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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
PACE TWELVE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREflON. FRIDAY. JUNE 6, 1919. -!" " " -ULJUB.'.-Ii . -1M !!!-- :'!."!.". ."!! . ."i i ....Hia,, Lmmm i ! -.1 m .1 P. 1 n- TWELVE PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE 1 XC. Penney Co.", a Nationwide Institution. Two-Minole Oat Food Boil Only Two Minutes One Cup Makes Five Cups. Evapo rated Oat Grits, already suiK'r-cooked. 3 PACKAGES 50c five 8ay 4 vRr piwe WONT YOU STfcp m J Smart Summer footwear , iHirlmi' FM.eliolh'n. can . . . Ilnnan Handle, con Soft shell Clams. WIkh can Mllicort Clam. can i ITciK-b Meal Trent Nnrninima Herring, can Nomiami Mnrtani can .... Imported .sausage, can ...... Pitted Prwnc 2 ackac . . Comb How. fresh 2.1c MNs 3.V- lo SOc (u SOU 2c ssc . JMIc SUo Stylo No. 41) White "Nile" cloth lace hno, plain narrow toe, welted sole, hliih I.oule heel. This shoe bolnu extrome IV new In shoe fashion, we in Mte the Uiljes who ure looklnK for soinetmi'.g dirferont to step In and set this Iwauttrul .boot. All sie tnd wlilhs, pair 5.IM Stylo No. 47 While "Seat o" V fabrlo luce shoe. Lonit 't yet safe vmnp lenulh. Imt. tip, well ed sole, covered Cuban heel. For Btyle, comfort and aervlco com- n t''Jrf blned you will find tills boot to meet all the above requirements. All slues and widths, pair 5. r tr"- Hood River Milton and White .Salmon Berries to arrive Fresh for Saturday Trade, Please order early. Most complete line of fine Fruits and Vegetables in Pendleton. CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones 28 QUALITY" 823 Main St. 8 NOf MY Tes SFMTBf?. ft t MrtT !TRn In 111 ' 1 TRATS fcHfipe THeY TRAP TH6 CVS TOHSR AT THS Train Your Children to be jrnotl riliuii.. IImvc raii of tint.) open m Saving Acvouiit. Iriug thcni iu rt-jrularly to lriosit Um? money nhk'h llHy have erKiL Tills H Uic hest ImsinefM training wlik'li mn be givvn. H e nxHk'om? mh !i bctouiiIs. Start our now. Ycm will tie Nuri-I.rd to lutw rapidly muuey c cmuulatcs when you dtsll regularly. SAVINGS 1KIART.MEXT. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL; BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "STRONGEST BASK IN EASTERN OREGON :--:11H6Y TKAPTH6 CVS- EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL ' NEWS .OF UMATILLA CO. Umatilla County Distributors for VSS' MINUTE MAN SIX S' . MINUTE MAN SIX While they last Some good bargains in Train No. 18 Smashes i ed h,""" tn flrs f week. Wars, o4 II :,.(.. Mia. l: !X Siseel and Miss Dorl. J miiiiuiuii . rerc.v spent Thursday in Pendleton. ! Zella McOredy. who had been vtB- x,?rL.y,l- , Pec'"' , King her sister here for the past three .i...,..oiv. itiue o. naner moniha. left last week for her homs Bisley, city drayman had a narrow j tn Seattle escape here Satrday afternoon, his Walter eBasley. drayman, of this watjon being wrecked by Xo. IS. He cjty, naM purchased a new lnterna was thrown from the wagon, recelv- tional truck. iiiK only a few bruises, his horse be-j Mr. and Sirs, nussell are the proud In unhurt. Parents of a son, Donald Lee, born Russell Chamberlain returned home June Slid, from the hospital Friday and has now! Ackers Orchestra will give a dame! left for Rochester, Minnesota, accom-'here Friday evening. ' panied by his brother-in-law, John: Mrs. Benedict left Sunday for Port.' Smllh- (land. . i B. Hitt returned Sunday from J .Milton Longhorn. who has -Just re- ; Hot 'Lake. . I ceived his dtscharfre from Camp Lew's ' Bdd Hitt and Clarence Carson left j arrived horns Friday last. Monday to work ou the highway neari Kthel oun-f has resigned her post. ; Binnham h-unngs. tlon as bookeeper at the Hennlst : Mr. and Mrs. Mattoon and family ; creamery. Pearl Sullivan will take; ) motored to Idaho where Mrs. Mattoon ( her place. I I dlth Kelly returned home Friday! after visiting in The Dulles and Port-J land. j Carl McNuiiKlit's chopper and bail-1 er have started up for the season. Word has been received here that. 'expected to be here by the 13lh of i thli. montli. Is now visiting. Mr. Mattoon return- One 1917 Studebaker, One Ford Job Car PRICED RIGHT Come in and look them over today. Campbell & Frenrzel Motor Co. Distributors for Umatilla County 722 Cottonwood Phone 46 BSiiEi I mf cnt ry it on pie Pkuc "bits' fcy mria fruit pi ' with Yoga UvaiiiiuiUoW Whip. lie it m you would whipped ercua. It to rieber cod man im'.j It will wot tour Ten emn krp rt until tbt wzt day if there U ur left Order Jar tndjy ad try th deli- aom denert. ger-abrV Vofian Caniy m' ' Company 7?. 1 : 13J National Bank Pendleton. Bulldtnr Used Care Ready for Use 1 .Passpno-pr Tlni-lf 1 1 1917 5-Passenger Buick 2 Fords 1 Olds 8, 1916 1 7-Passenger Studebaker, 1917 1 Trailer 1 Hudson Super Six 1 Republic Truck 1 G. M. C. Truck Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 Court and Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon Kya Scientifically examined. Glaasea vr,ound to fit DALE ROTHWEMj Optnroatrl Mil OotfcrlM Mine Sweeper's Mascot " Gave Leg for Loyalty XKW YOFiK, J;ino f5 -Atthe Blde-a- Wee Hortfe for -Animalri, at No. 410 East Thirty-eighth street, attention t focused just now on bringing about the speedy recovery of Jim. mascot of the British mine sweeper Canada. Jim Is a Koat, with a rigid conception of duty and the effect of discipline led him to leap overboard in thn wake of his mas ter. As a consequence he is now at the home with a broken leu and minor injurieH. . He waa rescued from the Fltx&t river and placed In the hands of the Bide- a Wee management for treatment yesterday. Jim Is the property of A. V. Mc Gregor, a seamon on board the Canada and was taken aboard the vessel as a kid. McGreagor trained him to do many tricks, but he neglected to warn him against leaping overboard. A member of the crew of the Canada, which has been at anchor In the East Kiver, fell into the -water on Friday. M cG reffor lea ped after the man and the goat leaped after McGregor. For a time the goat complicated matters. McGregor states, but was finally land ed on the deck of the sweeper. The seaman, -however, was drowned. A fraction takes up as much room j a full sized figure. ilijlllllillliiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillliliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.--! I Leasing Pays 3 ; i i H Wo have recently sold mhiio good K-jbscs lit Cilia- till County, and still have a couple which can bu g had If taken quick. , . Sf V ''" TTOO avrcM, with SK acres In crop aiul 30 acres mtmincr-ralkvw, food house, barn and plenty of S tvatcr. c;ood stock and efiiijnne4tt, four years yet 5 - to run on lease. . ' JTIcn $l5,0O.0O. Can alno soli the 3 land with It If desired. 5 1500 acrrs with BOO a-res In crop awl 6M acres H summer-fallow. .Fair building-. rvmmI stock .and ruulpment. Here' Is a chance to make onte- bltf nuimry. Irk for all :;o,(MM).(M. , We alo have some clmlre wheat tracts fnMit 100 acres up; some cliolce alfalfa tract and a auiuber of - Z homes in Pendleton. Tell us wliat yon want. 5 -;W WE WIUTK GKAIX IXSl'IHSCE. Snow & Dayton "We Sell Land" 1 17 East Court HEAL, KBTATK FARM LOANS Phone X5 I.VSUKA.NCK 'jllllllNIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIl- Cool Footwear for the Coming Hot Days, Stvle No. 48 White Washuble Kid lace shoe, recedlmt sole. hlKh French heel; u very smart boot,. Per pair. Style No. 4!) While Washable Kid luce shoe llsht sole, milt, heel, an exceedingly nobby shoe. Style No. 50 White Canvas lace shoe. high heel, a shoe of QUALITY, aNa ' Save Your Money and Feet Co. Shoes, mi; Med. toe, Imt. tip. i-t Per pulr. . . . . J F I F Very low price. Per Pair.. I.UH Tjj ij by Buying J. C. Penney v?!yli': t,oe, 111: 111 niu.mi Btyle No. 60 White "Polar" fabric luce Oxfurd, med. swing toe, Imt. wing tip, iweltcd aolo, covered milt. heel. Per pair $.",50 Style No. 61 White "Seaeo" rubric pump, long camp, turn sole, high Louis heel, for daintiness this pump will please. Pair .A .- '" Style No. 62 White Canas lace oxfords, med. 4oe, turn sole. In cither hlKh or milt. heel, l'r $S.H J. C. Penney Co. Footwear Leads in. Style, Comfort, Service and Price. A mM 'C v ' ''- 'A Style No. 70 White Canvas lace shoe, med. toe. turn sole, high heel. A high QUALITY shoe at a low price.- Pair .............. $3.50 Stylo No. 71 White Canvas lace shoes, med. toe, imt. tip. welt Bide, milt, heel, a very neat but yet serviceable shoe. Pair $1.50 Style No. 72 White Canvas Shoo, round toe. light sole, med. heel. A splendid value. Per pair $.1.50 Style No. 72 While Cuuvas lueo 'shoe, full swing toe, Neolln sole, low' rubler heel, ti splendid nurse shoe, Pulr For Foot Comfort Visit Our Shoe Dept. Dr Scholl Foot Comfort Service. Style No. 83 White Canvas Jump, short vamp, light ' sole, " hl09i heel, pair - . . . $2. Is Style No. S2 White Canvas one strap Slipper, short vamp, turn sole, med. heel, pair 92.09 Style No. III laco shoe, Kng. low heel, pair -White Canvas last, light sole, . .. S.I Style No. sn While Cnnvns lace shoo, med. toe, light eole, high heel, pair S-.'.Us BUY YOUR COOL COMFORT FOOTWEAR HERE. WE FIT YOUR FEET. , ' SI Incorporated VS" iiili 9; I "--n-iirt i JWitA .isasaWffassssfil itmAiiAJCa3iisl'' J. tS. Penney Co a Nationwide Institution. Pacific CoaHt Jjcaguo Lcn. Angotes Oakland San Francisco Standing. ; W. U Pet. ; . 40 IS 683 . 30 25 .545 . 2 28 .533 ' Home Run Brings in Beavers' Winning Score Halt I-ake ..(.... 27 23 .51 Vernon 27 27 .500 d Sacramento 21 29 .453, m Portland 20 32 .3811 A Seattle 18 33 .353 PORTLAND. June 6. The cDavers K made It two straight f ron. encramen- K to when Iiiue's homer broke up the K game In the tenth, score 4 to 3, W llattcrlcn Gardner ana Klehfcr; j m Pennington and Baker. j J0 I.J8 NfiBL.ES, June 6. Three rum A In the seventh brought Oakland from j behind and they won handily f rom i J Vernon. 7 to 4. j J Batteries Kremer and Mitsc; K Houck, Iel 1 and Devormer. K ASK TO SEE THE Ahoha Fly Hook JUST RECEIVED MY SHIPMENT. Late to arrive but just in time to catch fish. 10c EACH. SOL BAUM OAKLAND, June 6. Six runs In the fifth guve 1-os Angeles enough runs to heat Sun Francisco, 6 to 4. Batterltu Pertlca, Fltteiry and Holes; Smith. Crespl, ZamlocK anr McKee, Baldwin. For Fishinir Tackle. 2 Look for the Fish. Hotel Pendleton Bide. f a ffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu; I SBTTL.K. June . Salt Lake rap-1 a ; ped Regan, new Seattle pitoher, hard t S : and 1-evorenx shut out the . Halniers, S ! Batcrira Leverenx and Spencer; i Kegan and Cook. St Nutanial Ijrnjruo lUnults. lyouls 1. Cincinnati 0. American Jjeaguo KtmiltM, Detroit 1. Boston 2. Chicago 5, New ork t. -Washlngton 6. St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 10, leveland 6. IS And you have described the , "WORLDS OF PEP" Chicago University Ambulance Company Presented With Flag T CHICAGO. June 6. The uttk flag's presented to the University of Chicago 2 Ambulance Company Xo.3 by the wo-j 3 men students of tho ITnlversity on (he; 2 departure "f the company will be re- j ZZ turned to thelTnlversity at the Alumnr's Ilnner. Haturday, June 7. In Hutchln. , 5 son Hall. The f lag was carried In the Austrian front by Hectlon B56, com- S poped largely of the members ot the j 5 I'niversity of CnieaKo Ambulance's Company. The captain and members f of the section voted to return the flag 'S to the ITnlvernity and elected Fred B. ! S lluebenthal '17 to present the flag ana j sn Austrian machine gun from the Fiave front. President Harry Pratt Judson will receive the flag on behalf of the University, . Built Well. : ; , i Drives Easy ' - , :-- . Moderate Priced. ' 1 i" Economical - i . . ' i , . : and "Oh Boy" what a performer. Another carload just received at the .' g ' - : :, '; Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON , CADILLAC Distributors I Ml West Oonrt St. " " rendleton, Oregon S3 -aUIUUUlUUIIUUUlUlUlUJIUIIimiUWUUIUUIH s 3 n ST: e ' ssj r , M