TWELVE PAGES ' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY ftl, 1013. ',. " PAOEFTVn CASH GROCERY cowRor 525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640 It Pays to Pay Cash at Conroys. StrawberrjGs2for25c ! ? f i , . r ' Buy'your canning berries today, we feel Ihi&is the lowest price for the season due to no sale for berries on Friday, leaving a two days' supply to dispose of Saturday. CANNING SUGAR, SACK $10.25 JARS, JAR CAPS AND RUBBERS GET OUR PRICES. Extra Large Grape Fruit," each ....... 10c Lemons, Extra Size and Fancy, dozen. 35c (r MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters ? Have to Tall Yott. I E V..,.." 1 a '- '. '"i.9r?rirKi-1 J 5 5 I 3 15 xrzai- v 4 Like the regular Ford cars the Ford Model T One J Ton Truck is a real farm necessity, just as it is the a necessity of manufacturer, contractor and merph- Kd T1! : 1 i i . . am., jiiic is uu quesiiuii auout ic proving a money saver right from the start. It is flexible, turning in a 46-foot circle; has 124-inch weel base; the regular Ford motor with worm drive and has proven as eco nomical in operation and maintenance as the Ford Touring Car. The price of the truck chassis is $550 f. o. b. Detroit. We urge placing orders without de lay in order to get reasonably fair delivery.' The de mand is big come in and let us talk it over.' ' AitrAim HV.'M(fX. "niWierUe. 1ark Has Charming Ititln In Sew Photoplay. arU Thompson Duvlass, nne of Inn best known of contemporary nov elJsts In (hi. country, ho written i uenghtful atory In "Tho Uolden ttlrd" which him been plcturixed by Para, mount under the name ctf "Utile Mlxs Hoover." and which will bo tihown t the Arcailo theater Kundny and Monday, with JMnrgnaMta Clark In the stellar role. . The scene of the atory are laid somewhere In Maryland. The hero ln la a w'lmimi creature who shows ell I he signs, upon every occasion, of Using- adorably nrfpless and tear- rui, hut always rise- to the need of Ihe moment and la adequate to every call that made upoa her. Koine fi nunrlul muh haa left her and her grandfather auddenly bankrupt, after yeara of affluence and they retire to n ancestral and down-at'the-heel farm where the young woman under takes to retrieve their fortunes, and aid In the winning- of the war by growing- rhlckena and vegetable. Tho story Introduce a magnificent while leghorn rooster which, with ft 'iiad( of almllar hena. the heroine hnne w It prove the means of their mipport for the Immediate . pfesen and their fortune In the future. The varlmM need of herself and hef chicken yard oritur to her elbow aid nnd comfort in the form of a. nun terloua, handsome, red-headed peraon ' with an extraordinary knowledge oi I scientific farming- and a mag-lo way with animal. Thl man prove n. arnod der.1 of a mystery to the spectator and to the heroine alamo until the end of Hi' 1 km ii.ii-, nun wriewiifr me is going: to El find hel" fate With him the picture mi must tell m to diagnose the caae After returning home Mrs. Hulchlns dlncovered the tick, but ton latn to nave the rtilld'a life. There wan no indlcu'lon of cpolted fever. J ' ran-nta of iHtuahfcr. i Mr. and Mr Joe Kuimell are the Ierent of a ten and a naif pound daughter born yeaterday morning at Hi. .Anthony' hoapltal, ' ' John liandolph once deacrlbed nele ware aa "a Htate havlnir four eouritle at low tide and three at hlh tide." Kltk StVrtAV.ONO.V. "A PUmantl Bring Your Kodak - Work to THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. 5 3 Simpson Auto Co. 3 Water & John. . Phone 408 5 I I jiaaaeaawwrwjTy'ff i TALKING MACHINES ! IVrfnt Id" Mara Madiro Kennedy. The neweat in Made Kennedy' lerlea of Oolrtwra aucoeamt k, "A Perfect lady." from Rone Rtahl'a popular e play ty Channlnir Pot. IB lock and Rennold Wolf. The hrtt. W. liant Onldwyn artlate, who In a short 'jF year haa won a place In the folefrnnt (j amrnia acree atar, will dellrht thou. m atl I- the role of a tnflenn.a- r-n-'d bretta In "A rerfoct Uidy." which 1 3 conie to th Aha theater Hunday and: 9 Monday. - 15 it f i Icta the etory of a alrf ci the '8 tia, i.ueftie i jambon (MadK!C Kennedy). Who) I forced to flsht art K entire town to prove that, drapite hct'R oiiiina-. ho 1 a pood. If hot hetter, than thoae who hare Joined to perae cute her. In bef flgTit aaalnst tre- 4 nicfidon odd L.nrtlle win the friend. i& "hlo of the l(er. David Orayllinr, who 5 had helped to top the performsnce'J of the. troupe with which Lurtlle had rj arrived in town, t'rjred by the par on he iilt the troupe and open a dunefnir achool. vn-e more ne i attacked by a aanciimonious church committee, led by John Grtswnld, the deneon. Threat. ened with haftletiment from the town. L,uc!lle arranges a ahocklna; surprise mr tne neacon. with him present Ji m i uriRwuui in nrirlpa with chorii slrls m in i. mcnR-o This -aurprlne I fullowed by another when thet . parson ail j ncunce his comlnsr marriage to Lu- f j Man Kilt 3rtran Who Adults Help! Help! Daddy, they're kill, a l In my loTe-lady'.'" This was the You get the finest work from lie best equipped finishing plant in East ern Oregon. If you have difficulty In Ret ting; good pictures with your Ko. dak, we instruct you free of charee. SUN.-M0 CHILDREN 10c ADULTS. 25c arguerke Claris M -IN little Iss Hoover The Sweetest Face He Ever Saw. " ; No wonder the man was smitten ! Her face on a lobby post - er will jam any theatre in America any day in the week ! You why you tell your wife you are devoted to Marguerite Clark, and she feels it just proves your good taste! Surest thing in the world, your seeing this picture! IN ADDITION Bray Cartoon and Bray Pictogr&ph W"ff ARC AD Today y4 Children 10c ALTA CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 25c : nie. PAWTTSfK Sl'SDrtT-MOXOAV. f iS '4 f4 m The Subjime NAZAMONA . - .... IN- it Bryant Washburn ..IN--.-;-.- Gipsy Trail "The S f 1 t4 MACK SENNETT COMEDY , IfleilSfiiDeifc" evelation Warren's Music House The store with its complete stock of every thing musical is in an ideal position to serve you best when you need . - ' PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS VIOLINS UKELALES GUITARS BANJQS EDISON TALKING MACHINES VICTOR VICTROLAS Reed Instruments, Brass Instruments, Strings, Instruction Books, Sheet Music, Player Rolls. , Convenient Terms. 820 Main I St V , h-, r Phone 524 ' Pendleton, Oregon rina-ln appeal from the Hp of his little dnuhter. Tonah. which roused uuka Chalmers to Instant actMn ine TrHnsle play. "Man Above the K Uiw." at the Pastime theater Sunday and Monday aa he sat dreaming of dc.y when he had been other than trader of bad whiskey to the Indians nnrt Mexicans. Ilnckllnic on hi mini, Chalmers, known and feared on the painted des. erts as Man Aaovc. the Law, cleared the door of his little trading- post In a hound and. like nn avcnircr. aped mwnra the uroup- of merrymakers from whence Tonnh's cries hud come 4' ! 1 . ......... p. v t-n llilfl ctl (j Hurling- apldo the Mexican and 5 4 ' 4 v.. CIS hit' f ft A 1917 IIUTMOBILE ROUSTABOUT One 1917 VELIE AND ONE FORD At Unusually Low Prices. Liberal Terms. Eastern Oregon Motor Co., Inc., tt Across Street from Hotel Pendleton Ulan. Chalmers wns bending- over the unconscious form of Ksnher Hrown. ine little missionary teacher. "Who dared lay a finder on this woman?" he chnllenaed between his teeth, and when. In terror, one of the Meilms pointed out the num. Chalmers' ruii leaped from its holster, there was a blinding- flash, nnd tho guilty nvnn dropped In his tracks. As Chalmers bent over the uncon. acinus teacher, he know where the real blame lay. I tut for the liquor furnished the revelers by himself, the colehrntVm would ant hav Rrown Into an orgy nnd Rsther Hrown would not hnvo Interfered to protect one of tho girls. For tho first time since he had fled civilixntlon, .a curse on hi lips for the world Which had used him no hndly, the "Man Above the Law' stopped to annlyxe his own measures of guilt. Ho loved this white girl, he knew, but there was Tonah. his daughter, and the squaw who was her mother, to think of. The Rtrug-gle of this man and his final decision forme the climax of "Man. Above the taw.; ' a Triangle masterpiece of frontier life among the: Mexican and Indians In which Jack RIchnrdSBH apepnrs In the heavy lead supported 1y. Chilre Metlowell nnd j josie pcogwtcK. SUNDAY -.MONDAY CHILDREN 10c ih 11 T- !$ ndUyc llGIIIIGUy Laflf MADOEi, KENNEDY A PERFECT LADV Golawyn Pictures. A Scandal that Rangr the Wed-. ding; Bell. It pays to be a perfect lady at all times. See how Madge Ken nedy deports herself. WOOD TTC KPATAT, T OMONTANA CITIM) - KAT.tPPEtT.. Hfont.. May SO. A wood tick which had, worked Its way Into the ecalp near the hose of the brain, caused the death of the three-year-old daughter of Mr. nnd Mra, I Jack Itutchlns this morning. The child died at the home of her grandparents Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K, Jarkman of the lower valley. The first effocta were partial pn ralysl of the limbs and tongue, which developed two days ago. The child wns brought to a physician tn Kail. spell, but the physician FM unable ALTA ORCHESTRA Prof. Robert Nagler, Director Vaudeville WHITE & KNIGHT ( Piano and Harmony Singing. KENDALL'S AUTO DOLL The Maiden of Mystery. KINOGRAMS Late News TODAY f Adults 30c 99 ADULTS 30d