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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1919)
v i f . DAILY-EAST 0REG6KIAW, PENDtETOOllErtOX FRIDAY, JUNE rt, lSll TWELVE PACES ' TACE ET.EVEIT M iml'limUHUIIIlLIIIIIHLIHM SW ' l. WWW W o m O SHJ Q Ml faniMS, fcyJfc I Ml J I U I U m . f Ml '' J I ,'""f1 f Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, jFor Rent, Etc. Classified for j Easy Reference I ? an tooat. Bach new (dfwtliiwnit will run und.r "Hew Teeer for tn flrat Inaertlon only, purlnv aubaequant Inaertlon of h ad It will appear under Ita props eiaaalf loatlon, For Sale Continued FOR SALS All kind, of Insurance. J. H. Ete, 014 Main St. Phone o04. Wanted NEW TODAY U" Wanted at Once. Hoy wanted, over 1 7 year of age. to learn printing trade. Steady posi tion. Wage while learning. Inquire foreman of tho East th-egonlan. GOOD KITCHK.V RANCH", for aale. i'hone int. FORD UOAD8TKR, for aale, flrat close condition. Bee F. H. Chatos or call 315 W. Alta . FOR KALIS Thoroughbred New Ze- lamf rted rabbit at 11.00 each. 625 Walnut or phone 711J. OI.I) LUMUUlt and wood for aale. II a load ant up. Inquire at Col I'm' elovator. F''" IS -Wicker baby buggy. H Main." ; ... 120 WOMAN' WANT TO COOK for men. Inquire 642 Cottonwood. In ItOOM FOR BUNT Close In. quire 301 Coblo or phone 2SH " J r FOH HKNT 4 room furnished apt. no children. 4(T7 W. Alia. I'hone VMaXPBKIEXCBD G1KL want work on ranch' near Pendleton, , Address Else Russell, 601 Clay 8U MONTANA WHOL1J8ALB LAND CO.. , Owners, Box 1071, Mile City. Montana. WANTKW l'oaltlon by experienced stenographer, both law and com mercial line. Telephone Mra. Han kin Pendleton Hotel. FOR HALK A 4S Holt Combine en sine In first class condition. Inquire James Hill, 110 N Main or prion 73. FOR BALIS One C-3 Bulck riwdeter.! a bargain at $000. Thompaon-Kd ward Auta Co., Athena, Oregron. . GIItl.8 WANTED at the Delta. , experience necessary.1 ' raa al No WANTED Good clefn East Oregonlsn The HEM8TICHING at the Blnier shop. Mall order promptly attended to. WANTED Cook oa ranch. .4F4. , ,. , Phone Auto Tops . Men 'Wanted. , For Atlalla Irrigation oJatrlet teamsters aim rr, i"r " -B, rl Nirm New Tee -or Car hours. New camp, aprlna beds and w O0l! W .iL. ... mattress furnished. Apply Wallula, ti0.?,t II HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY TheDHPhnrcircleistoTaveas,..- OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY clat meetki;, to appoint a commute. on consolidation, Friday evening at 1 ' This Directory as eapecialljr bawdy for the out-of-town reader who may mot the Bam) and ddress of o'clock iii Moose Hall, by order of ' responsible business men who represent the following larloua line. All are reliable, ra possible bwatneas 001- Guardian Neighbor Nancy Carden,. ! eerns who stand ready to gtrt jum prompt and efficient serrloa. MAB FR1EDLT, Clerk, j ' ' Blacksmithing Laundry WANTED An experienced work at The Palm. girl to Wash. General Construction Co. tains for your car. Bee Gadwa, 101 E. Court AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, West Altl street. lIKMAPLi: GIRL wlshe , wcik, Country preferred.!. Phon9 73-M. FOR BALIS 16 ft. cut Holt combine with gas engine. In good shape. Joe Purl Bowman, Bowman Hotel. FOR RALE Becond hand sewing ma. chines in god condition. Give dot tars up. 223 E. Court - FOR BALK One second-hand Ro ' car, five passenger, in good run ning shape. A snap at 1700. Thomp son-Edwards Auto Co., Athena, Ore; WANTED Ey experienced woman cook, position. liuwmao t Hotel, room 29. ! WANTED Painting or I carpenter work by day or contract. G. L. Brown. 110 Lee St.. or phone 25M WANTKD Woman to cook on ranch. .. Steady, Job. Apply P. X., tftls of fice. Auto Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Car. We go anywhere, any time. Simpson Tire Service Co., Phone 161. Auto Tires WANTED Customers for Insurance. Fire, Including growing grain, au tomobile, farmers' accident, hall and plate glass. Only old line companies represented. Promot adiustmenta rujt balb Holt propensa combine , hen lose occurs. Lee Moorhouse, harvester. Price 12000, Only cullagent. 212 E. Court street. Pendleton about 1000 acres Address John Oregon. Phone 1(0. , Crow, Pendleton, Oregon. , 1 , , 1 , egg FOR BALK Holt Junior 1 foot cut 20 horae hitch and two feed racks All In first class condition. Address i APTS. J. . Kramer, Pilot Hock, Or. For Rent AND ROOM3 ALTA APT 8. CAMK .TO MY I'LACBl brown horse mule, pitcher brand on left Klfcoulder. Owner can have same by Paying" charges. Klmer Crow. Tu- : Fl'llNITl'RB FOR BALE Ward- For BALIS 2300 acres unimproved ! robes, kitchen cabinet, beds, chair. FOR SALE! Some very beautiful lot on the North Side. See me be fore you buy. J. H. Em tea, (14 Main street. Phone 04. NOTICE OF AXXC'AL SCHOOL , MEETING. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of School District Vo. 1 of FURNISHED APT. Hamlltoa court Umatilla County. State of Oregon, that ...a ... j the Annual School- Meeting of said uuuooikBDru.u sv wmw. , , .... ,, .,, , ,, ,, Pendleton. Notice of Payment of Water Honda, Snrlos H of Uic City of Pendleton. Whereas, the City of Pendleton has! decided to exercise Its option to re deem and pay off the Water Bonds' Series Is of The City of Pendleton, Oreigon, itwued on the lftt day of July, 1899. optional 20 year after dale, and numbered from 1 to 45 Inclusive, otj tho denomination of SIOOO.00 each.) V Notice I hereby given that The City F!?'" Xf " . C"' of Pendleton Water Bonds Series v.. 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, . 7, 8, 9, 19, 11, 12; 13. 14, 15. 16, 17, IS. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 21, 26, ,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 30, 16. 37, i, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43, 44, 45, are, hereby called for payment and will be paid upon presentation thereof to the City Treasurer in Pen dleton, Oregon, or at the office of Koontz brothers In New York City, New.York, on the 1st day of July, 1919. Interest on said bonds ceases July, 1st, 1919. k LvEB MOORHOCSE, ,, dty Treasurer. Dated this 27th flay of May. 1919. Ill THIS BOWMAN SHOP, Blacksmith- EVERY article Laundered perfectly. ing. Horseshoeing our Specialty. Re- There's an agent In your town. pair auto springs, wheels, all sizes. Troy Laandry, 408 Garden St. t Lubricating' Oils FIRST CLASS Blacksmtthlnr of every description. You can do better here. A. P. Rnrgln, 432 Cottonwood. Batteries (Wiuard) 1 MONOGRAM Oils and Greases, all ; dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse f Matlock and Alta St. F. O. traUlvaa. 1 Eastern Oreaon representative. Bli- Architect BATTERIES repaired or recharged, j new and rental batteries, cjooarw Serrloe fetation. Main and Water. Legal Blanks Chiropractor RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. Phone 79, Boom f and . !- spain Bids. . V.n GEORGE R. WEIGHT. ARCHITECT Telephone (04; S14 Main L, Pen dleton, Ore. ' Auto Washing CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equipped to han dle work right. Automobile Laundry. Phono 38, opposlto court house. DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market, 109 Jfl. Court; phone 164. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion. Blank Deeds, Lease, Writs, Bill of Sales, Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits. Complaints. Bom mono, etc, for sale at East OregonJaa Offlee. Monuments DR. LORETTA H. STARBA 9-10 Feebler Bldg. to 12 a. m.: 1:10 to S p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; phones Of. til. Res. 1119. Contractors & Builders ' U MONTKRASTELU. Marble and Granite works; write or arrange to Interview for prices, styles, eta Piano Tuning Auto Repairing table, refrigerators, book 614 Lllleth. Phone 203W. FOR RENT ran of stors bids, in quire 121 IB. Court. BL'ICK Model 31. for sale or trnda for Ford"" or Maxwell. Bulck has 727 J forenoons. good tire and In fair mechanical 1 vr. rp-vt tsa-ra condition Inquire at 1104 E. Court j urn evi iT-r v j. in. buy evening. tefek rnrh on Iowdor Hlver. All feiiifHI: 1050 crit rtvor bottom land, lance wll trniwd lund. nix mile frum Mlrpnh iont tfflct: Con. tdrable otvn rnKt. In bewt Block district Kamrrn MiHituna. Irlc $ per fccro. , One-fourth cufh. Balance In iven (Mul annual piiymenu at r-, ' ' 1 ' I FXR 8ALB Good, good lo IJiMtern KonUuui Stock Land. cation in bulniwa part of twn, j ror aie rwenty inousana acres ' ""iwiiiom combined farming and stock Uiud. toot. good stock of extra and tire. ; good soil. ll grusseI, numeroUBi "ust quii on account or neaitn. j. v. spring, with flowing stream through "oyer. City Oarage. Pilot Rock. Ore. three sections. Well located on main " line Northern Pacific. Whipping polmjO SALE World ehamplott pedl on land at north end, also close to trrrd male and female Russian southwest end of tract. Price 15.50 i"0" hounda BIx months old. Right FOR RENT -Housekeeping apart ment ill Grange St, Phone! IIS FOR RENT Cosy, light front room. Fourth door from postoffice. Phone street, evening.. x ont sleeping Inquire 11, Ann ' FOR RENT room furnished house. Inquire after Bp. m. 10ft FOR RENT House and six acres suitable for chicken or hog ranch. th"ee miles from Pendleton. Ren.m. able. Address B. F. Tromblev,' Pendleton. Iter acre. 1-4 cash, balance seven equal annual payments. Interest at ;Tr ent. No trades considered. Probably the best slock proposition In Eastern Montana. For sate only as a whole. For full particulars and plat address MONTANA WHOLEHALB LAND CO., Box 1076, Miles City Montana. age to train. First 12(0 take them. H. S- Hill, ill Court House, Portland, Ore. FOR BALE 1470 acres of fin wheat land, one and one-half miles from tr.t:on. Good house and barn. 100 acres In summerfallow. All plow land. Price 126.00 per acre. Part fcash, bal. crop payments, per cent I Int. W. S. Smllh, lono. Oregon. j Pilot Tbics-Pendleton A a to Stage. Leaves pilot Rook at I a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:10 a. fa. Leave Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. . , Leaves Pendleton at 4 J. m. FANCHO 8TUBBLEFIELD. Prop. Oregon, to begin at the hour of 2 e'clock P. M. to 7 p m. on the third Monday of June, being the 16th day of June. A. D. 1919. This meeting is called for the pur pose of electing one School Director to serve for a term of 3 s-ears and vot ing a special tax for school purposes and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 10th day of May, 1919. MANUEL FRD3DLEY, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: H. E. BICKERS, District .Clerk. Miscellaneous INDEPENDENT Call 651W. CITY Scavenger. 27TH ANNUAL REUNION of Uma- tllla County Pioneers, Weston, Ore., June th and 7th. Patriotic program. MILLER A B EME N T All kinds ot automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Velie service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed- 110 Cotton wood. Phone 203. BERT. MCDONALD. Piano Tuner. Let TTig Tst t as s-g r nf Vrtnf nlann tt 4-hate PARKER 4t BANFIELD. Designing. y Special rate. Pbonoaranhs re- Engineering, Constructing; 10 years, MirmA. nh. a.e.w, sis w. experience In concrete and brick eon- J a rtruction; Columbia bldg. Portland, Or pajniing & Paper Hanging' ironuitr V1VT R A iTTl W. Excavating. 12.9 kast Court. Phone 28M. Picture McAfee, the Practical , Paint Han. Low Bros. Paints. Cleaning and Pressing Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car, condition no object. Auto Clearing House, Garden dc Alta. Phone 76S. Auto Painting BY MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros, 111 Johnson. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer Beauty Shop HaMtt-rn Montana (irazlmY IsmhI. For Sole I4.oo acres, well graxied I and well watered by springs, water FOR HAI.B Furnlnhcd seven room holes, and Tongue rlvor, partially j house with two lots, on one of best covered by scattered growth of pine locations on north side. House Is new. and cedar timber Well grassed. 23 ; Price 16500. Would consider a good miles from Miles City on main Tongue Hiver road. Ample plow land to ralM! all necessary feed, considerable river bottom land. Price 15.50 per acre, one-fourth cash, balance seven year, at 6 per cent. No trade considered. MONTANA WHOLKRALK LAND COMPANY, Owners, Box 176, Miles City. Montana. Tour ad. should serve you uicklv hen the cook leave. second hand louring car In trade, but no Inflated values. Address If. T. this office. , ONLY 1600 for 10 acres, all under government ditch, one mile from Rcrmlston, Ore., Is renced, not a building, is best alfalfa land. Joining HAIRDRE.-jBlNG. . SCALP TRBAT- ment, facials. Hair dyeing all colon. Marie Robb. Room 11, Judd Bldg. Tel 105. Coupling experience In buying with up-to-date study of the "ads." a wo man becomes a highly EFFICIENT member of the home-making partner -ahlp. Found l'OI'N P On rood leading to . Pascc across the state line, black lenthor land, has cut as high as 1 tons alfalfa! hand bag, containing doctor's sup per acre. No rocks or gravel, soil Is! f,H-n. Owner can receive same by sandy silt. 'Address Ed Maher, Te- leaving word at this office and pay- VtYERHAUSER GRAIN BINS. Do you need one? Orders must be-in before July 1st. The cheapest way to handle your crop, A. W. Lundell, Weston, Ore., agent for Umatilla Co. PRACTICAL TRAINING In Gas. Electrical and Steam Engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene weldir.g, au tomobile and tractor operating and repairing. Catalogue on each subject. Write for one you want. SeVttle En gineering School, Benttle. Wash. Lost, LOST Butt Joint from fish pole. Suitable reward if left at fire dept.. city hall. nlno, Wash. ln-r chnrgee. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Sh-h-h Don't Tell Congress! BY ALLMAN ?j S.OllVlA,ITuwVH-, I l j WBLl.,ToM,ATrWVcsJ-n,.wil J ; H MADE A G'ooO Jot? OF OF THE NE1 Sorr I Ml? J - j I H . r J u Scad oAbooa: Pol r ! 1 y I -eUh BtPECT K ToToLERATC I ' PSLa a ,' l WV NoMO VJAkKiMti The ' i vi,Ls3y I e" j STReers in ft Dwtess 1 ' . s-t i LOST 32x3 1-2 Diamond treat tiro and rim on Cabbage hill road. No tify E. O. office. Reward. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes- a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sale "The man that gets you the money." Leave order at East Oregonlan Office. . Auto Electric Work AUTO Electric Work of aU kinds; magneto, starter, Ignition, eta El ectric Service Station, Main at Water Attorneys CLEANING, Pressing Altering, Hand Tailoring. JEmil Beck, Tailor, Hotel Pendleton Bldg., phono 1001. fc'B DO CLEANING, pressing, alter- lna- and repairing. Rudd the tailor. 206 W. Webb. Phone 685. Dentist DP. THOMAS OHMART, -Taylor Hardware Bldg, Pendleton, Or.. Phone 107. J. W. JACKSON. General Contractor. Painting, papering and kalsomlnlns dene quick, neat and cheap. Ill Calvin. Phone 1034. THE HOUSE PAINTER WENDT Tinting, Paper Hanging Ktlmates FurniHhed Phone 1144 Shop 728 Cottonwood Poultry Supplies Draymen CAt.r. PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van In mnvA nnr household STOOda We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 139. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept., any sute, style or shape glass while you wait. D. N. Reber, M. D.. 9. 10, 11, Belts Bldg. Engraved Cards D. W. BAILEY, Attorner at Law, Room T, 1, 9, Despain Building. GEORGE) W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER BMYTHB, Attorney at Law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. dc FEE. Attorneys at Law. flee In Despain Building. Of- VISITINO CARDS, Wedding An nouncements, Invitations, many de sign and styles to select from. For sale at East Oregonlan Office. Florist CHICK FOOD, scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit. corn, oats, rolled . barley. C. F. Coles worthy. 119 EL Alta. Plumbing and Heating HEATING plants, sheet metal work, ' pipe fitting, general plumbing sup plies D. I. Phelps. Ill K- Court. , Radiator Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS . 701 East Alta stree . All make- ot radiators repaired. Work guaran-. teed. Edw.' A. Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by on expert Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. D. D. Phelps, 117 E. Court. Real Estate UMATILLA County lands, Pendleton wheat or alfalfa property, stock orvTTir.rt PI.1NTS nut flowers. Dslms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs, i ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison Geo. Hooker, Florist, Ell Main St. Farm Loans R. L. KEATOR. Attorney at Law. Room -34, Bmith-Crawford Build ing. LOST' 1 fox terrier dog. white spots. 2 1-3 . months old.! Suitable reward If found. Pendleton Fire Dept. City Hall. 8. A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel- Black and' in- at law. Office In Despain Bldg. LOST 32 Luger revolver from my car- at the Pendleton Auto Co., week ago last Friday. 120.00 reward l! returned to Dave Nelson, ill E. Washington St. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. ' Smith-Crawford Building. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, at torneys at Law. P.ooms 1 and 4. Smith-Crawford Building. Trend of Stock Prices JAMES B. PERRY. Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. Snow & Dayton. 117 E. Court St., Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tire half-soled: 1500 Restaurant THE qjfJBLIJB. eat. A good place to Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer la new and sec ond band goods. Cash, paid fog second hand goods. Cheapest place mile guaranteed; have proven ! to buy household good. 110 E court. worth. J- W. Bradley, 639 Cottonw d. i Phone 171 w. Horseshoeing IF YOU WANT your mules' feet trimmed. leave word for Bill Jen kins at Dunlap's Cisar Store or phone 4. Sheet Metal Works Jeweler and Optician PENDLETON SHEET METAL works, chimney tops, gutters, skylights, troughs, auto bodies, 738 Cottonwood. Taxi Service Continues Downward 'raley and raley. Attorney at Law. Office In American National 6. TweIve!Blnk Building. PORTLAND. June loads of livestock entered the North Trend of FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 14, Smith -Craw ford Portland yards over nbrht. prices was uncnangea. Irms There was only a small run of hogs -- in the alleys for the day and sales 'of j Tlisv!a Ronnii-ino- these were senerallv made m-ithii thai "v' v,v 1 " former range. WILLIAM E. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton, Oregon. I WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring car, call Goedecke- We so any where, anytime; all new taxis; phonf 464: stand Cll Main St. Tailors Job Printing LINDGREN A FRANSEEN, Wallers alterations; 731 Main St. v4mN,Tmi3 is Mo STtretr ssurr.THis is A E.TllUtf aurr- OWWiA AMD I MADE tT- all rrcovr vjas the mktepial Anovje. I eAVBD nue wao tax oiJ it , j'm 'no cxptRT ar4. LAOies' evrwiij sotTa btrr 111. BET THE COVERNMEeTr .TAit 1X sit o4 -rue Beach&s "THIS SUMMER j General hog range: 'Prime mixed Medium mixed ..'.... Hough' heavies Pigs Bulk I AUTO Tires Vulcanized, itiuaiitJ supplies. Savage tires, key 18,75 19.00 1 Pendleton Ode Co.. 121 E. Court. . 17.50 j 18. BO I Z LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer- blcycles and j cigj Forms, Dodgers, Placards, etc., fitting. I printed to your order. Bast Oregonl an Office. Used Cars I'SED CARS as genuine bargain prlc, at the Pendleton Motor Sale Co Cottonwood ft Water 81.. Phone 13 18.50 1 9 50 straw ricks" left of the Kreatesi sr:i!n 1 19.50 19.75Jerop the nation ever has known, no- 1 lafHo Situation steady. .cording to a stRteTiient made luibllc , Small offerings of cattle were shown to-day. So the. threshermen will be' in the division for the day. Trend of aided by the government t develop; the mexket was quiet but prices re-; efficiency and avoit loss in separatins j i:oiiieu ruuui sieauy ui uie previous "iifui imin inc tuaii. range. General cattle range: Good to choice steers .... 1 11.00 12.00 Fair to good steers 10.00(10.50 Common to fair steers .. 8.60i 9.00 Common steers 7, 50 Fair to- medium cows and heifers 8.50S? 9.50 Medium to fair cows and , , heifers 7 00 Canners 3.50 W Bulls BOO0 Records of lhe department reveal startling losses of Brain "through avoidable waste by the threshennen." Tests made In "jtis't ordinar" crop years show that an average of :.'.Vt"Mi.. S.OOM'flO to 27.000.0lli) bushels Is thus throBii away. What it will lie this year unless the waste is eliminated the department believed would he worth much more than (he campaign of edit- i fcSeecham's Pills will rapidly improve your complexionbyarousingthe liver and putting stomach and lilood in good order. Larsm S.l af Aar M.Siciiw ia tka WaM, Said .rarirwaara. la bases, 10 ZSc If reading the arts win help you to buy more wisely, isn't the task worth hlIT 8.50 , 5,00 cation would cost ths kovci nnieni .,00 In Minnesota, here the department Calves 9 00 Sr 13. 00 made comprehensive tests coxerinir, Sheep Mtuatlott irold. 6-s0 tnresmiig machines last tear, it in ,n6 ordlnary vacation as there is In Fair run was shown b, the mutton was found thut more than 25 per cent a sin(;ie bo,0 of Hood g Siirsaparilla alleys for the day at North Portland,"' '" " ..i n (which refreshei EURALGIA or Headache Rub the forehead and temples with 3 ICKS VAP0RU1 touk oOBYGUARD - 3Qf. GO', l.20 .oriiliortUum there is not so much thi tired blood. out demand was Mady with, rorme ; .t.v... ...c pens tne auiied apt rtite, restores the prices gnonilly muintajned (icuvral ahpep liinire. Prime kimbs Vearlinaa . . . Wethers Ewes (according; the fi-uires, irtrmiRh niHohines leinu: out of repair Inst courtiso. Take Hood a Sarswparil- ta tills summr. $1S t4-00or 1nr"Kh iikvk of adjustment. Smii j s . ... S.OO (Tr 10.0 of th Minnow.ta threshers wastedj There Is nothinij: worse than bad. T-OOfP 8.5ft , r' bushels per du of the threshing foul smellins breath; trvt rid of n H KOi season. i no aauy averuso ror tne 'lor your friend s sake anyway. Hot. 7.00 r 6.00$ Irord The litueniiiej rcurtiiMR: io ine re. , usier s kockv Mountain Tea will was: wheat. 4.9 bushts and (clean and purify your stomarh n,i oats, 9.1 bushels per machine. f bowels: your breath wit! be sweet 1 j.vour disposition Improved, vour There is a rrvivit of the laoo para- friends increased. S.c. Tea or Tab jsols of sraiirimnthi'i 's days. One strtk- Meta, WASHINOTON", June C The IV- ,n nnp nml hhlc hlo' mm,n,wt ov r j '---" part men t f AHrieulture has started ueiia rancy oncR of canipatKU the caroleK-i , , v ,u""' 1 " r pi up n card- m;tfi tit. it nun , touru canons and ker CAMPAIGN AGAINST CARELESS THRESHER thnwjioriiH it. It wanU nly AU fOITMt AVD CLASSIFIED DIHECTORT Countinr six ordinary words to It. line and charged by the Una. Want aia and Incsjs, ft tea Per Line. First Insertion, por line 109 Each add. tn?rtion, pr line. fro Ons week mi Insertions), each insertion, per lio- fts 1 rno. each, inartion. per tin.. 4 S month contract, each Inser tion. pjr iin (a 13-month contract, act. In, erf ion. per line fT1T...I,.l . $s No ads taken for lose thaa 1 linos. Ibllnf mum rharire - , .. , iff-4j Ads taken orcr tha tlphas onlv from Kmt Oreironlan sub senbers and thou listed tt th J Telephone Directory. Copy nmt I b In our offic not !tr thaa 1.19 o'clock day of pubiicsUoa. ! t j I -71 5 it ' 1 II it hen a friend proceeds to Kirk him. i hour.