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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
TAfiH FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE C, 1010. TWELVE PAGES HOHBACH'S v . AN IN'DEl'BNOENT Published Dmry and Siml-Weekl;, l , J'cndleton, OrcKon, ty lha . ; UA8T CUt.GOMAN J't; 1)1.1 SH1NXJ CU Knlered at twa postofflca at Vendla Ion, Orearoa, a.a vcoad-claaa mall matter. i SUBSCRIPTION BATES Telephone ..... IN ADVANCE) Dally, on year, by mall Dally, all months by mail Dally, thro months by mail Dally, one month by mail . Oaliy, on year by carrier Daily, six months by carrier... ON' WALK IV OT11KU t'lTIKA. TnmeriiiiHotel Nwi Kland. Portland Itowm&n A'eaa Oo.. Portland, Oregon ( Daily, three months by carrier ,- , "ui-Kkly, oca year, by mall... Wanhlnrtoti, P. C, Ituraau 601 Four- Semi-Weekly, six months, by mail .75 ternth Street. N. W. Semi-Wee y four months by mall .fill . 1.S0 1.15 j .80 . i J. Si) : . ' 1.50 ! I THE MORE THE BETTER uniois or- tiik xkjiit '"' To Our Wind Soldiers Immoshcd in darkness so pror found " ICnthralloil, enchained, to midr night hound And yet the lipht within thy soul , '-. " Grim powers of darkness shall control. What mutter ir thy- . sight be , dim, The curse of War Its cruel ivhinv? B , - In visions ' steeiied' a noble mind . Must blossom doubly close ,con- fined. And know but beauty ev'ey- where, In earth and sky, and sea and ir. Nor time, nor place nor any . thine ' fan cliri the soul's far soarinir Minjr Xor dvish to depths the spirit's flinht. That ever turneth toward the light. . . Thou'st played thy lart in God's rV4t plan; And when, at lMst. full mmla life's u4i 'Earth's fhaiiuns lift "Across the Way" Thy t i . weeK passes; faaC " seeing' some pros-1 ., perous fai-mer buy a! . hone in Pendleton or start the construction of a residence ; here. They do not ' all t;from the immediate vicinity of ; Pendleton, J. N. Scott, who 1. j uougnt me ur. tfoyden home, : is an Athena farmer Q, come from Morrow county, i some from Grant. Invariably i they are good citizens and their coming: is a distinct value to the j city not only in a business way ! but also from the 'srn of community buildhig. The ! Eastern Oregon farmer is gen- i erally a wide awake citizen, progressive in his own business i j methods and ready to support f j the advancement of community ' j and state. We need such peo-1 .jple and they need the advan-j Stages of our town. Pendleton 'could afford to give much at- ' . . . . vy i ' ' people with a view to en- . jcouragmg their location here. w nen sucn tamues come and AUthe convenience of gas-; without the dust and - dirt of coal or wood ? ct! Cream for Sunday Specials ' v. m it wit ; Pure, rich and of our own nan,uf acturq. : . PRINCESS BRICKS' Maple Nut Vanilla Strawberry, . Chocolate Also Orangre Sherbet. Free delivery to any prt of Pendleton jj up until, noon Sunday. Any special order you want by giving three hours' notice. Call at or telephone FrXUlKNCE T. OS.ML'.V. nt soul shun lead to ,like the place they induce oth- f.-. 1 1 ... 1. 1 t - IU IUIIIOV ttlClX CAtlilipitJi XI it.hpv nrn flijinnnintorl in j town they consciously or un- : consciously neip aeter ouiers ; v AWAKENING .uuin.uc-unKuw. n-wryKep r taken for the civic and social r LL the road measures on betterment of tne city is a move XA the ballot Tuesday are to strengthen Pendleton's sta adopted by the people of , tue as a commercial center. the state. In addition the peo- ' ' . pie upheld the irrigation guar-! EXTREMISM DELAYS RE anty proposal and voted for the j FORM , soldiers and sailors educational : ' aid bill. The ?5 000,000 recon-; "71 T is noticable that moder struction bill met defeat and it'JJ ate socialists are not tak looks like defeat for the recon-! ' ing up with bolshevismi : struction hospital.- ' - ;nor do- responsible-labor orga Had the land settlement and ! nizations countenance radical reclamation features of the big efforts such as are being at bonding bill been submitted tempted at Winnipeg and were separately from the building, tried without success in Seattle. appropriations it may be as- This is because sober think- sumed they would have been ing men know that progress adopted. ' Those features wereicannot be made that way. contingent on federal aid and (There is no profit in eating were equally as meritorious as green apples: it is not wise to the irrigation interest guaranty ' forsake the sunshine of reason ; 5 bill and the Roosevelt highway for a pan flare that cannot ; proposal. It is regrettable the last. people did not have a chance) The cause of political and ; to vote on the various items of economic progress is not being ga the $5,000,000 bond bill. The aided by the bolsheviks.' It is results in. some cases would injured, perhaps set back read differently from what jmany years. Labor unionism j 3 they do. ;can gain nothing by training Oregon is improving along with the I. W. W. The Airier- i building lines. There was a ican leaders see this and are g time, not many years gone by, ; acting accordingly. ' when it would have been diffi-j Is cult if not impossible, to enact; The United States senate is: is such measures as were adopted 'fast proving that it is fortunate ! g Tuesday. The time will come ;for the country it has not been I -when the state will awaken intrusted with the responsible ; sg more thoroughly to its ed uc a- duties in connection with thei tional needs and when it does peace conference; for uadul-j 1 . awaken, the first step should , terated pettiness and kid play j consist in building up the com- it would be hard to surpass '& mon .schools by providing for : some of the obstructionist sen- g adequate teacher training. ators. ;g Pari Oil, the .Standard Oil Company's kero lene, is pne of the most convenient and economi ial fuels you can use. Easy to handle. -4 With a good oil cookstove 5jrou will cook iii com fort all year 'round. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts i economically. Lights at the touch of a match. No waiting for fires to come up, no unnecessary work, no waste. Concentrates a steady heat on the cooking leaving the kitchen cool and com fortable. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process which removes the impurities. It is clean burning. Pearl Oil is for sale in bulk by dealers every where. It is the same high-quality kerosene aa the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl t We recommend New Perfection and Puritan Oil Cookstoves I HOHBACH BAKERY Court Kiwi, TcU'iiliouc no. i FRENCH RESTAURANT Muln Strort. Trlrpllono N Watch for Our M-M Quality : Specials (KEROSENE) HEAT AND -LIGHT STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CA L. I F O R N I A.) H. G. JACK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Pendleton, Oregon. ' A true philosopher never argues. Ho mentally concludes his opponent Is a tool and lets it go nt tha The obd the average man does'pmy Men are born robbers. Kverv time, be inferred ,v, h his cones without a man marries he robs a woman of hTr mrrcronding his cnikrt. name !!!!ll!i!!l!!!!!l!lfl!l!!!!l!!lll!!!l!l!!!!ll!!lir!!!!!l!!l!!!ll!l!!!n !l!!!l!l!!ll!n!!lllllinilltliinillllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiHiiiiuiiiiMiii I It III Ml HIT - - - s - a FOR SALE SflO pen Vicflt lii mi. located In V'aaro Comity, Oitroii; miles rst of luuiiii. nitlui frotii tun rnlli-rdd stntli; 25 uilua Khki of Jt. IIihhI. 430 aiTrti In ivhent auil hni'tey. tTop giief Willi trade. 5 iioren In coi-ii. Jmlncjnc)!K ri'asuuaiily uud: w all lie irrtKaicd: ST nrrra HTK tunl nau-r rlitht wll rr: will Im on piihllo liixhway. S'.voo M-r aero. .1.tMlo down, deferred jiuynitliu at 0 per totit. Xo liHiimbrniuvK; immcsMlon nlveu at ran; party st'llinK on ac count nf ui henlli. It. ferciiec A. lllll-:itTS, l-hoiic , IVntlleton. tiro. J. Address, FEN BATTY, Grangeville, Idaho. Read the Want Ads. It Pays lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIHIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-. CORNS CALLUSES i The Portland Oregonian in-' ;timates people voted for the j Us 'Roosevelt highway because of s fill IT nillPKf tlle name; it is not the first ; 5 y U 1 1 y Ulurt. time the oregonian has thought g (without thinking, . Will Do It. ! .... ,s toe with a Tf the Pioneers picnic does SHOWN IN PENDLETON THIS SEASON WILL BE OUR SPECIAL OF FERING FOR SATURDAY. 'I .r ,; , .;; , We Put Quality First . The local crop of berries has practically come and , I ' gone. We aro; now showing j (, ' .' '- HOOD RIVER STRAWBERRIES There are no better. When you see them you will , say that price is a secondary consideration. ' ' i ORDER EARLY ' " We guarantee every purchase that leaves our store to be of the highest quality. Mr. Fisherman m Two pmr of "OvX-f-lt" Kver hand-carve your L? .r'iU.neliip'.ff1 pSToi not bring a. rain we may have m the corn too close to the auic-kT Ever to Wait Until the IOUrtfl Ot j July. Wbw'C i . . . . n.m V 1 T ' 28 YEARS AG0 m 7 A- 1 if From the Dailv Eff.-t rrf-conian I mmmi mum 11.00 oil , , T- ft i Brakoman Brady has rcsumtd work : -.-iJyai-?'pv bCZi-t. (after a fortnieht's severe illness. Jii ..- wifo Va ! Fred Eppinger, deputy clerk of Tio-O-U-It" Pnt. Vmr rl l lorer kr. is hero- on a visit to his sister. ; It fcal Coraa uickly. 'Mrs. It. Alexander. He ntiirns home n :tomorror.-. pfek up your toe with "eontrsptlons" The yard of TI. Selling was entered and ulast-ra i though you r pack-' iBht by Bm, intruder and many iwV .."IrrT; ofTrnetPOrltb! flower, were stolen an,, the eherry off on your locklnu'? liver use sticky trees despoiled of half their tin it. The tope that ts jerked off you tn,.f jS unknown.' pull sour sloi.kintc oft ." Kind v' fool-, The commencement exercises of the i iy ZSl-VSl U-a'-uic'S 1'er.dle.on Academy were ,Messea I'ufnle., funf-ralJ hy a large audJf-nt-o at trm Mcra Why ptittt-r and nuffVrT "G-t-lt" stop house Friday pvenin?. Th program all paiuB. it l"t you work, smile, lautjh. (((inpd wilh an inslrumcntal quartf-tte r."rn'e;r.::v.;,h,r.rnly,t 'ree ;-ron w vTr 7. w. K ,-o, wy p:vl i'ri ott UK- a lnantt inc. The entortaliiineiit ronHiftl or ( p-4, lTttl by n.illtcnu. It tivr-r fail. ! rrcltaf ions 3t Fannie Kwinw. f r;vans and SJawtrr T,ouis IaIlvtU'r. ; 'koIoh were Kivn W Mr.i. John i-rt. oM In Pendleton nd renmon-ndl ; M iwt1t irfiura Jiichnrds. Anna 3Iatvha; 1 m Hip -orl.i corn recover , steila A 1fJandrr, Ilattle Thompson,: """t" .'i. . . jjii.MMiR Hwitzter, Annio Oratz. Waut: Th Ijome DH fancy trii'k of Jntin, Jda ThompJbn, M. (wltjtler. cream. They r pus up in cara- (jraiaiea ueepain. -ieo vonicv, tmrun CRISPY FRESH VEGETABLES , - Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Peas, New Tomatoes, Head and , Hot House Lettuce, Cauliflower," Asparagus, Spinnach, Beets. Tur nips, Parsnips, Carrots, fresh daily. Bermuda Onions. DELICIOUS FRESH FRUITS Fresh Rhubarb, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Bananas, etc., Goose berries. . THE GRIGGS SYSTEM WILL PAY YOU Remember we give the big 5 per cent cash discount and give all telephone calls the same care as if you called in person. THE GRIGGS SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU TELEPHONE 445 hnrk com rcmov'T, the only sure'way, MPt only trifle at any lrur Btoro ' V f d li K. Lawrence CssP Grocery 209 EAST COURT STREET 3 l.eard cartoni o6 will keep for onajThompaoa, Kat. Tillard and Msgitie S ABBEY & IMBR1ES Fisliiiifi We WILLf MAKE YOUR FISHING TRIP A SUCCESS AS WELL AS A PLEASURE. RODS, REELS, LINES, LEADERS, SPOONS, 1 FLYS AND ALL KINDS OF HOOKS. 1 We are exclusive agents. , Priced right and guaranteed to be right, .""V I Come in and see our complete line of supplies for fishermen. - WHEN YOU ARE THIRSTY CALL AND IMBIBE 1 At Our New Fountain v . ; The oasis in, the Court street desert JEverythjng that's good to drink; served jn a cool ing, pleasing way. - - Everybody knows the place." :; H ? 11 I iraiM 'MS. I I ; ' i 115 East Court Street, Tendlet6n I ' , ,y- ' ' Telephone 19 - ' . liour. . . 1 "ooen riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih