DAILY VAST OREGONlAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1010. PAGE EIGHT OAK STATES CLOSE FIRST PEACE DERBY "Ladies Day" Musters So ciety Women out in force and Dress raiaae "n"' "J . II I I . I f lis i so- ISPHOM noVVNR.Kl.R. "" The ritKt Epsom O.rby meeting since lhe nr wee brought a nrilllan; concii.imm today whin there was an other enormous mul fashionable atten dance. To-dii.v "Ladies- tay" -aii hu-jiuiw the principal race oaks (UKH, fr clasHc ""-'"" olds. In confined to fillies. Society women mustered in force flr four years deprivation of such function, anrt "he "lues Parade" tn tho royal slid Jnckej Olub enclosures, the peddiu-k and the Lawn. attracted - much attention as the turning jiost parade, of enuine members of the sex. King tJeorae. accompanied by ueen Mary, again attended, as also the whole of the Court of nobility. Hum bier patrons of tlx -"sport of kings" crammed the cheaper enclosures, ano m anned on lite picturesque course. The Oak race was over tho Derby j course, t 1-2 miles, and was worth I about KO.Oeo to the owner of the In- ner. While wagering took a. wide i range, the volume ot betting was by no means as heavy as on the Derby. tkxaety's next tort carnival comes a fortnight hence, -when Kinit Oeorge will be "at home" at the royal race meeting at Ascot. as mix e.am "Speed up the Growth and Prosperity of Oregon" ; .- Mm awu' i. am j i W'Ja Fate of DudleyStorrs Lies With Ruth Garrison SEATTLE. June . Drnltey Storrs. for love of whom Ruth Garrison pois oned Mrs, Grace Storrs In the tea room of the Bon Marche on March 1. was placed on trial Thursday on a serious rtatutory charge In the superior court of Okanagan county, at Okanagan, Judge Neal is hearing the case. At the request of both, prosecution end defense. Roth Garrison, who baa been committed to the state want for the insane, will be tne of the chier witnesses in the case against her lover. Around her will revolve the whole rase against St orris, it is believed, for she has already told on the witness stand, while on trial herself for mur der, of her relations with St orris. Deputy Prosecutor John Csrmody. who handled the case against the Garrison girl for King county, ana Captain of Detectives Tennant, of the Seattle police department, to whom Ktrth confessed placing strychnine In the cocktail eaten by Mrs. Storrla Just before she died, are witnesses in the case. OLYMPIC PANCAKE " FLOUR Its the daily break fast in thousands of western homes. .. ; There l ether f ja dloostlbla and healthful. Hsaestly reesamerded at the dairy 1st of the entire asahold. will find OLYMPIC Because the ingredients are blended as to produce a food that to petitising and perfectly diccsted.. Those who bave found other pancakes Indigestible agrees with the moat delicate stomach. r. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. Oregon Goods for Oregon People Dr. Eaui's Anoeal Being Considered;! SAX FRANCISCO. June. . The federal appellate court has begun con- ! eideration of the case of the govern- j merit vs. Dr. Marie Equl who appealed ; from Iter conviction in the rederat ' court 'at Portland., Or., for violation I of the espionage act- ! Dr. Equi was indicted June 29. Jl on eight counts, covering alleged sedi- j tious utterances during a speech lrt the ; I. V. W. hall at Portland. Follow, i Ing her trial, which laster from No- vember to 21. she was found quilty j by Jury. She was sentenced. Decern- i ber 31, to serve three years at McNeil island and -was ordered to pay a fine of 508. i Witnesses testified, durftig the trta;. ! that Dr. SSqni appeared in the Pre- j pa redness parade at Portland, carry- j Inar a banner which read: "Workmen j prepare to die for J. P. Morgan and : profits." that a spectator knocked the : banner from herhands. and handeG j her an American flag, which, accord- j ing to the testimony, she threw to the greund, simu ltaneously delivering j some vehement remarks about the "dirty, little American flag.'" Dr. Equi won considerable notriety ; at The Dalles. Or, several years ago j when she administered a horse-whip- J ping to the Rev. O. D. Taylor, the at tack occarins on prominent street i corner. Taylor wa chairman of a j school board -which had discharge.. Dr- Equl's friend, and she made gooe ' her threat to publicly lick the preacher ' if he didn't bring about the reinstate meat ot the friend. - TAKE NOTICE INVESTIGATE Call your nearest dealer for information AT fWrR. Then take the earliest ODDortunity of conveyinjr to said (lealer the Idea that you wish to acquire one of thete LABOR SAVERS . NEW BODY URGES PRIVATE OWNERSHIP MERCHANT MARINE Toll Ma Talks Llks It Wat Ford. Bood River, Or, Boats, Max. . Tanghan Motor Works, Portland, Oregon. . DearBIrai Am harlnf fina soo ceea with tho little old bag. Aror ag. tea ricks to gallon of gaa; al so cut 800 ricks at 4 l-So coat per rick. Going oms for an old rig. Beepectfully jours, J, 3. KBUVEUACHEB. A Gasoline Motor Driven Drag: Saw Machine that saws up to 25 cords of wood per day. NOTE : "We also suggest that for good ' results you should rpecify a VAUGHAN Drag Saw. Itt further details address VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc., 475 East Main Street. Portland, Oregon. t v i - 1 - f- r t I 11 "THE THRIFT ' SPREAD"; mm Zp Oleomargarine Makes economy a double pleasure; a table treat; delicious on toast and bread and on steaks and vegetables. You'll like it right from the start. Composed of pure, carefully select ed ingredients and churned fresh daily with pasteurized milk. Tho most noticeable differ ence b o t w o a Columbia Brand Oleomargarine and fancy creamery butter it the price and it'o in favor of Biers of Oleomargarine. Packed In waxed, odor proof - cartons. U. S. Gov ernment Inspected. UNION MEAT CO. North Portland, Oregon Oresoa's ProsperityYour Interests HOME PRODUCTS THE SIGN OF QUALITY Golden Rod Milling Co. ;ARE Reliable cereals excellent in quality the result of experienced milling and worthy of support as a Home Indus try product. Golden Rod Milling Co, Cctcal Millora. ami "Poultry Feed MiitiurRcturcra PORTLAND, OREGON j flapjaclftZQ 4 tmieYVhT Promise of Undying Love Culminates in Marriage After Half Century's Time ihalf century romance "Will have Its TO TFKT TIIK I.K;Al.lTV OK ;mlmlnation in the marriage of Her- APPOIXTEI) IflUll j qualifications under civil service terms man A. Sturgls. a prominent Omaha; The league contends. Oeorge T. attorne.v, and Hiss Jane M. Kelley XBW YORK. June 6. The Civil' Keyes. Its secretary stilted, that the HAN' FRANCISCO. June . The; recently of Lou Angeles. Oal. They Service Refnrtn League has given no- .ulipointrnentn were made under a wur Paeific-American mesmahrp assocla-' ' will be married at the home of Mrs. (ice that it proiwaee to bring court ac-, emerjfency status, now, obsolete, ami lion -whs formally launched here thisi WSXVTB. June . Nearly a half B j Campen, 1353 Klizabeth stroet. t)on to stop the payment of saliu-len ; without reference to civil service re week. at its first annual meeting. The ;century ago she whitpered to him her Mr pturgis' former wife died a Tew tn ten policewomen recently aVuoInt- ;iiuirmetjta If the urtlon la begun, de following officiers aiid directors wereilove; as they planned for their future ywirjJ a!(0 and shortly afterward the mi by Commlssltmer ' Knrlght unless mand will be made that tho appolm elected: ' :he dreamed of the ilajs svheh they:ad r(jniance came into its own aKuin. tj,e Police JJeartment .officials caniinents be made from clvii service Hutu. President and director, captain ko-i " " . i .Nearly a hair century aijo. sne gave show the appointmentH were based o The man who do-n bis lies! can trust Time trait for no man but tho th- worll to do It jiart. mufienl dlreelnr can beat It. '.'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillll'. bert Dollar. First vice presidert and director, A. jher promise that In weai or woe. F. Haines ceneral manager. Pacific cloud or In sunshine. In happities r teamshtp company. ' Second vice president and director. Daiton Mann. I'acitic Mail Hteamsbip company. IHrector, S. F. Samuels, Ocianic steamship company. Ilrector, Cai'tain Charles Saunders, yatson Navigation company. Temporary secretary, Fred A. Hop per. William Liiamond company. A paid secretary will be appointed lateK Kepresentatives of the '" or more steamship companies on the i'acific cuvist steaded the n,eeting. The association is designed to pro vide a medium through which owners and operators of the steamships on the i Pacific coast may deal with legislation j und politics of national, state and mu- ' nicipal bodies which affect the ship-, ping interests. The new organization will deal ait,t , all matters peruiinlnK to cargoes, pas- j senger and oil ship tlansportatloii. L Captain lioilar told the I'nlted Press! this articular time to further the In tcresla of the merchant marine, und to urge upon the nutlon the ad", Isubiiil f reducing the merchant marine lo pri'te ownerphip. "On uo other bus'P.' suid Mr. iMO lar, "can American ships compete with ftreign ships. hir govcrninent can auccesid after a fashion with the gov ern roetit operation of railroads be cause it can raise rates, but tf it at tempts to raise merchant marine rates ship of other countries will get all the trad." w VfSHl for Pnclfie; Run, KKATTIjB. June fi. Advices recelv- In sorrow, her love would never waver, .ed here today say the Canadian i'a that if fate should part them she would cilc, steamship cqmpany la building a not falter In her faith, that as long as new passenger liner, the Empress of life lasted, so long would she be true. Canada, a 22.090 ton ship, which will Fate intervened throuxh Illness, she be placed on the transpacific run up released -biro to marry another wo- on completion.' The'1 vessel J is being maif But her loy! never wavered. built at the Hlyde, shipyards. In fcng AneVat o'clock Monday night, the land. f '5 ' I ta. Ik: ' X r j K tawWt KEEPYWJR SHOES MEAT' 'jfl TMCFF.CAlltV slfilill l ' To trowith your extra fine roasts, spring lambs or chickens from our meat department, wc will have for Sunday Dinner t .. New Peas, per lb. t 15c New Spuds, per lb-. 12'2c Asparagus, per lb 15c Tomatoes, per lb. ....... .... 25c Cucumbers, each 20c Bunch Beets, Turnips, carrtfts, per bunch . . . Strawberries, Cherries Cantaloupes. i Pendleton Trading Co. "If it's on the market, we have it." 5C II 1 Opens with Big Dance HID B B i B s E 81 JUNE 7th Mf SPRINGS Where the Crowd Goes A Clean, Beautiful Resort 1 at Which to Rest and En- . joy Yourself During the Hot Summer. In the Blue Mountains of Southern Umatilla Co. S II. M. CULTER, Prop. Dancing-, Swimming, Hunting, Fishing, Etc. I Hot Mineral Water Pool and Baths. I SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH f Cottages and Tents for Rent. f Free Camp Grounds. ' GOOD BARN AND INCLOSED PASTURE i f Will meet stage at Ukiah upon telephone call from 5 Pilot Rock. 2 'UiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: