PACE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAK. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE fi, 1910, TWELVE PAGES 21 8 ediing More Than .a t . . ' 5 MercHandise TESY andyourmoSlvS q"a,it' mad America's most reputable manufacturers, at the lowest possible prices. With this we add SERVICE, COUR- ' ? Uf St0ck8 are con,P,cte and you can select from them with absolute assurance of style correctness a Excellent COAT Values oom ir i f i ro v yiTPr 5 5 i i a i These coats were made for those unexpected chilly moments that come during the hot Weather season. They are made so becomingly that every woman will want them on hand. .. . They come mostly in loose sports styles of fabrics and will stand every kind of "occasion" wear. Our prices make them the most attractive offer ings we have made in many weeks. PONGEE COATS, TAFFETA COATS, VELVET SPORT COATS, WOOL VELOURS, SERGES, GAB ERDINES, POPLINS, ALL REDUCED. $25.00 TO $28.50 COATS AT i nn $42.50 TO $63.00 COATS AT ....... .. ..." '$28.50 to $38 50 Values far below wholesale cost Don't overlook them. You'll not see such bargains again soon. JAPANESE LUNCHEON CLOTHS A big shipment of them just arrived in! the popular blue and white, new patterns, in the 36 inch, 42 inch, 5-1 inchand 62 inch sizes with- napkins to match. Prices range fr01" $1.50 to $3.50 See our window display. A TAFFETA SILK DRESS would not go amiss for the summer season. For' travel there is nothing better, does not show dust or soil, cleans easily and always looks well. A full range of colors in solid shades or, changeable effects, the yard $225 White French FJannel, 27 inches wide' "for sport skirts, a desirable cloth for summer wear, washes perfectly the yard $1.75 White Broadcloth for sport suits, 50 inches wide, -an exceptional quality, chiffon finish, yard. . . $4.50 CANTEEN BAGS The latest fad in the way of a hand bag. Have you seen our new ones in black vachette? Very ef- cHve tJ?use with 'our summer costumes. . Each $4.50 to $9.50. u KAYSER SILK GLOVES The new shades of gray-mode, also in black and white; sizes 5Ms to the pair. ...... 85c to $2.00 , $1'.00 PURSES A whotebasketfull of these in various styles that are worth more. Your choice $1.00 SF TlHPf ullb That Defy the Tub. Cool, comfortable, sturdy suits for real, red-blooded American boys that kick and play in the dirt. Suits that will come out of the wash tub looking like new. . Suits that will save the wear and tear of high-priced woonen suits that's the kind of suits these are ! Ma terials are galatea and madras; plain, figured and combinations. $2.50 to $5.00 f n.iIV T1 Hus of Real Bargains. Taa few'.M.Y(ti50e.v:':;-.-'.-,;. ( Save, Save, Save on Your Every Purchase 8ATHU.AV enil. on .. .x. 27 " " ' m mnm VEW IjOT OP GIXGIIAMN A closing out of a big lot of good Mr-ricea-ble ginghams that would cunt you Joe and 23c yer yard. Xtra Spccsa! i , 1.- SVMMEil VISIMU? ii:i SSKS Here's a real a: or dresses. T ight . weight and sec.vih!.;. Every diess worth more. Xtra pecial $14.87 wooii si rr sale For men and big boys. Coat, pants and vest We are ripht when we say there are .no .such prices elsewhere. Xtra Special to .7 PERFECTION .w noit rus Special weight, copper bottoms. Easv "sink dumping handles" and all round good boilers Xtra special . . . . ; . . , t s. I!) BAKING DISHES Casseroles, special . .. Open Mingle Side ate Open Bakers 13,, THE KEW 11 CO SALE A very pretty lot of good serviceable rugs offered in this sal. Xtra. Special tl.25 to PRETTY SLIP OX SWEATKH8 We will make the claim that they are the prettiest in all Pendleton, sizes com plete. Xtra Special to $8.7" I..V SII,K HOSE 6c We are winding up this good sale of pretty silk hose. Better get yourself a pair. Xtra Special . . . e9c BIG I,OT M ASII DRESSES We've filled up two big tables full of pretty dresses that sold from S.50 lo 123.60, all sizes. Xtra Special ,3.5a and $1.08 Too will find "out of the ordinary bargains in this good, economy shop. Thermos not tic. House Clcaiilnir Vc-rt es't Mountain Wio. Make your dally shopping complete and VISIT THE BARGALX BASEAIEXT. We havn murfn lhM.Mi.k ',1 si, .ltK SOME OF f-'ltlUAV'S A.M novs' OlTIXfJ SHOES They are built light but built to wear. They replace the flimsy tennis shoes. Xtra Special $i.4B , WOMEN'S WHITE HOSE One lot of Just plain cotton stock Inns all piled out on one table and offered for quick sale. Xtra Special '. 1So WOMEX-S GA17E VESTS Are we right when we say there are no more offered at suoh low prices' Xtra Scclal , , ,(c Alarm jClovks, Auto Dusters, Heavy bprlnklcrs. Yum- T. P. W. Pure Food Shop In Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts. call 22 Cantaloupes, the first of the season, will taste mighty good . for your Sunday morning breakfast, each ; 25c Strawberries of the best quality box ...... . ifo Green Peas from local gardens, pound ; ; 20c New Potatoes, fresh and fine, pound 13C Florida Grape Fruit, extra fancy large fruit, 2 for .-. . 43c Country Butter, fresh and sweet, 2 pounds $1.00 J KXUJam CldEATEST DEPARTiHENT STORE ' ; . , . J STTH YOITVE EVER SPENT" , "OTOljlOS Aroll011S6i PREPARE NOW FOR THE GRAND- ' wHFDCiPTn FST 4TII YOITVE EVER SPENT, i Ireeult of the prohibition amendment are the owners of hundreds of thoti-liikinn ,i, . . i . ; 1 , .v.- r , rami, .. . ., . 7 . I " ""u '"o pro- T t . - - 1 , ... . - "' grapes, wmcn posed emigrat on of California. wtn 1 . - " i I-nitd Klatea there nromisea to be Will become of llrti. . .. " 1 -aiiiornia vune If . , li.,,,h, . .... .. i".T,r;.L- ' . "'s'"e 10 juexico, and has notlfieo f rw.n ....... T I "ul V . ' ;-- .... .mnnnu since ,nis government that at least eighty I I till, t LI V V Y til II P I w w nuiun isala emucratlon of vine growers and the varieties of fruit riaot.H . i 11 . t 1 1 f wine makers from California to Mexl-imaklng are not suitable for other ancesrrv ..;'.;.. " . t .n . MEXICO MAY GET U. S. WINE MAKERS .Wholesale Emigration of Wine Growers May Fol low Prohibition. .. iBy fnited Press) MEXICO CITY. (By Mail As a plans are now beinr nrwimrMi hv h department of agriculture for wel coming these immigrants anil ahiinc tWe Sell for Lessf purposes, except to a limited extent Ithir .,,..'. i ; ' ... " ' ' iniviiu cooling , , . . , There are extensile areas, especially ;' Mexico. .hTf .Jf ,ln 'he nor,hern V""" "f Mexico President Carranza has signified his T Z aZL T .k ' --" possess ail th requisites ofl"leiy interest in the movement and and persons engaged in that indue- growth of grapes and the making of - - " . . w J 1 1 in r ll l IV n trron an offering the only rosstble relief from ,Qf fully as high a character as Call- l1"1 " their Industry .. J 7 ,i mwZ Zl -r'". Th" has been JemDstrate,All of th. northern states-Sonors, ened bj the prohlbitioa law. TherjnoUbly in Coahulla, as well as In ,na!oa. Chihuahua. Coahuila. .Vpevo .some of the other states, and the na- jlon, Tamaullpas, etc. possess ex- .SMMMMMMMMagMMMai jtlonal government lias for some timelten'"ve areas that are adapted to the K been encouraging the cultivation of J cultivation of wine giapes. tfithe graoe and Imtnnin. ,niiAna m cuttings or vines adapted TENTS Gold Metal Camp Cots, Gold Metal House Cots, Camp Stools, Camp Chairs, Camp Tables. , , You can do better at 2' to thl i country. The Mexican. Cdnsul-Oeneral In San Francisco, Rambn P. De JCegrl is It sometimes happens that a music composer's wife thinks it Is up to her to put on airs. nana fir MUDDY k COMPLEXION A, MIsmencr. "You Americans are otieer Dftonl remarked the English visitor. "How's that, ixirri BlessusT" "l'ou speak of a swindler as a con fidence man." i "Well ?' ny jove. sir. you cun t put any confidence in the bully chap at all." Higher Journalism. just a moment befor vmt t to writing your Iniervlew with Klap- pers, the aviator," said the cltv erfi tor. "Yes, sir?" replied the youthful r. porter. 'See if you can't describe him -win. out using 'intrenid' Thn wnr ho. been a trifle overworked In cnnniin witn airmen." It' Was Tired Oner. "I believe thut everybody ought to (say exactly what he thinks in his own )'." j "And ye!,"' replied the slnwspeaklng man. "that, plan didn't seem to help (much at the Tower of BubclJ' The Pit of Sin. A visitor to a school began his ad- I dress: This morn In ir r.u 1 1,1 M. propose (O Offer vnu nn o.... J nfe of st. n i ,.':r.""" " ,n" '", "u pernaps that there are among you some too youn to grasp tho meaning of tha -.u opnonie. "Kpitome." children Is In Its signification synonymous ulth synopsis!" liunibllng has luoght many n young mun htnv he can't make money. Ajiwny. there's no rinmou ... J. . . topor s dying of water on the brnln. mar a ' m m c m mi ti . no m i 114 E. Webb OUR COMPLEXION i muddy. You look gard and yellow.' .Your eyes are losing their lustre. i ne trouble with your liver. Take Chamberlain! Stomach and Liver Tablets. They, will corrert thati.Then avoid meats. hot"hrirf and hot cakes, take frequent baths and long walk event riatr onA rrm. nrlTl I ."'.n ' , ' J i rriij nun ira a. well ana beautiful as ever. Irice 25 cents per bottle. as I IIUIIO U"0 A ! PjllSllLJI J I , . mmZm-mmmimmZ Time l.lmK "It says here thst a mnH boasts that he has an nmhrnll. th,t has been In his possession for : years." said Smith. well," replied Jones, "that's Ions enougn. ie oaght to return It." Too Truthful. Mother There were two u n . .. me cupnoard, Tommy, and now there is only one. 1 low's thatr Tommy (who see., no wav ef eju-n Well, ma. it was so dark In there I didn't see the other. 1 Tticy Ind Vot. 'Remember, son i:artmA mul;s on a cownath snri Unmi. rails."" "I know dad: hirf. Hi.l these presidents ever crank a cold mo tor In a blizzard for hnl.l m-n h.n. fore he discovered thnt k. HMn'i any gasoline?" Tommy And have you noticed dod how oflcn mother says, "And so o. They Will Arrive Tomorrow WIIMTHER TRUCKS Two and four-wheel drives. From 1 YK ton to 3 Vt ton capacity Pneumatic or solid tiies. We are distributors for Winther Trucks in Umatilla County. Would be pleased to arrange a demonstration at your convenience. Independent Garage Distributors COLE REO-DORT SCRIPP-BOOTH Court at Thompson St . phone 633 I i I