iUr-yrtWawlriT''ti j ' raii)WW'i"" "im tr'ayWP Mi 'i'l-aFTew 4. f-m a. DAILY EVENING EDITION Nun bar ooilee printed of yesterdays Dap ROIUoa. 3082 Ibto paper la a amuef and audited I tua Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EVENING EDITjOrt" The least Oiramslaa la Kassersj Ore gott a ikiiiwii newspaper and aa a eriling force gives le He advertisers aver nrlr the el rests Hon In rnrtinu ton and ( raatlta ooaaijr of an? etae COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1919. NO. 9755 I . L JB-T7 y"igUnX nnSP4 TERRORIST RING AGAIN SEEKS LIVES OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS BOMBS PLANTED IN W EASTERN CITIES DULd NIGHT, EXPLOSIONS FATAL TO TWO NEW VOItK, June it. In wluit may liuve been a widespread bomb plot, 10 bombs were t oft r.n eight dtioa bMwnm 11 laxt night ami 1 till a morning. Potiivman William noeliner of New Vott awl undi'iitlflcd man In Wellington, wore killed. It I believed Iinclim-r uh klHcd wImii he rinif a satflicl oontalinig an oxitlnxlve at Hie lioino of JuiUni Nott and tried l prevent a btazn. Ilita nf 111 I" body Mi-re found scattered over a radlist of 100 yards. - AnarchlKtiu literature wan discovered wur Uio iraioi of Mm explo. skin In Washington. JMUxliiint anil Itnxbitry, .Mass. in ximo instances the mactiliieH were aiaretitly loaded with MiruimW IhiMcim. . a AUTO SERVICE FIRMS OPEN IN NEW BUILDING Two concern specializing in auto service aro open today for business in the new Prultt garage building at the corner of W'ewt Court end Garden street, the new tenant being the Wtliard Service Station and the C. O Crawford auto repair service. In the new quartern the Wtliard station, which la managed by j T i Hale, will no longer be cramped for General Strike Ordered For 11 O'clock Today In Vancouver, B. C. VAXCOl'VER, 11. L 4 ii no 3, Tito general strike roiiimluw lant nfgtie rdred a general strlko with certain wttUm, to Ik te n at II this morning for tiw irgaluiUuiiM of oUhy mrctst mil way mn wlio Itava been or dered oiit torritclit. Memhwn of tlfcti fioHial workiTH union have not avirte4l Uie Mder, but membera rinided to Ifrnorn tin rail and re main 011 tlin Job. LIBERTY NOT A Commercial Ocean Flying: Is Not Yet Practical Belief of NC-4 Skipper KNOwNQUANTITY GEORGE HEDGES DIES AT AGE Of 71 YEARS: George W. Hedge, aged 71, father j of itoy Htedgea f Crawford & Hedges, J of this city, died, at noon tday of ; cancer, after an ninetm of fivo month, i Which haj been critical for the past! eight weeks. IN "RED" RUSSIA Bolshevlki Surpass Czarism in Efforts to Legalize Ab solute Dictatorship IjOSDOY, June 'ttur flleht from Uot-kaMay to llyirxMilh eon. vlnned me thai, rerular raniwr. rial tram-Atninlfa- flylna In w yet practlble,', l.leilenant-"om. nuiKliT Itead, (dtipper of the Xf. 4. aald today. "I do not hf-lb-re he arlrnrv of aviation ha been mirruionliy adranred to enable' vlalorx to rrom Willi oertaintr Tlie reawtn M obvioua from the fat that of the three Amertnan and two lirUMi planeVt atapmpe. Intr tlie riliclit, only one lent throuKhk" . ' '. DEGREE, TIME OF ALTERATIONS NOW QUESTION i . 1 1 PRESS WRITER DESCRIBES HIS VISIT 'Perfect Freedom" is Mass ! of Red Tape for Smallest j Privilege. NEW BILLIARD PARLOR OPENS TOMORROW NOON Advisability Modifying Treaty Agreed Upon by Wilson, Clemenceau. Lloyd George MAY ASK GERMANS AS TO INTENTIONS Ittlmcr Narrowly I-wiiios. WAflinxOTON. June 3. Secret service men throughout the country are hunting for an archlstlo ring be lieved responsible for the attempt oni the life of Attorney General Palmer, I and prominent persons elsewhere In: the I'nited Ktates. Tattered remain 4, were found of the terrorist who threw the bomb which ripped open the front y of the Palmer residence and shatter- ed windows, furniture and brlca-brao In Waahlngton's most fashionable res- Idential district. An empty suitcase, found near the entrance, and a handbill signed "The 4, Anarchistic Fighters' printed on red (4 paper, worded in Inflammatory fash-j 4 Ion and serving notice of the Intent of tta authors to begin general war on 4 leaders of society, was the only clue!. atfilUible at a late hour. Mr. palmer and other members of the family were at home, but es-1 4 raped any. Injury, though the front j 4 of tho residence utmost rollaned with the force of the explosion They were cm the cond floor preparatory to retiring at the time . -JLsslftUui 1 Hecretitry of the Navy Iloosevelt and bin wife in an auto mobile wi4iirlwd mH vnvprtmirH- - tng th srene at the time of the T-"j piosuon. wnn ine ijihjii occurrwi Roosevelt stopped the machine and ran to Palmer's house The attorney general appeared perfectly cool, llooeevelt said, remarking. "Every thing Is all right and nobody Is hurt." Two; 11 rearms IMnntf. So thorotiKhly was the corpse of CIVIC BETTERMENT TOPIC OF ADDRESS sufficient space and will be enabled j Mr. Hedges has for the past three' to give better and wider service than: years made his home here with his won possible heretofore. In order to son. He Is a native of Ohio and came handle his Increasing busineHs. Mr. j here from that state. j Hale recently added a Chevrolet de- I Tho only surviving relative leide ' Ilverv car to his eouloment. enabltne the local man in Mrs. Lenitrer of New! him to answer hurry calls as well as! York city, who Is a daughter of the j dictatorship of agitators, la a land attend to the normal run of bUKlneM. deceased. She will not come west I where liberty is an unknown quantU Following are five rules for registering noses tomorrow at J the Fourth Annual Hone Show, at Kugle-Woodman Hall: ; 1. Each exhibitor will be J numlMTed an he brings roses to compete for prises. 2. The name and number of the exhibitor will be written In a registration book. 4 3. Horn will be reKistered as j the exhibitor requests. ! 4. Exhibitors will be given checks to reclaim roses. - f 5. Kxhlbltors competing for j the lest general collection, for ' which the grand prize will be given must arrange thir own i tallies. Mr. Crawford, whom garage Is In. for the funeral. Announcement the rear of the building, has a -floor j the funeral will be made later, space of SOflO square feet available t for repair work and will have a force of expert mechanics. Mr, Crawford Is favorably known to the motorin; ptihiir in Pendleton, having at one tlrne owned the Independent garage. Don Prultt, local agent for th Acason truck, has taken space In th garage operated by Mr. Crawford and will handle this line In the new quar tern. No other automobile agency will be handled In the garage at this time. It is understood. of i TREATY TEXT IN N. Y. HANDS. SENATE CHARGE Pendleton's moat luxurious billiard BY FIIANK J. TAYLOIl. TPTlor will be opened to the public (I'nited l'renH Waff Correspondent.) j tomorrow at noon, when the Coy (Copyright by the United Pram) I billiard parlor, owned and managed PARIS. June 3. rtuMla under lha h ah.hnn l,mil..n will make lta' bid ftir the local trade. . The Coey I in the location formerly occupied by; Four Alterations Suggested Without Changing Principles. J. 6. OWEN DIES AT RANCH HOME TODAY J. B. Owen, well and esteemed res ident and civil wur veteran died at his home three miles east of Pendleton at WASHINGTON. June S. Senator Borah today charged on the floor of the senate, that "certain interests" in New York city are in possession of the full text of the treaty with Germany. He said, "These interests are dealing with it,' and discussing it while the ty. The bolshevik 1 have surpassed even czarism in their efforts to lo calize control of everyone and every :hing. It is impossible to buy a shirt, rnt a. hotel room or to go from ore town to another at five miles distance w thout permits from communist i.ammissarles. j Foreigners l"n welcome. j I entered Russia through the Ger- .an-Bolshevikl front in Lithuania,; rniving ai wkuw. uwiiig iu i Catalan . ;act mere are now no nuieis i obliged to wait still unwashed ind ruphaved to call on the foreign inia isur to get a pe-mit to live there. The bolshevlki have declare! they not want foreigners inside the o vlel domain. Tliey had forbidden Mr. t er entry of correspondents but re !en:ed and permitted me to remain a ! few days Like every one In Moscow BY FKEO WKWirxmx. riritMl Press Staff CrirreHpowlena. ) PARIS Itine Sv Before th allfcee the theater of the same name. are ready to counter the (rffimm may Six Brunswick tahlea, one for' " aHketl to go oarec.ord a to whaOser ' , . ,, . mt ' . Jornot Uwr Intend to sfgn tint treaty, straight billiards and five for pocket j u authorltatlvefy today. If billiards, are ready for the play. In a j oermmtm exMre-Mi a willlnneiB to few day-) a table for snooker billiards accept the prix-ipl a ahllnedi lit wUi b f 11 n Th. tahiM nr. nil I the prertt'nt donimfnt mnlirkt4ona equipped with the famous Monarch! cushions and have return shoots for ; the baits pocketed. AU are In cir- ' will be made. It nan said, but If ttiry ! win not accept the balc prlnHplea t ; aJllea wUi conreder modmcanoM ae copy ever came to me I would feel compelled to make it public. I have heard of four copies in exist a nee in ; New York. How many more there i are In this country I do not know. It In eejri,n of.llia-JI filio taaUl nw! i . in jtH IO jiikr .Aunty i.ouirs (.'oiimnn, I 11 o'clock this forenoon. He had been j In falling health for three months and 'therefore the end was not unexpected. Mr. Owen was a native of Tennessee ' and was born In ltttfl, being 72 years . people of the United States and the senate have never been given the' full j ; text." j copy of the treauv in hiS handa ye.-i 1 had "PTfect liberty except I coalJ er j v i not hire an interpreter, leave town. I 'The treaty Is in New York" Lodge j 8ke Photograhe. vtoit factorle. ot j aaserted. -I had a copy in my hand. I " '"c,l r a rom r e t00 n,UCn yesterday. I m offered a copv hut I n18Tlr,Id. r . .., .1. i. ! . ily I'ronaeanda. r.UIHneviKI i"nuria yiwunwu the man killed scntlereil that sur-1 geons had difficulty In ascertaining j Address The Itev. n. E- Clornall whether one or two persons had been 1 Solo ...Fred P. Austin Involved. Piece of two separate j Duet "Oh That We Two Were firearms were also located, one an ; Maying. by Smith automatic pistol and the other a re j Ml an Esther M. South and Mrs. volver 1 George Sutton. Officials Threatened. T"P!n "rnoon.nd w!?n: The Rev. II. K Oornall pastor of the Methodist church, will give an address on civic beterment at the even TH(rriw u IK lit- i im wrvi n-t n. iicne i mu... .l. , ir, ,il fltH f eliy development will edrt. x of whom Hv,nlr They brought out by the .peaker. ! are Amon R. Owen, fharle. K. Owen. i n rniiro proinTm is as xoimws: t Muslo Orchestra Mrs. W. C. B. Prultt, piano; Miwa " Gnynell Baldwin, violin; Misa i Hnriet Young, cello. j Solos "r Hid My Love." by Guy I d Hardlnt; "TlnlgbV by Zardo. j Miss Esther M. South, the United THOUSANDS OUT NEAR PARIS. PARIS. Juno 8. Between two hun dred and five hundred thousand wtMlrkers are striking In the Paris a 1 1 owed to con e states senate." American representatives 'in Paris ordered a copv of the treaty be ad- Mrs. Mary L. Hummel, John H. Owen, j dressed to the United States but these Mrs. Grace A. Selvera and Curg W. ; were held up when they were discov Owen. For a period of 40 years Mr. ered on the way. Lodge said. Lodge's (wen was a member of the Baptist ! statement came during a senate sufr church. The funeral ia to be held .rage debate which was halted tem from the family home at 2 o'clock to- porarily when Senator Johnson's morrow afternoon and interment will resolution demanding a text of the be In OIney cemetery. The service ; peace treaty came up automatically will be conducted by the Itev. W. H. ' as unfinished business at 2 o'clock. Cor, pastor of the Baptist church. j DemKratic senators rushed to the ad- - - ministration's defense. Senator Swan JI'GO-SLAVIA R1X"W.IZKD. son. Democrat, asked if Lodge want- M.IMV .Iiine ;t. Ttie 1 Ecu lev i ed the president to violate his pledcw IX)XIK)V. June S A boishe1k of- agem-y today Mtatcd that Britain has j not to make public the treaty text ' fioial wireless from Moscow todaj forimTly riNXegnlrcd tlie Jugo-Slav, Lodge retorted it is being sold in the stated American troops are withdraw- Fhow me the constructive result-t of their system, such as tho factories running under the commission, tut tTiey made evasion after evasion, fail ing to show me anything other than Tpaganda and how to Interview lenders bubbling over with big Ideag. as et untested walnut and are Inlaid with pearl, ebony and ivory. Players may have individual cues, also ti pped w It h elrony and Ivory and silk wrapped, to be kept In epe ciel cases, holding nine dozen In all. There are also two racks of cue for general u. These racks, also in the walnut wood, are backed by mirrors. Eighteen Individual hat and coat lockers, for use of players, line the ; wall on - one side. On the opposite : side are a series of opera chairs fo j use of spectators. A wash room, with tile floor, porcelain bowls, sanitary li quid eosrp and individual paper to we It is provided in rear for players. Each, table has its own lighting fix tures in brass and art glass. Five large electroliers tfbove Illuminate the en tire hall, of inlaid district today, eniployera claiming the j designs. Battleship linoleum Is used former and employes the lane rflg- lire. Many unions are affected. Tliey demand I ni Teased wage. LEAVING ARCHANGEL.. Public officials ugfiliiHt whoso lives It was Indicated attempts had leen made were: In Washington A. Mitchell Palm er, IT, 8. attorney-general; Claude A. Pwan-on, 17. S. senator from Virgin It. In Boston Justice AlbeTt F. Hay den of the Roxbury Municipal court. In Cleveland Major Harry L la vls. , In Plttshurg Federal Judge Wm. It. Thompson and W, AV. flibray. chief Inspector of the bureau o Immigra tion. Tn New York Judge Charles C. Nott, Jr., of the court of general ses sions. In Newtonvllle. Mass. Representa tive T -eland W. Powers of the state legislature. In-agnct Out. PITTSBURG, June S. With 14 ar rested, police and federal agents are tightening the dragnet thrown out for the anarchists who, last night, ex ploded two bombs here wrecking six residences. All suspects are aliens and well known radical agitators In the Pittsburg dlstrlrtaV Evidence thus far uncovered leads officials to believe the terrorist ring AR.MKI RESISTANCE TALKER RERMV. June S. lrrldcnt E!mH I today predicted tlie national aswniMy will reject the peace terms unless tlicy are iikkII(Uh1. The governnient order ed tlio siipi-rcsHion of a military cir- whlch has shown Its hand in several cular axklng the iiernian people If eastern cities Is operated either out of they are ready for armed restMniicr Philadelphia or Paterson, N. J. agnliiHt iM'awranmlltloiis. the tea. booth, and Mrs. David Hill at the loo booth, where punch will be served. The board of Judges at the rose show will be composed of Tr II. R Garfield. J. V. Tallman and Mrs. C. K. Cranston. They have adopted the following rules regarding the award ing of honors: "The board of Judges for the fourth annual roue show announce that prizes will be awarded upon the basis of the following principal consldera lions: 1. Trueness to name, color and tyre. 2. Size nnd fullness of Individual buds nnd blooms. 3. Fragrance. 4. Length of stem and condition of foliage. 5. Taste In arrangement Where decisions aro difficult, nth erwlse. the award will go to the most artistic arrangement." republic streets of Berlin. Ing from Archangel. A TICKLISH TRAIL BALLOTTING EXTREMELY LIGHT IN ALL PENDLETON PRECINCTS Kxtremely light hallnllng- charac terised Ihe Hprclnl flection up to preas time lnilnv the eMlmnlrd vote cast being not more thun 5 per cent of tho reglmered totnl In eac h precinct. Pre- diction was made that voting would, peed lip In the later iiftcrnnon and J evening hour, hut hardly more than j a 25 per eent vote ia expected In the city. i in aome precincts half the votes; cast up to noon were the five of the; election off Ida la presiding. The court houae booth had but 18 votea up tn : l:Sn thla afternoon, the library hail .M. M hod vtnlted the cjty hall booth and 11 the Hotel Pendleton pulla. jUncuIn whool, wllh 10 In. the fore-l noon, waa one of the leaders In the t city. ' ! Little interest ia rnnnlfeated among thoao who are appearing at the polls and outside the road measures and . the Irrigation measure, citlxens are j apathetic. It Is not known -whelher ! other measures on the ballot are be- j lug supported or are being scratched. ! Polls will tie open In all the pre- ! clncts until 8 o'clock tonight and an j Increased vote is expected before clos- ing time. Tho nine measures on the ballot Involve a state policy of recon struction and . public Improvements agcregating millions of dollars and citizens are being urged to either rat ty or reject these measures by a solid Indication of their opinion. ' " BT LOWELL MEI.LETT (United Presa Staff Correspondent) PARIS, June S. American econom. Ic expert conferring with President Wilson today, advocated that Oerman be given mandatories over her for mer E3ast African eolonlea to asIs her in meeting her finance! oblige, tiona. Premier Uoyd Oeorce la -expected to make a formal statement to morrow regarding the proposed modi. fications The matter waa opened following Lloyd George's JMropoeal that Upper Bileaia. be returned to CJer, many for eoonomia reasons. Ameri. can; experts, however, suggested that Poland retain upper Silesia and the Oermana be given auDervislon of cer Two of these futures are taln of her recent East African aos. eolored glass and at pres.; rinn4 rnm as - authoritative ent prices are worth $300 each. Th. aorc it ta learned today that Wil electrical installation was done by J. jjoy(j George and Clemenceau U Vaughen. I have agreed on the advisability of Walls of paneled woodwork, colored ! m0difvtng the treaty. The question and grained to resemble the Circassian now- j, xia tn (he degree of mod walnut, aa well as papering and tint- j ricaUon necessary and when It should ing, waa done by L. J. McAtee. the ; done, painter. The interior decorating ef-j It understood IJovd George fa vors changing the terms before com pelling tho Germans to sign. Cle menceau. it is reported. Insists the' treaty be signed and should then be reopened for such modifications as are deemed essential. Wilson's views as to m'ben the modifciationa should be made conld not be obtained but that be is in favor of several changea . i is declared to be certain. - ' V i In addition to this Question AmerW A soda fountain of onyx glass and . can experts today discussed the en backed by a large mirror will serve ; tire problem of reparations, the Saar all kinds of soft drinks. There are ; valley settlement, details of the league two electric mixers for the mixed of nations and the points brought out drink trade. Porcelain enameled in the German counter proposals The stools, with mahogany tops, will be; president instructed American ev installed at the fountain. , pert to meet their British and French A full line of tobaccos cigars and , conferees and draw up final concltl cigarettea will be handled at the cl-'gions for submission to the big four, gar counter and three of the most; . widely known lines of package can-' . Four ctiaoftea, . j dies will be handled. They are Mary. " fAtvj. June a. rremurnt iiipun todav Conferred with American com. t missioners and experts regarding tha reposed modifications of the econom ic section of the German treaty. Tna suggested changes were outlined au thoritatively to the United Presa aa Fixing a definite sum which feet Is in a soft tan, with faint tinted on the floors. Among the up-to-date accessories In the billiardroom are cellaloid mark, era and a- tempograph timing clock. On time games & card is stamped in this clock with the starting time and a punch of the finish handle at the close of the game marks the amount due on the play. Patricia chocolates, made by the Mara Candy Co. of Tacoma: Sweet's Salt Lake candies- and Helen Ardelle so, rority chocolates, made by Misa Mar-j tha Townsend. a Seattle University; girl. The owners of the Cosy. W . H. Sheehan and J. H. Sheehan. were in the billiard parlor business In Port- colors. Their investment 1 14,000 and they say they have come to Pendleton to stay. Germany must ' pay in reparation am land for five vears and sold out wh " l" """"" war called one of the brothers to th. claU! regarding the powers of the nera totals orVTHiiuiu cvmmimiun mm v irauuiw & decrease governing uerman inter nal affair, allowing four Instead of two years for payment of the first five billions of reparations, and male Ing provisions enabling Germany to acquire merchant shipping by lease, charter or otherwise. Principle Vitchanged. All these suggested changea are In line with the policies American dele gates have pursued since the openina of the peace conference, according to reliable information. It is claimed they do not represent any sacrifice ot principle In the treaty but are among the 'moet Important details regard I na which it is felt modification may ha made without affecting seriously the j) punishment of Germany M WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Wed. fair, cool er tonight with light frost; armer Wed. THOUSANDS REVEL IN OPENING OF GREAT BENEFIT CARNIVAL Thousands of Pendleton people at tended the opening night of the real j Alamo Hhows, which gave Its initial ! performancH lost nifcht and which , will show hore for a week aa a bene ' fit for the Hound-l'p band. Hiding devices, the FVrr s wheel, i the Carryusall, the Whip and the Air ,: swing all shared In popularity. The ' airswlng is new to lVndleton people. w hile the whip has been here only once before. ! As a 14 -how attraction, the carnl j val provides excellent entertainment j in the form of i lean amusement, j Among the show which claimed hun jrired of carnival enthusiasts last rlKht were the water circus, starring Josephine Fleming, the famoun dler: th Xnimal show, of which the Hellg buns famous In the movies are fva turee; Doolltta, midret woman who le only 7 Inchee high; the Hawaiian village, peopled by native Hawaiian, as well aM numerous other shows, fie stdert the shows, there are 4 3 fonesw sion. Tomorrow nlKht will be "News boys Night" and th newsiea of Pen dleton will be guesta of the carnival company for all the shows and riding devices. Members of the local Roundr band are taking ticketa and atMftia In ether way atth eaffal In other ways at the affair