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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1919)
r TEN PAGES PA7LY EAST OREGONTATI. VVSUSTi OinCGOW. MONDAY, MAY 2fi, 1019. PAGRTtmiCB NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON County lluud Hpcwdcr l'liuxl. ( V. V. Honderaion, arrested fur apucd. ln on tho county roads, pleaded utility In Justice court and waa fined 10. Pxrnilt fur Shed Issued. W. J. Carey of 819 Ulluth street, waa Issued a permit by City Kecordur Fits Herald thla mornlnjr to erect sheds on Ilia property. Tho Job will coat f 50. I Inhnrltanoe Tax Man llii-o, Htanloy Culver, of the atute Ircas urer'a office, Kulem, la horo chucklm up on Umutllla County'a aharo of the tale Inheritance tux now duo. Agriculturist In Town. F. I Kent, representing the depart ment of agriculture, wan In the city Rnturday after havlnir made a aurvey of the number of aorea In aprlng wheat In thla county. , Mayor Vaiuchan ItclitriiM. Mayor J. I Vaughan has returned from Portland whi ro he attended two duya of tho electrlolal contractor cun- vunloii. Ho la one of the vlco nrcsl- denta of tho organization. iiixano Kuiat Hold; A man thought to be Insane, waa ar reted at the depot by Patrolman Myera und lodged in tho city Jail. Ho waa turned over to county officials and examined by allenlatH Buturduy. TliriHt fiiwdora lined. William l'lper, Almee llorxevlnx ana I j. A. Mlnton were each fined Ii In police court thla morning fcr viola tion of tho city apocd law. will bo tn charge of Minn Virginia Todd, secretary. I'. I j. luillard Horn. V. lj. Kullara, assistant atnte leader of county agenta, wiuf In the city Huturday. He left yesterday for TtepjJiHT on liuMlneaa. fishing oil lit liil( Itlvor. Hoi Han m and W. S Matlock left Kunday morning by train for Maupln I on the DcHChutoa rivor, where they are fishing toduy und tomorrow. They expect to return to I'ondloton Tuca duy evenulng. Peptiron A Rfl Iron Tonic Olvea vlr.or and nerve tone to nrl and Infirm, and those worn-out from overwork, worry, excitement or close confinement In homes or shops lis tr C. L MOOD '-'.. Looi'll. llau. Ml Mi Cow IN Girt. U M. Mnln. i well known farmer living southweat of Pendleton, came to town Saturday with a fine Jersey cow which he presented to his daugh ter, Mrs. MaMe Morton. . s L' i ' r.. ViMLum Mi'llirttl. Miss Kthel Miller has been signed to a. contract to touch In, the Houth Yoakum school for the coming year nt a Hilary of lino a month. The school Is in District No. 18 and has a nine months' torm. Iti-d Cross lo Keep Hrcorils. Iteconla kept by Merlo Chessman, secretary of the Umatilla County Pat riotic Service league, of tho war ser vice of Itniatllla county men, and other matters of war record, will In future bo kept at the Red Cross office. They f-t Dm Unilt. I Mr. and Mrs. Frell Hansen and W. j IT. Lyday spent Huturday on a fish-1 Ing expedition ut Lehmun Hprlngs. i returning Hominy, huving captured the limit. The fish are all fine sped-' mena, tho longest being 18 Inches. j Stain Ij-eulcr Hero. ! Sirs. J. I. McConib, state leader of.l county demonstration agents, was in j tho city Kuturday "for a conference with Mlsa 1jrono Parker, county i demonstration asont for Umatilla j county. iM -ibi ioi ioi-ioi-ioi loi-ioi 101 101- 'Thc new 'phone number at the Delta is 32" Pure Alfalfa Honey FROM STANFIELI) f This is the very best prade of White Strained Honey packed in Kerr Self Sealing wide mouth jars. t Tints 40c ' Quarts 75c Half Gallons $1.45 Gallon Glass Jugs $2.75 HO lb. Cans $11.75 "Waste Less Buy the Best" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Thones 101. (Private exchange connecting both' departments.) In Ch id Wi-iran. Iiureau. Mrs. K. W. Uoodnlo. formerly of l'endleton. has accepted a position in I the child welfare bureau conducted In Portland by the Maby's Houdolr Mrs. Ooodale la a registered ntir:M and'her duties will be to weigh and measure tho bablen who are brought; to the Klinp for tests. (iolfors to Walla Walla Sunday. John Dickson. H. H. Itudd. and H. W.-Dlckson, members of the Pendleton t.'olf t.'lub formed a purty visiting the Walla Walla links yesterday. The trio went over to get accustomed to tho course, over which they hope to i play at the Trl-8tate tourney next Sat urduy and Hunday. Grocery Phones 52(i Use the Phone SERWCJ5 PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE , Other Departments 78 Use the Phone Newest Tub Skirts Mies -TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT Nod Fowler, BJtflKtant manaKer for the I'nlverKlty of Ore-Ron track team,! '. left May for Kiiffene after Hpendin j yHiorday with his mother, Mr. Ida j Fowler. He han leen at Hull man I with the university team, which won ! third place at the Northwest (Confer-! ence. The team's next trip will be to Seattle. ; Will XiH Ircm-nt "Pinafore." j The prpHcntHtion of "Pinafore" ly J loral tnlent under the direction of C. , O. breach and with Georse Rutton ! a manager, has been cancelled he- cjuihc of other Interests which Inter ' fered with ivlieursals. The date et , for "I'lnafore" waa Juno 11 and 12 and the proceeds were to have been I presented to the Hed Crows. Whether for comfort or style, every woman should have several of these beautiful wash skirts to complete her summer wardrobe. A variety of styles, gabardine, poplin, pique or silk awaits your selec tion. All white or check, stripes or plaids of sports coloring; novelty pockets, broad or narrow belts and button trimming $4,50 to $15.00 J 5" 'i f ""aSSS" can be put to many uses. A jttSyJ display of exceptionally well This display of middy blouses will undoubtedly appeal to girls and women for summer wear, picnic, vacation and house needs. Made of good strongly woven galatea, cither white or blue collars, all seams double stitched. Several styles among them the yery newest models. : Fancy Sis yard $2 to $3.50 "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy'' FOR SALE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME ON THE NORTH SIDE. $9,000 A REAL BARGAIN! Tf j JOE KERLEY j Bucceasor to Chaa, R. Hoard, Ino. "See Me Before the Firew Insurance Ioans Real Estate 711 Mala Pendleton, Oregon ItWumtH frVm Omvmtlon. ' Manuel Frledley, councilman and clHiirman of the school hoard, return ed from. falem and Portland last night, where he spent lust week attending the T. O. O. F. grand lodge convention and transacted bus) new. ' While In Portland he went to hear j lletihen Heck with. Pendleton boy, ap- ( pearlng on the Orpheum circuit j llaml IliiHnt IXiwc Tonlglir. Tho second benefit dance fnr the Pendleton Itound-Pp band will le heUl In Huppy Canyon this 'evening. j iVndng will begin at fl end muHln I will be furnlKhed y the entlro kt : wnnel of tho band. The proceeds j from tho affair will be unod to help j pay for tho new uniforms of tho or tSMIIIJbtllll'II. Iteniwtt Itcf Mtrlcd lU-tter. M liennett. dlwtrlct engineer for tho Ftate highway commisninn, la Im proving at Hot IiLke, accordinp to a telephone mwwmte from Mrs, lien nett today. Mr. liennett waa taken 111 with rhemmatlwm at lone while on a motor trip to Itend Iat week. He' wan en route lo t'entral Oregon at the time to confer on three road sur vey a. It will be me vera I days before he can leave the sanitarium. Included in this assortment are stripes, plaids and figures, in light and dark colorings. Suitable for summer dresses that will keep you cool; 36 to 40 in. wide, such materials as taffeta, satin, messaline, foulard, pussy willow, etc. Make your selection now and get full summer's wear out of your dress. SILK POPLIN $1.25 YD. Offered in colors that are specially good for sum mer wear, such as Copen, navy, tan, taupe, grey, black, white. Our silk poplin makes up iilto splendid dresses that will stand hard wear. Have a look at this fine material. WHITE WAISTINGS 23c TO $1.25 YD. Use our white, sheer waist fabrics for summer wear. Offered in plain and fancy stripes, figures and checks. You will like them when made up, be cause they will look good, wash well and wear better. WHITE SKIRTING 50c to $1.50 Now is the time to make up several wash skirts of these ex cellent fabrics, because they wash and wear well. Offered in pique, several size widths, fancy checked patterns, striped and plaid effects. BUTTONS, BUTTONS If you need Buttons, Alexanders can furnish you with all your needs. Our stock is complete with but tons to trini dresses, waists, coats, suits, boys' waists men's shirts, rompers, baby dresses, etc All kinds of prices.' PILLOW COSE LACES 12' c, 15c YD. ' Made specially for Pillow Cases and articles that are to be washed frequently. Just the right width and weight. Very pretty design. Offered in edg ings and insertions to match. Buy your Pillow Case Laces here. LITTLE VANITY BAGS 35c to $1.00 Made of ribbon in all kinds of color combinations in just the right sizes. Including a mirror and pow der puff. They are very practical and make splend id gifts. v,a.,a 5 Tuesday Morning Specials Tempting bargains in every department tomorrow. We are not going to list them, but you can rest assured they arc worth while. Come down in the morning and get jour share of these money saving specials. U.,u-.tft I,. IMMllnH Travelen. to HlnKham this year r ' rnbmv 1x ito.i Cars. nighKfrom attending grand lodge I. often Fnrpri.d to find a mwnilll In! Anion the recent Bale made by O. O. F. at Salem were Mr. and Mm. operation at the fork of ftfearham I famphell nd Frentirt Motor . If. j. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs F het nrnnk Uri t h. I'mnriitu o k, v 1 ' In n ' was a Iexinsrton Mlnnt stone. J. T. Howman and Manuel Brown han also parrhaed a Lxlnp. ( grand hljrh priest at Grand Kncamp- j Homo Survey Chairman Appointed. ion, b i tort Ai oriel, a no j. Kocn is ment, which places him in line lot years with the local company, which has placed art order for coal to sup ply the demand for the coni ng fait and winter. Gllilmn. The mill Ih owned by W. H. t'ayer. who owna some timber nearb und It Ib now busy rutttna lumber. Many yearn ?o a mill wai operated ! not far from the location of tho pres ent mill. iilso driving1 a new Lexington. grand patriarch next year. Mr. raMiirr to SHak Timilit. W. Ii. ThomlMii In Portland. Mrs. Charles Cast nor president of ' Y. I Thompson left Sunday for . tho State Federation of Women's '. Portland to attend the month-end I meetinir of the State HlRhay Commis- ! Mrs. J. R. Flaher of Nolin. has been placed in charge of the farm surveys in her district- Mr t McXaught of Hermiaton will be head of the work there: Mrs. Henry Somners) tn Columbia district, and Mrs, J. B, Stanton at F'llot Rock. Mtm Iren Parker, county demon8trtlon arent, is in charge and has sent out bhuika which are to be filled In finr the pur pto of giving Information to th government. Mtss Parker, with Mr James Hill of this city.will, b In charge of the farm survey In the dls tricta near Pendleton. i - V ' WE ARE UNLOADING TODAY "t ONE CARLOAD OF f Dodge Brothers Touring' Cars The first Dodge Brothers cars we have ' received in over two months. Most of these cars are sold; just a few left, so if you are going to be the owner of one of these TOPULAR cars this season, you will have to speak up quick. Home of United States Tires. Cottonwood & Water Sts. Phone 530 ;vrriiim'iit TrHln HrMirt ltiHTiviil. IturltiK the month of April thp pus- IciuKs, will speak tonlsht nt the !! rnner trnlnn oprrutprt under govern- j lrrv auditorium na prt of a cam- j fiion and to aatend to business in tho i mrm c.mroi in me nonnnest remon : paign for tho I'i.OOO.UOO hondinR j lllctrololis. were on time ss.dl per cent of the i , wh:eh will come bcfirc tho peo time, accordlnsr to a report of 15. H. ; p0 Juno 3. i 4 AfHhton, regional director. received i today. Of this section, the O.-W. 11. i simik nt ;mnpw IMcnk. A X. trains maintained an on time j V. W. tireen. count v school super record of 93.33 per cent. rnrinn .nnt. the need In Her. mtston tf n new schod house at a MRS. DANIELS RIDES A Ttv.iOR April 191 8, the record for the road Kilt R!i 7'.' nor rn t Thn rriarl irvi-i f led 420 passenger trains during both .months and of these, 392 were, on time in April, !U9, Two Cases iio By IH'fanlt. Orders of default were entered In circuit court today in t he rases or ' Ixmxo Pavid Stover vs. Maael Stover and Cyril C. Cunklin vs. Anna P. Conk lin. grango picnic In Hcrmiston Saturday. Miss i.orene Parker, county demon-.Murphy Itnts. ant .Imlrtwent. -t ration agent, spoke on child wel- j .,! , thn D. ,.f - r n fiire and on hot school lunches. Har- , , . , lL with imcrest from April l. is Pld Pean. who I In charge of the . hy Murphy Uro in Hn Hrtjon xpfrimeni i h, Kk e a ia iiv un i i'alfa. production. Rodm-inK C'liurHi IKM. At the Christian church last even ing the sum of S 1 500 was pledged to ward reducing the church debt. This $2.-no 1'ountaiii nt ChaHc Company. I plus money raised hy various church against John Myers and Georgia My ers, filed today. 1. V. Hailey repre sents the plaintiffs. nrtranlxa.tions makes about fl'onn now avaiktblo for det reducing purposes. It Is expected to run the amount up to :Kftfl before the Ketf. H. H. Hub bell leaves on July 1. The debit of the church at present Is $7350 and the subscrlptlona will reduce the ritt to less than $T000. The debt is held by the church and draws four per cent Interest A 2.-.n marble fountain, especlat- Kw CihiI AoiI on Week Fnd. Iv deslnned and made In Chicago for! Oirl William fcnbusk. a farmer of the Charles companv. arrived at the j Pendleton, and Anna Metilda Salmai. store todav and Is being Installed. Tha ' of l'endleton, were issued a license to fountain was nwdo to meet the de-,wp ioobj. wo rwurua iiernoon Hrnl Cnmn OfflclaJtt to lie at Meotlnff.l mands of the store and one feature "ense will provide running water In cascade Mra. Jennie G rover, both of Helix. He effect which wfill greatly facilitate ,is a farmer in the Helix region. J fountain service. The front of the new adttlon la salmon pink marble. H"'" H .If. while the Irnck Is birch-mahogany. I lnfall of .11 Inches yesterday m j was not heavy enouph to srreatly hen- P, o,ll, lo.i Indian 1 ,..- as Hindu. i " rr"l'. farmers, althoiiKh Miss Kmnm OrlttliiRcr. director of! Aha Xev, posing- as a Hindu but"1 f:,l " welcomed. The rain the bureau of public health nnrslnat, I reooKniited as a half-breed Indian cooled the air and caused a notice, j Hen Adams, director of orgnnlitatlon I from Pendleton, was peremptorily or- "h,p drop in temperature. j nnd membership, and tester Turner, derod from Kunene recentl- after be i j division auditor, all officials from held a public mectlnsr at the KuRene '" fc'rcx. ' Northwest Hndliiarlers. Hed .Cross, armory. Aba Ney drew large crowds! T- " "llM "",nilBr f"r ,,,e are here and will be present tomor. ami would no doubt have reaped ; Central Coal and Coke Company, and row for the meeting In tho afternoon harvest had It not been discovered ( "corse H. Whiteman. traveliiiB sales' Bt the librao' auditorium. Mr. Ad. ,tlmt he was not a native of Ksypt but , a sent for the company, whose spee. ajiu, and Mr. Turner nre today visit- a Cmatilla brave. ially is Peacock coal, are In the city I In the Pilot Kock rted Cross, which today conferring with the Smythe. J Is an oreanteation separate from the Hctiirn from ;rnd I.flse. Whiteman are renewing the re. j. VmatMla county chapler. J Among those who returned last1 latlonsblps of the r"' three' Camounaged tractors were used to carry Pecrelarr Danlele an 1 Mra. Daniels lo a reviewing stand at Vaelendar. Germany, when tn secretary reriewed troops there on his recent European visit. Mr. Danlela way be seen beside the driver or the machine here plctuns! lit) Hie fUr- atanJs oa the pla'drra. ! ! ! ii t i ? i i f