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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1919)
PAGE NINE TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREO0N1AN, PENDLETON. ORKflON, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1910. Special Notice Good things come in small packages QUALITY, not quantity, counts. The difference between the size of our Bevo boftle and the beer bottle used by others Is two ounces one swallow. This slight difference In quantity is their only talking point. ... " Many copied our bottle, others tried to imitate our label and name, but none have succeeded la producing the quality of ' Bevo is classified by the U. S. Government as a soft drink. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Knble- land in dlaftrlct ahuuld ti a- Hetirted lh name a every other irri gable acre. Thl-brought about a ten dency to exclude land from the dis trict, which would Increase the coat aitalnst the muln body of land not! tvlthstandinfr the fact that In might be entirely feasible to Irrigate those land at a higher cost. It wll not be notwible to Include such lands in an Irrigation district as a weparate unit and amit-HM them according; to the cost of reclamation. Under the Irrigation district law an unacted In J 9 17. the district could not require construction bonds id exce of 2 per cent of the amount of the contract. This has' been cured as the Mtatute now provides that . no such bond shall be lesii than 25 per cent ot the construction cost. The drainaae district law was ale amended In some Important feature!) so that it now corresponds more close ly with the irrigation district law and all question han been eliminated as to whether or not the obligation of the district was an Individual or a com munity obligation by fixing it definit ely, as a community obligation. Another statute was enacted provid ing for the certification of drainage dlHtrict bonds la the same manner as Irrigation district bonds are now cer tified. 8 u in m I rig u p. therefore, much fa vorable legislation was secured af fecting reclamation. In fact, the last legislature seemed to take a more favorable view toward reclamation than its predecessors. ENGINEER REVIEWS CHANGES MADE IN IRRIGATION LA WS th titute Water Superintendent. HlutB KnRlneer wai Kivcn charge !ly l'Kltcr A. l-l'I'l'EU. Slutd En-imid (firmer.) The HALKM Muv 1!3. Komn Imnnrtunl ' of llm riirttrtltntlnn if Hia wntur nf th. changes were marie by the lam lentil- State, with authority of ovenxtelnir tho !ln,, r t in i .. .. ... . ' 1 believed "I III. l " mill. II IHS- ' WMI P. 0 IIIW VUllffMS Wi(l( JJltbBlKIH, tlin and druinagi? district lawn of th which work has heretofore been un Hlute. The HholiNhment of the office! der tho direction of the dlvltilon su of Kuperlnltmdent of Water IXvialon perlntendent. The Buperintendent of. ii. the entire Ktttta and was given the title of Htate Water uerlritcndent. ,A. constitutional amendment pro viding for the guaranty of the firm five years' lutereat on Irrigation and drainage bonds will be submitted to the people at the coming special elec. tion. On account of heavy amcoumij Low Figures Alarm Centenary Leaders I'PIITLAN'D, May 23. The Methc dist. centenary touched the JSIi.000,000 mark at noon, yesterday In New York while $1.556. SHU had been reported the XorthweHt. Leaders of the drive are seriously concerned with the slow growing flgurex as $301) 000 a day must be reported by Hunday night in order for the campaign to be complet Onel hundred and fifty six I cImm wf reclamation bonds has been hinder a severe handicap, wnicn u n will be largely removed It j this amendment Is paawed. A statute was enacted providing ' that irrigation districts may accept No. 1 reduces the State Water Hoard: Water llvlion No. 2 was given charge , dll!trict M an ofri)et ttgMnt to two members. Ihu Ktate Knglncer of the adjudication of water right. I rrclamatlon cnurKe on the remain. l. .1 tier of his land. This will prolahl serve as a very convenient method ot cooperating with the Federal Govern, niont The provision of the Irrigation dis trict law relating to the validation nt the procedure prior to the Issuance of bonds was clarified by the re-enact-ment of this portion of the Irrigation district law. Agricultural lands Included within the limits of an municipality may now he included In an Irrigation district. ThM amendment was deemed neces surv on account of the large area ot on drainage and Irrigation bonds this churches In the Northwest have fall ed to report and on thes reports lead- erssay now depends the success of the centenary. The Itching and Sting of Blazing. Fiery Eczema Seems Like the Skin la on Fire. There is a harrassing discomfort caused by Eczema that almost be comes a torture. The itcWng is al most unbearable, and the skin seems on firs with the burning irritation. A cure from local applications of salves and ointments is impossible, because such treatment can only al lay the pain, temporarily. The disease can only be reached by going deep down to its source. Tho source of Eczema is in the blood, the disease being; caused by an infection which breaks out through the skin. That is why the most satis factory treatment for all so-called skin diseases is S. S. S., for this rem edy so thoroughly cleanses the blood that no impurities can remain. Get at bottle to-day at any drugstore, and you will see results from the right treatment. Write for expert medical advice, which you ran get without cost, by addressing Medical Director, 21 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Gs, REALTY TRANSFERS g..iawtwit wmmmM&JH&xt,- .iff eimmri naWi1 P""3 tl Middle Aged Women should take warning from such symptom as heat flashes, shortness of breath, exoeiwive nervousness, irritability, and the blues which indicate the approach of the inevitable Change " that comes i all women nearing middle age. We have publihhed vol umes of proof that Lydia E. Iiukham' Vege table Compound m the greatest aid women can have during thw trying period. . Read About These Two Women I Fremont, O, " I wss pasting through the critical period ot Ufa, being forty-six jesra of age sud bad all the ynp torns inci'leut to IbaC change heat flashes, !jerromuiM, and wss la a general ruu-duwo coudition, so it was bard for me to do oijf work. I.jrdia B. J'inkbain'l Vegetable Compound wss recooi in ended to me as the best remeily for nny troubles which it surely proved to lie. 1 feel lieu . ter and stronger fa every way since taking it, and the an- r ooying symptoms have disappeared." Mrs. M. Gopdsv, fUS Kapoleoa at., Fremont, Obio. Urban. 111. "During Change of I.lfe, In addition to its annoying symptoms I bad so, stlark of grippe which lasted all winter and left nis in a weakened condition. I felt at times that 1 would never be well sgain. I read of Lydia K. Finkhsm's Vegetable Compound and what it did for women passing through ths Change of Life, so I told y doctor I would try it. I soon began to gain in strength and the annoying symptoms disappeared and your Vege table Compound baa made me a well, strong woman so l do alt my own housework. 1 cannot recommend Lydia K. Piakbam'a Vegetable Compound too bigbly to worn r a using through tbe Change of Life." Mrs. 1'BASK lassos, 131S beuth Orchade Street, L'rbana, 111. Women Everywhere Depend Upon Ludia E. Vegetable WomeW mm i -r''f.TV Ii'mII his 'if. - taasasaa. '.Z'-lM J'VW' rincoi ains - Compound t3eds. P. T. Coffman to O. Jackel. $3750. 7 1-2 acres In SB 1-4 KK 1-4 section 26. township 6 north, range 3S: It. M. Dorothy to C. J. Moss. $10 10 acres In 8W 1-4 NK 1-4 section 21. township S north, range 36. A. Uaohor to E. BaJdior. $5000. N' 1-4 section 22 and 8W 1-4 SW 1-4 section 15, township 1 north, ramie Jl. a. Myers to M. BdwardM Long. $1. Lots 1, 2 and 3, block 102. Reserva tion Add. to Pendleton. E. V. Johnson to O. Boppre. $1. 00. Reservation Add. nffriciiltnriil land which is Included' within the limits of some of the mo-i1'"' "lock 1 I'enillHIon K. I. Wood to J. B. Beebe, $4 400 8 1-2 SW 1-4 XB 1-4 and SW 1-4 SB The Children Will Want It mats- nlcipulitleM within or adjacent to th. lrriKatln diHtrleta. I'roviwfon han nlo beenmaile fr the reclamation of land in an Irriga tion district In units. Heretofore, it waa necessary that every acre of Irrl- Children and j ; glrown-ups love , the delicious wheat and bar- ! ley food GrapeNuts It builds body ana Dram A PRESENT FREE TO EACH GIRL OR BOY Who brings or sends to the East Oregonian office., one new Daily subscriber by carrier for 1 month or longer; or one new Daily subscriber by Mail for 3 months or longer; or one new Semi-Weekly subscrib er by mail for 1 year; or any subscriber renewing their Daily subscription for three months or longer or Semi-Weekly for one year. IX)H YOVR CONVENIENCE USE THIS COCPOX East OrcKOnlan rub. Co. Gentlemen: rieano send me "Uncle Billy's" Circus and send the (Daily) or (Semi-Weekly) East Oregonian by (carrier) or (mall), for which find enclosed $.. to the following address Bend the paper for months,,,,... year. Kama .- Town Street and No My Nam la My Address is SimSCRIPTION RATES rally by carrier 65o per month. Dally by Mall $5.00 per year. "i- V ' Daily by Mall $2.60 six months. Dally by Mail II. !6 three months. Semi-Weekly $1.50 per year. . IF CIRCT8 18 TO HE SENT BY MAIIj SEND So FOR POSTAGE. There is only one place for that delicious CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM KOEPPEN'S The Drug Stors That You Best. Serves Con Dung Low LouiesTlace Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Came, Span ish style. Chop Suey, Chinese style. ' All kinds of Soup. Short Order Meals. Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc. China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. Webb and Cottonwood 8ta. Phone 667. Psndletoo. Ore. 1-4 section 24, township 4, north range 2K. J.H. Mills to H. C. Mills, $1000. 1-6 Interest in W 1-2 section 11. and W l-l NW 1-4 and W 1-S SW 1-4 sec tion 14. township 5 north, range 31. T. D. Taylor, sheriff, to G. Nash, Adnix. $379. hi. Lot 8. block 79, Keservation Addition to Pendleton. T. H. Himonton to J. T. Osle. $1 Lot 3 in block IS, Haley's Add to l'endleton. r A. J. Keattie to E. McKenzie. $10. 2-3 Interest In SW 1-4 section 33. township 4 north, 34. A. J. Beattie to R. Van Onsen. to. 2-3 Interest In SB 1-4 section 32, township 4 north, range 34. M. R. Foster to Wm. Mills. $10. VV 1-2 XW 1-4 and X 1-2 SW -?4 sec tion 10. township 5, north, range 32. H. Folsom to G. Folsom, $1. SB 1-4 sw 1-4 section 34 and XE 1-4 SW 1-4 section 2, township 1 south, ranffe 34. J. W. Smith to N. F. Royer, $900. S 1-2 SW 1-4 section 11, township 2. sojtth, ranee 33. W. M. Peterson to M. F. Rover, $12.". lt 4, section 10, township 3 south, range 33. F. Martin to M. F. Royer. $1500, B 1-2 K 1-2 section 10. and B 1-2 NH 1-4 nee! Ion 33 and W 1-2 NW 1-4 section 34. township 2 south, range 33. Pendleton Trust Co.. to A. O. Ire- land. $1.1iiu. Lt lrt, niock 58. Itcs erviition Add. to Pendleton. R. A. Unite to F Sloan, $1. SW 1-4 seel Inn 34, township 6 north, range .1". 'Inland Irrigation Co. Inc. to F. Sloan $1. Section 1.1, section 25. N" 1-2 X 1-2 section 3d. north, range 29. sections !l and 17. W 1-2 and SE 1-4 ctlnn 29. S 1-2 NW 1-4 and N 1-2 SS 1-4 section 82. township 6 north, range .10. portion of section 1. township 4 north, range 29, SB 1-4 XE 1-4 section 4. township 4 north, range SO. S 1-2 SE 1-4 section 5. township .1 north, range 30, E 1-2 NK 1-4 and NK 1-4 SE 1-t section 16. and S 1-2 S 1-2 section 16, town ship .1 north rungo 30. H. H. Edward to M. Willis, $75. l.otv .1. Mock 4 4. Wardwell's Add. I'matlUa ! F. 1). WMlIt to W. P. Cnhle $14,700. SW 1-4 S1-: 1-4. W t-2 XE 1-4, NW i 1-4 SE 1-4 and SE 1-4 NW 1-4. sec tion 31. township 4 north, range 35. 1 F. A. Michael to I. W. Terry. $1 SW 1-4 NW 1-4 and NW 1-4 SW 1-4 'section IS. township 2 north, ranter 32. an lots 7. 9, 10 and 11 of section 13. township 2 north, range 31. and fractional SW 1-4 SW 1-4 section IS, tcwiishlp 2 north, range 32. and de scriptive tract in sections 18 and 19. ; township 2 north, range 32. and in SK l- SB 1-4 section IS. and In E 1-2 NE 1-4 section 24. township 3 north, range 32. and lot 8. section IS. lots I and 2. W 1-2 NE 1-4 and NW 1-4 section 24, township g north, range 31. S. M. Bauni to C. A. Johnson. $10. XB 1-4 NW 1-4 section 2 and S 1-S SW 1-4 and NE 1-4 SW 1-4 section 23, township 4. south, range 32. Wm. W. Smith to L. H. Moon, $10 South 24 feet of lxt 24, in block 7. Wright's Add. to Milton. "W. tl. t'oleman to L. H. Moon $10. Lot 25 and northerly feet of lot 24. block 7, Wright's Addition to Mll tt n. A Thousand to One. J There are a few thousand round, about waya of telling a lie, but there Is only one way of telling the truth. I see the, seaplane in the sky. The seaplane I can see plain; The plane Is lain to naked eye But soon. It will be up so high The C-plane will not B-plane. It is said that tho people of Okla homa have no time for art You'd think that the oil In an. oil painting would have a certain appeal. The body of the Emir of Afghanis tan who was assassinated was taken to Jellalabad and buried -In a grave on the royal golf course. The course probably was in need of a royal bun ker. ?T The man on the sand box says from the way Eve got It In-the neck for eating an apple he thinks the Adam's apple should be located in the neck of women instead of man. If you Imagine that a chorus girl, has no talent, observe her when some gray-haired old scamp flashes a ple thoric pocketbook. Energyj THE WORK OF THE KIDNEYS U to filter and cart out WMte product snd poioo from the blood trran. When the kidney are overworked, weak or diseased, the waste matter remain, in tbe ysten and cauae paina io aide or back, rheumatism, Uimbao. atiffaeaa of HMota. aora Kmlmrjio on Bxiwrr. Ut IMrtrolt. UKTUOIT, Mich., May 23. An em bargo on nil express shipments destin ed for Dertoit wan declared by the railroad administration, owing to strike of 600 truck driven and freight handlers employed here by the Ameri can Hallway Kxpresa company, ac cording to advices received from headquarters at Washington. the- ta tack ot energy, tocce. nor, wJ and fteneral efiecriTeoea. Kidney and bladder mutt properly function for anyone toeoioy ood bealuu are promt t) action and toaie In tbefr befinC and soothing effect on weak, ear, uve worked, diseased kidney and bladder. . Mr. Mary Henderson. Ml Carmel. 8. C. writer "Before I oaed Foley Kidney Pilla I waa troubled with kidney trouble and my left tide a ) halt m bo 1 could bardlyget up in tbe anorninC. Paia ta ail ton now aaa ana wcim ui-. ISOU KVKKYWHEKE VISIT Happy Day's NEW FOUNTAIN f For the coolest and best: drinks in town. I Plain Soda. Any mixed drink yon want. Golden West Ice Cream be cause it's a Pendleton product and better. Try our milk shakes. Cliquot and Puritan ' Club: Ringer ale. m Try a "Kelly" Cigar, 3 for 20c ill liafetcd QHltH Cuftm Service WASHINGTON', May 23. Frank M.' s Halstead resigned as chief of the cU8-jiE torna aervice to take up the practice i of customs, law in New York. Mr.'g Halstead, whose home Is in Washing- i jpp; ton state, had served with the customs 3 service for 16 year and as Its chief E for the last eight years. ! 3 Pmhyterian Society KloctH. ! CAMBKirHiK.O-, May 2.1. Mrs, j g James Parker of Jersey City waa elect- g ed president of tho Woman's General Sg Missionary society of the United H Presbterian Church of North Ameri- ca at the 36th annual convention here ES yesterday. Kort Morgan. Colo., was selected for the 1920 .convention. : Ainrdrd 0tAND PRIZE at 1h P. P. I. E. If OVERALLS 1 .wj:ttn;tHM ft. K'' sVWrSjSiMSCt. 4J . GoCKfOOWSUStt. a new su't JMEif they rib Making' Good THAT -IS ONE OF THE OUT STANDING FEATURES OF EVERY ACASON TRUCK. NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE USED, THEY ALWAYS MAKE GOOD. Umatilla Auto Go. Don Pruitt, Pres. AT CAMI'UKI.Ij FlttMTlEIi MtTOIt CO. 722 Cottonwood St Phone 46 If wMstdfaWcaBBOt Hitxitv you. we will m4llicni. char prefiaifl. oa rconp at price. $ 1 -50 esrdi. Levi Strauaa &. Co San Franciaco mi PEERLESS, VELIE and CHEVROLET SERVICE STATION WE SPECIALIZE ON Automobile IRepairnig Remember, if you are wanting a used car it will pay you to watch our ads for used car bargains. They don't last long and when you see them advertised it f means you'll have to hurry. Here's a bargain 1917 'iIUPMOBILE Roustabout $200 Down; $33 per Month ( Strongest Used Car Department in Pendleton Miller & Bement Co. g 630 COTTONWOOD ST. PHONE 203 FVr popularity it in better to hand nut even campaign cigars than advlc. Syil