Section Two Section Two Pages 7 to 1 2 es 7 to 12 ! f - Pag : vl ' ', , aaaaaiJIllUI Ull r : ' " COAST'S C IKT ,1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIpAY, MAY 30, 1919. GREATEST TRACK AT U. OF W. SATURDAY "XroXtnn,, UMATILLA FOREST TO END OF WAR BRINGS I 100,000 Miles Across; nrr rmr.T unni mr' nrn rnriTr iMiiunr Six Bia Coast Schools Will ivnagooachan,ocoplh,'u,,r,,r if wviwi wbiiuuio mllo event. Daily ha mode Rood time Compete; California Teams ected to Win. Six Pacific Coaat unlveraltles will ba entered tomorrow Jn the sreatest Dully nan made Kood time In the century, while Pope Is alinont a cinch to annex 10 iiointa In the dlacua mil ahotput event. Uavla may place In the two-mile event. The bl meet Hulurday will' be the lout of the v-aaon on the coaat and will alao cloae the coaching career bf v aahliiKtnn'a old tutor. Charlea w Vandur Veer, who haa coached col- track and field meet the north-went haa eKe track teama for nearly 30 yeara. Early Vander Veer announced that he would retire at the cloae of thla ao- aon. He wua mentor at the Reattle In- atltutlon when moat of the boya on hta preaent aquad were learning; to walk Have you acen the apot on the aun? H'a there, and la eaally dlaoer nihlelto the eye, protected by a arnoked a-laxa or a blackent-d phutfiKraph film. The aunapot appeared May 10 and alnre that date Jiaa grown until now la about 100,000 mllea acroaa. .. Hunapota have a maximum and minimum f about 11 year, an that It la all the more remarkable to have a lame apot vlalble ut thfa time when the aun haa entered upon the minimum of activity. Thia apot la aituated on the northern aidea of the aun'e equa tor and la one of the largeat alnce Auftuat, 1917, when a very 'lurae outburst of activity wua apr-n. Heveral amaller groujrft are alwo to be aeen on the face of the aun. GKKM.VN 'OMKlY IS ST.fiKl ITAIJAN WAR rnnpi-j? , IIONOIt AMKltlCAVSi NBW TOIttC. May 30. The Itulian Federation of War Orlpplea Section of Florence, of which Captain 1U dolfo Marcheae Peruwtl di Medtcl borhood of the theater, confidently Htory fa prealdent, haa delegated Pe- predicted that before It waa over the ter Curtnnl, of the Italian I'rean Aaan. audience and actora would be de elation, to preaent a teatlmnnial to acrlblng- aome of the off-atafte 'bual- the crippled aoldlera of America. Thel'neBa" aa "Me Hoelln auf Krden. NKW YORK, May 30. "Heaven on Karth," a Qerman comedy, waa atafc- ed In the German languaKe here laat nlKht without diaturbunce, although amiill army of police, held In the nel- leather frame reada aa fol. over aeen. ine arrair will be held on the Unlveraity of WaahlnKton track ai Heattle and the entries will be Unlver atiy of California, Mtunford, CJnlveralty or oreaon, Oregon AKripultural Col lege, Waahlnitton Btate College and I'nlveralty of Washington. Hellef in northwest aport clrclea la that tha California men or their nelKhbora from Stanford will carry off flrat honora, althouKh chancea of Cali fornia's victory have been leaaened by their ability to enter but 10 men. Northwpat repreaemativpa are conced ed a fair aharn of the flrat placea and It la poealnle that flrat honora will atay In thla section. Blare from three atates will flKht In aome close competition. It la rrrfely j predicted.. The 100 yard daah, the dis tance runs and the Jumps are expected to bring; out the closest filth (a. while , welKhta are almost already conceded to Pope, WaahlnKton and the middle dlatanres to Oreaim'a entry, Abbott The I'nlveralty of Orenon squad will stiffed the loas of low Wllaon. star rack man, who haa been forced to re tire because of a struin to hs heart In an early meet thla aeaaon. Abbott ano , . . .. . . i .. . . ""-" . . h n . i r na a. m - 1 1 r rnui a m r-i .... a strong point contendera for Oregon. mine-led loireiher into on. r..m.:"lvn "oattered applause. Hunqulat la expected to place In th,e!(y nmdBt the booming of the cannon shot put at Seattle and aucceaa Is pre- ,, lnB a,.Kn , ,ne machine gun dieted for Mulkey In the Javelin. Har-and ,.rlMM,,n militarism waa thrown graves may be able to itrab a point or j dwn. Vj,t ,nlfl UmUy wh,,.n ttrelch. U counted on to do ..methln In the,,, out mto lh, wnrld a mr. hluh Jump and pole vault. Foater will j , of ,an(t peace and th." ,rl. aiie jvv-sru sou ju-)ara runa and the hurdles. lurr. who won ih two-mile run asalnat O. A. C. protu ! I Umatilla Nuilonal Forest will be one Ileal estate throughout the war re- of the first rpm-rves to receive arrny fmalned low and did not feel the uutck- ;air planes to give early warnings of Renins; results of hlxher prlcea and de- , .fires when the plan comes Into Ken-jmand. Hut now It Is (minu up. as re- j jeral use .if a request sent in by W. W. jcent sales in .this section shifW, and j ;8ryder, forest supervisor for auch a indications are that realty men wlir : 'ptune la Krauted. (experience the beat business of a de- j These plunea give warnings of forest aide, according to local real estate . fireH and accordina- to Mr. cryder, !men. ;wouId be a decided success tn thla aec- i It has been pointed out that men tlon. and for this reason, Umatilla Na- 'who make good money Invest It In two i tionul Forest has been placed on the 'general ways; First in property, and f waiting; list for planes. Isecondly In securities. i Two additional routea In the patrol i Durin gthe war, the government j j of National Forests by Army airplanes virtually stopped all biuhling except- ( ,to give warning of firea in the foresrs, !lng that which waa absolutely neces- I ihave recentl' been arranged by the. sary. which created the present house 1 War Department and the Forest Ser-'shortage which Is especially noticeable .vice. The routes will be operated in fndleton. Thla shortage must be from Mather Field, near Sacramento, 'over .come and consequently prospec and will be placed in operation next Hive house builders are buying pro- LSunday, on the same day aa two routea perty and there la a brisk demand. ! to be operated from March Field near, which presages that real estate will Klverslde, California. The flrat route from Mather Field will cover the northern Kldorado ano Tahoe Forests on the valley side advance still more in value. TheTireless FarmHajNd Greeks in American Army Are Visiting Home Islands I TIfT AXI, Isle of Ramon, Aegean Sea, May 30. No matter at what reading matter Is In engraved in gold. It Iowa: "The Itnlun Federation of Wi Cripples, Section of Florence, sends greetings 'to the crlpled soldiers of America, their former aaaoelates in of the Sierras. It will start from Ma ther Field and proceed to Placerville, Colfax, 'Nevada City, Strawberry Vai- ley and Orovllle. where the planes will land, at a field now available. This 'tiny port in the Near Kaat one's shir route will be covered In the morning .touches he flnda that American 'flour of each day and return trips will be ;and foodstuffs 'have been unloaded, made In the afternoons. ;Here In the ancient home of Pytha- The second route from Mather Field goras, the town which once rivalled1 ors to order out a heavy guard us the 'will cover the southern Kldorado and ancient Athens, there are thousands of word was to the effect that the service Htanlslaua Forests. .Starting from Ma- .refugees driven from Asia Minor dui men were contemplating "taking all ! ther Field the route goes to Placer- In the war by the -Turks, with Am the heaven out of It." About 10 mi-!ville, Ciriazly Flat.inig Trees, and to ! erica n flour and fiah from the Turk- Rumora reaching thft police from varioua army and navy centers throughout the city prompted lnapee- the great war field' where thellberty i ",ttrv P""w were called on. Not a ;a landing neaa,8onora or Tuelumne. lh coast their principal means of ex of thn' . h o,- ..... single uniformed man appeared to This route wiirbe covered In the morn- isterice. of human civilisation were defended 1 molMt ,he ""N' "r 'be H00 persona jlng and return tripa will be made In; Duck-like Turkish caiques rush out and conquered The aons of the eltvlwho comprised the audience. "The the afternoons. Both of thei Mather to the American food ships which an that gave l.lrtii to Amer'go Ceapuccl 'Star-Spangled Banner." played by the Field routes have a round-trip length chor here at Intervals and unload the .... oreiiesira nn curiam raiser a ;' " 1 uwimuuwu " " uunhcja ( Forest Service repofta tell of a sue- 'back into 'the interior of the island. !cessful trial patrol undertaken recent- American Red Cross representatives hly. No difficulty was experienced In see that "the food Is equitably distrl- detecting fires in heavy timber at ele- buted.' lU'lgtum taetliitg lriN?rty Harlr. umphant march of the nlea." world'a deatl. Silk C-nrgo Gloved Quickly. ably will be entered In thla event Ned Fowler of Pendleton la assist ant track manager for the . Oregon team. Oregon Agricultural college already has Its contestants ott the field, and under Coach Hargia they are doing light workouts each day. California and Stanford have telegraphed Seattle, .that their teama will arrive today. Washington will place Its hopes In 'Cases of. silk goods. -mn-men -apr. urir. rope, nailer rrokohanm Mnv 4: SEATTI.B. May 30. From the shore of Japan to the central freight station In New York In lit days la the record Just aet In the transshipment of a $5,000,000 cargo of silk,. The Nippon Tusen Kaisba steamer -Katorl Mum brought the silk, consisting of halea of raw mater!al and lit The Jlner left A special train BHl'KSRI-H. May 30. The latest re port from the "restitution service." whose task is to recover from Jer many Helgian machiner yand tools which were stolen, ahowa that there are 12.0&9 demanda on the books. Alread property haa been returned to the amount of 154 carloads, totaling 1349 tons of material. vations of 6.000 to 10,000. I ' .Vl.tMKI 1IOI KKS Ml NT UK ItFHl'Il.T ! PARIS, May 30. 550.000 buildings' , to be reconstruct ed in the devastated district of France, according to sta-' Itlstics given to the Chamber ow De-j The greatst of the famous Roman pulies today by Mr. I-elriin. the Min- ! aqtiaducts waa .only half as long as lister of Liberated Temtorlea. . nd Davis. Oray and Dally will be en- (took the precious cargo from here to tered In the sprints, the former being New York, arriving there Majr 23. White or Ivory Square , Post Wood Cribs for $12.85 These pretty cribs are fit ted with sanitary link stool spring-, ball-besrlnir casters and heav;y square posts; drop side.. Kasy to handle and ray to keep clean. Mattrptm ran le hnd at reasonable prices. The rlht bed Invites perfect relaxation. It standi firmly. ts corners lock tight. l'uh ft or pull It by one corner and It moves as one piece nnt a rat tle, a shake, a lurch, a suspi cion of unsteadiness. -IE The rlRht spring gives irently ."I.'o the contour, but supports the body a taut elastic foundation X for the mattress. It does not sak or hump. It fits squarely on the bed. Just received a shipment of S Complete lAtnt of filcre Itntn. jtist tlio kind yoit wnnt for yonr slwplnff Mrcli. 1S . . II II The Inhabitants of Patmos. Leroa and Upso, Greek Islands seized a few jyeara ago by the Italiana, hope soon X FltAXCK to be reunited to Greece. Leroa j boasts that its inhabitants are dlrecc (descendants of the ancient Greeks. The island of Samoa receives special 1 consideration in the matter of Amer ican food, for about 10, 000 Greek refugees from Smyrna and Asia 111 nur, driven out by the Turks,, have t-een living In. distress on the island New York's new Catskill Aqueduct I Three hundred thousand buildings! " . .,.. , .. , which Is three times the length of the were destroyed, while 250.000 were ' M"L , . , !f .1 S? Islands, after having foutrht in France. ! Red Cross girls recently distributing jfood to refugee were gretted by a group of American soldiers. "What are you Americans doing ow this far-off Island?" the girls inquired in astonishment. "Oh, we've finished up' our ' work along the Rhine," .one American' Greek replied, "and now we've come back to the homes of our fathers."" . A farm hand that never complains ' or grumUef one (hat coet not ask for vacations or ever quit Dependable, trilling:, strong and always ready to work at the snap of a switch that's. the sort of farm hand you need now that food labor is so scarce and that's the sort of farm band you (el when you have a . - Western Electric FARM LIGHTING PLANT An electric motor connected to this plant will turn the separator, the churn and the grindstone; It will wash the clothes, clean the house and do a hundred other irksome chores and it will do the work perfectly, as only electricity can every day, every week and every year. You can utilize the same gas engine you have on your farm to run this plant which makes it as economical as it is practical. You owe it to yourself to have this willing farm hand on your farm In fact you really can't afford to be without it. Let us prove it in your own home- Today! CHARLES MILNE " Klcctrlc Contractor Fendlelon. Ore. . ' i, " , - ' -;'.- ; a n ; Panama Canal. damaged. if I 9 TTT'T I r"! i. You will find Mattresses at i - - j NAZIMOVA in "REVELATION" ARCATK TODAY. farriae. ,.r "Marriage may be likened to a street car,'' said a confirmed bache lor, 'if "Vhy?M aked his fair partner . "Because some people are Just as nnxlnus to pet "out of tt as others are to enter." Kdlr.burgh Scotsman. 0 114 E. Webb - Phone E43 S S flfeW I i 1 , s ssj i 1 k a la&tvr's s w ! FIREMAN DIES BUT I SAVES KIDDIES FROM ; DEATH UNDER TRUCK ?SaMSSMaasaSSsaassjeja . AR5h'j1ALL0V A AtWWH!D Liets Get Acquainted Just beginning business in your city, we thought it may not be T amiss to have a little talk re - eardinsr our methods of con ducting our business. We pay spot cash for all . country killed meats such as hogs, veal and lambs.. Our packing house purchases are paid Monday following the date of sale, which puts the buying end of our business on a strictly cash basis. , In view of the very high cost of all fresh and cured meat, buying for cash and selling on 30 day accounts involves considerable capital, so in order to carry on our business successfully along these lines we are going to ask our book customers to co operate with us by making settlements in full by the 10th of each month. - We are going to do our very best to please you and we feel sure that you will do your part with us. Oregon Market PHONE 600 815 MAIN ST. Mix with Milk for a Rich Sauce If roc nil t. lb. k.UM' far, light up. rt twiddiDC with Vogutlft Mnfcm.Uw Sauc for diuDcr to Reo Speed wagon CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED ' Two are already sold. The other two wont remain on our floor long. Better come in and see us right away, if you want one. Independent Garage Distributors COLE REO DORT SCRIPP-BOOTII Court at Thompson St. Thone 633 Protect Your Porch Floors Porch floors and steps receive harder wear than any other surface about the house. Lowe Brothers PORCH FLOOR PAINT . will keep them looking well and protect them . against weather and wear. Sold ready for use In cans of convenient sixe. Ask for color card. L. J. McATEE The rmclMil l"a bit Man ltowman Hold lihtrk NKW YoliK, May SO. The brave act of ( harles FYannsen, a g i li reman attached to Knsrina Com- j pany No. f. at Fifty-first street, near Third avenue, tn saving several chil- I dren from behiK" crushed to death by - his en sine truck, which had skidden lonto the sidewalk, cost him his lfe vent onlay. Frannsen, after rescuing , the children, was unable to save him self and was crushed by the heavy .wheels, receiving injuries from which -he died an hour later in Bellevue hos- , pltnl. ! Frannsen'a engine company was re turning from a fire at No. 342 East Forty-second street, with Frunrtsen riding on the near platform of his en pine. In front of the engine house the rear of the engine collided with tha tender of the hose cart, causing it to. skid onto the sidewalk, where the children were standing. Frannsen saw "the danger In time to leap to the side walk nnd rescue the children, hut was himself caught and crushed between the engine nnd the walls of the Le tnffton Theatre building. When Frannsen, tn a dying condi tion, was taken to (he hospital Charles , Oil kin, lH'puty Fire Commissioner.! was making an inspection of the hos pital grounds. He sent his atuomo bile for' Mrs. Frannsen nt her home, three miles away. She reached her husband's side two minutes nfter he had died. 1 Conta Im than tanr nd rwn. Mada in our svwtlrly clean, ism- lrv, Uawrunjr sUIClirES irotB I ingr-fdicou. J h v S ill Candy Cawar MR. WHEAT FARMER DUPLEX TRUCKS solve your Transportation Problems. The Duplex Truck which Is ths original four-wheel drive truck is used today by hundreds of wheat farmers and is the only truck on the market that Is really fitted for this work. The Duplex ton mile saving Is the same In the city or la the country over cobbled streets or almost impassable roads. The Duplex not only has, but applies directly .to all four wheels, the power to pull It through with a -capacity load. It plirn bs the steepest winding grades, surely and evely though fully loaded. Tire savings average SO per cent. - YOrR OPPORTCXITY TO SAVE MORE TttAX $1000.00 lAst August we purchased two of these trucks complete with trailer for Government work. Within four months time the war was over we had no further use for them and are offering; them tn condition good as new at a very low price (which includes trailer) for quick sale. North Portland Box Company, North Portland. Ore, 1 1 IlnniiBHan ITvc Unag. roi'KXHAOEN', May 3. An offi cial com m tin i at ion received her from Hilda pest soys that the soviet having triumphed over Hs enemies; the liberation of the hoMoges has been ordered, Come Here for Your Meats If you want a quality that will please you and prices that 3011 can well af ford to pay.. If you are not one of our. Many stay satisfied customers, you should be one, both for your own and your purses sake. Better pay us a visit or call 703 and see how satisfactory we can serve you, for we eliminate the middlemans profit for your convenience. 109 W. Webb CITY MEAT MARKET Highest Trices Paid for livestock Phone 70.1 OS