r' TWELVE PXRES TJMHY EBST OREGON IAN, jfENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 20, mio. rAHE T11KEP reaching here. Attempts have already een made, through Washington, to have the regiment de ton red to Walla Walla on their way to Hmp Lew's Whether the men will come by way of Pendeltoa or through Pasco la not yet known. NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON ... Ptwt Offlcw Will Ho Ontu Ono iremr. The local port office will bo open tomorrow for one hour only, from 9 h. m. to 10 a. In., because of (he le gal holiday, Decoration Day. CaniM-n Is Painted. The Red Cross canteen at the O. W. fnmmis Round-l'p performera, are In Pendleton to(3ay. They are on their way to CThoyenne, Wyoming, and ex pect to.be .back in Pendleton. Septem ber ih, and 20. Cuiilocil JlrlM to Muri ll. All girls who have been on duty at II. N. depot received a ami coat of the lied CYoss canteen In Pendleton paint yesterday. The building 1 yel-jare aaked by Mm. H. K. Thompson, low with brown tuimmlnif. Jlepalnt-j chairman of the canteen committee, InK of the countw will complete thoito be ut the court house tomorrow at finlHhliiK toucheH on tho building. '' Conklin (JranlMl. Molltnr, who rep-' Cyril C. Conklin waa granted dl- t CoinmbUK Mr. resents the New World Life Insur-'vorce from Anna P. Conklin in clr ance company, wa recently appointed cult court today. ' aonerul agent for h:a firm, with five I counties In hla territory. . Hnnlton Man Oppratd rpon. , .Russell Chamberlain, of Hermieion underwent an operation today at St. Mlu Anthony's hospital. till Kltlith tirade Diplomas. Miss Muybelle Stickler and Florence Porter, both of School DIs trlct 117, were among the Umatilla county eighth grade students who uccvKrully pnsxed the elifhth grade exam nntlons and who have been 10 a. ni. to march In the Decoration l)ny parade. The girls are asked to awarded diplomas. dress In middy blouses ana skirts. Approprlato Window IMlny. Appropriate .for the f iKhlnu- seaxon In the window dlslay at ' Allen and I I rli'iirt-i Mrrt After IS Years'. Knights, which shows a miniature; 1. X. (icllatfly, president and man fisherman who haa cast hla line Into a oner of the Oellatfly Fruit Company ; t rPHrn tomorrow night on No. Clem M('oj- Homo Tomorrow Night Clem McCoy, son of Mrs. John Oreullch of this city. Is expected 18 pool of water, iteal fish are to be pluced In the pool from time to time. Murtevarit Decision Altered. The decree of the circuit court In the famous Bturtevant will contest, was altered by Judge -O. VV. l'helps toduy to conform with the adverse de rision of the supreme court, handed !own May HO, .Mr. lU'iiiictt Improving. Mrs. M. O. Hennett returned Inst night from Hot lAke. where she has been during the illness of Mr. Ben nett. Mr. ilennett Is now convalesc ing from an nperntion and expects to bo fully recovered soon. ItoiiiHl-l stars In Town. Mike HnstinKS and Klolso Hustings, of Wenatchee, Washington, stopped , nftPI. two yptti-M service In Honolulu off between trains this morning toi ,n lhe ,,harmiu.y department of the see nan winter, or mis city, mo two nHV), McCoy has' been acting having not met for IS years, Mr. Uellatfly and Mr. Wimer were school, mates. Alfalfa Cutting Has llegiin. Tho first crop of alfaira hay Is be ing cut In the alfalfa districts of the chief pharmacist aboard the U. Monterey. i a. a . I. Officials Here. J. M Itapllje, general manager for the Northern Pacific Railroad, Harrv Ituple, general roadmaater, and T. J county, according to wora rraai.ru iMruCi piott whose headijuarters are I'endleton toduy. At Umaplne farm-.,n Kt Vauli arrVed today on a special ers are mowing and several' have aold attached to the N. P. morning train, their crop In the field for 12 a ton. : from Pulco Tney are nere on a bus At I'matllla and on the west end pro- ,neKH ana nBnectlon trip, and will Ject altulfa cuttlnrr la also under way.i((,av, tonKht for Walla Walla by the lletnriM ffrom Ntate Conventlont Ktigene Molltor returned this morn- j log from Portland, where he attend- eu" the state convention of the Knights O-W. R. & X. 101 101 101 101101 101 101 101 101 101- "The new 'phone number at the Delta is 32" fried Spring Chicken We are receiving nice large SPRING CHICK ENS now for our Saturday trade. Place your orders FRIDAY MORNING to be delivered Saturday. (Our Springs were all sold last week by Friday evening.) WE WILL CLOSE TO-MORROW AT TEN O'CLOCK FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. "Waste Less Buy the Best." Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Wuh With lfwal Men Ov(roas. Lieutenant John Dunn and Mm Tiunn of Portland, panned through Pendleton last nlKht on their way to lienver, where Lieutenant Dunn ex pects to remain in general hospital No. 21 until fully recovered from two wounds which he received oversee Lieutenant Dunn was with Marshal) Hpell and Lee Caldwell while In France. s Would Condemn Kc'tiool Innd. Petition Hiffned by voters in Union IliKh School District No. 2, asking for condemnation proceedings for their Kchool site, were filed with the district boundary hoard today and they will meet tomorrow morning tc act. The district is at Pilot Rock and the lte desired was chosen by an election there last week. A new building will be erected on the site. which Is on the Sturtevant estate. -I0T TOT TOI TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT ISrlng Back Fine Catch. i With 60 fine trout caught after the ! hardest fishing they have ever ex I perlenced. Hoi Baum and W. N. Mat lock returned Tuesday night from Maupin. on the Deschutes. AH the fish were taken with dry flies and the local anglers; got ten trout where 1 others were getting hut one. The 1 fishing was done in a canyon, with fairly deep water and both advise against novices going to Maupin for ; trout. ulthouKh the expert can get I nice baskeiffull in reasonable time. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" FOR SALE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME ON THE NORTH SIDE. $9,000 A REAL BARGAIN ! JOE KERLEY Successor to Chas. 3. Heard, ino. "See ifte Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate 711 Main Pendleton, Oregon No f.raln bl'ea r In County. 1 Hunt, wheat rot disease, or othei damaglnr attacks on wheat are un known this season In Umatilla .coun I ty. according to wheat growers, who ( have heard words of a spread of the j "take-all" disease in southeastern , Washington fields. So far grain ha I shown a healthy state and only frosi has done damage o far. Grain 1 heading In most sections and is look i ling well, although many farmers are ' asking for moisture. ; Hfflli Mav Come Tliroiigli. I Walla Walla's 146th Field Artillery unit, which also Includes several Pen ! dloton men. Is due home sometime next month, according to Information 1h Operated Vnon. M rs. Roy Michaels Is convalescing In St. Anthony's hospital after an op eration performed this morning for appendicitis. - Mrs. Robinson in Hospital. Mrs. Kena Robinson, of North Ya kima, Is convalescing In St. Anthony's hospital after an operation for can cer porformed this morning. W. X. Matlock In llosltal. W. N. Matlock waa taken to fit. An thony's hospital last night and this morning was operated upon for acute appendicitis. Mr. Matlock Is conval escing nicely at present. Ernest Itojicn Coming. Word has been received here that Ernest Boylen, who has been with the navy overceas, will arrive home Mon day. He is now at Hretnerton and wilt come for a visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Boylen. yvtj MissMtM.Mtssllif il Hi 11.11 nfc I .J M lrop(ln Tempormtiire. After two days of warm weather when the temperature reached 93, the mercury took a drop last night and the temperature today la Hi with a minimum of 43. A fresh west wind is blowing and the weather is partly cloudy. II itowH On One Branch, Among the eight bushes of prau Drusckl roses which are In full bloom at the Dr. I, lT. Temple residence at 600 West Court street. Is one which shows 11 perfect blossoms on a sin gle branch. The blooms are white In color, with a delicate tinge of pink. To Post Kmploynioiif Xcs, The federal employment office In Portland is sending out a weekly re port on the labor situation within the state and N. Berkeley, local represen tative of the bureau announces this weekly report will be posted on a bul letin board at the corner of Main and Alta streets. BurtncNK Houses to Clowe. Banks will be closed all day tomor row because of the holiday. Decora tion Day The majority of Pendleton stores will close at 10 a. ni. and will be closed for the remainder of the day, but all stores will be closed dur ing the parade and memorial exer cises, which begin at 19 a. m. Motion lcnkd; Decree Knterrd. Motion of the defendant to have the default against him vacated was denied by Circuit Judge O. W. Phelps today In the case of Marie Rtelner vs. A. L. Stelner and a decree of divorce, in favor of the plaintiff, entered. She is given custody of their child ano the defendant ordered to pay to the court $10- monthly for his support Stelner entered suit a few days ago against Paul Hofer. charging him with being responsible for the divorce ac tion and asking $15,00 damages. "In fi Memory" of Our "Honored Dead" heroes ot land and sea They gave their all, They did their bits ' May they rest in peace. 1 j" Xo Ta on a.nllne for fJovernment. Kales of gasoline and dintillate made by the oil companies to the fed. eral government of any of its agencies n Oregon are not subject to the tax mposed by the 1919 legislature, the Umatilla Indian agency here and 'tires and as soon as the hot stuff Is fever today and h: eyes) are closing? means that In future gasoline may laid, the stage will resume, f i .due to swelling. The eye under tne be bought for the agency without tne payment of the tax of one cent a gal-j Young Son Han Operation. Ion on gasoline and distillate. half a cent on Default Devrce Kiitered. A default against the defendant was entered in circuit court today in the case of Henry Lloyd vs. Cora A. Uoyd. Homer Welch, small son of Deputy County Clerk James B. Welch, was operated on today for the removal of adenoids and tonsils and la nicely. 1 . cut. is completely closed and ths op posite eye Is partially closed. Xo ant!-' " rabies treatment ha been adminis tered and none will be until It la dis covered whether the dog which bit - doing j him was affected. The head of tha animal is being analyzed lor tne germs . in Portland. - Weston Statrc )0 iiy off. The Weston-Pendleton staeo an nounced today that service would be SUSDendori tomnni...ii.. 1 . lhe sle of the.e fuels in the state. pavinK coercion, h.l7Tr:.; according to Attorney Oeneral Brown, road Is covered with heavy rock in This affects the sale of gasoline to!nlaces which makes travel rough on Sues for $."t(MM Xote. Moses Taylor today entered suit in circuit court for the collection of Now SctHtol Rooks Tills Year. Nineteen nineteen is the year in - r.no promissory note, with interest i which the text books for grammar amj IT from July 15. 1914, alleged due him from Mark A Sturtevant and Alma Sturtevant. Peterson and Clark are his attorneys. OFFICIAL MAP OF THE NEW EUROPE Special One Ford Today Roadster NEW BOUNDARIES IN EUROPE AS ESTABLISHED THE PEACECONFERENCE i Mem bouMtnes of Sermmny Propos ad nw boundaries of other stitts nmrtr Hew boundaries act jet determined nfematiooa boundaries m SI 4 t A a e PeOfteffe frets ir Sesvtj This car has a good substantial truck bed at tached to it at present and will make a dandy roustabout. However, we have the turtle back for it and a few minutes work will remove the truck bed and convert it back into a roadster. The motor in this car is in excellent shape, while the price we ask for it is so reasonable that the car will soon be gone, so if you are in the market for this sort of a rig you will have to act at once. test West Pntssf ' J II 1 fjlr I B VWr - lYV" Asks Judfrnient on $.0 Note. 1. C Bowman, Mission storekeep er, today filed action against Elisa beth Whitewolf to recover $50 al leged due on a note and (13.50 for merchandise. He Is represented by D. W. Bailey. Plaintiff Given Tltl;. Effie Rhea, plaintiff in a suit to quiet title to land In township 3 north ranne 28 east, was granted ownership in fee simple in a decree of the circuit court today. Robert Lockett et al., were defendants. Athena Kstatew Kn tired. Administrators were named today in the estates of Bud Marion White, Matilda R. White and K. R. Cox. all of Athena. P. A. Berlin is named ad ministrator of the two White estates and A. M . Johnson of thf ratiitt) nt S Mr. Cox. Homer I. Watts represented all three estates in probate coirt. high schools change and by the mid die of June the State Text Book Com mission will have adopted the new books, or re-adopted the old texta. Tt Is rumored that the histories will 7; probably not be changed- Among the members of the commission now boa " . Ily engaged in Portland 4n going over the offerings from over a thousand U. publishers, with a view to selecting -j the texts. Is Mrs. A, E Ivan hoe, ot La Grande, county school superin " tendent for Vnton cdunty. Accord : ing to the state law, a selection ot t texts must be made every six years. New Air Record. CLEVELAND, O.. May J9. A new air mail record in the Chicago-Cleveland service was hung up this after noon when the plane flying from Chi cago covered the 322 miles In two hours and 42 minutes. Hoy Suffers from Jog lilt Charles Kirby, four year old lad bitten by a dog Tuesday nieht, has a Hood's SarsaparillaJrSSS Creates an Appetite and Makes trie Weak Strona IIiiiiip of tlm I'nllnl Sluti Tlrvs. Cottonwood & Water St. Phone 530 P m n j . . . . . Ii.tl. .f t"orspner or ins pce eonKms ind issa4 by Ute United State Commute on Public .,,,p w:h n"OJP" lon of the peaea ongrsa on bounds nes la eastern and Ifoathern fc-urope, losres snsettled the Pollsh-UUmaniaB boundary and tbat between Austria and Hunsary II ki. ?T? Treaty of London line on the Dalmatlat coast. It creates a Constantinople state and throws , liL Rumania back Into Bulgaria, a bit of Kuropein Turkey and Bulgaria and a corner of Albania-Into 1 1 Albanian frontier a little to the north asd eaat. tirwaco 1 also (tvea ut st ul Oawas .eear .aaal01aa. SERViCE PENDLETON'S LEADING GROCERS Small Jars of Pickles, sweet, sour and sweet mixed, just the thing to take with you on your camping trip, jar 10c Hip-O-Lite in jars 40c and 75c Store closed from 10 a. m. for the rest of the day Friday, May 30th, Decoration Day. 52G TWO PHONES 52G