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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1919)
A . , . . . ,. . ' ... : ' , . '. .r ' -. ' ' '.' ' ' ' ' v Section Two : YC Pages 7 to 12-j rISggjl j Pa8CS tP 12 1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY31, 1919. RATE HEARING IS SET FOR JULY 21 I. C. C. WILL HOLD PORTLAND SESSION Bullets in Stove Explode, Woman is Wounded in Arm Case Involves Fight Initiat ed by inland Umpire Shippers. IfjHTbANI), Ore.. May SI. July ill l tho dute let by the Interstate commerce commission tor hearing; the Columbia river rate case. The hear ing will be held In 1'urtUtnd at the court-house. The potlllona of the Inland Em pire mappers' leaffue and of the port and business bodlea of Portland will be heard Jointly, according- to tele sraphlo advleea received thle morn I "if both by Dr. C. J. Hmlth, preHldeut of the Inland Ktnplro. Shippers' league, and Joseph N. Teal and W. C McOulloch, couniiel for the l'ortlund Interest a. It la also anticipated that a mem wer of the Interstate commerce com niisslon will heur the case rather than the commerce examiner - ordinarily aent by the commission to represent It. . ' At the time of the hearing Vancou ver and Clarke county, Wash., will ap pear aa an Intcrvenor friendly to the contentlona of the Inland lSmplre. ahlppera and Portland. Spokane will apepar aa a'nvutrui Intervener, asking fur the Inland Empire metrop. olla the benefit of any order that may be iaaued aa concession to Port land's petition. i The Inland Empire Shippers' lenicue nska that the Interstate commerce communion recognise tho water grade routo of the Columbia river by grant ing a rate baaed on tho coat of trans portation. HI TIIKIII.IX, May SI. Willi.' Hurting f Iro In m kltclit'ii rauitt Into wlilt.ii Monie rubbish liud been thrown, Mrfj I. It. Avery and li-r children, residing In Third avt-iiuc, narnwly i'mcuihiI dcailt ' or very serious Injury late Tliurs duy night. A ' box csiiitaliihig about fio cartridge liud thrown In the Move Willi thfl rubbish and im aooiHr luul tlm flro begun to enu-klo than Uio wlulla begun to txl(Mlc, (iiu of iho bullda enter ed Mm. Avcry'a right arm Hour Uio iHImiw, while anollier imimmiI Just alaiiu Ilie liead of her indent dUIIKllUY. J'lie family liaHtcned nut or th lioUMe mm quk'kly aa ikimmIIhV, while neighbors thinking some lieraon waa oiHtratinic a iiutelilne gun In Ilie tuKlilairliood. liaMten- ed to tho realiluiHV. . After tlie aiiHike had - clean away It waa found (hat more limn SO bullet had K.anetraled wall of the kilclicii. TEN MILLION FOR I RoHCgrowers Undaunted OTnCMO At Chill May Breezes VI 1 1 V I I il H I rrl I I i. 1 LIIU it lieu iTtci vui j lanes uiuj chuj-M:a for the truiiHportation jof freiicht. 'When I waa In WajmfnKton re cently It waa practically antied thatj SECRETARY LANE HAS RECLAMATION PLANS State Settlement Commis sion Work is Given Approval WAHJUN'OTON. May 31 Whitney L. liolne ' conferred Thursday wlih tUfcmtary Iune on coopemtive plans with the Oregon land wttlenient corn- mltwlon upon an anticipated enact ment of federal IcKlHlutinit now under conHderutton by the houwe pulilfo land committee. (Secretary Lane exireawed confi dence that the allotment of funds for Orettori undtthe federal law will be at lettr-iO.UfiO.U0, and mttd cooper ation with the stale will ne welcom ed. It wiji aiireed that the Oretcon octllement comniituffon can do. valu able" preliminary work by receiving and lHify Jnff applications for lano for dreffon no Idler mo an early utart can he made whit the federal law ttikcM effect. Mr. IIoIro was much pfeaned with IN'OillcloirH roti am of tlM5 liardy arlciy, and It taken ininro than a chill wind and m U'miMfra tu re of 5:t diitnM Ut kj;1 a Hone - Slum In tin I to i id -Ip rlty, ai- llflltlK U lM4ll rIH1CIHmCMM wli ari uiuljHniayed liy the fall of the iiuYiiry and M"hJI. a rttiurd IrfeakiiiK exhibit at (he fourth an miul hIiow whlcli will Ik held lu-r mvt W tHlneday at Uio Ka-Kle-l'iMMliiiaii iiall. . Kvery i-im-lHiMli in the Hty I covered wltH bhMni anil tlie kliiilH are many, from Uio cmi tnntt "(caidcn arlety U tlc mro arUtHTiil; WfMnns which re quire kjmh-IuI care ami for which the bct prized arc iclven. JVIzch. by the way, lit the attrtxate ttal S2:o mid have iHfii donated by IihiiI firuiH. Tomorrow tlte Rime Kliow eorn mlttH nicetH to make out m Jit of the trencraj coiiiiiiiUceM whh-li will lie In clinrtte of the affair. Route of Air Voyage Covers 3875 Miles AS PRISON HEAD JOE KELLER ALSO OUT OF POSITION una Interstate commerce commleHlun- ,h8 reSulta of the conference at which r. and pnaallily three, would preside : Chairman Klnnott of the public lands over the heurinK at the Multnomah j committee waa preaent. county court house at 10 a. m July ti,, outlook favors reporting of the U." aald former Governor fiawald ; bill to the house by the end of next West, counael for the Inland Empire ! week and Utf passage soon thereafter Shippers' league. "It Is an laaue In I ah members of the committee with which members of the Interstate com- ; p,11M,,i,. one exception are believed to inert commission take the keenest I favr u Witneases yet to be heard I T)nlUu hp Miltiret n.rl. .nJ I hsllsvo Ih.v would all - r, a , , i, VUIIlta, llIC UHUfeVl V.SIII(iTV, lay 31. oiimhi'Iioii of llu; M''l' rii to lMymolli covers a cruine of ItMT.I niilm through the air. l p In the tliia? of la-r hop off yoiliiilny iikhiIiik she luul comliletcd 111-") miles in 4:1 hours and 32 minutes' actual flying. like to hear It if possible.' SKAItt'll FIHl IUMKK1:PKII .xi) ia,r.v-t tTixi"n ay Ivan la. Director Davis of the recla mat ion service, Mr. Boise and re pre aen tat Ives of several congTeneional delea-atUinM, , lioise also saw Dr. H. C. Taylor, chief of the farm manament bu reau, department of agriculture, and arranged for further cooperative work with O. A. C. In connection with pend ing, IcKltdatlon . , HT. LoriB, May 31. The police are till searching for Alfred T. Niahtin- Tortland's petition Is that the rat!KUicr 4U years old, of 3K58 Castleman tetween Portland and the Inland avenue, charged with embezzling Kmplre e made Jess thim ' 1m t ween from the General Paper Stock Co. J'tiRrt Kounl and the Intnnd Kmplre, ; for which he had been a bookkevptT pleadliift- tho well known fact that ths i.j yeurs. The only known clue la that cost or transHrtatlen via the water he oftvn spoke tif havitiK friends In trade Is substantially less than via ,Canada and had expressed a desire tu the hazardous and steep mountain, ko there. routes. Nlahtlnitale's shlary as bookkeeper v.... M -.III I.- eh. nin(H Th full tfnt "v n'.rL.:; riz Vn hl. ok. hs !?? ? vt h. sea. M.r ih. r-olonhl& r arada will been determined, as an audit Is still constitute a precedent In which everyjunder -way. i other shipping im.Iiu having the ad- 8o far aa Is known. , Nightingale a j vantuge of water grade location will 'family haa learned nothing as to hla have direct Interest. ijBrewlae, the movements since ne leu noma i cot of tranauortation haa never di-j Monday night. At his home today it FrenHi Aeailciuy rs-eretary Kh-eteil. I'AltlK, May. 31. Frederick . Mas son yesterday was elected erpetual aecretary of the French academy to succeed the late Ktienne Lamy. Henry Bordeaux waa elected member of the of the lute Jules bentaltre. I at.. luMklna.-- -t imt Ittve ences have ruled directly In A lllow at llix ProfesKlon. 'I'm up against 1 old man." a the movie star to hla friend. "YVhul'a wrong now?" "I saw my doctor today, and inftn. in ioVe unions who desired to ques-rw- T mnsrTrnr--mncii any pie. fixing Hon her. Yfinkers Statesman. Woman Appearing With Greater Alamo Shows Hers . 9 sizes AVERY THRESHERS have guaranteed for life cylinder teeth. Hyatt roller bearing cylinder and blower and a guarantee with each machine to take 99 9-10 per cent of the grain out of the straw and put it clean in the sack. Tractors 7 sizes AVERY TRACTORS come in 7 sizes and 7 patents owned by the Avery Co. Sliding frame transmission which means less parts and less trouble. Round Radiator which lets the exhaust cool the engine. Adjustable Bearings, saves time. Lubrication that is positive. Gasafire, perfect combustion. Removable Cylinder Wall, eco nomy. Universal Lug, to grip the ground. , r. --tt- " is t if The Greater Alamo shows, the big- 1 gest carnival company ever seen in I'endleton. will make their initial ap- pearance In. the. city for a week be 1 ginning Monday, for the benefit of ; tho Uound-lp band. The affair i a 14 show attraction and promises to be a world-beater for entertainment- TwenCy-one men ! form an overseas band which playa ' continuously during the shows. Four ' of the lutest riding devices ace in J eluded in the features, as well as a wild animal show; the water circua, . featuring Josephine Fleming, the div--ing Venus; and tlie midget show, of I which IHillitta, whose helb'ht Is 27 i inches, is the star. 1 preparations are now under way at , ihe city grounds on east Alia street, ; where the show wtl llw located. Dr. R. E. Steiner Temporari- " ly in Charge of Peni , tentiary. , SALEM, May St. Warden Ilobcrl U Htevens of the stale penitentiary ami Ktale Parole Officer Joseph T. Keller handed their resignations ' to Governor Olcolt tod.iy an.l boHi have been accepted. Hoth gave press of private busine lntl.Testa as the rea son for their action. Htevens will le replaced Immedi ately by 8u perintendent K. K. le Steiner of the state hospital, who Willi manage ,he prison until a permanent successor has been chosen. Keller will continue In office until r July 1, that he may. complete Instal- latlon of a new system of parole, rec ords which he has- elulved following a study of systems in various states.. Xo successor to Keller has 'been se fected. That he may be free for the prison work, Dr Steiner will resign tempor arily from the state hospital staff and4 will lie succeeded by hla chief assist ant, Ir. L.. F Griffith. Both men will resume their present , pos:tions when itovernor olcott names a new war den. Steiner Taki-s (liarse. Commenting on his resignation this morning. Warden Stevens declared that he had done everything neces sary to place the lustitiftion on an ef-fit-lent basis and the future waa mere ly a matter of routine nianagement. "Private business Interests which I have had in mind for some time demand my attention and I am re-; signing the wardenship in order to i give my entire attention to persona; j affairs." he stated. Steiner assumed charge of the pris on this morning ana r-ievcns win leave for Portland at once. Stevens, who has been warden of the state prison since lJecember I 1918. was formerly sheriff of Mult nomah county for three terms and for many years connected with Port land banks. He came from New York to accept the wardenship. Keller was appointed parole offi cer by Governor Withycomne March 8. 1915. Superintendent Steiner, a native of f 'hio, .came to fttlfm in ixse enter ing me arug ouKuief. tiv his medical d'-grce at Willamette unl versity in 1897 and took a pom grad- uate course In the New jrork Medical j school, practicing his profession In j The Dalles, Ikeview and Klamath j FallSL He represented Wasco, Klam- ath, J-akc and Grant counties In the ( 1905 legislature. I aECTMCALlX iTfei 'TJL' I WW 1 STATED IT. XrlYJ Its xolusive features mm it "trmiMG-prooi Western Electric POWER & LIGHT THIS directonr.ected type of Western Electric Power and Lifjht is practically automatic in its operation a chtld can operate it Dependable electric service night and day for your farm. " See this plant in operation. CHARLES MILNE tlectrlc Contrwuar Pendleton, Ore, FARMS FOR SALE Both larKO and small In (he gains In wheat lands NOW. Western Country and Morrow County. . I have some exceptional lar- A. W. Lundell Weston, Oregon TKXXIS HAIIM)V MTIO WAS ' ltXXIS.TKD I'.V Till- I HKXCJt n MRY CO. F. E. Ranney, Mgr., American National Bank Bldg. Stanficld Office, Thone 12F22. ' Pendleton PKone.34S-J Of PENDLETON Contractors and Builders Wo arc priMM-rtMl to furnish ymir liouso IMIls. etc, omifth'to litcliiiliiiff all liimltcr, asll, doors mill work, rlc. r. o. I. 1'riMlle ton. at iwirt's, - N'licve would bo to your hciicrit. Our mills liavo linilt tliclr n iitiilHo on flrxt-rlMW niatcrl. nls and pnmiit .shiinneiits wlilrh lias iiimlo Ur iih coiithiuous, fatNrit-tl riistonicrs. Send ycur lists OI1H IO for quotati- Porter Lumber Company Bill ami Harney St. Vancouver, WnsVilnKton fv . , e: v ' 1 1 Ni I. I ; i What to Serve In meats" is a question that comes before the housewife every day. Come to the market and. inspect our display of choice Meats and let us assist you in making your selection. We are al ways glad to aid and serve you whenever it is possible. Qreg'on Market PHONE GOO 813 MAIN ST. llrixilimi lreslilriit-Klt- to. Sail. PARIS, May 31. Dr. Kpitacto Tes fioa, president-elect of lirazil. an his family will sail from Brest for the t'nlted Jjates on board the French steamer Jeanne D'Arc on June 5th. They will spend three da a in lisbo aa guests of Portugal. ltit an and 10 mat ati in ranthf that houae or apa.rtinrt throuaH trrt.ifr roiir mwiar to tha raadara Bingham Springs 'CiSCTjR.NORtte-rYllLIAMS uTarliw the Croix de Guerre and , 'A ih rt-ratl..n of the lx Blon of H.m- I r. or Captain It. Xorris Williams, tor-; merlv tennis champion, returned re-. rentH- from Franc e. Just before he left h on In the doubles with Cap tain Watson M. Washburn, another: well known Amerinin player, ill a tournament for A. K. F. officers held at Cannes. This photRraph was to ken on Captain Williams' arrival In New York. MINT l.l-.AVK MMH:IM IX I'KAK tF AI.I.IKIs IK-t I I'ATION M ANN UK I M.. MOV 31. Alarmen by the belief that C.einmny will not siun the peace treaty and that the al lies will occupy Mannheim, citisens be came panic-stricken today and storm ed the Municipal Savins Hank. Many persons have fled from Mannllrtnv l.arae crowds later Rainerea held protest meetings and demonstrations which added tt general contusion in the town. An official expression of renret has been issued in Kerlin that the people of Mannheim "appear to have lost their heads," . . and other the NOW OPEN Everything in good shape and ready for Vaca tionists at this big popular summer resort. Dining room service during Ihe week, but only lunches will be served on Sundays. JAZZ DANCE Saturday Night, May 31, and Sunday Afternoon, June 1 " Fletcher's JAZZ Orchestra . Automobile stage meets all trains. Arrivals at Gibbon inquire at depot. The nresent train service makes it possible for everyone to spend the week-end at this opular ft resort. . 1 I 8 i W. W. Hoch Gibbon, (Tost Office), Oregon Manager