PAGE TEN 5 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1910. TWELVE PAGES w. SMIIHPOIISSIM mam nam- H. EDDY PAINLESS CHIROPODIST and Foot Specialist, , IS IN YOUR CITY FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. In the treatment of the feet great care should be exercised m securing the services of a competent foot specialist Dr. Eddy has had twenty years' practice in treating ailments of the feet CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED WITH OUT PAIN. INGROWING NAILS CURED Warts, Bunions, Chilblains, Perspiring and Odorous , , Feet Successfully Treated. , Arch Supports that will make you walk RIGHT. Total is $715,000,00 as Com pared With $623,000,- 000 Ttivnrii 4 jjj WASHINGTON", May 25. April ex R I port surpassed the previous high ree jorrt by nearly one hundred million dollars, la was announced today 0y the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce, Department of Commerce. A Exports for the month totaled g I 15.00.00(V as compared with $62S. g 000.000 for January, the previous high jmnrK. jror March of this year the Ki total was J605.000.000, and for April J a year ago, 1501,000.000. For the ten months ended with April the export s were vaiuea at 5. 708,000, as agnlnst m a.. iio, ooo for the corresponding Imports for April totaled 2T3 frtin 000 In value, a gain of $5,O0O.Q0O ever me x.-os. uuo.uoo announced for March, and a decrease of $11,000,000 as com. pared with the 1279,000,000. for April of last year. Imports for the ten momna ended with April are put at $-.4 74,000,000 as compared with J2.. i."uu,uuu lor a s mllar nerind in t HOW MANY oierva icV, in ttw i ,) h ini : Toronto Strike Orders ' '..iTtrte .,.rtnH Took Effect at 10 jtleka off Ilia swonria a the un re.,--. -. . - cord them In their puasuge urruw ; toiion'To. Mav SI. Orders foi a wrefully measured segments of thelstrlkti of 15.000 workers of many disc of the telescope. The ticking of trades, went Into effect at 10 o'clock the electrlo Instrument I in reality the (yesterday. Ijilior lenders said tne fun ticking of the stars. effect of the walkout would not be felt The factory has four muster clocks ! until today. J letter carriers decided regulated by the stars. ' They are as not to strike. Htreet railway employes perfect time-recorders as human In- J will take a strike voir tonight. t genuity can achieve. They coat $4000; . " apiece. They are enclosed In alusu ' The Cherokee Indians are very cases to shield them from atmosphere- 'proud of their war record, not only In io variations. They stand on concrete the tlreat War; but In all Uncle mm foundations sunk 15 feet in the earth jwars, from the Hevolutlon down. In to escape surface vibrations. Yet the Civil War three Cherokee regl theae master clocks vary from eight jments saw service under the Stars and to teennds a year. , j Stripes. All Work Guaranteed. Consultation and Advice Free SEE HIM W HILE HE IS HERE. Over French Restaurant, 633 Main St I. 8, SECONDS IN A MINUTE? Modern ' Progress , The most wonderful achievement of modern Mines Is the crOKSin(rnf hm Allan lie in thirty hours in an airship guided by an aviator with " "Yankee Grip" hoi.o ah; ix prxerritEn tciies with it. " . A JIFFY A PEX.VY DOBS IT AXYWirERE AXY TIME. - Accept no Substitute " - Ak Your Accessory Dealer. ' ipE.XIH.ETOX ArTO CO IVwIIrton, Ore. fKXIH.KTOX MOTOlt SAI.K.S CO., Pcndhtnn, Ore. IMItK & WX .thono. Ore. MILTON OARAGE .Milton, Ore. I.AVS Glt iK ...... ' llcrmiston, Ore. (If your dealer cannot supply yon send as his name and' we will mall you free sample.) . ecoxojii- pnonvcTs co. Tscemn. AVn. How many seconds make a minute? Don't get mad how. Calm yourself. & Any tool does not know that. You K don't yourself. Het you don't. Sixty? Tut, tut don't be schoolhov- Ish. There are not 60. You wntoh and clock say so? Why drag them In? ' iney don t settle anything. 1 here is no such thing as a correct watch or a correct clock. That sur prises you of course. Hut there are not. Thero onsht to be CO seconds In a minute. Tint thorn .w ; 4 is humanly recorded. There i niuv. A fraction of a second more or a fraction 3 less. Accept that os authorltnlve. j! Xo mechanism made by man reg eS 1 isters time correctly. The nniv JJ rect tie in the universes is keot bv the stars. And with them time is mert aetall. r.ternity is their business. ; livery bright star twinkling In the heavens Is a perfect clock one of Gods clocks, if you will measuring ,in exact seconds the cycle of eternity. ! Stars never vary an inflnisesimal part of a second as they swing in their balanced orbits. When one of those shining worlds is due at a certain point in the void infinity known as space. It is there. It may have to travel a mil lion miles to get there, but it is there on the dot. It crossed that exact point a million years ago. It will millions i of years in the future. The schedule j of the stars is immutable and intall- i ible. I It costs a certain large watchman- ufacturing company S.'IO.OOO a year to learn from the stars the number of ; exact seconds in a minute. A part or j the plant is a completely equipped Hot Weather Clothes Have your Flannel and Alpaca clothing made to your measure. They cost no more. If you have a dark coat hanging in your closet that you don't know what to do with, let us make you a pair of Flannel Trousers to wear with it when the warm days are here. Our line of Tropical fabrics is the most complete in the city. ' ORDER NOW! Lindsren & Fransoon Tailors Shirts to Order Neckwear ' 735 Main St Phone 46G a 2 I a XJl . r iiLm A .viiv iaiuuuo jui.agy ij oiLiau cum Diagnosticah.'ays: "Chiropraptic! is the greatest healing science known, to the world today, accom plishing more than all the other methods combined, and curing after all other methods have failed." Don't wait till "all other methods have failed" with you. The earlier in your case you take Chiropractic adjustments, the sooner you will be well, . V How Old Are Yoii? You are just as old as you feel, and yoji feel just as old as your spine makes you feel. - s . f ' Does your back ever ache till you feel twice as old as you really are?. ; , .. , Or perhaps you are sick and you'may say,' There is n6thing wrong with my spine, I never have the back ache." There is something wrong with your spine or you would not be sick. To illustrate: The nerves extending to anv orcan or part of, the body, if pressed' on, or Impinged by misplaced vertebra, wil affect the functioning of that part or organ just in proportion to the gravity of the pressure. "Eventually, why not NOW?" , ... Dr. L,oretta H. Starba 9-10 Peebler Bldff. Over the Workingmen's Clothing Store. Spokane -Stockyards ' Doubling TKeir Capacity . '' ! 1 ;1 ! "- ' Tlw coiiHtanny IncrCaMng palrohaxo of onr slilppeni (" per cent larger In 118 than tlm prcious year) oomprls UUa increara In our rncilltic-. tf.. ..' TlD rcMInCHt oft Sin liwcst sklpiem lo tee oar natural adrantaars as a shipping renter and to lend us their support hi balUlliur up what la destined to bv tlu areatoit market In the West, Is ample reward for -our effort la too development of this Industry. Wrtla for our Weekly Market I At I it wllli quotatlona. - i '.... SPOKAJIK . .. Spokane, Union Stockyards ' Box 2185 Spokane, Wa.h. Curlou Custonwr. Customer By Jove. I am glad to sea you back. Has the strike been settled? , Waiter What strike, sir? Customer Oh, come now! Where have you been since you took my 'or der? Stray Stories. I Equip Your Ford With ' 4 " mm fO ' ':. z, ,7 ires a I HERF IS BALLOT FOR SPECIAL ELECTION JUNE 3 OFFICIAL BALLOT For Precinct No. 00, Umatilla County, June 3, ijllS ; - MARK (X) BETWEEN THE XUtHKIt AXp NAME OF EACH CAXDI IMTT: OR ANSWER VOTED FOR. STATE REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE I.KtilSLATU E ASMEJtfBI.V. Submitted by the legislature SIX I'KH CENT COl.XTV IMlF.BTKUV KSS icon pir.Ruliiir.ii oiin AMENDMENT Purpose: To am. nd section 10 of article XI of the constitution of the state of. ... . , Oregon so as to raise the present 3 per cent limitation placed upon counties In the creation of debts and liabilities for permanent roads, to per cent of the assessed valuation of all the prop- I orty in tne county. . Vmtm VEa ar HO 301 Yes ?fo Submitted by the legislature ISUVSTRl.tL HBOONilTHLCTiON HOSP1TAI. AMBKDMKNT Purpose: To amend section 3 of article XIV of the constitution of the state of urevon so as to permit ths location hy the legislature of an Industrial and reconstruction hospital In some other r . county than where the seat of government is, without requiring a ratification by the electors of tl" state. Vete TEH er NO WW Ye Submitted by the legislature STATU HIIMI PATMBNT OP 1HRIUATIOX AUD VKAISAUE OI TIIIC BOND INTKKKST Purpose: Payment by the state of Irrigation and drainage district bond interest for first five years by issuing state bards and repayment of money with inter est to state by such districts, six months after maturity of such district bonds, on condition that such districts are found on examination by state commission to comply with required con- j ditions. Vee YES ar NO 304 i .Ye Submitted hy the figislature HVE MILLION IKIIXAK ItfeM OVNTIII CTION HONUINU AMKNDMKNT Purpose: To amend article XI of the constitution of the state of Oregon by adding to snld article nctlon 7-a, so as to permit the bonding of the state of Oregon for not more than tu.000. 000 foMlie promotion of reconstruction, reclamation, and land eettlement project, and particu iftrly to ratify, validate and confirm any act which has ben passed by the legislature and re ( ( ferred to the people at the same election at which this amendment is submitted, which purports - to bond the state of Oregon In order to carry out certain reconstruction, reclamation and land settlement policies. 30 SOT Yes VoeYEarWO Tie THE NEW IMPROVED JUNIOR Revolving Rod Weeder A Few of the Facts About It: 1. It kills more weeds i; " t 2. It conserves moisture 3. It makes, an, even, perfect seed bed The general use of thlswrM-knownlmplement gives a better Impres sion than mere words. Sturgis Cs Storie Pendleton, Oregon East Court St m li,'t !J1! JLU itv.M. Submitted by the leeialuture I.IKlTHJiAST 4.0 VEItNOK t'O V 'l II I TIO A I, A l KM l K I' Pur - poe: Amondins sections I and S of article V of the constitution of the state of Oregon by pro viding for the election of a Ileutennnt governor whose elpction. term of office- and qualifica tions shall be as now provided for the governor, who. shall be president of the senate, recelv Ins therefor a salary of 10 a diy during the legislative session, nnd who shall be governor In case of vacancy; and that If this ainmendment is adopted the governor shall appoint a lleu- i.-MKin Kt'.eiHur i-j iiuia unite uniu a lieutenant governor is elected by the people at the gen- era I election in 1!22. JM Yes ana No Vele TF. ar NO i Just think of it ! You can get Cord tires 30x3' for Submitted by the legislature THE IIOONIOVK.l.T COAST MIMTAHY HIUHWAY III I.I. Purpose To appropriate the sum of 2.r,00.000. contingent upon the appropriation by the United States of an equal amount, for the purpose of assisting the United Htates In constructing a military hlirhway from the city of Astoria through Clatsop, Tillamook. Lincoln. Lane, Douglas. Coos, anil f urry counties, state of Oregon to the California stats line; to raise said sum by the issue and sale of bonds of the state of Oregon and to provide a method of payment of Interest and prln cipal thereon and for the retirement of such bonds. .tin Yes : ' ' " ' Tale YE ar NO .in No PLAIN .... NON SKID $28.23 $30.50 bubniitted by the legislature BBIOSSTHI ITIOK BONUINtt Mil. I. Purpose: To bond the state for not more than J.i.000.000: to levy taxes to pay for same, also to construct hospitals at Portland and Kalem. agricultural college buildings at Cnrvallls, university buildings at Bugone, normal school buildings at Monmouth, hospital buildings at Pendleton, to aid in the construction of armories at Marshfleld. Astoria. Baker, Bend. L,a Grande and Medford. to construct a peniten tiary In Marlon eounty. to promote lend settlements, to develop reclamation projects on arid ..- swamp and logged nff lands, and to provide for the settlement thereon of honorably discharged soldiers sailors and marines of the ITnited Mtstes. . 3I 313 Yes No Tale YF.K ar NO ! Any car that uses this size tire can be equipped with Cord tires at this remarkably low price. Submitted by the legislature SI)I.IIIKH', SAILOR- AM) M I!IK' KOI : ATIIIN A I. tlVt(, AID IIII.I- I'urpose: Providing honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines enlisted or In dueted from Oregon may attend any Institution of learning, public or private, in Oregon nnd have their necessary expenses, not exceeding $25 per month nor $201) per year, paid by the state for not more thn four years; levying two-tenths or-a mill state tax to provide funds for such purpose. 314. 11! Yes No Vale VEI ar o g t Simpson Tire Service Co, I L. A. Minton, Mgr. 223 E. Court St & . ... '.-... Submitted by the legislature MARK KT Ito A II .'I A X HII.L Purpose: Providing for the construc tion of stste market roads under the supervision and control of countv courts- providing for the annual levy of s 1 mill tax on all taxable propertv. apportioning the proceeds among such counties ss become entitled to a share thereof; authorizing cmntv courts to levy a property tax In eaeh county for construction oT market roads in an amount equal to the sum apportioned to sueh county hereunder: excepting from the limitations imposed bv seetion 11 of srticle XI . ..; r ,h" constitution s II taxes levied under the provisions of this amendment. 31 Yes '. "' Going Strong' i. ... f ; ; , 'f -v t,t i. if ; Acason trucks' are going strong In Eastern Oregon and every community where trucks are used. Every user is satisfied for they are finding: the trucks better than "represented. They making good in an unusual way. ii- are Umatilla Auto, , ,Go. Don Prui'lt, Pres. ' S1 s H paidenStNearlCourt il I ! SIT Wo