PACE FOUR DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1019. TWELVE PAGES AM INDEPENDENT Published Dally and Bml-Weckl;, at Peadlelan, Oregon, by til feAST OREOONIAN rUnLISHlNd X Baterea at th poatorrtr st Pendle ton. Oregon, aa accond-claaa mall natter. Yslsphe.n. ON SALE IN OTHEK CITIES. ImperlalHotel N'eKi Stand. Portland liowmaa Nti Con Portland, Oregon ON KII.B AT Chicago Bureau. 909 Security Bulld ig. Washington, D. C, Bureau tOl Four teenth Street, N. W. NEWSPAPER. t ' SUBSCRIPT ION RATE (IN ADVANCE) Dally, one year, by mall "ally, elx month by mall Dully, tare months by mall . lally. on mouth by mall Dally, on year by carrier Dally, alx montha by oarrler Dally, three months by carrier. Dally, one month, by carrier aenu-weekly. one year, by mail 1.5a l'!"3,,'?t,y lx rn11"". y mall .TS --nwKiy tour montha by mall .St tt.ot t.$t 1M .1 T.te .? t. ! IF DISABLED IN WAR. II Is not much To win nl live: To fail and live Is more. -. It Is not much To take and give: Tu tfive alone la more, It is not much to struggle on When chance and fortune aid The lire that lifts unto the dawn. Vnfaltering, unafraid. Though nil ill luck and detri ment, And rare and loss and trouble That is the life that masters - face : That reads God's true intent. And wins, however soon or late. And dances like a bubble! ! "IT F you are a kabled soldier JJ sailor or marine, you should take out at onee reeducational insurance policy with the Federal Board of Vo cational Education. Uncle Sam reserves this sort of insurance for vou exclnsiv. ly n you are one of the war dis- I iu fluwuc 'UU W11J1 Hl- ' surance for life against any ne- cessity for curbstone pencil-and -shoe-lace peddling, against T . idleness, chanty, and old-age dependency against that down and outness which unin sured disabled have cYnprienf. FOR PEACE; AGAINST WAR ed in the past. I Uncle Sam's vocational insu- vt ,- , v!i Ia"uc guarantees me cusauieu the League f Nations for fear England will domi nate the league. In England a considerable faction of tories object to the league because England wont run it and cannot do so under the covenant adop ted. Who paid for It, lunac?" 'The customers paid, Aaron " "Wlml! The customers paid for it, Iaiuw?" "Yes, Aaron. I put a luedle boa n my counter 'for the blind.' And they paid for it." . Whcr lHt Was. In a small village In Ireland tha; mother of a soldier met the village! pi lest who asked if she had had bad news. "Sire. I have, she said. "Tat ha been killed." "Oh, I am very sorry," said tha priest. "Did you receive word from tne war office?' SS "No," she said, "I receive 1 worj E5 irom hlmsjlf." The priest looked perp'.exed. and' said, "ilut how is that?" 'Hero is the letter," said tl;s Irish 'voman; "read it for yourself. 1'he letter said, "Dear Miiher ar now in the Holy Lund." lils :anio Preserve. 'T understand yctr come front Meat giune countrj " said thl !ndy n tire committee to welcome the 6rt&. irtv warriors if the Western plans. 'Indeed : e:, ma'am," was th's cow. 1 vy's reply "What is :V.i biggest gumo you have Wyomlnp'" "Poker, n-.tuuu" Ylie Goniii' Tramp: 1", ase. sir. will vol Fhe me a shillin' to git something' l eat?, nenevolent l(ntlemun: You've vot a rtxpenso in vour hand now. W hut a that for? Tiamp: Thai's to tip the walto.'j IIIIIMMMIinilUIIMIIIUIIUIMIHIIIMIIUIIIIlHllHIIIMIUnillllMnillllHillltAuilMMIIIIIIIIIIIlillMlllllUIIIIIIMII llllimilUIIIIIIMIIIIIlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIimiMI(llllllllllllllim iiiiiiiiiiuii HIS SEMATE7SEATrIS CONTESTED BYc FORD U th. man !0? Pcent efficiency in c , '"' some suitable vocation, and in. cidentally it guarantees that ' happiness which is inseparable I from a life of service. . This insurance is issued free of cost to disabled men not as a charity, but in recognition of n n f. 4-V. V. nl X . , ... . . . 1 hue uiaiu latb uiab uicj nave No single power will be able J -.a i . ; I", , ' !; ,B" " i full by service rendered. i i au egae wm oe Taking out this insurance is handled by the Executive Coun- 'tire,y voluntary but no dis. . v '""''J' abled man should fail to take riine jmembers but at the start careful acc0unt of the advant vill be composed of represen- ages which accrue to him if "?"'V "'"."" ""-cu he becomes a policy-holder. By Great Britain, France, Italy placinjf himself under the gui and Japan The Council will j dallce of Federal Board for deal With the subject of arma- Vocational Education and fol- ments, with the taking of steps iowino. the course of training ) .... .. ..; .iji -iv,; :. v. ., v, . ' ' . ' ' o Pendleton's New; Gentlemen's Amusement Parlors De-luxe against disobedient members and with other big issues that will arise affecting the peace of the world. 1 It is not true as some believe that in the executive council ureat .Britain will have more than one vote. Britain has the same representation there as the other powers. In the as sembly or meeting of delegates representatives will be allowed from the self governing domin ions like Canada and Australia but these countries will have no voice in final decisions which are taken by the council. The league will deal solely with international subjects, not . with internal questions. The prime purpose of the league is to prevent wars, thus saving the colossal waste in lives and pro perty resulting from warfare. It sets up in the most satisfac tory manner possible a machine whereby peace may be safe guarded. It may not accom plish everything but it need not be objected to on that account. Neither did the world without a league obtain the millennium. We came near to hitting the bottomless pit. ' AMERICANIZING THE SEA elected as most suitable in each case, with due regard to the given disability and to natural aptitudes, preferences, and oast experience, the benefici ary under Uncle Sam's reeduca tional policy is able, usually within a short time, either to return to his former occupation or to enter UDon some other oc cupation equally as good as or better than tne one ionowea prior to his enlistment in the service. 1 his complete restora tion, vocational as well as phy sical, is the ideal inspiring Uncle Sam in his effort to pro vide adequately for the war disabled. You'll be surprised at the beauty and variety of the roses raised in Pendleton and on dis play at the rose show in the Eagle Woodmen hall tomorrow. 28 YEARS AGO Qf if ' ) '"til- - v" ; j Newberry Is the Republican sen- ator-eiect from Michigan whos right to a seat in congress Henry Ford Is contesting. Newberry was secretary of the navy in the cabi net of President Roosevelt. He is a former commmander of . tba Michigan naval reserves. LAWYER FINDS $25,000 BONDS AFTER 10 YEARS THE FINEST FOUNTAIN IN THE IN- LAND EMPIRE SERVES 4, I i The Cream of Ice Creams. In selecting Golden West for our fountain we chose the highest quality ice cream, ob-: tainable. 2k2 BRAN-NEW ON DRAUGHT a.:. We cordially invite you to' call and get acquainted. POCKET BILLIARDS t BILLIARDS ! FIRST CLASS FOUNTAIN SERVICE CIGARS . ; TOBACCOS t SMOKERS ARTICLES FANCY BOXED CANDIES Everything Absolutely First-Class f GOLDEN WEST ICE CREAM 3 3 Sheehan Brothers, Proprietors 625 Main Street. II "We "Are For Pendleton Products" ViiiiiiiMiiiiiinHnMiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiimniniiiiHiiiiniiMMiiiiiiiMiiiHitiiiiiiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiiiiiiniHii JllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllilllHIIIIIHIUilllllll llltlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllltlUllllllllllllilllllllllIIIUIlliJlllllllllllU(IUlllltMI(IINIIIIli SAX FRAXCISCO, June 3. A dis covery of 125.000 In bonds, missing for ten years, was made this morning by Attorney Francis J. Mannlx, in his of fice in the Flood building when he opened his safe, formerly belonging to the Southern Pacific Company. Mannix took the bonds to the home of Mrs. McCormlck on Broadway, who said that McCormick had thought the Oregoniani bonds Jost or misplaced and had given I them up ten years ago. I TIlB mart fnrmerlu m-o a In Vi J. o. Morehouse is in the city fromjof JIcCormick wnen the southern pB. Veon. ' cific Company occupied- the Flood T. J. Miller and Miss Melvina Rauer.j building.' Mannlx discovered the -ere married Tuesday evening at the; bonds In a compartment which was Frazier. Utntley A Co. Knwmlll. !' locked and lit which the key was Million's friends here are somewhat ming. When he hnd a locksmith surprised at his sudden murriase. open it he discovered the missing se- l From the Dally East June 3. 1S!H ) A large f nrce of ?I;Uons is .t work j curitics. on the First ..National uana imuiuimk The vault walls have been placed In, A-TTXOPASSF.lVflFR make the moot daring and expert! cracksman weap bitter tears. Thej foundation for the vault is stone ana cement with a layer of Iron on top.l The walls are iron and hrick. I Workmen are busy on the Union RUNS TO GET HAT, STRUCK BY CAR 21 NATIONS ARE IN CONFERENCE SAX FIcA.VCISCO, June 3. Chasing his hat which had biown off while rid- 3T is remarkable that of the thousands of men being re cruited for the American merchant marine, 60 per cent come from states not on the seaboard. With the single ex ception of Massachusetts, none of the seaboard States is fur nishing as many men to the new merchant marine as such inter ior states as Ohio, Indiana and Tllirmia rr-L- . , cn remooeiiea to oeurr 1 35 years old, an employee of the l'n- ThlS proportion Of bO per d(ius th(, traVeiin5 public. lon ,ron W orks. living at 20S3 Golden tent has held good throughout I-r.fessor J. C Arnold s condition-,..ltK avcnue wa8 struck by a machine the campaign. Which to date remains unchanged.. . tho California1 Taxi Company Vina Vpf-niitPfl 23.000 men for Cole and Fell streets early today and - . 1 ic n:n 1 . received injuries -which caused his eea service (since uie 1.1 w w death upon arrival at the Central lng6Utlon was placea in opera- ; i,t.;nrm M Emergency hospital tion in Januar'. 191. i f LiViX I DLiC h Edward Liennison. driver of the taxi. The fact that SO many Of the ; L ' arrested and booked at the city : 4-V,a:iI h prison for manslaughter. recruru are cumniK num , . mi The poliftC Fav Iiilon Waj, rl4ling aion, interior, where the percentage j worw. with four other men -when hi hmj of native-born population IS-' Tytephtt I there an.vthlns mort Ww eff anil he Jumped out of Ihe cur , t liiirhpst. in lartre decree ac-:evaitrerallnjr than to have a wife who' to k it. A 8 he was HtoopinK over to WASHINGTON, June 3. Represen tatives of twenty-one South American countries met here to-day for the pur pose of exchanging views and infor mation with official and unofficial re presentatives of the United States, with a view of stimulating develop ment of Han-American trade. Recalling the success of the first Pan-American Commercial Conference held under the auspices of the Pan American Union in February, llt, the governing" board of the union believes that much Kood will result from this "get together" between North and Suuth America. i Governments, organizations, firms and Individuals will be represented in this informal, but comprehensive ex- AHKS H f -31 A ft A TI f N FltOM MAS WHO WOVLONT UK AMKItK AN NEW YORK, June a. Preferring her American citizenship to a hus band who would not fulfill a marriage plerge to foreswear Norwegian alle-gia- e, M-s. Ida I'latou liryde, twenty-one years old, of No. 1 7 Seventy ninth sreet, 3!ay Tlirlgp. has applied to JuMiie Oreenbaum. of the supreme court, f a separntion from Frldtjof Bryde, wealthy ship owner. At the time of her marriage to Mr. Ttryde on December - 27 last, Mm. Bryde asserted she exacted from hhn a pledge that he would become an ' American ci'izen and put his vesHeis : under the American registry. Mrs.J Bryde allege the ship owner acted J cruelly toward her when she insisted ! he fulfill his ante-nuptial pledge. ' Counsel for the husband contended ' that Ms. Bryde could only sue In the j Norwegian court.s, because she hud ; forfeited her American citizenship j through In emarriage. Mrs. Bryde I esfcrcl fur permimion to serve notice j and elk have greatly Increased In are being made to kill all the animals numbers. The killing of bol tats has suffering fnm the disease, Mr. Jew caused an Increase In tho number of ett cite one case where an Indian grouse and quail. dug Infected 38 sheep. The Klamath refffon was visited nl- Rain ha madfe good crop prospects so by Mr. JeweU on hl rcont trip, in the Willamette valley and Cascades and he says that rabiew'have broken saya Mr. Jewett. but the Fort Klu out In that region. So great has tit math section la feeling the need of menace become that special efforts moisture. AMERICAN DELEGATES IN PALACE FOR PEACH TREATY PRESENTATION publication. Justice Oreenbaum served decision. t re- change of views and information be tween commercial representatives. , of -fn0 BCtion U(on her Uflband ,,y interestinir parties. In order to do Justice to all countries concerned, and to the numerous Im portant phases of Pah-American com merce, general and special sectional sessions will be held, - beKtnning with the tnaiiKural session to-day, and con- inlJjH i-'AVOKAHIY ItKPOItTKII. ) WASHINGTON, June 8. Tlie - atl ftntfrntto oummorra fnnmlttr . -tfiday fwvormlriy nrrtrU rlic liill for tinuing- for three days. Everyone at 4I10 rtiriirn of k-leamih anl iHiiHimic , the conference will be Riven an oppor-; lines 1 lliclr owners tmniiMllafecly. tunity to state views find It had heen After a Ionic illctiMsifm tlio cftmiilt hoped that President' Wilson and See- to -aduifttfl hjiuiic'h anmulmiiit retary Iansimr would return to Amer- ' in ktinir rate 4n?reaMea crmitrHl n ica in time to speak at the inaugural i tUv Bovrrtunvstt cfntr9l Hhall rNlrttn session. . &any international trade ex- 1 110 until the Ihne tlie Itill iWHNes, wu perts have been invited to speak at thi ; uimrovod hy tlie jnifliit.. lie nun, 1 ! imnirs, liowerr, nro jicrmiUed ti rt ': tfucv llio rm(cs voluntarily. t counts for the Americanization 'can cok but don't do it. r iL. 1 koinir Inspeptic Yes to have one Ol uie 1 u...u. and wm dQ ,t bo rapidly accomplished. Ati the outbreak of the war, 70 per j iinc-rtin. cent of the men on American. -The reason you disapprove of Hoi- merchant ships were foreign sl.evim m that you don't understand born. In March 49 1-2 per cent i " '.'.I,rol,lbl, Kverylllm, x Bet vlltl of the men recruited lor sea j n,wh(,vtat, an(j ,hlnK i am begin eer'ice were native-born Amer-:i,ig to understand; they tart a riot leans. J niB percentage wuuiu n mj imu .jh u"j.. I pU:k up the ruant hcadsear he van that'Htruck by thoMaxi.. . Site Being Cleared For Mill Foundation Baker County, B.andit's Hold a hot .shovel over.' varnlsficd Hiding Place, Belief ,urnilur to take out whit., spot. "Belief that Charles Conners, es caped irmatiila county prisoner and Uaincs bank robber. Is lildins in Fa ker county, is exoressed by L'aker of- Ilrnt slr ps In the construction "f : ficials iiiifl shared by lal ofriclals. the new i;( barrel flour mill for H Conners Is reported to have Bono to W. C'dllns und a.wociatirs were taken: Keating; a few days bko, taavinK hired tesKrt-day when a, force of men li"aan'lin auto to take him there. He hue teiirlne away the old platform from ; relatives In that vicinity. -ent to Thief Vitlley and made an ex GAME INCREASE iS WOLVES ARE KIllEO i l0 nnn!irlerablv increased if, tcarlne; away the old platform frmi relatives In that vicinity. 1 Jne ln' t,lu1 De C0"5'"""'' . natural! 1 Ilm4nr. the scour ni? mill which stand on the sheriff Ander.on. of Baker county, work of th ITnlted Htatea BiolOKlcal thOe WHO Jiave meu imiuiaui-j .. . .. , mufh M . did. I'm lt tha mill Is to rise. Th old ...n i. Thi.r v,,nv nd mmle an n. ! Purvey Is the increase In the deer. ed were included. reducing.' (muctura will lie razed to make room haustlve search as soon as he learned , . umj and nail In the Cascades, Another evidence OI tne "You mant to tirlns down your rr the foundation for the mill, which of the report, but has found no trace i after threw years of predatory Americanization of the mer-. i it u exiiected, win bo under construe. rhant marine in found in thej -No; mr expenses." jtw shortly ; rnant '"' " " . . I The mill U to rise opposite the figures OI ine marine ii ci.iciio . , M,Hr,fl1Meo. preeent Collins cleanlnir plant and Union membership. Prior to, A Hebrew small storekeeper, to the' will I one of the city's lamest en-1 and occupants questioned the war, less tnan DU OI xne. surprise or ms oretnren. membera of this union were decorated his window with AiuencAa i-jtaaens; tuday thej ,.vlre ,, M vlir nr. jH-rcentae i! more tliiin i0, "y Aaron," It is luddenly . terprlses when completed. 1'ians are, thought that Conners Is beins; shleld- UiT'U (, i"! .it i I'lS V, t WJ tritiiiim ,,,,,( n,, ,. .i. ,v, l;:r, and t-.e worl: hefrun yesterday In a few weehs, keeping uway from ruil . exiectl to he followed by construe- roads nnd hirirr towns where h n! of Conner as yet. Deputies are ' ecxtermlnation by A. (h Ames, guarding every highway and railroad government trapper, according to outlet In Baker county and every au- Htanley Jewett. survey official who re- to is being stopped at various point turned today from the I'ascadeo jl'oii a i"'n u tlie jrouuj s i Vv-.i ajuvl 11 ttttllt Mr. Jewell reports that Ames who hss as his territory a section between Monnt Hood and Mount Jefferson, tins exterminated the wrtlve and has fereutly decreased' the number of con.' a-'t.', fltb tlio result thul Hie deer! ,, if " f ' -""tl'-".:- xl h v ... - ,: ' ., .. .ow t - Zi it ?rj-t a-u . --4 By J ,.V, Win,,,! O ,r SW 1 ' - ia- laj ill lal II III ' . ' " j j 1 V,. eS- to i' " Hero are tnembera of, tho American delegation to tho poaea con Ten at Ui Trianon palace In Versailles for tha presentation of tn peace treaty terms to tbe German delegates. President Wilson la ' the left. Cot. House behind htm and General Blita next, while In front wltb to president stands the BrllUa premier, Cu.l Word Ceorgr 2 3