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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1919)
Section Two Pages 7 to 1 2 Section Two Pages 7 to 12 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1919. HER E IS LIS! OF LAND LEASES RESERVATION MADE SATURDAY Governor Will Hear iU- 32, Wal,er L"w'rv- 40 ere Her- Complaint Against ??C2lZ". acre.. er. Game Board June 6 Thomson, 1270. I V. 85, Mootoohatya, 80 acre, Her- 01 SO Par Arm Hlnhoci R!r! P. '. Blaokhorn. 40 acres, W. It. U. I iUU V Ul IlliJIIViOl UIU i Wyrlck, $140. Made by Tenants; Was byW.'-n,,;.,.,, $u'oo. " It;, as, Miiiiin i C. it. Isaac, 150 ucres, Richard Chapman, 80 acres, William Booher of Athena.!"--WTS Van Pernbrook, 350. C. 45, Toeyax, hi) The Indian lumU leaned ftnt urtlny, Thotrnmon, $ 1 I'm), at th Umatilla Indiun aiccncy were ! ; fii!. Kmmu bid In bv the urpHfnt rpntcm In moHt patrli-k, $;i2f. cattea, an th Kvernn.ent ml her to the loctrinw of "Kmd tenantry," and per mit tha nrenent rentr to accept or 8. It. 65 ucreH, Karl Kirk- Kurl reject the bid offered. However, all land when advertiwd for 1um? are appraised by Huperlntendvnt IS. I flwartx.andtr at their Ionise value, and the government therefore, hvIm the minimum amount which may be bid upon by any renter, prcKont or pro pectlve, Notwlthstandinte thn profi-r-ance riKht Riven to the old renter, thero Wim considerable competition in the bidding, and the Indians will ron setiuently receive from one-third to one-hulf more In cnh from their new leaaes than they received Tor the same lands under their old leases. The hlvhest tract leaned was to William llooher of Athena, who was compell ed to pay $21.60 per acre for an 80 acre allotment lying; a mile wtiuh of Athena. Superintendent Hwurt blunder opened bltln, after a 0 day period of advertlalntr. for the leaxlnif of 173 tract for the term commencing Oc tober first next. The tracts varied In acreage from 40 to 300 acres. There were XI tracts udvertined for a one year term, as the land covered In thene allotments are now in summer fallow, while on the remaining 152 allotments bids were called for two years, with the privilege of extension to a four j ear term. The leases awarded so far, ported by 8 opt. tfwartxtander, follows. 1 C, 04, Shewahasupt, 80 aero, Klrkputrlck, pi4ii. O. 61, Amos Oconee. 135 acres, it. H. KuHtrhlK. 4 !:'!. ifS, Jim (luyer, 4 acres, Uuh La Fountulne, $310. C. 134, Wenlx, 3& acres, Charles Hetis. M. t 13r, Tda Towaloy, 4 0 ucres, Chris. IIuttH, 2K0. C. 137, Ked Klk, 80 acres, J. C. Jfol- comb, 11140. C. J3. Welulotsaml, CO acres, Chas, JIfiU 47fl. 146, Xilapo, 80 acres, J. 8. Hell $1000. t. 147. Toktenakotowsh, 150 acres, Hichard Thompson, $1275. O. 149, Stephen Williams, 80 acres, Itiehard Thompson, $720. C. 151, Watalowlta, 78 acres, T. Van rembrmk, $400. 153, l'arson Clayton, 40 acres, Mrs. W. A. Storie, $3u'. C. 175, pnashapaturiawfnml, 80 acres. F. H. Curl, $1160. C. 176, Tamuminmf, 68 acre a, F. 8. Curl, $1000. C 178, Peloutspoo, 153 acres, Kdjtar U Forest, $1500. 1 79, Tamaewanonmf, 27 acres, Kdar I Forest, IL'lfl. C. 192 Charley Shapltt-h, lfirt acres. Frank O. JtoKern, tZHHt. C. 204, Mrs. Joe Allen, 120 acres, as re- Thomas Thompson, $.r(0. I are as i C. 206, Andrew Allen, 40 acres,! Thomas Thompson, $325. SAMLM, May 2. A formal IhwIiuc of eomiHaliils affaliixt the Miau- ri-Ht ami same Mmiiili(on wan net hy Uttxorwtr ilfU UMlay for fliiiut 6 at 9 o'clock In tlio iiiornlm. In the Portland of the c-ommlri-aoi. In the Ori'KtMl ImtUliiujt. The mcctiiux raMed for Ar.l IH nr tlict iurHe of aititiK (rrietaneew ufcalnst l ho CMHiinilH slon Iiod len calktl off tx ran hc of tlw alwctuw from the Ktac of I Yank M. Warren, imm lxr of the comirilsri hi.. Warren rcturiHcl IfMlay and I ho go en km net the time for the lieariiHC lm itM'illatoly. InvLtatioiiH are In-Iiuc Mciu fHit to all who have cx pre yed a dcfinU Intcre In tho coi;ircverHy. akliux that they at Ictul tho hearing. "It 1m my wish to get at tlm heart of tills f.wh and game sit iiaCoit.' Hahl the gttvernor twlay In luiiKHimHng the call f(r tho mcctJng, ' wlhh to hear every Hide of It and to a h certain lcfl nitely vlllitT or ih tlK flnli and gaiim laux are Iwlng proHfiy ad inlniMcred and whellier or IKH er ir iufc ilie fMi and game of tho ii ate are lielng c?onMineil to the greateMt ixinidMo decree. The mutter wll lis? gone Into ihorfHighly, if any eomidalnM Mm to li riuidi I wlsli to hear t hem. If any defense la to he mado I vibh to hear that. Thin licarint; will bo freei, frank, ofMn and alMne Ixtard, and Is to bo held with tho hopo that ft will re dound to the he4 Interest or Utc Htate.' 3 Vear Ium C. i8, ivto Kedhswk. C. S. Wilbur Mn thorn, 40 acres, J. C. 210, Supalowocht. It. Thompson, $320. C. 211, Hnmkanlts. 190 acres, C C. 11. Young Bmall Hawk, 120 acres, K. Htorle, $1375. W. It. Wyrlck, $uo. C 212, Anthony Red Hawk, C. 13, Ipsltoskopnan, 75 acres, W. It. ars, tsienn K. Klorie, $:iuo. Wyrlck, $575. C. 230, Heyutsetnilkin, 40 acres, Iji Fountatne, $210. C. 230, Heyuisemilkln, 40 acres. Claude Crow, $325. C. 241, Petoleonml. C. 242, Ipnatamutsonml, 200 acres. W. 11. Wyrlck, $600. I C. 248, Peter Kalyton, 40 acres,. John McPhail, $335. C. 248, Peter Kalyton, 40 acres, John ! bert Thompson, $650, U. 36, Wehluwenonmi, 53 acres, Herbert Thompson, $300. U. 44, Nun mat, 80 acres, Mrs. W. A. Storie, $600. 17. 45, Huelu, 40 acres, Mrs. W. A. Storie. $300. V. 59, Harwell, 40 acres, Mrs. W. A. Storie, 300. U. 60, Panaso, 145 acres, Claude Crow. $1160. U, 6!, James Crawford, 35 acres, Claude Crow. $275. IT. 62 Lucy Panaso, $ acres, Claude Crow, $300. U. 69, Tsutsataxmoxmox, 40 acres, Norman A Humphrey. $300. IT. 85, Itxkaka, 40 acres, Charles M. rmbarge;, $280. P. 116, Oeorge Marshall, V. 117, Annie Marshall, 160 acres. Charles K. Keell, $950. Cv 1$6, Penapwcaset, 102 acres, Da vldo Horn. $550 I'. 135a I'enapweaset, 40 acres, Sam uel C. lifriner. $200. IT. 137, (ill oh he, 40 acres, David Horn, $225. V. 138, Patechum. IT. 140, .Pftenits, 200 acres, Itoy K. Horn, $1430. U. 151. Tain, 40 acres, Carl fiult marHh, $250. U. 161, Tulpnnpum, 69 acres. Hoy Kirkpatriek, $5ii0. U. 172. Hanonit, 80 acres, W. H. Capllnger, $425. U. 174, Nishgal U, 40 acres. M. F. 1 Umbarger, $280. U. 191, CSeorge W. Depot, 80 acres,1 William Pooher, $1720.' U. 199, Jim Oat, 80 acres. Otto Ser- i ell, $215. o U. 201, Kllwat 40 acres, John Crow, j $260. V. 201. Kihvut, 40 acres, Charles E. Serell, $110. U. 208, LxUenmash, 80 acres, T. P. Xoyer, $185. IT. 209, Klahnawit, 40 acres, John S. Todd, $500. J U. 212, LucyN'lesas, 3 4 acres, B. B. .Kastrfdge, $238. I WW. 1, No Shirt, 1S4 acres, Marlon iJack. $2200. WW. 3, William George, 160 acres. BIGGEST CHRISTMAS OPFERINGJS PLANNED Pendleton Sunday School Workers Plan Campaign for Armenians. Excell o rowing Childhood tcravesrsweels. Hie pleasant-3weetness:crf QrapeMuts (comes fromTtfraihjsugar. pure and wholesome, ,der ' veloped by. the long baking of wheat and malted barieQ v Never disturbs digestion s Children IoveGrape-Nuts L. U Mann, $2000. WW. . Clifford GeorBP. 30 acrca, U U Mann, 1300. WW. 7, 8mkawetla, 40 acres, Chaa W. BsttB, 525. WW. 11, Klalo. 276. Annie Xewum, 140 acres, ' ..Ann ' Mt l'hall, a 5 11. lenil ,- o-. Tnllnknlyiilinnnil. C 2!t6: Wevavuhalarwit. 208 acres. 4" nmi KrII UNOli. O. 2S5, IMvId Toung Chief, 48 f!ujacr-s. otto Sen-ll, J410. s WHILE IN TOWN COME IN AND SEE THE International Notor Trucks SOLD BY THE Union Motor Co. Successors to THE GALLOWAY-REESE CO., . No. 212 West Webb St. International Trucks, ton, 1 ton, V ton and 2 ton size, manufactured by International Haiv vesting Co. of America, are well known for their economy and durability. Cut your cost of wheat hauling and hauling of all kinds by using Interna tional Trucks. Our two-ton is equipped with a cylinder lining which can be replaced at a very small cost, and eli minates the necessity of every reboring your cyl inders or replacing a worn-out block. The Interna tional 2 ton truck is the only truck in the market equipped with this type of motor. Service established here. J. E. CIIAFMAN, Salesman. Telephone 438 Herman Belike, $1075 C. 283, lllawanankown, 158 acres, G. E. Peringer, 1970. C. 2S4, AKaiha Wheeler, 40 acres, G. UL Peringer, $39U;;w-i C. 29K. Toka, 80 acres, Frank Mar tin, $1200. C. 313, Athownln, 79 acres, John Crow-; $660. C 315, Hooslsmoxmox, 74 acres, Herbert Thompson, $Soa. C 316, Charles Mox Mux, 55 acres, Herbert Thompson, $425. C. 320, Plswalwapo, 80 acres, H. F. Kirkpatriek. $725. C. 324, Joseph Ucnnett, 40 acres, ntto Herell, $350. C. 328, Ipnasiplatonml, 35 acres, Carrie Morse, $245. C. 336, White Hull, 40 acres, George W. Padgett, $4 20. C. 340, PctelHhapinawa, 80 acres, Marion Jack. $1120. C. 34 4, Klametnonml, 80 acres, Chas W. Pelts, $1050. c. 34 8 Abrahnm Lymnn. C. 350, Francis Lyman. C. 350, Francis Ionian, 160 acres, Sherman Crayne, $1150. C. 361, Five Crows, 40 acres, Harvey Horn, $155. C. S78, Nonsapo, 40 acres, Fred Hohby, $160. C. 388, John McBean, 120 acres, Sim J. culley, $1380. C. 393, Watwhypor, 40 acres, Otto Screll, $75. C. 395, Maria Wilitspum, 80 acres, James H. Thompson, $640. C 4 00, Wawetswawetspo, 80 acres. Charles E. Serell. $125. C. 40-. Fish Hawk, 60 acres. Otto Serell, $285. C. 405, Mrs. George Moses, 30 acres, Chas. W. Petts, $215. C. 412, James Allicott, 80 acres, H. B. Kastrldge, $320. j WW. 17, .Wawatlis, 80 acres. W. R. Ayrick, $250. WW. 33, Kanelpe. WW. 36, Uttlo Jack, 135, Carl C. Peringer, $2000. WW. 34, Khelowhetemany, 70 acres W. R. Wyrtck, $350. WW. 37, Tsenewapnowetla, 40 acres, Carl C. Peringer, $225. W W. 42, Hahomayet, 157, a cres, RJrhard Thompson. $1200. WW. 53, Aleck Billy, 140 acres, J. W. Maloney, $1400. WW. 56, Keka, 130 acres. Grant Ehrhart, $1000. WW. 6S, Bartholdi Burke, 70 acres, Sherman Crayne, $550. WW. 73, Tilal, 80 acres. Thomaa W. Sunday school workers of Pendleton met Monday with J. J. Handsaker, state director of Armenian Relief, to plan for the largest Christmas offer- i ing ever made by the schools of Uma tilla county for the relief funds. The j meeting was called hy the county Sun-j day school association and was pre-: Kloed over by E. o. Iraper, secretary, j whu with county president W. W. i Green, will direct the campaign. ' Among the plans adopted for the campaign were: A day of visitation of every Sunday school in the county; ! a thorough canvas of every school; j adoption of as many Armenian chll j dren as possible, and a visit to the county by Dr. W. W. Willard. pastor I of the First Congregational church of. Portland, whose sister Ut one of the n.TL relief workers in Marsomn, Tur-1 key, where there are 61,500 homeless! orphans. J The workers expect to gather at an j early date to receive instructions and to make Immediate plans for the care I of bs many orphans as possible. j "We have sent four shiploads of . supplies since January 1," said Mr, Handsaker, "and tho death rate from starvation is now 2000 per day. Ourj committee 'is asking all ftunday schools' to immediately set a definite program of life saving to lie carried out by Christmas. We wfl then advance funds which they agree to raise and will h able to take out of this sea of human misery at leai: a few of the. direlects." In hbj evening address at the Chris tian church Mr. Handsaker pa!d a tribute to 1'matilla county's part In the campaigns of the past two years, j stating that in both years the county! by Its promtnesa had been an Insplra- j tion to the rest of the state. Running Vier on the Farm . i m t VOU should make 1 a point of asking us to explain how easy it is to have run ning water from a Water System We can figure out for you just what type of system is best; its capacity, its operation. etc . See us soon about a Western . Electric Water System. Charles Milne Electric Contractor 1-endleton. Ore. i Clarence Tubbs, 11200. WW. 115, Matilda Kalyton, 40 acres. R. F. Kirkpatriek. 1X0. WW. 116, David Wolf, SO acres. R. F. Kirkpatriek. J3 75. WW. 160, Emolasonml, 40 acres, Aronld C. Wood, 1J5. WW. 330, Gu Bushman, 155 acres. W. H. Capllnuer. 625. WW. 351. Narcisse Pierce. 40 acre.. U U Rouers, 320. WW. 483, Charles Juhnson, 40 acres iW. W. Hurrah, 135. 31 ervicc The hand of dependable service that extends over the counters of more than 15,000 drug stores is the hand of the druggist who serves you with Meyer Certified Drugs and quali ty products. This hand U the hand of protection of public security the trustworthy hand of (kill, adence and care. Quality, uniformity, unfailing supply, fresh distribution these benefits are included in the mean ing of service, packed in with the products of the Meyer Brothers Drug Company. ATarOT Brother Druf Com pmnjr frfiM product, omrtitr the drug mtorm thmt mIH thm. Meyer Brothers Drufr Co. St. LuU t-y Gillelt. WW. 83, Tlnpopsnnmi. 40 acres, Charles K. Perell. 2oo. WW. 89, Turnips, 150 acres, J. W. Maloney, $1600. WW. 6, Nasopiyousonmi, 79 acres, Irvin Mann, $425. WW. 104, Dr. Joe.. WW. 106, rishcolla, 197, Irvin Mann, 1800. WW. 107, Yetkoiv, 40 acres, Charles Joe. $280. WW. 109, Tokaa, 120 acres, R. F. Kirkpatriek, $8.10. WW. 137. Atllupum, 80 acres, J. D. Morrow, $450. WW. 14 2, Weyounlmtah, 80 acres, Louis Hergevin, $1000. WW. 147. Mamuchet, 80 acres, Louis BerRevin, $1000. WW. 148, Akatht.mln, 129 acres, David Horn. $600. WW. 141. Nalamchatat. WW. Toenavut, 63 acres, Mrs. W. A. Storie. $375. WW. 1S2. Shalln, 102 acres, J. W. Maloney, $735. WW. 164. Ijillmot, 52 acres, J. W. Maloney, $365. WW. 172, Utile Salmon. 70 e,cres. Parsons Motanic, $350. WW. 173, Wapshenat, 120 acres, S. C. Blttner, $700. WW. 175, Tslninnpum, 10 acres. John McPhail, $75. WW. 177, John Hyer 105 acres, C. Vlassenroot, $1150. WW. 178, Mflyan, 40 acres, Virgil A. Holt, $243. WW. 201, K-dna Cox, 40 acres, F. S. Curl, $600. WW. 3!iS, Ida Klht'l Lnvador, 40 acres, L. U lioBCis. $600. WW. 460. suyhax, 35 acres, W. H. Capllngrer. $200. WW. 47o, Wiifihaloontny, 40 acres, Claude Crow, $327. WW. 471. Sam Brown. 80 acres, Marlon Jack, $1120. WW. 481, Yellow Jacket, 85 acres, Chas. W. netla. $125. 4ne Year lycasctf. t C. 32, Alice l'alawa, 80 ucres, Glenn iStorie, $280. . C 105. Francis Lincoln, 120 acres. Earl Kirkpatriek. $500. C. Ill, Mary Jones, 75 acres. Earl Thompson, $250. C. 136. Billy Joshus, 79 acres, F. S. Ilrewertes start lp. ST. LOUIS, May 28. Although the manufacture of beer was resumed by the Independent Breweries Co., con trolling five St. Louis breweries sev eral days ag-o, and notwithstanding- ths Issuance of an Injunction in New York restraining erovernment official from interfering with the making of 2 2-3 per cent beer, all St. Louis brew eries will not Immediately resume operations. German peace delegate. Anyhow, after July 1. we may "drink in the beauties of nature" ill And these days most of us would rather he a haseball umpire than a Otic Arrow COLLAR CLUETTPEABXYCo:Inc-. TROY-NY HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYSjSS maim w . Let's Get Acquainted Just beginning business in your city, we thought it may not be amiss to have a little talk re eardin? our methods of con ducting our business. We pay spot cash for all country killed meats such as hogs, veal and lambs. Our packing house purchases are paid Monday following the date of sale, which puts the buying, end of our business on a strictly cash basis. In.viewT of the very high cost of all fresh and cured meat, buying for cash and selling on 30 day accounts involves considerable capital, so in order to carry on our business successfully along these lines we are going to ask our book customers to co operate with us by making settlements in full by the 10th of each month. We are going to do our very best to please you and we feel sure that you will do your part with us. Oregon Market PHONE 600 813 MAltf ST. CiBi.!ii!isli5iB!iiS15illiBISCl&isliiiHrl&!ii4sla6l'4 ON' (I F9 frN mm mo EAT I.USS MKAT IP YOl HACKAl'IIY Oil HAVE HLiii)i:u Titorm.K ! Si : laj 1-T-TrX ; . j -ggr-rj :." -QrLlf Tjamit liKV&urHeel 3 6 si it No man or woman who eats meal regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, thev become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter j the waste and poisons front the blood.' then wo get sck. Nearly nil rhell- gj mutism, headaches. liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come fr,m slug gish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys pr your back hurts or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passase or ot" tended fry a sensntion of scalding, stop eating meat and get nbout four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar- C. 142. Ijtpitash. Tubbs, $1280. C. 221. Koloyealash, SO acres, Ra chel Kirkpatriek, $.125. C 228, Cosh Cosh. C. 229. l'eteen. 70 acres, A. P. Knight. $225. ' C. 251. Alontamapnet, "2 acres, Fin Is Kirkpatriek, $325. C. 2S1, Hutswallatn, 7S acres, R. F. Kirkpatriek. $325. O. 291, Julia White Wolf, 40 acres, Vf. H. Saver. $S5. C. 393. Wafwhypor, 40 acres. R. F. Kirkpatriek, $180. WW. 26. Teshone, 150 acres, Louis Bergevln, $1200. WW. 48, Sam Wak Wuk, 150 acres. 4 a 41 m a 6 of water before breakfast nd m a I few days your kidneys will act fine. jThis famous salts is made front the incid of grapes and lemon juice, com I bitted with llthia. and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys. also to neutralise the J acids in urine, so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot injure: makes a delightful efferv cent llthia-wnter drink which every one should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the IiIoih) pure, thereby avoiding serious I "a n mt m it's 4 . Lowe Brothers Durable floor Varnish stands rough and scuff tests Jani it with the nails of your heel. The nails will dent the wood but there will be no crack in the varnish. Scuff your feet along its surface, so the nails drag over it. Drag marks may show, but there will be no white scratches on the varnish. Lowe Brothers Durable Floor VARNISH is both tongh and elastic. It stands wear and tear. Water, Lot or cold, has no effect on it. Easy to use. Dries hard and stays hard ; does not become sticky. We recommend Lowe Brothers Durable rlour Varnish for four floors. L. J. McATEE The Practical Paint Man. Ilovvman lloM'l muck. ! '' ' V 1 kidney complications. BBBVsiavasiMbSi&siaBifta)sii,a)MabsMbsau,aAbsa.