TAGE ET.TTCT.N TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OltECONIAN, PENDLETON, 'OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1919. '.w.rmfjft '.. $.i.m. t' yf"wr."wrjMii' A. j Hi.Mm. ' iriiw wua.w 1 . '.-,-.'--- 1 J. W mJf ,, mmmimift HwwiiBinl fcwinaJ w J ; ..... 3 ' ? ' ' ' ' -Tii 11 1 1 nil irt ii ill hmm fl ? 'i S I ' t a, - ' ; i , fx - .,-, y . . " 1. . it . Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, ' bar Rent. Etc. Classified for EasV Reference ! RIW TODAY. Bch nsw advertisement trill be run under "Maw tij tow ttte first insertion only. During 'subsequent Insertions of ta ad It will appear under Ita proper classification. For Sale Continued' FOB, -SALE- All kinds of In.urance. J, II. Jfistea, SU Main St. Phone 804 NCW TODAY KURD UOADNTUK tor sale, tlrat cluaa condition. See F. H. Chata or call IIS W. Alto,.' ' ' . FOR" SALE Thoroiignhred New Ze lund lied rabbits at $1.00 each. 6l Walnut or phone 712J. OLD UIMBKH and fl a load ant tip. I'ns' elevator. wood (or sale, lnriilr at Col- lhiir Wanted at MK. Boy wanted, over 1 7 years of age, to learn printing trade, mewiy P-jKOn SALE A 45 Holt Combln. en llon. Wage, whlla learning. Innuir , , trst clnM conaltlon- ,nqulr. foreman of the East oregonlan, 1 Jamea Hill, no N Main or pnone 671. iron SALE One C5 Bulck roadster, j a bargain at $500., Thonrpson-lil. words Auto Co., Athena. Oregon. Wanted GIRLS WANTKD at the Delta, No experience necessary. WANTED Good darn race East Oregonlau off.oe al The NOTICES The Remington Autoloading Rifle let go five one-tou-blow shots you simply press trigger foe cadi shot. HEMSTICHING at th Singer shop. Mall order promptly attended to. WANTED Cook oa .ranch. 4F4. Phone WANTED An experienced work at The Palm. - girl to WANTED By permanent renter. house In Pendleton by June 15th. Address 'H" care E. O, r Ev.pEiuFNCETv.ami, wi ' In country, phone 849P.. - work nr.i.iAHi.i: girl Country preferred. wishes Phone write. 73;.M. ran SALE IS ft. cut Holt combine with gas engine. In good shape, see l'url Cowman, Bowman Hotel. Foil HALK- Second hand ii" ma. clones in good condition. Five Uol. tar up. 123 H. Court ' I FOR- WLE One second hand Iteo ; car, five pasHenger, in good run . ning shape. A snap at f 700. Thomp- i i non-Ed wards Auto Co.. Athena, Ore. FOR RH.NT Ilnus.-. anil Hlx acres ( suitable Mr chicken or hog ranch, i Foil HAI.K Holt proper) combine Hi e milee from Pendleton. Rossin.i harvester. I'rlce liooo. Only out abl. Address 1). F. Triimhlcv. Pen-'about 100 acres. Address John dteton. it'row, Pendleton, Oregon. WANTED First class room In pri vate family, centrally located. , X this office. .. ,,! Men Wanted. ! For Attalia Irrigation dlatrtcti Teamsters and laborers, $4 for eight I hours. New' camp, spring beds and; mattress furnished. Apply Wallula. Wash. General Construction Co. HANDY BUSINESS DI RECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY This IMrcetory Is especially bandy lor the out-of-town reader who may want the bum and mMnm at reaWlbtobuloeas) meawbo repreaent the following Tartou. line. All are reliable, "-pooaihl kalneee ooa eeraa who atand ready to give yon prompt and efftcienl atsiloa. Auto Tops Blacksmithing Laundry New Top or Cur ir, Kee Oadwa, 101 NoUcoanr Payment of Wstcr lionds. IF TOU NEED serlc B or Hie City of Pendleton. tain for your Whereas, the City of Pendleton has E. Court. decided to exercise its option to re deem and pay off the Water Bonds Series) B of The City of Pendleton. Oregon, Issued on the 1st day of July, 1899, optional 20 years after date, and mimhorwd tmtn 1 In 1R 1 in' t nriv. i t the denomination of J1000.00 each, I WHEN IN TROUBMI eail our Bervlce Now. therefore car. w go anywner. AUTO TOPS and shoa repairing, 111 West Alta street. Auto Tire Service THE BOWMAN BHOP, Blacksmith-EVERT article Laundered perfectly. we. Horseshoeing our Specialty. Re-1 There' an agent In your town, pair auto spring, wheels, all sisea. jTroy Laundry, got Garden Bu bt p n.aa B...k.m.thin of .very! Lubricating Oils description. Ton her. A. P. Borgln, can do better MONOGRAM Oil and Grease, all Batteries (Willard) tli Cottonwood, j tMi9rMt KtLMtem Oregon Warehouse ; Matlock and Alta Rts. F. O. euUlran. .Eastern Oregon representatlra. - any tinn.'1TTt.oiir9 reoaired or recharged. NoUce U hereby given that The cltr's'mPon Tlr Bcrtioe - hoa tu I new and rental batteries. Eleotrtc j Bcrvice BtatKm, Main ana . i i tlon. Legal Blanks of Pendleton Water Bonds Series No. I WANTED By experienced woman coole, position. Bowman : Hotel. room it. ' j TO BUT FURNITURE and lease of rooming house. Address K, car K NMJi to McmlicrH. The Daphne Circle la to have spe cial meeting, to appoint a committee on consolidation, Friday evening at 7 o'clock In Moosei Hall, by order of Guardian Neighbor Nancy Garden, i, MAB FRIEDL.T, Clerk. .Want Ad COST is Less Than Vacant Room Loss! ' Too can rent your furnish ed room to a lodger who Is "good pay," who will appre ciate a good place to live, and who will STAT If th room make a good home. Th COST per day of a want ad la smaller than the LOSS par day through hav ing th room unrented. And a few day of want ad COST will prevent a great many days of VACANT ROOM LOSS. FOR HALJ-: Holt Junior is root cut 2 horse hitch and two feed racks. All in first class condition. Address J. M. Kramer. Pilot Rock, Ore. WANTED Painting or carpenter work by day or contract, O. I Brown, 110 I .ce St.. or phone B64M. WANTKD Work In private family In! . town by experienced woman.r Phone 687 mornings. 1 2. 3, 4. S. , 7, I, , 10, 11, 13, 13. 14, 15, 1. 17, 18V 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2, 27, 28, 29. 80, 81, 32, 33, 34, 3C, SI. 37, 88, 8. 40. 41, 42 43. 44, 45, are hereby called for payment! and will he paid upon presentation ! ' ' thereof to the City Treasurer In Pen- - dleton. Orexan. or at the nffleo of RAYMOND Koontz Brothers in New York City. Xew York, on the 1st day of July, 1919. Interest on said bonds oeases July 1st, 1819. , LEU MOORHOI'Src. City Treasurer. Dated this tth day of May. 1919. Auto Tires PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup, i vertown Corda Wallace Bros. sii- Architect FOR HA LB Soma very beautiful ' lots on the North Bide. See me be fore you buy. J. H. Estea, 14 Mala street. Phone (04. FURN1TURB FOR. Ba.B Ward- I robe, kitchen cabinet, beds, chairs, tables, refrigerators, book ahelv, ' tH Lllleth. Phone 103W. ! BirfOK Model 81, for sale er trade j for Ford or Maxwell. Bulck has 'good tire and In fair mechanical condition. Inquire at 1104 E. Court street after p. m. any evening. WANTED Experience!) waitress. I None other need apply. Millers Qulok Lunch. ...... , WANTED Woman to cook on ranch. Steady job. Apply P. X., this of fice. . . WANTED Customer for Insurance, Fir,. Including growing grain, au tomobile farmers accident, hall and plate glass. Only old lln companies "o serve for a term of 1 years and vot- NOTICR OF ANNTAL SCHOOL MKICTI.VO. Notice ut hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 16 of Umatilla County, Rtnte of Oregon, that the Annual Kchoo! Meeting of sold District will be held at the City Hall Pendleton, Oregon, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock .P. M. to 7 p m. on the third Monday of June, being the 16th day of June. A. I. 1919, , This meeting Is called for the pur pose of electing one Bchool Director W HATCH Architect Phone 7(2. Room ft and f. Ds Spain Bldg. GEORGE R. WRIGHT. ARCHITECT Telephone 404: 414 Main St., Pen dleton. Ore. Auto Washing CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Kspeclally equipped to han dle work right. Automobile Ijiundry. Phone 3S, opposite court house. Chiropractor BLANKS Of every deacrlp Blank Deed. Lease. Writs. Bill of Sales, Contract. Subpoenas, Affidavit. Complaint, ' Summon, etc., tor aale at East Oregonlaa Office. DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market. SO B. Court; phon 184. Monuments DR. LOR ETTA H. STARBA Feebler Bldg. I to 11 a 1:80 to t P. m.s other hour by ap pointment; phones Of. 683, Re. 114. Contractors & Builders FOR 8ALI3 Good garage, good lo cation in business part of town. Well equipped with machinery and tools, good atock of extra and tires. Must nult on account of health. J. D. Royer, City Garage, Pilot Rock, Ore. represented. Prompt adjustment ahen loss occura Lee Moor house agent, tit B. Court street, Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 140. For Rent APTS. AND BOOMS ALTA APT 8. FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Coort HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 101 Clay. FOR SALE World ebampkm P4!.i,i'ORi 7 " b,d- to" wolf hound. 8tg month Old. Right y0 RENT' HnusekeeMns- annrt- age to train. Flrat 12(0 take them., ment llg orange St. phono 11.13. R. 8. Hill, 1(1 Court House, Portland, i i Ore. FOR RENT Cosy, light front room. i i Fourth done from postoff ice. Phone FOR SALE 1470 acre of fin wheet(717J forenoon. I - ' 1TSTTS land, one and one-half miles from ' ' . : stetlon. Good house and barn. 800 ; 'OR RENT Larg r ont alee pin acros in ummerfallow. All plow - no ' Inxiulr Tl Ann land. Price $24.0 per acre. Part "f. venlng. , rnsh, bal. crop pnyments, 4 per cent Int. W. S. Smith, lone, Oregon. Ing a special tax tor school purposes and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 30th day or May, 1(19. MANUEL FRIEDLEY, s Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: Ii. B. BICKERS, District Clerk. Miscellaneous INDEPENDENT Call 1020-W. CITY Scavenger. 27TH ANNUAL REUNION of Uma- tllla County Pioneer. Weston, Ore., June th and 7th. Patrlotlo program. WYERHAU8ER GRAIN BINS. Do you need one? Orders must be in before July 1st The cheapest way to handle your crop. A. W. Lundetl, Weston, Ore., agent for Umatilla Co. Auto Repairing MILLER & BEMENT All kinds or automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Velle service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed. 414 Cotton woo. Phone 203. PARKER ft BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing; 10 years exoerience In concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg, Portland, Or L, MONTERASTELLI. Marble and Granite works; write or arrange to Interview for prices, styles, eta Piano Tuning E. M. ACKER MAN, CONTRACTOR, Excavating. 1209 East Court Phone 284M. Cleaning and Pressing BERT MCDONALD, Piano Tuner. Let m take care of your piano by th year. Special rate. Phonographs re paired; phono 44S-W, tie W. Webb. Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Pap Picture Fram ing. I t. McAfee, th Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros. Palnta. . . Auto Wrecking CLEANING, Pressing Altering, Hand Tailoring. Emit Beck, Tailor. Hotel Pendleton Bldg., phon 1008, USED PARTS every description. We buy your ear, condition no object Auto Clcai-lng House, Garden Alta. Phone 766. Auto Painting BY MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros, 812 Johnson. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer ; FOR SALR Furnlnhed seven roomwl"ow- IFOR RENT 4 room ' house. Inquire after p. PRACTICAL . TRAINING in Gss. Electrical and Steam Engineering. furnished ; mechanical drawing, machine shop COL. W. F. TOHNKA, Auctioneer, make a specialty of farmer stock and machinery sale "Th man that get yon th money." Leave order at East Oregonlan Office. Auto Electric Work AUTO Electric Work of all kinds; magneto, starter. Ignition, eto El ect rlo Service Station.' Mala A Water m. 300 lQjlk i house with two lots, on one of beslj - -l,.TTLr.Tiv I locations on north side. House is new. j LOKT Hutt Joint from fish pole. 'Price 36iin. Would consider a good Suitable reward if left at fire dept. ,'second hand touring car In trade, but, city hall. ino inflated values. Addrert H. T. ; i tnis orrice. i LOFT 32x3 1-2 Diamond treat and rim on Cabbage hill road, tlfy E. O. office. Reward. tire No- Pilot Roca-pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at t a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:14 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leave Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO 8TUBBLEFIELD. FrOP. Beauty Shop LOHT 1 fox terrier dog. while spots. 1 1-2 month old. Suitable reward if found. Pendleton Fire Dept., City Hall. LOHT 32 Luger revolver from my car at the Pendleton Auto Co week ago last Friday. $20.00 reward I returned to Dave Nelson, lit E, Washington St. , ONLY 1600 tor 10 acres, all under I government ditch, one mile from j t ITapmlilnn Or, I mnfA n rt m I Black and 'building. I best alfalfa land. Joining. HAIRDRESSING SCALP TRBLAT- land ha cut a hWth as 8 tons alfalfa ; ment, facials. Hair dyeing all per acre. No rocks or gravel, soli is ! anlor. Marie Robo, Room 11, Judd sandy silt. Address Ed Maher, Te-iBldg, Tel 1050. nlno. Wash. i 1 1 i. i il i -J. a-. x--j.".'Lj ii ' .' ''- -a.--'-'1 Y . j Counllns- exoerience In huvlna with i no mari ior give you ngnt on op-to-date study of the "ads." a wo ihe aubject of the next purchase you man become a highly EFFICIENT plan to make. After reading them, member of th home-making partner - you khuw-anq no nor nave to ; ship. practice, oxy-acetylene weldfr.sr, au- j tomobile and tractor operating and j repairing. Catalogue on each aubject, Write for one you want. Seattle En-.'D. W, gineering School, Seattle. Wash. Attorneys BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Room 7. 8, , Despatn Building. Found GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law. Room 17, Schmidt block. 1E DO CLEANING, pressing, alter ing and repairing. Rudd the tailor, 204 W. Webb. Phone 485. J. W- JACKSON, General Contractor. Painting, papering ond kalsomlnlng done quick, neat and cheap. (Id Calvin. Phone 1034. Dentist DR. THOMAS OHMART, Taylor Hard war Bldg, Pendleton. Ore.. Phon 107. Draymen CALL PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van I. ihav, vrni I household good. We also pack or store gooda We do coun try hauling. Telephone 13. - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept. any six, style or hap glass while yon wait. u. Reber, M. D.. . 10, 11. Belt Bldg. Engraved Cards VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncement. Invitation, many da- sign and style to select from. For al at East Oregonian Office. Florist THE HOUSE PAINTER I WENDT Tinting, . Paper nangtng Rtlmatc Furnlslwd Phone 1144 Shop 72 Cottonwood! Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD, scratch) food, tonics, bone, shell, grit corn, oat, rolled barley. C. K. OotcsworUiy. 12 EL Alta. Plumbing and Heating : HEATING plants, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing sup plies d. d. pircipa, in a court- Radiator Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOH WORKS 701 East Alta atree . ATI make of radiators repaired. Work , guaranw teed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by on expert Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. D. D. Phelps, 11T E. Court. Real Estate FOUND On road leading to Pasco. ncroe the Mate line, black leather hand bag, containing doctor's sup-T-'l"S- Owner-can receive same by leaving word at this office and w rig FEE, Attorney at Law. Ing charges. aoeg In Despaln Building. CARTER SMYTHS, Attorney at Law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. '- Of- All Lines Still Weak " Room 14. Bmlth-Crawford Build- in Open Cattle Market iB'- -, : DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Oh, Helen Knows All About It! BY ALLMAN oh, I hcan A icEV.'isiAn eev-J fit tmrsoo' Shinier A8cHooTuoic Aeovr?jJsiii.Aw i l vet soweBoc j riFTy Bouabs eer nrry Oouac.wht luSSr He r riPTl Of A HUMDRCf I j MTH6.vMMfA vjoovrjVoV. JooawtxTAMoyert-l kNl( Ty1 ' DOLLABS - , , J -7yr To Oft A Tnjl "vrefluT-WHW L- rWCH- "7 Ul f TH IPEA tWNV KAJOV4 " Wfy er 8lU ' , I'VE HALF A NoTioM ' to laH A 'trrnm eer, Ort THIS VHttAOD - Tnrt'rT.xr T,, n irtAvnn ,,,.1- ! loads of livestock entered the NorthjS. Portland yards over night, but three?" of these went direct to killers and did not enter the market at all. These direct shipments consisted of cattle, and formed practically the only arrivals for the day In that di vision. In genernl the trend of the ce.ttle market was considered steady, although there wan nothing availnble to test sentiment. w General cattle range:' Good to choice steers .'. $1 l.oonTI S. Fair to good steers 10.0A win.fifl Common to fair steers .. 8.50tfs 9.00 Common steers ' 7.50 8.00 Good to choice cows and heifers 9.00 10.00 Fnlr to medium cows and heifers 8 50 9.50 Medium to fair cows and heifers.............. 7.00W 8.50 Canners S.SOiffi 5.00 Bulls r..0fl 8.00 Calves 9.0013.00 Swiisn Values Weaken. Only n. small run of swine was shown at North Portlnnd ove? nlRht, total being 36 head, compared with 19 hut week, and llo a year aro. The start of tho marlcet was slow, with nothing sold above 819.25, which was consideeed about the extreme figure for packer droves. General hog range: Prime mixed 119 00B"19.R Medium mixed i8.75s19.on Rough heavies 17.50W18.F.0 Pigs 18.8019.50 Bulk 18.BOSJ19.75 Mutton Slow in Tarda, flow tone and no early sale were 'ndlcnted in the market for mutton and lambs at North Portland. Senti ment as regards the price appeared to bo about the same a-i yesterday. General sheep range: Prime lambs 11 3.00 f 14 00 Fair to good lambs .... I3.00ri.1.0 -..n .-, 9 00 ? 10.00 Tearirnga 7.00 8.50 Wethers 7.oor 8.50 Kwvs 6.00 7.50 ig. A. LOWELL, attorney and eonnsel I lor at law. Office in Despaln Bldg. A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford Building. i PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, at- torneya at Law. Rooms 2 and 4, : Smith-Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. . POTTED PLANTS, cut flower, palm and' ferns; funeral wreatns, design. Geo. Hooker, Florist, 623 Main St Farm Loans Snow A Dayton. 117 E. Court St, Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loan. See us about a loan. Gates Half-Soles UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa' lands, Pendleton property, atock ranches, graxlng landa W. H. Morrison Restaurant THE QUELLE. eat - A good . plao Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand gooda Cash, paid for HAVE the old tires half-soled; 8500 second hand gooda Cheapest place . mile guaranteed; - have proven to buy household goods. 110 EL Court, worth. G. W. Bradley, 489 'Cottonw'd. ; Phone 171W. Horseshoeing IF YOU WANT your mules' feet trimmed, leave word for Bill Jen kins at Dunlap's Cigar Store or phone 4. Jeweler and Optician RALET AND RALET, Attorney at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 14, Smith-Crawford Bldg. Bicycle Repairing AUTO Tires Vulcaniied, bicycle and supplies, Savage Urea key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co., t28 E. Court WILLIAM E. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton, OrcRon. Sheet Metal Works . -Ul-l S) PENDLETON SHEET METAL work. chimney tope, gutters, akyllghta, , troughs, auto bodies, 718 Cottonwood, ' Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or tonrbuj car, call Goedecke- We go any where, anytime: all new taxi; phor ' 464: stand 611 Main St Tailors Job Printing LETTER HEADS, Envelope. Bill Heads. Loose Leaf Bills. Commer cial Forms, Dodgers. Placards, etc, printed to your order. East Oregonl an Office. LINDGREN As FRANSEEH, waliora alterations; 73SMaln St Used Cars -JI.ULI Ut USED CARS as genuine bargain prlo, at the Pendleton Motor Sale Cq Cottonwood Water St., Phon 49 ill jes faults In child diet, child spsciollstsj nowadays.'' tell us Is too much sUKar. When sugar). "My dear M:ija'i, I ah pa rations were a wartime necessity chil-i nine ilnllahs a iiuavt fun it. sah!" dren undoubtedly fared beiu-r and! "Ain't that a triflo expensive, I'olo the fact that candy is still very exnen. . lien'' . sive Is no doubt a good thing for them. "Not in my estiniatioon. snh. It Is Sugar of course, should have a placo tho fust time I have evuh had th' i , -hilri i, dl-i' hut it should never! privilege of payii.' somewheh nenh th" be used In nlace of other food. ThalflKure I have alwas j If reading the o will help you to ! buy muro widely, isn't th task worth ' uhllet HOUSEHOLD Your Child's lHct . . One of the most frequent causes of cronlc digestion troubles, stomach sie. etalists tell us. Is faulty diet In child. hood, and ono of the most frequent child's stomach is not adapted to di gesting this portii'iilar form of highly concentrated food. Tho child's diet should be made sat isfying ss well as nourishing, so satis, fling that the child will not crave stigar or any other food that It ought not to have. A sweet dusscrr, such as apple sauce, custard, naked sppie or ren net, can be safely given to a very young child Rut a very little sugar on the. child's cereal should lw enough and. if It is given a little weak cocoa. this. too. should ho ttnly sliichtly sweet ened. lon't begin to sprinkle th su gar on thrt cereal more and more gen. eroueiy. for. although s child does like sugar it is your fault if tho child gets a craving for sweets. The eating of sugar is largely a matter or naoit and can best be avoided by giving him a little sugar, just enough to satisfy his desire for it. but not enouah to '.win habit of catittg K In largt quantities. considered wuth.'' Where profiteering Is Inipnanihlp "Colonel. 1 heal-, sah, yeh have laid In a new sin ply of liquor, an' I understan' it U ilit tilth la price GF.T A GOOD GRIP ON HEALTH I- Look out for the unnatural weak-1 ncs that indicates tinumiip oi the blood and lark of power. Jt moans that vour botlilv organs are starvmsr for want of prmal nourishment ; thai the red corpuscles are lewer, nneqiial j to liomands of health. Hood's Sira-i rilla increnscs strensrlh of the deli-! cate and nervous, restores red cor puscles, makes the blood carry health to every part, creates an apietite. If you need n Rood cathartic medi cine. Hood's Pills will satisfy. I Ik! i a I i w EURALGIA or Headache Rub th forehead and temples with IOCS VAPORUJ TOUR BODYGUARD" - 30. fcO'TlUO CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIK DIAMOND BatANn. n jj lAlIrl Ask 7 Drvcwlot 4, , 2 i-rawirrti'iiaiMn MraK r-irt. BMIrvl nl Blum hB. 1 mkm t4-k. It sk -. rCawSII4M..is9Di stt .w-:3 i-iia.y WAST AO COLDS ARO CLASSIFIED DlRKCTORT Counting six ordinary word te the lln and charged by the line. ' Want ads aad locals. Hate Pes Mae. First Insertion, per line. loe Each add. Insertion, per llne. 4 On week (six Insertions). each insertion, per llni. 4e 1 mo. each insertlou. per lin 4o 6 month contract each Inser tion, ptf line la 13-tnonth contract each In sertion, per Hits 8e No ads taksa for Wee than 1 lints. Minimum chargs , ita Ads taken over th telephone only from Kant Oregonlan sub scribers and those list-d la th Telephone Directory. Copy mast be In our offlee not Ist-r thaa 1:80 o'clock day of publlcatloa. i .wf .-.iv av---; -aw-evet -f sv-s4---re--sy1- -.ev