I OMYEVENiNG EDITiol ' : V r .--aaB 'j Vi..mi i ulTii i .Viiii;'. 1 DAILY EVENiNGTDlflflH " 1 1 "" mpim printed ul yeeierdai's ' 2,873 -'' ttta paper la a member aad audited tlsj Audit Bureau y Circulations. .COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ,t,py.-.$ CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL.31 ENTIRE COUNTRY THREATENED BY AILANTA STRIKE Date of General Walkuut An nounced in 72 Hours Says Telegraphers' Executive y . pAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OPJEGON; TIIURSDA Y.JUNE 5, 1 1919. NO. 9757 Newsicg Journey 7 Wonderland for ? " - Solid Hours t U It Cost Na p any licln a newslic ldcd advantages, think 6a . , Ore gonlan newsies who were yuest of the great Alumo shows last night and who raw the wonder of the bright lights from 1 p. ni. to 11 p. ni. Animal show, water clrcua, Dollctta, minstrels the - youngsters aaw them all. the single regret being that the hour aped so fleely that It was Im possible to visit every show In one ahort night. Envy rilled the hearts of eouia Pendleton boya who kuw (ho newsboy taking In the carnlvul without once, finding It necessary to ofrer the ticket man so much aa a penny. In root, young Hurry Kolsom became eloquent vhnit he hoard of th free cntertuln ment, a tlio rollowlng extract from hia conversation will show: "Alwaya did want to aell pa pera, anway and now everyone or these kids gets to "see the how for nothln'."1 TURKS CANNO T MAYOR CONSIDERS APPEAL TO WIIaSON Efforts at Settlement Vain; Strikers Steadily Increase. ' ' ' WAMHIXOTOOT, June 5. President Kokenkamp of the Coimnerclal tele, trrapher union today declared ... that tin lew the Atlanta altuation la settled quickly the 'strike there will Involve the entire United Ktatea and Canada." lie aaid, "Telegraphera and electri cal work era in every auction of the country are demanding action of the strike they have voted and It will be Impossible to keep them at work much longer. ; I will announce the date of the general atrike within 73 hour." netUc-neiit I ail. ATLANTA, (!., June, 5. With atrikere claiming a Meady Increase In their rauka trwt telephone and tele. graph strike continue here today. to brlnr the strikers snl r.nr.-m.. m,n to De repiacoa ny tne new build. Uvea of the federal wire admlnlwra- i , cc,0""n" , l? r',""rt' ?lncc tno tlcm together. Is conaidering cabling I ?th of.Un 8'e- ni" Jonn '" to President Wilson to take the situ a. Hon out of Burleson's hands. A report IoiIhy says that T. II. Kimuntoii of Pendlt-ton, will build a tl,000 rrsldcncd at 403 Jackson street. The house now standing on this property, which was the residence Major Key. unsuccessful In hi. .rf,.n or ,ne ""e "en ",e' "' torn $16,000 HOME FOR JACKSON ST. REPORT ham made his homo in the street house. luck on RMS Austrian Government Adopts German Plan of Protest and Calls Three Days' Mourning INDICA T ION NOW :'Zi:i(ICIf. June 5.' Tht- AiiHtn hii Kovftrnmeiit today decreed a three day period of national mourning In rj.uvt itKuitiKt the pec teiniM, according to a VI- utuia dispatch. LIVE WIRE FIRES POWDER, KILLED IN COAL ME Delves ,,o. Bs C.nside:edjCfCL WJS) fjjfp Merely as witnesses, is ne- ; . port; Will Be Called Soon j FRANCE SET AGAINST I GERMAN ALTERATIONS' 5.000,000 DIM 10 rnnQ nniiAiTv iiincrwLL 10 UUUU UUUI1II UUUUL KUAU OILLu CtM'il 11. Wadfi; former I'undlctonian an wm t Mr. nd Mr. K. T. Wado; wan elected couniy jude of Coon ciiUiitF in a rwali lection on Turn-j I'tHlTVAXU, unusn rjxecutes uompieteiaKy- J,M WUM 1110 iineni 01 juaB from aII COUIilisl BOND EXPLOSION ft iff vr uww SArt SCORES TUNNEL nnniino at p UbUUIlO HI OTtU . nicM qtadt mmm iiilii oinui iu ifunii June u. lieturns ; except furry itnd dfifiitittdy . CKtaldiRhea the ; a . . wiiiHfn uiifi wfiti mil tiv h Tut-t ir nnt) i About-face. America is ; th.. fr jeffemon, ' Mediator. ' Uarsbileld gives an account of 'the; defeat of the five million retonsiruc- I Voting " ' f I ' ' ' ." ." ui. ,, hw a landslide! "on bill. Practically complete" re-i u r iij-;ij r-i-.it.iji.-. . i United Pres KU.fr CorreaHiidcnt.) ) aa,nH' Ounty Judge Valson and , turns show PARIS. June 5. The big four to-,' .uniy ommiiwion-r Arcine -ninp in day decided to suinmon the Turklah recall election TWO HOMES ENTERED IN EAST END OF CITY Eighty-five Trapped Under . ground Blown to . Atoms, Inhale Flames or Drown majority of 3 It The reconstruction hospital is S31 Jn the rtcall ut ibe judxo the vote behind. It may take the official can- was 2549 for and 1707 aBaJnst the re- recall candidate. a majority of vaa to decide this contest. LIEUT. COIf TON IS NEW PAROLE OFFICER HAl.V.M. June B. First LJeutanant Louis H. Compton of Salem will suc ceed Joseph f. KHler as stale parole officer, according to an announce, duced the usual result, in addition to nient by Ctovernor Olcott today. Kel- divesting C. H. Miller, the plumber. or most of hia forelocks alul threat ening serious injury to his right eye. The accident occurred In his shop at U 1:3(1 while he was repairing a tank to oe used as a conaenser uy the W1I lard Service Station. . Mr. Miller had completed pulling CP. MILLER BURNED i BY GAS EXPLOSION A tank containing fumes of aaso line and a llahted match today pro- ler handed In hta resignation last JiViaAv : to hmwmm-effeotii'e on Jul 1, when the change will be mad. . ConnHon recently returned from overseas, gtdnir over with the head quarters company of the l2d Infan. try (old third Oregon) and later be ing transferred to tho 13d inrantry o'a c"" ,ho '""k nd was sighting the ramous .Second division. During , ,hroU'n hol ' "d to examine peace delfgates, sccoiding to an tin offiirlul feoort The exi(.t date ham . k..., n.H c--..... ih. I cu.ll. II. Vade, source It Is learned the Turks will he I re siveo sijs- vows ,anu nn i"', considered merely as "witnesses" cu - .1 highway .3.759 for. rather than a fully occredftod plent ihww w-.. 'uin,"M potentlarlen. ThiWl accepted aH In. oKainnt the retail, of Philn. Henry riu-nfo- thut the Tiirti. win i. a-tven Kern, recall, caniiinatc. rereivea ci9 firactlcally no opportunity for dlncin. a,ld Philip 7 vote. n the term" and will have to accept 13 ojcaiin i nuip condltionn exactly a they are drawn: ' by tho allien. Urltifh Turn. j The iuenl!on of modification of the crman treaty conl lime to ot-cupy 1 he attention of the- h four as well .s the1 experts of t heir respective ( countrieM. '. American e:;rwrt nre Htandinir oh the wurne sroiind thev j dM ut the Blurt lirltlnh are aid are; Itoosevelt NO CONCERT THIS EVENING, BAND TO PLAY TOMORROW Market roads 22.600 for. County bonding J4f&43 for. Irrigation guaranty 5T.08 for., , Soldiers cducationiU 12,351 tor. I-ieu tenant governorship, I0.&10 .igulnfft. . 'm l I Tho Thursday nUhl concert f negotiation). The ; of the Pendleton Itouud-Lp hand will to have executed a not lie clvr-n this evenluir owin io einplete nltout-fnee In favor of mod- the fact that nieiiilx-in of the band are ifiratlon which fit In with the orljr- Imxy aiimc in the carnival attrae Innl contentions of Anterlcins ko there; tio'nH whlcK are being: put on for th la little left for the Anier:cana to do except brinjr the Hrltish and French cloer together. Premier Ck-men. ceau In Ktundlng pat asra!nit any Continued on page fdx.) benefit of their uniform fund. To- morrow' evenintr at 7 o'cImc,' how. ever,, the cimbined bands will play evoru.l numtrem on tho court house j lawn prior to the presentation of tho! eounty and city honor flags by Lieut J Robert. KuvkendalL I IXTRAl !-4 ! Petty robberifw In two hoinetf In the 2 againrt-ea5 end town, within a ftw bloc. ten jOi tne carnival grounds, were report ed to the polide this morning, .Tne victims ere Mrs. Clara A. JBrownflelo. lava rjiun. Loun oiretri, uiiu r-URtriic fT Ti l 1 McCulley. U2 Lee atreet No articles! War JierO, HetUmeCl of value were obtained at the latter I place. - ' j During the absence of members of the lirown field household. . the. thler or thieves forced-an entrance through Itrying open a window and a gold chain and money earned by the Brownfield's- young son, totaling about $8, were taken. The Job was done before 10 o'clock, Mrs. Urownfield told the police. f The awakening- of a chpd In, the McCulley home during thet operation of the thief frightened him from thv home without any loot, the police were informed. The youngrster called his par en m when he saw a strange figure at work. The police are work ing on the two cases. . . . VA.SIIIX.TOV, June 5. l:i nVlovk) Postmaster tcturiil Nturlcttoii today ifssned onlfi-H re- turning trlepbonu and telegraph wlr"w U their owiicrK. r , . ' ' 2 OFFICER PRESENTS FLAGS TPJORROW DISASTER SCENE IS LIKE BATTLE GROUND Last Week, Among Identified Dead. ...... . '; . : H II.KriU.lll!K. I'a., ' Juiae 5. I'nckvtakers riKur-s almw ed the dceuli list tw be bMsn.: ; , VO and 10O tills afternoon, CotD' lsny orrictela placnl Uic drawl ' 4 71, aust of the xalnen Mtm ' American born and many of litem ' were retanwd soldiers who had , bom giicn back their old jobs. Ponta pclgada Wclcoixijng First Aviators .Who Cro sscd Atlantic Below," Sal-' vation "Army Lassies, cited for bravery, gathering: Fu nds from "Fifth 'Avenue Crowds for $13,000,000 drive. - Ms five months' ttervlce he saw action li the St Mlhiel valient and at the Champagne front, where he was the job when hia helper, at the other end, lit a match to help the visibility. Flames shout out of the hole and wounded In action while In the 'per- -truck Mr. .Miller full In the face, the forman ce of duty, for which he waat rttma nosing or nis eye saving it from awarded the Croix do Guerre by Mar- nhal Petain of Prance. llefore entering the service Comp ton was for six years secretary of the Palem V M. C. A., which ioltlon he resumed immediately upon his dis charge from tha army, and which he wiH leavo to assume hia duties with the teta- .m injury, ills cyemows and much or the hair above his forehead was singed but he was able to continue work After having the forehead bandaged. EVERY CITY READY FOR SALVATION ARMY DRIVE 1RPHYS BOY ODT HALE S HASCALL The Mule and lliiscall paint store. 'stock and business, ivas taken over ly 1 1 ' j Murphy Urothers, painters, today and Every elty in Iho state la now or-j will be operated as a retail store under ftonlsed for the Halvntlon Army drive their management. The price pield for funds beginning June .3, accord, tor the business was not divulged by lug to C. H. McPIke, who ier directing ' the new owners. the organisation In this part of thej Tom Murphy, recently returned tttate who returned to Pendleton to. 'from Prance where he served in the day Klk lodges In every town havaIi Grande base hospital unit, will agreed to take over the management; manage tho new business and todny of the camiMilgn. the local lodge hav. took up his new position. Ho has had Ing been one of the latest to fall tn' considerable experience in the main line. - store and will look after all contracts Material for the campaign is ex. j now held by Hale nnd Hascall as well ipected to be received here tomorrow as handling their retail trade, and It Is expected that Frederick The sale of the business was brought Rlelwer, chairman of tha committee 'about by the illneks of Mr. Hale, sen whlch will handle the work for the iar member of tho firm. He has been KtkaL will call a meeting of his com. In tho hospital fur several weeks and mittee In a few days to work out de-jlt Is expected that it would be some taJIs. Umatilla, county Is asked to, time before he could return to actlvt raise t&iioo for the Salvation Army, (management of his affairs. ALL MEASURES BUI ONE LOST OUT HEAVILY IN UMATILLA CO. The official count for the special election Tuesday was completed here thle morning and" the results show that the voters of l.'matllla county re- Jocted every mesKUre on the ballot with the single exception of the sol. diem and sailors educational bllv which eacaped with an amrmaue vote of nlne.- The following are the totals on the various measures. Klx vorocent couniy Indebtedness for permanent roads amendment S00 Yes, 783. 901 No, DM. Industrial and reconstruction hos pital amendment 30 a Ves, 103 No, 1049. State bond payment of Irrigation and dralnaare district bond Interest' SO. Yea. 89, 303 No, 1000. Five million dollar reconstruction bonding amendment 300 Yes, 6M. 307 No, 1027. Lieutenant governor cniistltullonHl amendment SOU Yes, 632. SilK No. ions. The Roosevelt const military high, way bill 310 Yes, 728. 311 No, 1020. HeconMtructiim bonding bill. 911 res, -, ' 313 No, 1073. Soldiers', bailor and Marines' edu. catlonat financial aid bill . 314 Yes, 77. .116 No 88 S Market roads tax bill .11 Yes. 314. 317 No, ;9. if til fi .1 . r o 1 1 ns- 1 . it B ' IV 'I JS"' o k, ,11 la. l -vtil;;y i?iML$': S t it- i - sr.." - Ni 1 ft l ' A V . , ' - s t "l. -.:' -A . If. . , , , , ,,kv .,-iK. w ----- " . - "" v I, t ' 1 fcLMfci?'.. - x ...... . .,,. M trvvt. f s vj. V . Vil AfWC k-hr.HJTY-r-CJ r L;r .- IkJ tVI K '......,..,.. v w'S'". i ! l'endleton's Vic tory loan honor flag, awarded in token f thu, city's sub fserlption to the fifth loan, arrived lo ; dav and will be presented to the city ; tomorrow eveninsr . by. . . Ueptonant Robert Kuykendall. along with the ceremony of a.wardJr.g the , county , honor flag. Duitrlct Chairman Georgej franU. -,tKm. , chudrett are ra-h. iA. Hartman. who steered 1'endleton sj im trnm om. to BmKlHT , , rtrJrl j course to victory in five loans, will ac.tt, !.. x.iu.iu ,Mr. cent the city f la. mmimtc tl, dead. ' The presentation of the two f)ami wan ti I'lffk r,K-n ' j will take place shortly arter 7 o'clock Amnns u idenUfk-1 dead la tliuck" t imixWl. war hero, srlm rr II.KKSB.VKKI-i I -a.. June S. Ktcbly-nve prraona were killed In asi cxnloMofi In the tunnrj of the clai. wnreuHndson eoel raoinanr ' near U ilkcMharre tody. Tile accident was one of the worst In the history of tha anthracite coal region. An - etortrfci wire fnUirgr tiilo a carload of Mack powder caosnl 'tiie dbnatcr. Two hundred men wore r-iterfiur U-s tun nel at tho time. ' Mart or the men died aa rrswtt of inhaling Che nnan lint serral were Mown to Moms and ntlwirs .drowned. Ttto - aeutdenl oe. curred at : lo while the tnen were on tlK-lr way to wiirt. " Tlw ciiii,iis' was beard for miles. ; . . . , . Krerr moriru !fl Oic elty has betrn prewed tnio senlie and a thousand turned from Jrrance a week aeo Tl street and College street. The Pen. I aieton Kouna-tp nana. -comumea . u j,-. -,, ,, i with the Alamo Shows band, will glvej .n,,-( a nrnd. the IkJI, a short concert at 7 o clock, to be fol-j ,, on 8l(le o( 11 he. '"ZlA lZ thS crem" , , ! fre beimt taken to the morgue. The v.ctory loan fli-g- is similar In y,, w,vcn and ohruiren rwbed size and construction to those award-, tmm nn kt. n - . women Tainted when UM-y rccoeniaed tnerr loved onea. ed in tha third and fourth Liberty loans. The border is of red and the j , neia or wnue. DUl llisieuo Ol niu Mun- ralla mm I. -I t eiM -- hi,,, v . """7 " w wnt Io ewry pay. uai. " v " " I sM-lsn in the ettv. Kvt-ev m.1 -n-n i , ,k. ........... 1 .-I..', lasl The city's flag will therenfter float alwve the city hall, while the county flag will be j hibted aibove the court house. J Mirv Klii tirade K.ums Oiiuliut. j Kiehth Kade examinations for ; schools which are still in session In ' the county -will be pivon June 12 unit i 13. County Superintendent . W. ' Oreen announced today. Those who failed on the lasft exam may take it ) over this month, as well. Diplomas ; j to those who pa.-ed the recent tests ; i are now being sent out from the su- ' pertntendent's office. l I ny rushed ambulances to the srene but many vleUma died InnnoliatWy after Uiey rcwiied the surTaee of iha tround. JOE N.SCOTT BUYS F.E. BOYDEH HOME KiTI MWEATHER ' f0RECAST VSal Tonight and g5 Friday fair. i The residence of Dr. f K. Sordru. 11 Lew-Li street., was sold yestenlay to Joseph N. Seott. prominent Athena rarnifr. Tor a consideration of $11.. 00. the deal being made by W. K. Morrison of this city. The housn which is considered one of the finettf in Pendleton, was) built by Dr. C J. Smith and stands on property having 100 foot fmntajre on Lewis street. ... Dr. Hoyden .announced today that J within a year ha. expects to build a ; modern residence in tha elty. Mr, ! Scott, with his wife and their chli j dren. will move to Pendleton to re j side In the home purchased yester. day. . MORE ROSES WILL BE GROWN AS RESULT OF ROSE SHOW SUCCESS When the rose show "came to a clos but evening tho event found those responsible for the show ex- tivmely gratified at the Interest ta-. INirtunity I show people, atxtut '? the town and usually take a certain rotita so they may see. the most attraclv hoiuea. streets and lawns. We hsva ken and the stimulus that has been a good city but we ran make It bet. given to rose culture in the city Saidj ter. Let ua gain rune for having a onn prominent worker: beautirul town aa we have won fame 4 ' Kvery where about the rooms woj in other lines. Let our goal ba al. could nole people Inquiring alsait this I wax's better and oetter Pendleton." or that variety of ri.se and askiiia The muskal rogram Included sa quesiions with a view to preparing j lei Hons by a trio. Mrs. W. C K. Pro i themselves for crowing more rosea, lit. j.lano. Mtoa tiaynell Maldwla. vl in the future. The purlKxe of the olln. Hnd Miss Harriet Young, cillo: show was to sllmulale the rose cul-jsla by Miss KMher South, solos b tore in Pendleton and we feel tha Superintendent FYed 1'. Austin and a purpose has been accomplished." ! duet by Mixa rtouth and Mrs tieurge Features or the pnnram last even- Sutton. - ing were some excellent musical num- j Mra E. T. Wade, president of th bers and an inspiring talk by the Rev. 1 Civic Club, presided during the pre- : R. K. (Jornall ! gram. At the conclusion prises were "I feel a pride in Pendleton and awarded Io the winners and the roses like to take people about tha olty .' 1 1 hat were on exhibit were given t ceciareci me paaior. At every op-1 the houses providing the prows,