DAILY EAST OREGONIAR PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNK 7, 1910. " FOURTEEN PAGES I NEW, s v5 IN IMMENSE ASSORTMENTS AWAITS YOUR CHOOSING HERE WHERE QUALITY AND ECONOMY GO HAND IN HAND, AIDED DY EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERVICE. PACE TWO MERCHANDISE I Trunks and Bags For "Safety First" Traveler. , Trunks , that will reach their destination safely because of their splendid construction. Suit cases and bags of real leather and imitai tion black and tan."!A,l- ;so matting cases and handbags in all sizes. A comparison -will also convince you that our prices are the lowest. See these "" Fit and their TRUNKS $12.50 io $65.00 SUIT CASES $1.50 to $35.00 BAGS ......... ........ $1.75 to $35.00 Royal Worcester Corsets Guaranteed By Us ( , xou need corsets for yk ' Sr.vlfl hut vnn hnv tViAin C3rSS for Service and nothing v -can taKe tne place. oi long wear, we have y . spent years getting ac-f quainted with practical ly every corset and when we offer you ROYAL WORCESTER corsets, we know we are giving you the best wearing and most eco nomical corsets made. You can see their Style you can feel their Service is guaranteed by us. Made with the; patented O-I-C clasp which does not pinch, break, twist, squeak and always stays flat. ANNOUNCEMENT For some time this store has been striv ing to secure a hose for boys and girls that would outwear anything made for children and at the same time have the appearance of the finest grades. At last we have se cured the agency for the justly famous Cadet Hosiery These stockings are sold by the best stores in every town of consequence. Some of them are made with linen heel and toe and double knee that insures long service and durability. The finer grades are made of the best long fibre Sea Island cotton, high ly mercerized. These recommend them selves to you for the dressy appearance and they will wear. Black and white, all sizes. Be sure to ask for Cadet hosiery. i Right Styles' for every man and a fit for every figure. Your tastes may vary as' much as your figures it s all the same to us. ' We have the right style for you, the right pattern, and the right size. We have the right quality, too, all wool, guaranteed, perfect ly tailored by Hart Schaf f ner & Marx. New Waist-Seams Young men are voting them just the right style. You'll like the lively pat terns, the latest refine ments in tailoring; the splendid summer fabrics; the way they keep their shape. For Men of Affairs Conservative business suits; dignified cutaways for more formal occasi ons; every suit a good in vestment. Satisfactory fit and service guaran teed. THEY'RE PRICED FROM $20 TO $63. - mm FJruaH 4-,,.. ,1, S h i i i i Mira . Copyright lUet Schaflnei & Man pendletonS gheatest deMrt.hent store PREPARE NOW FOR THE 4TH TiT 1 POB1PS warenouse. mMW-A WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE LfflMJ 2 . . - , ........ a PREPARE NOW J . FOR THE fOL n:Kntya ise mev. (Contraued from . fferent lines of work, besides these we iMons and are mostly from the so call- (numbers in our linp jump. They are (have American Sergeants over each led "dancing gins ' wno -were brought already on an Increase as the weather ! department of the institution. One here to helD entertain the A. El F. a !... ,.. i. .,.. ,, ment purposes.' It s stlll' so used, but ! dTtaki6!," Of course they ar other .ise iuy ttt sald sometuinB in . modeVnray. , t , ' m fk 2 UP 'a'e .mOSt " lhS Ume BJ)d eant oU Hout an rm- "-S forward on its Fiv. rrench L coos, prepare the 2" TtZ! 'Llf 'i!" neede. we stomach or not W!able 1o fiKht on noon luncheon ud svening dinner, u m T k.. w.V . " 'f . " . . . an empty stomach. If the army that Three American men cooks get break-1 " 7 'iZ " f.:" l"e gins wno are spienam , . . " . . nee' or sanitary worlt. We have had workers and very dependable. It Is fast for the reason that we desir and love hotcakes, oatmeal, real American ifour American "T" girls behind the ' my special duty to see that each and stuff, about which no French, knows anything tinle) he. ,, icounter to serve the different dishes ievery department In this big establish- CO3H.0 . ,, .In. n . . . . . . . . . j. " m. j mem lumucmii. ana mat i imi, on lime. coolwd la Ajnaric There are tz j They have to be drawn from the en- l7.0o to a 00 a. m 11 30 to i t B-i. French women and girls on ,h dif-Ifertainment department here in I 1 hungry American" I i.i i i n, i . - .. Idiera vattlns to be fed . leach meal ranges respectively about, t S0O for breakiaBt, GOO for noon luo- we ieeu each day went forward o fought according to the cinditlon of . their stomach when they leave thla cafeteria, oh lady, 1 would hate to be an enemy in front of them. Tbe buy ing sergeant and X so out with "beau- coup" fra.n ex. The Frd comeonetta returns irroanintr under the Iruiriii. ;The number j minu francs. Our tailored-to-your-order clothes means- not only good tailoring, good quality woolens and good values, but good service and lasting saticf action as welL . It is not sufficient that we know our woolens and tailoring to be good. They must be so good that you, and every other man will recognize their goodness without any salesmanship onxiur part. Several hundred new Summer patterns now ready for selection that gives you choiee. Accurately il lustrated models to help ycu choose the most suitable style for you. Come in and let us show you what we mean by high class tailoring at a reasonable price.-- r i , lindsren & Fran scon Tailors ShirU to Order Neckwear 735 Slain St. Phone 466 So far. I have rnjoyed thts semi- cheon 700 for evening dinner. These new line of work, I say, not altogether numbers will grow for certain, the rea- new line of work, for I'have been man son is this. The business committee ; p.jcer of 27th "V division mess prac just came In from Paris today tellin? : tically ever nince l" have been in us that they were here to emiuH Ie France till recently and while th lions area business committee relative I 27th and 30th divisions were wrecking to converting a large room we have for old Hindenburg'g line, I had all the sleeping quarters for about 100 men in : cooking for the "X" division head cheap cots. Into an ice cream factory. ! quarters. I will en.fcy it morand will Then, if that goes through, watch the 'do all In my power to put it across. ROBERT BURNS DIES IN WALLA WALLA g 12 WALLA WALLA, June 7 Robert K Kurns. for years general agent for the W Karriman lines in the VVulla Vt'aJla ; territory, dropped dead In Smalleys; drug store about i o'clock yesterday j A afternoon from heart trouble. 2 Mr. Hums hlpntwd lntn lh. drnv t -. -A W e '' t ' " ' fftore a few minutes before and while waiting to he served hy one of the ( J elerke paced up and down the inle, K Mr. Ryan, pharmae'rt u. the atore, i stopped for a moment and engaged Mr. Burns in conversation, Mr. Ryan ' p asking whether or not Mr. Burns in- 4 tended to return to the Plarrlman lines di after the government relinquished I W control of the railroad. , j Mr, Burns remarked he - did not 3 thins: so and In answer to a question IKS to what had become of Miss Ba IR ker, his assistant, he replied she was if! sun in cnarge or tne- city or rue. tm nuruiy a Rewna later Air. ums remarked, "I am so sick' and started to fall, yfr Ryan called to s clerk landing close by to catch Mr. Burns and Nels Peterson, clrcnlatinn aM- ' triB far the f In c 1'nlr.n o.kn fttanding close by, caught Mr. Burns as he sank to the floor unconscious.- if 1 PRIZE-FIGHT FAN SWALL(WS GUM, CHOKES TO DEATH OMAHA, June t. Cormm Nel son, 12. "becomlm excited while , watching; the Loe-Willlams fight here last night, swallowed his chewlnit gam and choked to death in three minutes. i . i s Jslj acornIJ 7T,?fl."r'r'Tj 6 ACORN "H Series" RANGE Liberal allowance made on your old stove. I or Hard ol, C'oki- or Wxl. . Soil tMi, This Is a linmlwiino raiua- mi liriuhlitiKtl by tili kcl plale and while (tiatm-l that It will fairly make jour klK lu-n wnllc! .nil mil only ,Ih it hoi-oM- in ap. IK-araiKv, ImiI It la sanllnry and very cany to livp riran. luxly Acoru .Non.rorrnxrt Iron. I i You find a complete line of Huuxchuld Furniture at 114 E. Webb ns.ims 4, V :,. V. t A li L K k '' Si if, tftikifc T L Y T E AITA SlM.V-MO.VI,Y, Ju- 21. Next Eailinss to France June 21, ly 9. Ballings to KnKland June June 2S. July 5. ffallinffs to Koterdam, June 21, July 9. BaillnKs to Sweden June . 26, July 8. i.(kk rs rp. We are ajrents for the KramlliiaviAn-Amerlr'an I.liio. llollaild-Am-rifau Line. Ctinard lonaNl(n Line, All Information regarding- trav eling regulation cheerfully furnished. VMATILLA HXH I1 .KMV VA. 220 Kast f'ourt filreet. Telephone 1014. ' '-; ; The WINTHER TRUCKS have arrived Two and four-wheel drives. From 1 Vz ton to 3 V ton capacity ' I'ncumatic or solid tires. We are distributors for Winther Trucks in Umatilla County. Would be pleased to arrange a demonstration at your convenience. v Independent Garage Distributors COLE REO DORT SCR1PP.BOOTII Court at Thompson St. Phone 633 5 2 ' '1- 5