East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 05, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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dents holng presented In recital. About
sixty Kiuiats were asked o- l present
ami I hp affair wtu delightful both In
itlie hostess' hospitality nml tho able
jlilaylng; of. the students, who presented
the fulluwltur 'program:
sonata. . . . .', .. Bwthoven
Allegro, Anduiile, Minuet
, Loin llomnll
Walt ' .V. ................. I'oldlul
KatWlne McNary
i-umuining vioun sna inano niui;.j , i.orune Huckstep; Jennie M. Kcmp. Mrs Kemp visited
(solo and enwmble, pupils of Nellie """w an uaei, ..; ,,;-ner throe months ago when she
Whitin Mrnonald end IV'rt Allen; s-evine Marty, uicitte Haling , started her tour of the six states, Ore.
McDonald who are to be presented In ! "'Itches Dance. MacDorrelt j Bon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho,
recital tomorrom evenluK at :15 . tuvin JMeoerl nyumins and Utah, which were plac
o'clock at the Presiiyterian church Hunuarian Dance, lturleiKh . . , . . . . J ed In her charge for the national W.
and will Hive the following program:! Mary Frauds C. T. v. "Million Jubilee" campaign
The Old Soldier, Smlih: The Answer, A FVoiio. Matthew (and she comes to Pendleton a part ot
Xewoomb Karl Hldleman: Marjorle Bast her Itinerary. Mrs. Kemp will apeak
Sextette from Lucia, Uoniiettl , Minuetto. Schubert: Valse Caprice, t the Baptist church at 3 -o'clock
H.irold Hattnn Karnmnoff Ulllan Cramer! Sunday afternoon and at the Met ho.
AlieVro. Beethoven . ...Sartorol ! Prolude B minor, Ohpln; Preluda Cj dist church In the evening. She l a
11c, te Wig-lesworth. Gladys Wljflee- j minor. Rachmaninoff ..former Mate V. C. T. V- president
worth. I , '- Dorothea, Dodge and before reec'.vlng appointment to
lullaliy. Maxim Forest Meyer ! wts In A flat, Chopin her present position Mrs. Kemp was
Tho Spinning Wheel, Ivnlton Alsora, Kelson : associated with Mrs. Charles H. Cast-
tier, president of the Oregon edera
tion of AVonieii's Clubs, on the statei
, . .Chopin
. Weldlg
. . Frlinl
. Wenxel
Lenore Greiilich rlka do Relne, Raff
Mo Pewp, Paplni OHo Campbell! Elvln Beibert
Golden Daffodills. Terry j Dance of Wild Flowers. Elford .....
L Vclle Gray i : . Thomaa Momgomery
Dancing Peasants, Zllchcr j '
.............. .Carolyn Thompson! Mrs. A. J. White and daughter.
Curious Story, Heller ...Mclba Rude,Mis Thelma White, of Brogan, Ore
Spanish ttence, llpgers iron, are visiting at the home of Mrs.
... Rvalyn OreulichJ White's mother. Mrs C. E. Jngalls,
An Old Iove TaJe. Itrancombe (and at tho home of other relatives la
-V ' DonaM Guild I city.
Utile Rogue, Hoffman j a
- Elisabeth Fergus Miss Gheratlne Winn -was a delight-!
vmirai c.mii,um, Unie Hui-iim nostess last evening to aftroup Mrs, Jack Dolph arrived home this
fit. Little Bo Peep, Rainbow Dance of friends who motored to the Winn morning, from Portland where she
tasioeiia -Masy no me near Adams to spend an infor-
Second Maxurka, Godard ,mal evening. Dancing and games
David Swanson preceded the serving of a prettily
Yilliage Musicians. Lange appointed aupepr. Besides the hoa-
Ervin Hidiemaniteas the i-arty included Miss Helen
Italian Song. Tschaikowsky Thomson. Miss Blanche Furnish, Miss
riorenee. Mcuermm : .Miidren Rogers. Miss Geraldina Morrl-
Harvest Festival. Franks ison. Miss Marjorie M Monies, Miss
rather vvinn, aiarjorie Ireland. Miss Georganna
cpruig f estival, MMnairr j Fletcher, Hubert Smith, Lloyd McRae.
..Irene Boyd. Thelma Keen! Richard Lawrence. Floyd Snyder.
Butterfly. Grieg Lorene King ! John Hales, John Simpson and Ned
Barcarolle, Ellerton jStrahorn. t
................. Leonard Marty i --e
To Spring, f.rleg Martha Hagus1 Woman In the Making (child wel-
Ataacinne, Behr ..Marion Hoisington I fare). Woman. 5 Our Foreign Born
Valse Favorite. Biedermann; In thei Sister (Americanization) and Woman
Morning, H. Smith; Fiddle de dee. j Everywhere (World Prohibition) are
Maxim RuthLeaterj topics which will be discussed in
CfadW Song. Hauser , j Pendleton on Sunday, June 8, by Mrs,
council of defense. Mrs. Kemp Is.
herself au active club worker and a'
special invitation is extonded to club
women of I'endleton to hear het
Sunday. . . .. .
" -
Mrs. M. S. Kern returned last nighti
from Portland, where she haa been
for several weeks in a sanitorlum. She
is much improved In health. .
went more than a fortnight ago. Mra.
Dolph has been the guest of her hua
band's mother, Mrs 'Cyrup A. Dolph,
and of friends in Portland as well as
in Eugene where site also spent sever,
al days, -
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McBee and
family left today for an ' extended
motor trip through California. They
will visit with Mr. McBec's father.
Charles Mcltee. farmer Pendleton
resident who now makes his home in'
Prelude Q Ml
Prelude B Ml.
Mary Clarke
Cansonetta .
Reverie . .. ,
Humorcanue ?
Lois Gornall
Fifth Nocturne .......
Mildred Rogers
Spring Fantas'
Isabel Ross .
Valse Graeleuse Dvorak
Winter Schumann
Contenteduess .......... Schumann
Valts Impromptu Gieg
Lois Gornall
Spring Song ........... Mendelssohn
Butterfly Lavallee
Mary Clarke
Twilight Frlml
Serenade '..;............. Mosxkowskl
Mildred Roger
Prelude F MJ Cho-pln
Walts G Flat. MJ 1 Chopin
Waltx A Flat MJ. Chopin
Lois Gornall
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bufflngton ot
Pendleton are at the Oregon for
few days, down from ' their broad
acres in the Umatilla country. Ore-
Invitations are being Issued by the
sisters or St. Francis and tho class 01
191s of St. Joseph's Academy for the
annual commencement exercises of
the school. They are to be held Wed
nesday, June 11 in the Oregon theatre.
Mrs. J. A. Lumsden was hostess
yesterday at her -home 1201 East
Court street for a delightful meeting
of the Inspiration Club. Ferns, rose
. 1 it nil vra ccrn fMHRmra or MnrtriipriifMi
the southeln state, and the party wiU!added chapm to the rooma an( a nu.
be away through the summer months, isilAl nrtimwn nrd-d thn Rrvinir nf
refreshments. Guests other than cluo
members who shared Mrs. Uumsden's
hospitality wore Mrs. William Mc
Bride, of Portland, mother of the
hostess, and Mrs. Ralph TacheJIa.
The home of Mrs. Frank E. Boy
den on Lewl street was yesterday the
scene of an enjoyable musicaie, t
group of Mr Boyd en's piano stu-
. : ALJb
: "
? "37 f "" 't2I?1tubi
hi i
Dresses Organdy Dresses
Coming and Going
Anothei- shipment of pretty voile and organdie .
dresses has just been received. They have been
placed in stock and are GOING RAPIDLY because
Plain skirts or tunic skirts; necks V-shape or
round; complete run of sizes. Prices from $6.95 to
You must see them to appreciate them.
. Alterations free.
Come in before your size is gone.
v Mrs. Richard Sim is is expected
home tomorrow morning from Port
land where she has been taking treat,
ment In a rest cure sanitarium for
several weeks.
Mrs. H1. S. Ftudd and children leave
tomorrow for Portland and the coast
to be gone during the summer.
Miss Ida Boyd left tills afternoon
for Kahlotus? Wash., where she will be
a guest at the home of her nephew.
K. p. Redd, and his family for a shori
Magnolia Lodge, No. 34, Decree Of
Honor, held a regular business meet
ing yesterday afternoon In Moose hall
wtth Mrs. Margaret B. Itecker of
Portland, deputy national president of
the Iegree of Honor, present, and
she gave a most -pleasing talk aftev
the initiation of five new members.
They are Mrs. Nancy Ann Smith
Mrs. Lena Pinson. Mrs. Ava Edwards,
Mrs. Jennie Meyers and Mra , X. K.
Bowman. The Initiation was con
ducted by the degree team and about
thirty five lodge members were pres
Mrs. Goorge La Founlalne has lefl
for Uexburg. Idaho, to Join Mr. I -a
Fountulne who Is there looking
some land. Mr. and Mrs. La Foun
tain expect to drive through Utah
Wyoming and California , before re
turning to Pendteton
Ray T. Johnson 1s in town fron
Echo today on business.
William Hoch was In the city
Tuesday from, Bingham Springs.
Leon Cohenj has returned from
trip to Calif ot iila.
G. W. Knight has returned from a
visit to Portland.
Mr and Mrs. L O. Frailer will leetve
June 10 for anotor trip to-Califor
nia. They expect to be gone a month
It. H. Cecil and Mrs. Cecil are vis
itors here from Seattle and are domi
ciled at the St. George..
C. C. Pennington and Mrs. Pen
nington "are in the city from La
A. 8. Jonea and Mrs. Jones, farm
ers .rom m Crosee. Wash., are In
Pendleton. r
K. C. Mark of Hermiston Is at the
St. .George, accompanied by Mrs.
Mark. y
J. O. Watson, accompanied by Mrs.
Watson and children, drove trp from
Hermiston yesterday and spent the
day here.
Mrs. Hlarry Krebs, formerly Miss
Mildred Allen of Pendleton, returned
to her home today after a visit In
Pendleton as the guest of Miss Anna
B. J. Sommervllle, retired druggist
of Pendleton, accompanied by h:s
daughter. Miss Evelyn, Is at the Im
parial during a brief visit to Jort.
land, Oregonlan.
the recent bomb plots.
"In addition ll local unions will bs
urged to take strict measures to pre-
vent lawless factions from asserting
thei influence In the work of organ.
Ixed lubor.'" Morrison said. "Wo will
seek to prevent repetition of the Se
attle strike where radicals gained con.
trol of the local unions and causea
a irnneral'Btrlke tlutt was not author
ised by one of the International
unions. Organised labor stands by Its
right to. strike but will Insist that Its
strikers be orderly.
President Gompers, much Improved,
will preside at all sessions. He M ex
nected to ask the convention for some
action urging congress to repeal ins
wartime, .prohibition; law.
(Continued fro-a page l-V
change In the terms.
A joint report of American, nrltlsn
French and Italian exierts la ex
pected to be turned over to the big
four In time to permit an answer to
tho German counters this week.
AllltM UesOy Soon.
(United Vress Staff Correspondent.)
PARIS. June 5 The allies' answer
o the counter proposals will be hand
ed to the-Germulis bcfore'June 12, It
Is learned from authoritative sources
today. The big four today hcara
Premier Paderewskl of Poland re.
gardlng Upper Silesia which some ot
the Allied delegates now advocate be
ing retained by Germany Instead of
being awarded to Poland,
ApU4iv! Sho
Unusual Bargains
at our
' .. ldJio Ptibffcher Here.
15.. f . Denton, president and one of
the chief ownent of the Daily Timeo
at Twinn Fall, Idaho, .In here toda
on a business trip. He has been at
Ia Orande where he purchased the
Foley hotel building and huaineim. The
hotel will hereafter he conducted by
Will Voyel of Union, Mr. Denton con
tinuing hb) residence at Twinn Falls.
I '
j W8KINOTOX, June . Meaeuree
j-tn dUtttMHociatn organized labor from
; anarchistic and bolxhevlk elements
'will be taken by the American Feder-
atlon of l.abof at Its Atlantic City
i convention opening : June . Set-re tary
i Frank M'rison said today. He de
clared revolution statins; there Is no
place In organized labor for these
j radical and denouncing recent bomb
plots are expected to be offered. , ,
jr Marrhrm will pre hie recommen
idattons before the convention for clos
: tng of immigration on the ground that'
g 1 tax immigration . laws made poeiblej
Ny' - ' ... .wmaf J
: f.
The best housekeeper In
America! She Is Mrs. Thetla nay
Franks of Pittsburg and ' New
York. The leading publicists and
scientists of America have Just
presented ner wun a moui. a
decoration was awarded by the
National Institute of Social Sci
ences. The citation to Mrs. Franks
reads: Yon have recognued that
In-the home lie the wellsprtngs ot
all that make for the strength
and integrity of a people. To aid
women in organizing the home
1 you have consecrated year c
' yonr Ufa. formulating a system o
! economics tr.r the householi
,'whleh substitptea for the lisp.
' hazard a well-ordered procedure
An Inside Bath Z
Makes You Look
and Feel Fresh
8aya a . glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
. ' keeps Illness away. , . .
This excellent, common-sense -health
measure being
adopted by millions.
This is an opportunity to buy the best apparel
available at prices that has surprised those who
have been in, and at prices that will surprise
SELF. Summer Dresses $9.75 to $17.50
Silk Suits ........... . $34.75 to $59.50 .
Wool Suits .......... . $18.50 to $43.50
Capes and Dolmans . .'.$14.75 to $24.75
i .-. i - - Y- . 1
Mr- Fmr,W-: Me vcur Employe '
Physlcfuna the world over recom
mend .the- inwlde bath,- claiming -this
Ib of vawtly more imiwrtance than otit-
stde ' cleanlincsn, lpcaiwe the ' kln
pores do. not abworb Impurities into
the blood, causing v ill .health; while
the pores In -the ten-yards of bowels
Men and women are urged to drink
each morning, before breakfast a
glane of got water with a teaflpoonfuli
of limestone phosphate in It, as a
harmless means of helping to woh
tram the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the previous day's indixHtlble
material, poisons, sour bile and tox
ins: thus clean Hi ng, mveetening and
purifying the entire alimentary canal
before putting more ood Into the
Juirt ob soaip and hot WHter cleanee
and freshen the skin, ho hot water
and IfmeKtone phoephate act on the
cllininative organs.
Those who wake up with bad
breath, coated tongue, nasty tuete or
have ft dull, aching head, sallow com.,
plexion, acid stomach; others who are
object to. bilioua attacks or consti
pation, should obtain a quarter pound
of ltmewtone phosphate at the drug
store. Thin will cost very little but
Is mifflclent to demonstrate the val-:
ue of in nlde bathing. Those who
continue It each, morning are assured,
of (pronounce, rexults, -both in regard m
to health nd appearance, if
is now here and even though our line is somewhat
' broken we still have several of the best sizes, prices
range from $17.00 to $60.00.
Our fireless cooker is sure a great help for the
tired house keeper and will make it much easier for
her to fix up the lunch for the trip to the springs
Sunday and when you are ready to eat there will be
a nice warm dinner without any work.
V .'
If you haven't gas, why not use oil, we have an oil
stove that uses less oil, gives more heat and no smell
; and not dnly are they handy during hot weather but
are always quick and ready.
Crawford & liodgo
Phone 496
Corner Court and Main Sts.