clark street and Jackson boulevard,
closed last night.
I The hostelry where cien. Grant. Uuf
falo BUI. ltishop John Ireland. Henry
j Irving and John U Sullivan held re
Iceptlons when In Chicago will soon
crumble away und in the place of the
old hotel of cherished memories will
I appear a new skyscraper, the home of
(the Illinois Trust and Havings bank
land the Merchants I-oun and Trust
j The Grand l'aciflo Is probably Hie
oldest hotel In Chicago. Hoth it and
jtho Palmer tiouse were rebuilt ut
company, through the local agent, U.
n i.u-u. c n ,, BMi ........
th. , of' II. members The 107,1'!'?;'' ,,h "f J!"'0 attZ
Dries la 13 l.S cents e. asaln.t Ss'1'1, but 1 uu' ". tnl'f Clerk at
. ... i 1 against 2 , Urand ,,aclflc from , ms
cents paid last year. and now manager of the Conges, ho
- , , , tel. expressed the belief today that the
Senator Jim Hoed apparently wanU , 0riind com),rtcd , ln)l.
m "Jim crow" league of nations. I
Al:itl.l, ITHtlCST I'lltK
I'ATiuiiM ,tiK mx;i;.
I 1st
Not like
bu can eat 'em be
tore gpmto bed
When the commencement program
of the Ht. Joseph's Academy Is held
June 11. tho address to the cbuls will
be by the new bishop, the Ht. Ret
Joseph V. MoGralh, U l. There will
be eight members in the graduating
class, which comprises Alvcna Kuhlr
Mary Hlklan, Hophia Anderson, Dor
othy Cockwood, Louise Hchultx, Kfphla
lgo. Gertrude Johnsn und Iaphne
Belts. All the graduates are from
the Katln-Scienttflc course excepting
Ituphne ltoltx, who finishes the com
fuerclal course. Two of the gradu
ates hnve finished the teachers' truin
Ing curse, several have the Palmer
penmanship honors and others records
for typewriter and short hand work, j
1 he program for commencement
day Is us follows:
1919 class motto: "Climb Tho' the
Kocks he Hugged."
Selection HI. Joseph's Orchestra
Double Trio IJurand
Address of Welcome to IU. Hcv.
Joseph F. MeOrath. l. D
Miss fcoso Kiikenn
Double Trio Webster
iuarp Duct (a) Serenade Capris-
close; (b) American Funtasie...
Misses Daphne Kelts and Sophia
Andermm. ,
Double Trio Overture .... Holeldleu
l'iaiio Holt 11 Trovatore
'. Miss Daphne Belts
A Tribute to Our Flag i
Uy One Hundred Pupils
si Kulo "Ave Maria
. M1h Hophla Anderson
Kynopsis of Drama
Oct. I. I'omia In her father's pal
uce in Judea, troubled at the' disap
pearance of Christ from public life.
She receives a visit from Dlmomth,
Herod's daughter,' and from- Tullia,
the daughter of Jalrns.
Act II. Scene 1. 1'ontla sleeping.
Huth, exulting at the condemnation
Of Christ bl Pilate, becomes insane
Four Hundred and Forty
Gallop, Hop or Plod
on Big Field.
OHICAOO, Juno 7. Ticket t.iktr
at Stagy field, univerwiiy of C'hlcuKO
WPi'M hard prcHft today. Tlioirs
wan the tiiKk of iiHKfnililinK a grand
tand crowd of prnjtort Joim to tqual the
flock of athlot'B hre in the annuui
WMitorn conferuncfl rhHtiipionphlpn.
Four hundred and forty-three ath
letes galloped, hoJ!"-d or plodded ac
cording to their event on to the field
wtien the program hvtnin. Kvery V.k
Ten Bchool wa represented and ffnr
teen other western inHtttutlons had
men entered. AS'abash. (irlnneil.
Ames, KanHas, Kanr.is Aggies, -hraska,
Drake, Xotore Pa no. MiKHourl.
Ijike Forent, American whool of
teopathy. Western Htate Normalof Mi
chigan end Miami.
Ohio's entry lint topped them .ill.
Forty-nine men wore her coloni; Mi- !
chigan and Oh Ira go had 41 each; Pur
due 33. Notre Dune ?S and Indiana 14.
Michigan IT' was the favorite. Other
schools conceded themselves handi
capped fifteen points with the Wolver
ine tar, Carl Johnson, conceded vic
tories in the two hurdles and the broad
Jump. Coach Stng,- looked to his dis
tance men tn keep honors In Chica
go. Captain Mcf osh of Magg s nquao
won the mile and tvo mile events in
the indoor champir nnhips. Illinois
j placed much confidence in G.C. Bu
rnett, one or tn niopi ceieuraiea an
'round athletes in the conference.
Indiana hoped for points in the j
sprints and quarter, to be earned by
Kay Briggs. Ohio state expected W.
1). Griffith to take the Javelin event.
Ames presented a strong mller in
Stone and a highly touted mile relay
aggregation. Notre Oane expected to
rough Michigan and Chicago with
such stars as Gilflllan, Hayes and Slee-
han, all likely looking athletes.
HAN KHANCIHOO. Juno 7. Aerial
forest fire patrol are scheduled to
mart in California today. Two rep-lem-ntutives
of the distHct forester's
office are In Hurrainento to accomjanl die. At the death of Christ, the
pan two armv Dllotn in fllshia over '"d apeuar to Pontic. Tn m Qn
Cmle Sum's forests, th uistrict foT-l I'lrnilla. who have witnessed the! UniverSltV to Elect
-rtrm B i nIIIWUMCl-J. j '"""'i, It, I'Uniia.
The Kl lorado, Tuhoe nd Hlanis-I cVene t. i'onlia. a prisoner In her
taurt national forests will bo covered fther' palace, in -company with
by the patrols. On plane, leaving Tullia I'etronilla come to tell of the
Mather Field, will fly south, landing resurrection. Claudia, Portia s moth- UN1VEHSITV on OKKOON, Eu
at Chine Camp, seven miles f rom j r- comes In distruiHa to bid farewell! gene. Juno 7. I-an "Walker, gradu-
rionora- 'jne plane liyins; north wUli",,,v " ecrt;tly joined the Holy
land near Orovllle. - I Women. ...,.-
11 " "Act. irr. Pontia in the Imperial
Itatvliulit KaviiuD My tio. garden near tha royal paJace in Koine
Amrtujon, junn . a rowim--"" "t mave Kthelfnda. KmoreKS
New Graduate Manager
In PJace of Walker
Then He Made
fect separation of cream depends
upon it. Often the difference
between loss and profit has been
brought about merely by chang
ing from band to electric drive.
Hand turning is irregular while
electric speed is absolutely con
stant. That's why a
Western Electric
Cream Separator
means that you get perfect sepa
ration of cream. Electric
ity on the farm means more
than-, a cream separator. Be
sides lighting your house and
barn it furnishes
power for the vacuum
cleaner, washing ma
chine, electric iron
and water system;
in the barn it tun3
the grindstone, fan
ning mill ' and such
jobs, t , i'
Set the Wottrn ' Electric "
Power and Li glit outfit in
KJcctric Contractor
Next to City IfaH
FWuUetoii Ore.
the laat Hunday In October the day
the clocks go back to standard time
wi.s favo.-ably reported by the house
Interstate commerce committee today.
fine Stock Ranch for Sale
3150 arm. H fciMvtl ami crow fiiicci. D nnnn Iioum
anil I Imrna, lAtrge orrlutnl. nd all kimlM of brrrirw.
TlMra Im :t0 rnrrv t Ilia bio mid In uratu. Tlicro In a
Hior 1. O.. lHi vmtcr rcMr, mHmmiI. ktimC mill. hw mill,
ull within mil- of ilila rtMich. Una lally mull and tele.
iHtoitr. TlHr la 20 head of fiitlle, 20 Iioim?, 10 Iugi4, .
lot 1T chlrkcfiA, and rvrrytliliiK from a Rnntl tlinlilng
iiiufliine dimn to intruVu rake, iiK-lnditig a shingle mill,
corn nliiHIrrt, Hup mill. MOO iMishclit of corn raided on irwii.
la.Ht ycer. 3 gan cngiiic-H, Vein can huy thlr fine much
and cvrrjthinic mi'iilkmcd hem tor $12. ."Ml an m mid
mv hair cmmIi, and 10 ycttra al V per cent on halaimc.
I liavn a very attractive Itomc on tlie Nortli skle fir
Kule. There are 8 room, 2 MlceiMnfr Krchc, lull la.sc
mcnt, fiirnaw ItraL and fireplace. Tlie liou" H linrriflii
lulled nil throngli. and MitiKtmiiially InitH. 2 Iota on cor
ner of liloekt, irurage and other UnpnnenieniH.
Voit can Imy tiib fine hmne ror SHOOO, half eawli. long
llmo at 7 inv cent Italinee. io with mc and mt I.
!..n lo rcptal the dHvllxlit saving Ihw Acril'Pln cnUm with Klavla, Curntl-
nnu tier xlavcx. Cornelia, the H
nn AiiBUrn wife, tulls thnt the HlKn
Indlrata that Pontia shoVild marry
Nero, AKrtpplna'n n. l'r.nlla re.
fine to become the iouxe of her II
centlon ion and Agrippina attemiiM
to Htuli I'ontla. She la saved by
Kthcllndu. Airrlpiilna has her re.
Act IV. IVImin in tho Palatine
Palace. Pontia anil l'clronilla
chaliit'il Flamentina, the Vestal Vlr
Bili. adilreHMlnic them. JOlhelinda l
S. F. To Have First
Public Aero Station
8 AN STtAXCISCO, June 7. San
Francisco is to have the first public
ate manager of the university during
the past jear. will not be a candidate
r..r the pnmtlon '. accord'n' ,0:aVi'ation service station in the United
hi statement (riven out yesterday. stal(,g
Walker took tho ih.sitlon merely in Uei;t.nant Frederick II. Slevenso.
a r emenrency to aid the universit.!Iato cn(cf nAin mBtrurtion officer,
ho soya Allhouirh the 'acuity Is. ,r 8. AvMtion Corps, at Tours. France,
strong In its appeal for him to re-'today Recured permission from the
main in the position he will not con- KprI1r Valley Water Company for the
aider It. He will probably remain as ng(, of a ten.acre tract one an1 one.
a menil-r of the athletic department. jhaf mUea sol,th and west of Golden
The athletic council has met sever-. aat) Park. - i
al times durimr the past week to elect! The field Is 800 feet wide and 1500 ;
a succeaaor but so far no definite se-fet, ion(r perfectly level and consider- j
lection has been made. It is undcr.ed 1y lieutenant Stevenson a most ;
stood that Ixn Orput. graduate ideal landing field. It is unhampered
1H1;i. now aspistant In tho athletic de.jnv biuldinea trees or other obstrue- '
partmnt: Jamew Slieehy. president j tions. and needa only the removal of
lh. auu-i:tfll SltldentS last Ver. truMf ivmiI. to h. in Oei-feet comltlion
ildmittcd. Aifrllillina visits them f'.w Velum A ffrndoato this year. I Th. new 'ielil mnv be tho limilini;
prison. She Is stiffened In the act ot aio leing considered for the position. SI)0t of tho U. S. Army transrnnti-
slabbing Petronllla. I'amphllia, the
prlaon keeper, tells them they are to
bo assassinated by slaves. I'etronilla
baptises Pontia, who dies lmmedl
alely after. As slaves rush in.
nienllna rushes in to prevent
nental flight which is scheduled to
start next week.
The field will be open to every
avlator in the VnPod States. The
will be Invited to lands there. A han
gar to accommodate from fifteen to
WASHINGTON. .Ilino) 7. l!eMihH-
ttiMt lioiiso bxlers and imiiihrrs of Hie
Fla- iillilars nnnnillKv urged mam reduc
Chi. 'lion of about 2S H'r cent in Hie war
Istroke. and la rewarded hv rernlvitur ili-tMirtnient's estlniutes for tlie army tn-ent. -five machir.es will be construe-
. Ihe gift of Faith. I uiiroiriatlon hill for tlc next fiN Bl.(ej and other imprtnements will b ,
Flower lanee. year. Cliainunn Kalin. slateil tlM billitnade. such as a rer-air shop, gasoline:
itegna Ternte will carry alstlit .7iMt.mMl.ow w station and quarters lor mechanics.
! 4 'hums by the Graduates oMumitcs wre I.I 1 7..004MMMI. The
Vainiiu.ti.i. ii.u ai. n ..n.iini. tmsiil army miv for next
Address and Conferring of Graduat
ing Honors by IU. Hev. Joseph F.
Mctlrnih, I. I
oitiKic ivi:sti;.tkx
I VASHIXt;TtN. June 7. The st-o.
alo lias lutuniiiHHisly orderetl iuvevitl
galHMi 4r tjitr is-aiv treaty leak. Tlie
Johnson rcsoiulhwi ileiiuuiilliiK IIk
state1 ileimrtineiit litinisliatel' puhhsri
tliei treaty was passed a niontcnt late.
1 wit limit delattc.
9 sizes
have guaranteed for life
cylinder teeth. Hyatt roller
bearing cylinder and blower
and a guarantee with each
machine to take 99 9-10 per
cent of the grain out of the
straw and put it clean in the
F. E. Ranney, Mgr
Stanfield Office, Phone 12F22.
,7 sizes
7 sizes and 7 patents owned by the
Avery Co.
Sliding frame transmission
which means less parts and less
Round Radiator which lets the
exhaust cool the engine.
Adjustable Bearings, saves time.
Lubrication that is positive.
Gasifier, perfect combustion.
Removable Cylinder Wall, eco
nomy. Universal Lug, to grip the
., American National Bank Bid?.
- Tendlcton Thone 348-J
year on ai awrage of mmummj men.
When speaking of her age n woman
doesn't tell you one thing to-ua.v ana
another ten years later.
Iatcr. arrangements may be made for
nifcht landing.
Women may dress for the benefit o
men, but their clothes are seldom no
ticed except by other women. j
Health AuthoritiesJTeU Us That .
The Frying Pan is - h ; ;
Usually Overworked
If you are tired of fried meats and would like .
a nice roast or piece of boiling meat, come in here
and you will find we have arranged for your visit
with just what you are looking for.
You will like our choice assort
ments; our own special delivery
and the quality we afford you.
Oregon Market
815 MAIN ST.
Th in if a picture never before pub-
1 Usslied of the dannhler f Premier
! lemenceau of Kranc. and no one
! hat been iiiorp devoted in war work
than she. She weitra tn the pU tur
the croix de anerre, one of the many
decorations she received.
Bring Your Kodak
Work to
DRUG CO,' I J1?!
H im h
You get the finest work
from the best equipped
finishing plant in East
ern Oregon.
If you have difficulty in Rot
ting good pictures w ith your Ko
dak, wo Instruct you free of
The TrI-State Terminal Co.
is owned and operated by tlie
farmers themselves.
Docsf an INSURANCE ami
GRAIN BUSINESS to the inter
ests of the farmers and its policy
Before You Place Your Insurance
let us explain why we can serve
you better and assure you pro
tection and satisfaction.
Telephone 550 GUY H. JOHNSON, Mgr.
129 East Court Street Pendleton, Oregon
,'t i
::1 I
i .