1 Section Two Pages 7 to 12 Section Two Pages 7 to I 2 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, .OREGjON, FRIDAY,, MAY 23, 1919. "THE PIONEER" BY PROCTOR IS UNVEILEP AT UNIVERSITY Sculptor and Model had Many Trials and Tribulations Dur ing Work's Progress A. Phlmleter Proctor, formerly of Pendleton, I the neulplor who creat ed "The Pioneer,' the heroic bronze, figure that ImmortaHae the Hturdyj pathfinders of the wet which will! J iiK ton. There, with Mr. Proctor and their children, camp wa made and by means of aoreen an out-of-door Btndlo constructed where the mode) ported In the nude. It wan no me time later bwfore the clothe were put on the figure. - Heal adventures marked the work while In th mountain. One day swarm of yellow -Jack eta descended upon the tomr-sufferlng- model; later it wan found that wnfioott could reach the retrofit, ho the party burrowed Btlll further Into the wilda, where the trap per entered Into a feud with a (Jer- 3000 AT 1. 0. 0. F. GRAND LODGE SESSION ervo an an Inspiration to University j mun w,Uatter who killed the trapper's of Oregon students, and which was un veiled on the college campus yeter day dog. This caused another move, until finally the trapper decided to get mar rled-and the entire party took up reel Mr. Proctor was Introduced at the dence in Palo Alto where the status ceremonies yesterday. Joseph X. Teal ft Portland man who pr esen t ed the statue to the college, made the pre sentation addreerf, while T. O. Hen dricks, member of the first board of regents unveiled the statue. The ad- wus made by R. A. Booth, and Her ald White, president of the student body, for the students. The sculptor says that he lias lived with the statue for so long that It real really seems one of his family. Ho well does "The Pioneer" embody the spirit of the weKt that members of many old Oregon families huvq view ed tho figure and declared they now a resemblance to some early figure sf their family. After Mr. Proctor was told by Mr Teal of the tyie of Mat tie wanted, Ihe sculptor spent several weeks on Hill 7 1m n ley' ranch and with the douMe O outfit In Harney county. Finally one day. this trapper, with his dog. came Into a store and Mr. Proctor secured him for a model. The real work was dune white In thej mountain betwn Oregon nnd Wash- was completted. 'AMIIV AIJiOTMHNT BIIJ, VI VAKlI;TOV. May 2.1. A bill carry i up ;KHMMM for panunt of family tirtotmetifH ami allowance dict'ks Hill no refMirtPd out this aftcr- iHHiii by tlie House AHjrorbiLlojiftj n ComntiitM (lialrnuin (aisMl amwHiiic- , . "HhW.. ,M"riGame Warden Starts Uun. HALEM, May 2. Eamern Oregon carried off major honor tn today' aeiialnn of the grand lodge. I. O O. F. Ilaker wan selected ua the next meeting place of tho grand lodge without oppoHltlon. F. L.. Hulibard of Maker waa elected grand maeter of the order, and Mr. H'.ftKx of I'rlnevllle wue elected grand warden, after a nharp contest In which four candi dates were entered. A. H. Johnson of I'ortland wn elected deputy grand majfler; E. K. Hharon of Portland, grand secretary, and !. D. .Doane of The Iallen, grand treaaurer, were re-elected. Thomim Ityan of OregnClty wa-H elected a trurtee of the Odd Fellows Home. The grand parade thin afternoon was participated In by visiting Odd Fellows and Kebekahs. Kulem com mercial and civic organizations were featured In the day's program. KeglKtratlon of delegates to grand lodge and ateembly shows an attend ance of over 3000, by far the largest the hlstorl of the order. METHODISTS HERE TO EKCEED $20,000 MARK PEELS OF CORNS BETWEEN TOES A corn maahf-d. squeezed and crushed, all day long, in between two toes! You can try th ffspnrat, "trat 'em rough" way and try to dig The Great Corn Jiowwr of the Age. Never Fails, painless. Nabbing Bootleggers FatlMr (Ground, neorge Tonkin, game warden who "Hut Mabel, on what grounds does U In the rtty for a few days on busl- your father object to me?' . nenx, has Just returned from a visit "On any grounds within a mile of! to Iake county, where he figured In our house." Hons. on Post. the arrest of two bootleggers. 1. 1 iame Warden Tonkin, in search of . '? KuiwrflwHiM I'roniiM'. antelope, and Sheriff Woodcock, of The lver Promise me. darling. ' Ijike county. In search of bootleggers, that you will never let any ono come i made the trip to tho Nevada line and between us. jat the Colman ranch discovered two Xur?lnKff Father (In thai Imck-! lawbreakers. Game Warden Tonkin ground) From what I can see of you pulled h s rifle on one and the sheriff I don't know how any one can." i stopped the other, who carried four dwemijohns of whiskey which was be ing brought from California for Ore gon patrons. As for the antelope. Mr. Tonkin saw about 225, which he says seem wild, and suspects that Oregon and Nevada hunters are In a measure responsible for 'this condition. London MaJI. SMAIJ, ItKUKF FIIOM TIB-VP. WINNIPFXi. May 2.1. Industry In general hliowcfl yesterday only a small relief from tlie tic-np paralyzing tlw city this wHc. Water pressure Is In- reaHl and tol.re and fire rote(llfn has been enlarged. Mayor tiray saJtl Ionr KtrldcH WMuld lie taken toward Mtiieimnt of the trouble. Not only has Pendleton already ex ceeded its epiota of $16,280 by over $:000, in the Methodist Centenary drive, but this city, according to esti mates, will no doubt exceed the J20, 000 mark. The sum of $19,130 has been turned' in at present. At -the ban ut't Wednesday night the following telegrams were read by F. K. Hchmldt. centenary terasurer for The Dalles district, of which Pen dleton U a part: Portland. Ore., May 21, 1919. Fred E. Schmidt, Smith-Crawford Hutlding, Pen die-' ton. Ore. Reports from 332 churches of 475 in the Portland area tmow $1,403,414 dollars ra'sed to midnight Tuesday. One hundred thirty-four churches are over thetop. The Dalles district re ports sixty-five per cent of it quota raised, totaling $65,876. Five church over the top. The Dalles district re-, ton The Dalles. Dnfur. Biekelton. j White .Salmon. Pendleton was" the firHt charge In your district reported , over the top, lending as usual. FRANK C. JACKSON, Ca ni pa Sr n Director. Portland, Ore., May 21. 1919. Fred K. Pchmidt. Care Methodist Centenary Booster Banuuet. Pendleton. Ore. Report just received that Madras! the corn easily with the little glass church, of The Dalles district, Is over the top by $1900. ' FRANK C. JOHNSON. Portland. Ore., May 21, 1919. 1 Fred E. f-'chmldt. Pendleton. Ore. . . The latest report from New York gives $61,660,000 total Centenary con tribution to date The latest figures for the Northwest area give $1,495. 103. Confidently expect The Dalles district, this area, and the nation to go t ver the top, FRANK C. JACKSON. Area Campaign Director. Trje banquet was one of the most enjoyable ever served by the .ladies of the MKhodist church. Rev. R. E. Ciornsll acted an master of ceremo nies. Among those who ipoke were County School Superintendent Oreen. Prof. In'ow of the high school faculty. W. T. Rigby. Will Sloan: M. O. La hue. Attorney F. R. Schmidt and K. F. Avcrlll. Montana ftcdltkm Act l'lietd. H KLKXA, Mont-, May 22. The Montana supreme court upheld tho constitutionality of the Mondana se dition law, enacted by tho extraordi nary session of the 15th legislative assembly in February, 1918. The. opinion was rendered on apeal from the district court of Carbon county in the ca.se of Ben Kahn. Numerous cases are now before the court in which the law la attacked. TANK CORPS TKAINJVC; MA OF. HIM FIT TO MKKT REST OF ! WRKftTIJCRM, SAYS I.EAVITT Twe Drops of t.et That's All ." It out and fail. Or, you e try the sensible, peaceful, painless. asy way and use -ts-lt." It's easy for "Oets lt" to remove corns in hard-to-get-al places. It's a liquid a wonderful painless formula it has .ver b-n successfully Imitated. It settles on the corn, and dries immediately. Instead of digging out the corn, you peel it out painlessly. There's no sticky plaster that doesn't stay "put, no salve that irritates or rubs oil. iou reach rod In the cork of every "Gets-It" bot tle. It does not hurt the true flesh. Try it, trot and smile I It's a blessing; never fails. "(Jets-It" the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, com but a trifle at any dhg store. M'f'd by H. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, III. Sold In PndIpton and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by Tallman & Co. Tw Drops ef Cet-It, Thai's Alir Beavers Score Victory With Changed Line-up 5 California Kennewick Milton Strawberries SPRING CHICKENS NEW ASPARAGUS GREEN PEAS AND NEW POTATOES CUCUMBERS AND TOMATOES And everything in good groceries and fancy cuts of meat to make your Sunday dinner a success. Pendleton Trading' Co, "If it's on the market, we have it." 2 , lie Knew ITcK ' Mr Flgg I really ought to go to that club meeting th:B afternoon, but I can't get irp enough energy to start Flag Won't it help you along if I tell you not to go? Boston Tran Happy Mothers , Prepare in Advance A Won&rfo! tnfluenc For Expectaal Mothers Mothers tor over half a century has Used with the utmost remlarlty the time honored preparation. Mother's Friend, before tite arrival of baby. Here is a truly wonder ful penetrating application for the abdomen and breasts. It softens and makes elastic the muscles, rendering them pliant to readily J'ield to nature's demand for expansion. By ts use the anxious months of pregnancy am made comfortable. The upurI wrench ing strain, bearing-down and stretchlnr pains are counteracted. The system is prepared! for the coming event, and the use of Mother's Friend briofrs restful nights and happy antici pation, for the nerves are not drawn upon with the usunl strain. By its regular application the muscles et- Knd easily when babv arrives; the time is at the crliis and naturally the pain and danirer la less. Mother's Friend Is on gale at every drug store. It Is for external use only, la Absolutely safe and wonderfully effective. Write tho Bradneld Regulator Company, Pept. C. Lamar Bulldlnc;. Atlanta, Georgia, for their Interest! ntr Motherhood Book, free to users of Mother's Friend, and obtain a bottle of Mother's Friend from the drug tore and beg-in this grateful treatment. WE KILL All our own stocky cure all our own Bacon, Hams, etc. Make all our own Bo logna, Wieners, Minced Ham, thus eliminating the middleman's profit for your convenience. FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Rib Roasts, pound , . . . , 28c Beef Pot Roast, pound 2.5c, 28c Veal Roasts, pound 22c, 28c Veal Cutlets, pound 30c Veal Steaks, pound 24c Fresh Dressed Chickens. 109 W. Webb CITY MEAT MARKET Highest Prices Paid for Livestock Tlione 703 (f 1 PAN FRAXCiaCO, May 28. With a Bhaken-up batting order, the Bea vera scored nine runs asa: nst t he Seals, while Oldham pitched shutout ball. f Batteries Oldham "and Baker; Couch, Baum and Baldwin, McKee. SACRAMENTO, May 23. The first two innings gave Sacramento the irame over Vernon, 4 to 2. Plercey aJIow'ed. but four Wts. Ba 1 1 erf e Da w so n , R oss and Te vormer; Plercey and FiMher. I UmnrnfflfMoYcji Farm YOUR farm should have running water. Just think what it would save you in a few months' time. No water to pump, none to haul, plenty of water handy in house, barn and stable. Running" water brings conveniences that every one should have and can easily nave. t 1 Western Electric Water Systems Thrw srstttm hare mmuf CiMura thai mm son ts spbmm t yarn. Th ateciric motor wbKh runs tbt pmap m mimmmmcaBf toou uStS -urun mam swpfsng ew swns by iwrll. Thm tyzktm vm so Mtchsig sr carv. It m bam m fewp yam HrvS4 ma runrwif water 'tfefht and dr-and doss it Ymm amm Wiwiin Esjcvw Waaie Syctem on jrour placa t why not come rtftn in hart sod 1st mm show yoo H haw it worm Get tt (met- wrKat Itrwi of pmry- ihatloaf wafl or oarp wM? Whafuatana? Wt should lh outfit be naiied? J thct tssafi wa caa task ovr and Url you about. Charles Milne Klectrle Contractor Pendleton, Ore. pitching: hi first game for Bo.lt Lake, defeated Oakland In another bis. score gan-.e, 14 to It. 1 Baiter.'es Hotline and Elliott; j Maint and Byler.. ; J lAta jiXGELES. May S3. Fitteryr hit with three on bases won hia own j Kjne with Seattle, & to I. I Fittery and Laptn. . National Leturue KfmiUa. No gamef rain. American Irame TtemiHm, . Philadelphia. 2. Cleveland 3. St. Uouia 5, Washington . Chicago 1, New York 0. Detroit . Boston . SALT LAKE, May 23. -Mains. Batteries Falkenberg and Qok: A little censor. knowledge make a. flmmmrmmramma What Do You Want to Eat? NOT ONE THING, BUT EVERYTHING , -GOOD ON THE MARKET GRIGGS' HAS GOT IT! j. r' ' i Strawberries 20c box Extra Choice one and lots of them. Finest ever. GUARANTEED COUFJTBY BUTTER $1.00 A ROLL This in Keri?onnt Frank S. Levitt ; who ea.vs hii service overseas with , the Tank Corps has made him fit to! tackle and heavy welsrht wrestler In the world-Caddnck. Iewis, Zbysko; or Plestina preferred. Ievitt recently competed in an A. K. F. tournament In Paris and won In the semi-final. Ho wus ordered home with his unit hefore he could try for the A. K. F. title. ' Donkey is Credited With j Being Perfect Gas Alarm i NT.W TOliK, May 23. Major Admu IVtnnst'Ha of nndttd. Kin., commander t the flrt battalion j 32 t li infunu y. which has landou ! frcm the liner Scranton, brought with t him a i-y:ir-ild dunkey captured fmri tti- lrnntn on the Somme and named Nasi an. Nassau la credited : with iK'ins a tr:et gas alarm. Ma jor Tonii.seki s;is he undoubtedly saved itiitiiy 1 vf, on occasion, when t: is hee : s" h roused the sleepy I-nttalien inst us the Hermans open-. ed a l.eavy is aitack. According to the. maj r Nass-un could Hinell iras 10 n-tnutea befr. It arrived. ; IF QKHMS S3 Jih, tot.lt.l'nena CRISPY FRESH VEGETABLES . Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Teas, New Tomatoes, Head and Hot House Lettuce, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Spinnach, Beets. Tur nips, Parsnips, Carrots, fresh daily. Bermuda Onions. DELICIOUS FRESH FRUITS-r- Fresh Rhubarb, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Bananas, etc., Goose berries. THE GRIGGS SYSTEM WILL PAY YOU THE GRIGGS SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU - Remember we give the big 5 per cent cash discount and give all telephone calls the same care as if you called in person. Griggs TELEPHONE 445 9 Grocery 209 EAST COURT STREET Many of us would be ambitious to write popular sours If we did not think . of the chaps who would a.ng them. lIlDISlIIlIlISlill harsn.