East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 04, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640
n I V .It Pays to Pay Cash at Conroys. ? g
Mountain Spuds, sack lots, 100 lbs.. . $2.00
Grape Fruit, Extra Large, each . . .". . . 10c
Lemons, Extra Large, best grade, doz. 35c
Snydcrs Catsup, pint bottle 25c
Grape Juice, quarts 60c
Why Pay More,? '
Karo Syrup, Blue. . No. 5, 50c, No. 10, 95c
Fresh Bulk Cookies, pound ........... 35c
Jam 16 oz Glass, Peach and Apricot,
SPECIAL, each .' 25c
Quakers Corn Flakes ....... ; . .. . 10c
Puff Wheat and Rice, each 15c
Olympic Pancake Flour, each .... .. . . 35c
Citrus Washing Powder, 2 for '. . . 55c
What the Picture Theateri
Have to Tell You.
OofXHlllfw IV Not , Worry Pearl.
Penrl White, heroine of Pathes new
senMatlonal iierlol, , "The lightning
Haider." In called upon to faee mon
sters of the ocean and Jungle In thU
remarkable aerial. Not satisfied with
pitting their star atalnit giant oc
topus In the second episode, the Path
secenario expert matched tehlr hero
ine against a, score of crocodiles and
as ninny pythons In "The Cave of
Dread," the eighth, eplsoda and, aa
might be expected. Miss "White In her
rule of The Ughtnlng Haider faces the
sctly denizens of the Boutb American
forests. Ughtninr and:bei;' friend.
Topi Norton, hat's penetrated the
deepest Juniflea of Brasll In their
search for the "secret of the ebony
block and are closely" followed by
their enemy." Wu fang, ' who h
boiiKht their native guides so that they
will help to destroy the boy and girl.
Finally the native guide roll a great
rock across the' mouth of a, tunnel
which Trim and Lightning have en
tered. " With one entrance blocked,
they have to go ahead towards the
other end, but between them and a
nufe exit I a great' pool, filled with
crocodiles, while giant pythonB swing
themselves from the tree on either
Ride " For ' fl. moment It seem aa If
the pair are trapped, but Lightning
points toward the overhnnging bran
ches of a great tree over the pool
and aha and Tom awlna themselves
on It and thence proceed over me pool
to safety, .
biu win ani porr
rs -sraiiin beans"
1 LMIiniHElMHIIMIinilllinijllinUHLtlilMlljllinnilHUUUNllllllHiiliilllllUilililllllHiHlllliHiiHIiilliiliilHIIjiliUinillilillli Jrrr, Va . -
I fjfc, "llHIIMlllllPIIPIIiniMIIIllllIHIIMIIIIIirMlllpmHHIIiliiinitMMHiniiiiHMi.M'i""tf"" - gTS -'" ak aaffW aMMMNlMW eas-peBaeBessaeessssBeBs Wm
I ': ; ' : :: IALTA - TODIIV
lB.- : W tl I ' LI Children 10c ) AdulU 30c
do the business men of Detroit use more
than 500 Acason trucks, when they can
have their choice of a dozen other well
known trucks made in their own city?
" In Detroit the buyers are motor-wise.
So will you lie wise if you buy an Aca
son truck.
Auto Co.
Don Pruitt, Pres.
809 Garden St. Phone 417
Charles Ray
IN -'
"String' Beans
' 'The Sunbrite Pair" 1
, . Uniboxoligists.
T.iVi trip rptnilnr VnrA cars the Ford Model T One-
A Ton Truck is a real farm necessity, just as it is the
a necessity of manufacturer, contractor and mercn
f ant There is no question about it proving a money
5 saver right from the start. It is flexible, turning in
5 a 46-foot circle; has 124-inch weel base; the regular
p Ford, motor with worm drive and has proven as eco-
nomical in operation and maintenance as the Ford
5 Touring Car. The price of the truck chassis is $550
2 f. o. b. Detroit We urge placing orders without de-
lay in order to get reasonably fair delivery. The de
jj mand is big come' in and let us talk it over.
Toby Waiklns Is the all-around
drudge on hi uncle's tarn a twenty,
aero patch of black mud entirely stir-i
rounded: by mortgage. Thl la the
opening sentence from Jullen Jose.!
pheon'a aeenaiio. "Btrlng Beans." j
wx j .n intMuitm. rMrui lis
B'ln his next Paramount nletura which
SF I ... . 111. ItMlr. ton
rjwill DO nown ui 1 "
Rday. In highly condensed form It pre-
glsents a vivid picture of the atorya
9 j scenes.
d Toby Watklns Is the sort of country
m boy, brave, humorous and thorougnlj
Si human, that all Charles Ha-" ad.
Bltrirera like to see him portray. It Is
i "" " J2.
B . S Vt . rinniriu E
". ; (G ' I PASTIME
' UTTLE GIRLS Children 10c Adults 20c
i 1 s ,.!,. (a I sr
'SIN.. . T
la aasurad by the usa of soau
af these baautlfal fixtures of
can. Tney give light thai
lUumlnatM tba room parfactly,
but that does not tire or atrala
the ayes. They are aot expen
sive soaslderlag uelr extra, f
floieocy and ertra baaatr. Wky
not at least see Utaxat
Children 10c
Adults 23c
Pegy Hyland
''The Riblli6ii
Simpson Auto Co.
g Water & Johnson j?ts. . Phone 408
1 TwSSiS:.m!af('
the sort of character that has mada
the liny Pictures sure-fire offering
from the exhibitor's point of view,
nm Toby WatUln's la no ordinary fcoy.
He Is Imaginative and somewhat
dramy. and every night whle nhis
day' work la done he goes to his room
and takes out a book that he ha
bought by mall. "W hat Every TounS
Poet Ought to Know." For Toby
aniMMonua to be a writer.
The ecenes of the Mory change to a
country newspaper office where Toby
goes In search of opportunity. Thl
part of the story Is developed with
realism and charm by the authoe.
Jullen Josenhson. who was formerly
a Country editor himself, and whoj
writes of that life with delightful
sympathy. j
lit Is stated.' that Bar nanaun
of the role-of Tobq Watkln will rank
as one of the best screen portrait
Bxcellent support Is provided by Jane
Novak. John P. lockney. Donald Mao
Donald. Al Fllson and Otto Hoffman.
Victor Kchertxinger directed and Ches.
ter Lomhis was the. photographer.
Classical and nonular in the privacy of your
home by means of the Baldwin Player Piano.
Any one who owns a player piano can play
the most difficult selections with mechanical
fidelity. But perfect technique alone is not suf
ficient in playing the music pf the great masters
as it should be rendered.
In the Baldwin Player mechanical perfection
is combined with beautifully flawless tone.
Pianos and Talking Machines all prices and
easy terms. Monthly payments.
Warren's Music House
820 Main St
Phone 524 ' Pendleton, Oregon
Many Meet Death
In Theatre Fire
Fire broka out yesterday during the
performance Hi a -moving picture
house here and a Jafga number of
persons were killed or Injured. Early
Inst evening 4 he list of dead had
reached 80, the bodies of CS children
and 21 women having been found al
that hour. The Injuries of most of
; those toiien from the building were
Might There were aomo i "
Four thousand spectators were in
tint tlu-aier und when the fire hro1e
out In tho operator's cablnn there
was ft mm! rush for the exits. Many
children were trampled on.
5 1 Discharged Soldier
1 'A
1 Ja 1
1 Ze
1. . :Z
1 ' t-i mm
sJT " ' Hitr xf. 1 1 iss aw
Pearl White
"Hie Cave of Dread"
May Obtain Liquor
Is Judge's Opinion
ist LfltTIR. June 4 United States
. Itenalev. In a letter
at .-..iu r-oiTimisaioner lcwls today,
4inlaced a construction on tho law re-
2 ' . af I latins to the soiling of Hhuor to men
rJVTJKa the uniform of the army or nay
The Bungal
ow Billiard Hall
is not a lUillidnaire's Club
I do not cater to millionaires, but to plain peo
ple such as Pete Smith, John Brown and Bill
Jones and ALL of the regular He men.
We use only fancy Imported cue chalk, deli
cately tinted and scented with Ottar of Rose.
Yours for Jcffcrsonian Simplicity,
, 5 . V v , Proprietor.
"You eaa put your babies here." is what the Chipeso characters
niean on Hie box in (lie picture In the circle. These "baby boxes" are
still used In certain parts of China by parents who wish to get rid of
their children, and also by those who want to lind some to adopt. 11" t
one must look for girls only, boy babies are never, never given away.
Out , of Its budget .of 1105. 000, 000 for rebuilding the world, the mis
sionary centenary of the Methodist Episcopal church will use i7.5Ul
tit in China.
Private raptured 49 Hum.
WASHJNTO.V, Jun4 . Capture
of 49 Oermans single handed at Con
senvoye France, last October brought
Private Kclix Kird of the 132(1 Infan
try, Chicago, a D. a C. the award of
which waa announced today by the
war department.
... l .... nertnits antes to
men In uniform If they have been
dlschnrsred from ' service. '
Henslcy snW that ho desiren to co
operate with t b" ; "
er and other officers In the enforce
ment of federal lews. He explained
that the act of congress under con
sideration referred only to men In the
. .... i u,.i.if end Who
military or "" " ...i tti iniiit-
I . 4- nlfi-m. so that to cniwniuw sniraniniraamiiiBii "
l vlnlntlon of the federal act the II-
iquor must be sold to a man wno naa
not been niscnargea.
The correspondence between Hen
sley and Iwls resulted from a vlt.lt
... at ruls Inst Monday of MaJ.
Fraser. In charge of law enforce-,
ment as it affects soldiers. """!
.ml marines In a district in which 1-
St liouls Is Included. MaJ. Fraser
in nridress to 15 saloonkeepers
told them they would violate the law I
If thev sold liquor to men In uniform , 3
even If they had been discharged ;s
from service. !
WHEN yQU have a. bilious attack your liver Fails
to perform its functions. You become con
... stipated. The food you eat ferments in your
stomach instead of digesting. This inflames the
stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible
headache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will
tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you
M1 1- 11 Tt t
win soon dc as wen as ever. 1 ncrc is naming dcttct. ft
Watch for the
i Whitman's 11
CW Hnlka. Man Sntoots.
KANSAS CITY. June . A tiewls
and costly way of herding rattle hasls
been discovered by I., n. Klbliee, I's
dalrman on the Kannas side. Klbbee.s
was arrested, charged with dl9charg-.5
log firearms within tho city llmila. 3
t Judge Herrod's court Klhlee said S
Just received a larga supply.
Tou can't buy better candles, E
better assortment, anywhere In
tba world than right bar. ;
June 12, 13, 14
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
W have tried to carry this
policy of selecting the beat
through out our business.
Coma In and judge for your
self bow wall we have succeeded.
at the
1 Tallman Cs Co. I
he shot a cow lietjiuse stie woman 1
go through a fence. rney ore my
cows and I can shoot 'em If 1 want
n mHn." he told the court. "One'
heifer wouldn't go through the fence
and so I shot her twice with some No.S
i btrdsboW . 'uUIIMIIIUIIIIIilllllllllllUlllllllillllllr ItlllUllllllllllllUlltltillllltllllllslllllllllMltlllllllll.IlslllUllililslllillllltlllllllUIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllli;!
Lcadlnc Drogtrlsas
The Pendleton Drug Co.