PACE EIGHT TWELVE PAGES DA.LY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1919. ? ! f ; I 7- ;! s f : j I 3 0.A.C WILL OBTAIN 1 S. WAR MACHINE MOV lL ELECTRIC SERVICE STATION GOOD SEED POTATOES' t IS STILL . GRINDING w . j ..... i . f liifr W ano wUaqc rr ' tnnt with the tnlied HtatM de-i-rt- Pnnfl ..-. FnH 1 ment . .trtrultur- to determine, f IQIUllCt 3 r,nCL grow and distribute for mm! purpodsesi wMt" , in oest vsnewe or leuaioes ungrr tTon comiitl. Tb work 1 formerly located at Comer Main and Water Streets Ifis moved to their new enlarged fiuartcijn PruittV hi? concrete garage, corner of West Court and Gar den streets. ... ; I . . larger quarters and added facilities that we may accommodate our patrdhs even better, ter trie Now Location, 201-203 W. Coiafe Telephone the same. ; . v , Excessive Smoking I of Cigarettes Kills spend the tlOOO It cmi. Director of, ami nm Talbert announcca New York Salesman i It has been the oustom fur the last t five years, about this season, to notify' householders that their refuse ns-vvrn i snoum be placed nhore the ftty n. DE-WER. June J. The first cas. 1 woM gather It. but the Board ever recorded In Ilemer of .death due , E.tim.e and Apportionment? .o nreMve cigarette smoking i that j year cut off the appropriation for that of Henry William Aldta. cioihlng i purpose I'n.pnation for that , rale-mnn of New York City who dlea Ujk'1h"r""1 . lno1a. PairbsnlM Jr., joins Father. Aldia waa stricken ehortty after hi ! toR AVGKLFJ. June J.Dr.urla I '(''erS " AbllSe arrival in iwnver on a holre trip Kalrt.ank. Jr., arrived last niaht to; nd reirioi'ed to the hoepltal from ' "e hia father. . ilia mother now the'' apartment at the Alany hotel. ! wife of Jame Kvana, broker, of New! Kven after hl arrival at fhe ho.pii.-,! : T.rk and IMItal.urc, hroiiaht' the boy H and In 'pite of.hia r.llitlon that : fcere from tha'cooat. fne of the pro. f ST' An:m- '"ne I.-fA committee Ilka condition i. rtll K .. . j... . .of three aohliem whn .. i - tt la id .k,;;;.r;,r,T:..t vT.:t.j:. "'c..Qc,r o?ttU"?,:in fr.m wurf. ."r command directly after .m.the,. - .H V IT- Jl" T.?.L. Uf. ' 'No. 40. SOO Arsenal ilrl ".V Robm.n of the Tnited Statea Navy. . , i . (i- iK'tll I U i urn.. I WlQUIV'r.TriV U.v I A marl II W i - ln.. Iia .alm aa HlHionll fn ilnn r..oUTO ' """"' i her ar preparation aa It waa to wait etetton of .the agricultural coltece, t 5 with 11,11. Hylop. profeaeor of farmj Th, v,,, K,rtmnt at prea-r.; , cnpa. In ebanre. . . !acea:tnit huite quanlltiea of -r j Vhla Joint action hw iron out of trrixt xhoiwli man of It will i.ot l hh mi m rannm mnwiMni,,,, lb, fu,ure u j!tne elate lor good aeed potatoea free m,Mu .(arta a new war. tha arn.v Kf dleeaae." -M loreaaor J.alop. COMper lo flnl.1 a.i.vh j- The cH,wrallve potato experiment ! ,n. Ktrk fcr,,dy beaun -whe:i the Th station will not no into the armiMie was sinned than to auaadow ,: eed potaloea."' ... j lt Different varieties will I grown In. p.,mu ct ,Be Uenup- accepted im ? comparative teeta to determine which the ( are: : ;4-miliinioier produia the areateat yield free of : gvmt nUe fa-ious French "i wnh jdlaeaae and '- d quality. Cultural i -,&;,,. f..und of hiah explosive ant' jwork will done to determine the j j.TSi.seo rounds of shrapnel for tlitm. i beat method of cultivation, slse. timelsot -tou tanks (iiaht Whipiiet t. p. ). to plant, and manner of planlins. j;t; jS3-r.illlnjeier (tuns with 4ll'i0 ; The' atailnn wil Inot so Into the hinh explueies shells for tlfein; 4l,un . aed producing; business. Professor I Broornlnj autumslic rifles; i'J.Oiit j Hyalop explains, but tlms to alve far- J l iow.n.r machine suns; lii.Uiw Jio ( mers who desire It a start In the pro-( pounds of smokeless powder: t. I durtlon of good seed potatoes, which s-ton tractors lor hauling h-av' ar j will Increase their yields and finan. ;tillery; 1 :4.lU.Ouo pistol and 5 la.dai rial return. j rifle carlrlriKes; a,(io tin hats. ' Us i-:ih howitlxers J47.0OU mo l!l Says Germans Would !'" "'" Knfieida). n;.. - a if ( ' i "'t' automatic pistols: 12,uu,i.'iii ( Ot Have (Ult ar .pounds of T. X. T. and 23,il.u4 ) pounds of aoin onium nitrate. in the cas or tanks and 7-.".il!i-nEni.I.V. June 2. The Knropa't-'tter giins. over so per cent of the li Press today ciiioted Rrockdorff.Hant-!tul production was completed after the rail with anylne- If riermany had armistice. Tho larKext percentane of knom-n the teoco iprmit in Octooerlny ordunnca Item to bo delivered uf- she would h:ive kept on flirhlinit. The'1'''' the armistice was In tho caso of : -mi.'lnuf-ter recoil apparatus. Of these, ts of a total of 3l were de livered utter Nov. 11. All tho items mentioned, of which a cousiileraljle proportion represent i af et-the-v,r delivery, required loni; l-repara'lun before manufacture could be begun. lie!dcs constituting a valu able reserve for another war, the War Department pointed out, the ntuterlal would be a total waste If It were not finished. . . The War Department has terminal WAfHIXOTOX June I. Cases ln-'cl b' cancellation since November 0 i volvlng the rlsht of nines and Bur-'"" but I35.o,0l)o worth of contracts lnon to ret Interstate (a 1 1 road and originally totaling IS.tSO.OOO.Ou'J. Or ; telephone rates were decided la favor dnance material represent the lances, of the government by the supreme '' Pn nf the remaining conimcls crurt today. This Is a reversal of the )" 1 3''s'0"0 fouth Dakota court's decision hold.Lmm, -g that tln, of Intrastate rate. by'GERMAN SKIPPERS the director general waa infringement I ni A n Tfi CP,Ii, IT C on powers of the state. An attempt ULiAU 1U V. S. was made In South Dakota, to force ' a telephone company not to make ef- i fectlve the rates llurleson estahlished? tNEVT? TO UK, June 1. On the but the supreme court held he has bridge of the liner Imperator, when the right-to. set the rates. (she arrived here recently, was her former commander. Commodore Tho- news agency o,uo!ed him as follows: "Even If wo cannot fight now we can say 'Vo. I want to convince the people, that I.loyd Oeorge, Clemen- nd Wilwm are not forced to he role of world Judges and- 1 win the right of ..pen ne. gotlatlons." Rate Case Decided in Government's Favor, imas Kler. With him was Caot. Fritz f 4 1 T ! ' "reoerica rvruso, wno tormeriy com- OI riOSpital I'riVHCgeS j manded the Cleveland. Thee offl- jsers. with the chief engineer, chief -steward snd 17 under-officer were sent along to assist the Americans In .handling the ship. The vessel was of Cant. John IC see his father from tlnn t uMtM. tt.t . - L "I"' unal1im rem. to r, oittcaViL . . Zs":r ,.. ' worK ? ,h .t ,r.. . ! , ... ... , , .,.ry h-kpii t comit to tht emmt Mr ' . ue in mmi tmlar t tht- f Krn arroninanlfd Hi- wif r... ' I woun,,' tn thm have not bpen ! . Jr.. will win hi. fh I.wl"n Prlvllw MtendPd to Arxenal street, called ai l the Pot-Dispatch yenterdny to utate ' B. J. EdKur. Jr.. com ! .xnanaant at the Both Commamter Kler and Cant. Kruse appeared to be delighted to come into an American port. coant. Mr. !amf,,,ij . . even thouah it waa not aa in form. wire.. Ooiiic- .,k..-i . a . . " dayir. ' Join hi. fflfhi-r ut t. pr.v.wKffe "lonam to, . . Jatter'e Jieverly Mill hnmn . xnem r,ut that privilege they had In ' 2 " " tho war KrtiN- wna not. throw away milk bottle 'Z71" .J . .. 7 mlte ,n" '..,iu.hed io .h. , wilh .nn ,, . icnarae mat tne convalescents are rec- I , " will, cretonne, chintz or iariy put on "kt(.nen ,... ,. .eerve and put In most of his time material. Tie a robboo l" 7. y., on. .K'lcnen POce details. ,. , ,h vh u,. around the neek and arrange the top h"n, tl? of-s Z",,'.""! !oat was blown up b, a mine on n. irill or rosette and vou . . ami occasion and he alien 9ft nilnn... n each hat that .hi.n. .u- ...... . itha water before he was nicked ud jv branch office here of the Mexican Ile- psrtment of Ownmeree. an outcome lmier-. .... them ,f the viMl ih. u.u. ,.... i .. " one. other hosnifMlai rn !. t Valley Trade delesallon 1.. Ih. Il,llw' r... . .. .. Hospital No. 40. Thev ,l KrlH. During rw ... not, inrow awav m Ik K..t, . ' " ...... en Itepubllc aeoHial I Alamste ts cover them tt Fhare and whttr of the opening of any oeparimeni or me Jleiun nut.,, around the ne k and arrange th. ton ' w mK en"mra men attendants al eatt of Commerce is being .sent toieithe in a frill or rosetle and voo ,h9 h""p""' of washing dishes and points throughout the Mississippi Val- ; hav, hat stand fJTth VI, mopping floors. . "t: ' an .o-nanicnt to vor ei,-., K" " r to ""ntlon of their tinl- I shelf. ttv tki tfxiii to -i.r.s ip -,?J VK Jll 'I.hT V".?r- "'""' of 'and ink i, good to vear. becausefhe cltyn't afford to th. k. . ..7' L? . r" "'''""".to att w.i.r oiacKens th hem. re- enieny to the hetention of their uni forms by the hospital during the time they are not out on passes, and for this reason many of them have had na dances, given for them i i pajamas and robes. ' I Health in the Mornin5 Dish ! When you eat Grape -Nu for breakfast .you combine a dish of eat enjoyment with solidTooft value. . Grape-Nuts is a builder or brain and brawn a real food: scientifically pre pared to meet the modern demands of efficiency. "There h' Oerman cruiser. 1 After the Imperator had left Hrest It developed that there was one Oer man on board besides the 20 men assigned to It. One of the wellors who helped take the vessel from j Hamburg has relatives in America i and he made the attempt to reach jhere by stowing away. He will tie re iturned'with the ship. While here the Imperator will he nltered so that t ilarger number of rois can lie ac- Icnminmkipn. Seattle Has Blow Up; Beavers Out of Cellar Ivis A ngeles . . (in Francisco Oakland : . . . Salt Iyike Vernon Sacramento . . Portland Seattle W. I. Pet . 37 19 .661 . 32 2". .get : 28 J4 ,G:iX . 2 24 .5211 2! 25 .Girt 24 27 .471 18 32 .360 17 32 .347 fiKATTLH. June 3. Ten runs In the sixth Inning pulled Portland out of the cellar at Heathys. expensa. the fceaver winning their fourth gome ol I ho week, ID to 3. The Heavers open at home today against fbu-ramento. Hatteries lukanovln, l'enner and Haker; Falkenburg, Mails, Hchults and Cook. National Ixsigne Itentlts. Pittsburg 0, 1; Chicago 7. 2 Hrooklyn 3, 1; Jloeton 1. f. Phlladejphla 4, 7: New York 7, 8. Cincinnati 7, St. Louis i. American IsNunie) rumlM. Chicago 3. 1; Ietroit B. 2. New York 7. 10; Philadelphia 0, S Washington 4, Ilostnn 0. . Cleveland , rH Ixiuis g filRfj B-WH THAT ALL WOMKN FLIRT a 26a son' i EVAN'STON, III.. June 3 That girls are all flirts is the assertion of Mine Mnry Jtartelme of the Juvenile court. who told the KWanston Woman's club that eyes are given to flirt with. Mary, pretty 17 year old miss. Just couldn't make her eyes behave, so her father brought her to court. "She's a little flirt," said the father "I can't make her stop it. J don't know what to do." 'I old him," said Miss Partelme, "that every normalwomnn Is a flirt." ''Kvery womun wko got a husband flirted to get him. And that is not, all ---those who fnlied to get husbands re sorry now and wish they had flirted a little." Russia Mr, . Alexander Zelonko, Managing Director. American Com mltee of the Jtusslun Co-operative Union. T?QLKS are a heap like tobacco. That's hot-headed. bitey folks. That's flat, uninterestm folks. An then that's folks like Velvet-mild, but heatty an fren'ly, too 0.. 14 y V FRIENDLY' .- t ' - Friendly" is a very good word to describe the positively pleasing quality that sets VELVET tobacco apart. There is that indescribable something about VELVET that is associated in men's minds with the thought of a friend. It is a satisfying smoke never harsh; without a bite. Like a friend it "agrees" with you no matter how much you use it. Long, patient ageing in wooden hogsheads does it. Friendship must ripen slowly. Good tobacco the same way. An army cf men have learned this through VELVET.' Today is a good lime to get a lot of comfort out of a pipeful of friendly VELVET. JLjtJAjtf jf(yC jE&CC0 CtX 0 0 D Roll a VELVET Cigarette VELVETS nature -aged mildnen and tmoathnmaa make it jatt rigaf for cigareftss. 15c -JUL Pure and Delicious Delivered In imckngcs part of flic cltr. Siold in Bulk or in Ice Cream Cones Drop In, or tcli-phono NO HOHBACH'S BAKERY Fast Court Strwt. . . i' Try. pur I'lne t'. ji pantile, j ' ' t Bring Your Kodak , Work to THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. 9 l'MX Eli IMA 1 Era WE OWN AND OFFER Pacific Power & Light Co.' FIRST MORTGAGE -? ) GOLD BONDS to yield 6.25 and Umatilla County Road Bonds ' at prices to yield 4.75. Lumbermens Trust Company niiNKY K. lAIVI'. Representative Hotel fVndlcloii 'k'llllllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU Opens With Big Dance 1 JUNE 7th j 8 11 r I ? ' v ai 1 i!. a s- t yvnerctne irow You get the finest work from the best equipped finishing plant -in East ern Oregon. i . t If you have difficulty in get ting good pictures with your Ko dak, we instruct you free of charge. i A Clean, Beautiful Resort at A hich to Rest and En joy Yourself During the! , Hot hummer. 4 A a U Ti "JS t.i In the Blue Mountains of SoutHern ' Umatilla Co. 1 H.M.CULTER,Prop. Dancing, Swimming, Hunting, Fishing, Etc. 1 Hot Mineral Water Pool and Batha. ;i (v SPECIAL RATES BY "WEEK OR MONTH Cottages and Tents for Rent, j- ,1 Free Camp Grounds. ' ' ; . GOOD BARN AND INCLOSED PASTURE WiH meet stage at Ukiah upon telephone call from . PilotRock. J .iiniiiiiMMMiMiMiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiHiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiuHmmmHik